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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Marsha Markus
Abstrak :
Globalisasi sering kali dianggap menjadi salah satu roda yang menekan angka inflasi ke tingkat yang lebih rendah. Namun, dalam satu dekade terakhir, laju globalisasi mulai melambat sehingga inflasi diperkirakan akan kembali pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Untuk memastikan hal itu, penting bagi studi ini untuk mempelajari dampak antara globalisasi, yang diukur dengan Indeks Globalisasi KOF dan dimensi-dimensi turunannya, terhadap dinamika inflasi ASEAN dan juga masing-masing negara ASEAN. Selain itu, studi ini juga ingin menelusuri apakah hubungan antara globalisasi dan inflasi bersifat asimetris, yaitu kenaikan indeks globalisasi dan penurunan indeks globalisasi memiliki dampak yang berbeda ke inflasi IHK. Studi empiris ini menggunakan data panel dari 7 negara ASEAN terpilih selama periode 1987-2017. Estimasi dilakukan menggunakan alat estimasi untuk model panel autroregressive distributed lag yaitu Pooled Mean Group (PMG) yang mengasumsikan bahwa koefisien jangka panjang untuk seluruh negara studi ialah sama, namun memperbolehkan perbedaan koefisien antara negara dalam jangka pendek. Hasil dari studi empiris memperlihatkan bahwa indeks globalisasi memiliki hubungan negatif yang signifikan terhadap inflasi ASEAN, namun tidak signifikan memengaruhi inflasi jangka pendek per negara. Terlebih, hubungan negatif juga ditemukan untuk globalisasi dari dimensi ekonomi dan sosial, namun, relasi positif untuk globalisasi politik. Secara de facto, globalisasi memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan inflasi, tetapi secara de jure terdapat hubungan yang negatif antara keduanya. Studi ini juga menemukan adanya efek asimetris antara globalisasi terhadap inflasi di negara ASEAN pada jangka panjang dimana penurunan globalisasi menurunkan tingkat inflasi lebih dari peningkatan inflasi. ...... Globalization is often considered to be one of the wheels that push inflation to a lower level. However, in the last decade, the rate of globalization has begun to slow down. Thus, high inflation is projected to come back. In that respect, it is necessary to study the impact between globalization as measured by the KOF Globalization Index and its dimensions, on the dynamics of ASEAN inflation and in the respective ASEAN countries. Besides, this study explores whether the relationship between globalization and inflation is asymmetrical, where an increase in the globalization index and a decrease in the globalization index have a different impact on CPI inflation. The empirical study uses panel data of 7 ASEAN countries selected during the 1987-2017 period. Estimation methodology used is the autoregressive distributed lag panel model estimator, specifically Pooled Mean Group (PMG), which assumes for homogeneous long-term coefficients but allows the coefficient to differ between countries in the short run. The results of empirical studies show that the globalization index has a significant negative relationship to ASEAN inflation, but does not significantly affect short-term inflation in each member country. Moreover, a negative relationship is also found for globalization from the economic and social dimensions. However, a positive relationship between political globalization and inflation is found. De jure globalization shows a negative relationship with inflation, while de facto globalization has a positive relationship. The result finds an asymmetric effect between globalization and inflation in ASEAN countries in the long run, where a negative change in the globalization index results in more decline of the inflation rate than a positive change.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprian Hidayat
Abstrak :
Kapal multihull memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan kapal monohull dalam hal stabilitas yang baik, draft yang lebih kecil, dan area dek yang lebih luas. Kapal multihull juga memiliki area permukaan basah yang lebih besar daripada kapal monohull, namun, resistensi yang dihasilkan tetap lebih kecil karena gangguan gelombang yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing lambung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan resistansi total dengan variasi kecepatan dan konfigurasi yang berbeda. Untuk menentukan nilai resistansi, sebuah studi variasi dalam kecepatan dan konfigurasi lambung dilakukan berdasarkan pemeriksaan model kapal trimaran. Pemeriksaan dilakukan pada skala fisik berdasarkan metode Froude dengan eksperimen. Perubahan kecepatan dan konfigurasi bentuk lambung kapal Trimaran penting bagi komponen resistansi kapal. Konfigurasi hull trimaran yang optimal akan meningkatkan gaya angkat ke mainhull sehingga area lahan basah semakin kecil dan tahanan semakin kecil.
Multihull vessels have several advantages over than monohull vessels in terms of good stability, smaller drafts, and wider deck areas. Multihull vessels also have a larger wet surface area than monohull vessels, however, the resulting resistance remain smaller due to wave interference generated by each hull. The purpose of this study is to find a total resistance with different variations of speed and configuration. To determine the resistance value, a study of variations in speed and configuration of the hull was carried out based on the examination of trimaran ship models. The examination carried out on a physical scale based on the Froude method with experiments. Changes in the speed and configuration of the hull shape on the Trimaran ship are significant to the ship's resistance component. The optimal trimaran hull configuration will increase the lift force to the mainhull that the wet field area gets smaller and the resistance is getting smaller.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Wijaya
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Hiperhidrasi menyebabkan peningkatan beban volume jantung, tekanan darah, hipertrofi ventrikel kiri, edema paru, gagal jantung kongestif. Hemodialisis yang tidak adekuat menyebabkan hiperhidrasi, peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas penyakit kardiovaskular. Hiperhidrasi lama menyebabkan iskemia koroner karena dilatasi jantung, hipertrofi ventrikel kiri, hipertensi, penurunan cadangan koroner. Hiperhidrasi menyebabkan vasokonstriksi sistemik berlebihan, penurunan perfusi jaringan perifer. Disfungsi endotel berperan pada vasokonstriksi yang berlebihan pada hiperhidrasi. Brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) merupakan parameter untuk mengukur hiperhidrasi. Asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) merupakan inhibitor endogen, bersifat kompetitif terhadap nitric oxide synthase endotel dan digunakan sebagai parameter disfungsi endotel. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan hiperhidrasi dengan disfungsi endotel. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada pasien hemodialisis dua kali seminggu. Dengan menggunakan BNP dan ADMA sebagai parameter. Hasil: Dari 126 subjek, proporsi hiperhidrasi (BNP>356 pg/ml) sebesar 64,3%. Median usia 52 (47-62) dengan presumtif penyebab GGK utama adalah hipertensi (38,9%), DM (28,6%), Glomerulonefritis (21,4%). Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara hiperhidrasi dengan disfungsi endotel (PR=1,042, p=0,832 IK 95%=0,714-1,521). HsCRP merupakan faktor perancu utama terhadap hubungan antara hiperhidrasi dan disfungsi endotel (OR (IK95%) 1,604 (0,551-4,666), p=0,386, ΔOR 53,37%) Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara hiperhidrasi dengan disfungsi endotel (PR=1,042, p=0,832 IK95%=0,714-1,521). ...... Background: Hyperhydration leads to increased cardiac volume load, blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure. Hemodialysis that is not adequately causes hyperhydration, increased morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease. Prolonged hyperhydration causes coronary ischemia due to heart dilation, left ventricular hypertrophy, hypertension, decrease in coronary reserves. Hyperhydration causes excessive systemic vasoconstriction, decreased perfusion of peripheral tissues. Endothelial dysfunction plays a role in excessive vasoconstriction pada hyperhydration. Brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a parameter for measuring hyperhydration. Asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) is an endogenous inhibitor, competitive against endothelial nitric oxide synthase and used as a parameter of endothelial dysfunction. Purpose: Knowing the relationship of hyperhydration with endothelial dysfunction. Method: This study is a cross-sectional study in hemodialysis patients twice a week. By using BNP and ADMA as parameters Result: Of the 126 subjects, hyperhydration proportion (BNP>356 pg/ml) of 64.3%. Median age 52 (47-62) with presumptive causes of primary GGK is hypertension (38.9%), DM (28.6%), Glomerulonephritis (21.4%). There is no significant association between hyperhydration and endothelial dysfunction (PR=1,042, p=0.832 CI 95%=0.714-1.521). Conclusion: There is no relationship between hyperhydration and endothelial dysfunction (PR=1,042, p=0.832 CI 95%=0.714-1.521).
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Univesitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yun Cheng Huang
Abstrak :
This study considers the real situations of production between the products and the setup of production tools that are different. Therefore, this study considers the setup time of work stations and production batch in the production scheduling. This study proposed a random optimization algorithm with multi objective that can be selected to optimize the scheduling performance. VIP customers priorities, urgent orders, and asymmetrical setup times are considered. The objectives of this study include minimum makespan, minimum total delayed penalty, and minimum total number of delayed orders. After cases testing, we found that the proposed algorithm can improve the production performance efficiently.
Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, 2018
658 JIPE 35:8 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafael Kapura
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini, membahas tentang proses politik dalam perumusan dan distribusi anggaran Otsus-RESPEK yang diberlakukan Barnabas Suebu-Abraham Atururi sebagai gubernur di kedua provinsi paling Timur Indonesia. Pembagunan dari kampung/kelurahan ke kota merupakan inti gagasan dari kebijakan politik anggaran Otsus-RESPEK tersebut.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memberikan gambaran utuh tentang kebijakan politik anggaran Otsus-RESPEK sebagai respon terhadap fenomena daerah. Dalam mengkaji dan menganalisis proses kebijakan politik anggaran Otsus-RESPEK teori utama yang digunakan adalah teori konflik dan konsensus dari Maswadi Rauf serta konflik anggaran dari Irene Rubbin. Teori lain juga digunakan sebagai penunjang yaitu teori desentralisasi fiskal dari Mano Bird danVaillancourt, politik anggaran dari Aeron Wildavky dan Naomi Caiden, elit dari Zusanne Keller, Pareto dan Organski, kubus kekuasaan dari John Gaventa, pengawasan Pusat-Daerah dari Richard C.Crook dan James Manor, politik lokal dari Brian Smith, serta teori terakhir yang digunakan adalah politik etnis dari Clifford Geertz.Metode penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan perspektif kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam (data primer) dan studi kepustakaan (data sekunder). Selain itu untuk menganalisis serta mendeskripsikan gagasan kebijakan politik anggaran Otsus-RESPEK secara mendalam. Kesimpulan penelitian; Pertama, relasi kerja yang seimbang antara pemegang anggaran dan masyarakat tidak singkron; kedua, transparansi anggaran yang sesuai dengan regulasi manajemen kerja dan distribusi kekuasaan anggaran merupakan penghambat politik lokal di Papua dan Papua Barat. Temuan penelitian; pertama, kerjasama konstruktif dan berkesinambungan antara Pusat dan Daerah (Papua dan Papua Barat) belum maksimal terbangun sehingga menyebabkan sikap saling tidak percaya; kedua, anggaran merupakan sumber power interplay dan konsensus diantara penguasa Pusat dan Daerah saat proses politik kebijakan dirumuskan; ketiga, primordialisme tidak dapat dihindarkan dalam mengembangkan pengunaan anggaran Otsus-RESPEK. Implikasi teori dari penelitian ini mendukung teori konflik dan konsensus dari Maswadi Rauf dan Konflik dari Irene Rubbin, yang menyatakan bahwa anggaran merupakan sumber perdebatan politik sebagaimana terlihat dalam kebijakan politik anggaran Otsus-RESPEK. Perdebatan politik tentang anggaran bila tidak teratasi akan mengancam keutuhan negara. Karena anggaran bukan saja menjadi sumber perdebatan tetapi juga sebagai sumber perlindungan masyarakat, wilayah, pemerintahan dan pengakuan internasional. Hal ini, yang tidak diungkapkan oleh Rauf dan Rubbin dalam penelitian disertasi ini. ...... This dissertation discusses the political process in the budget formulation and distribution of RESPEK special autonomy (Otsus-RESPEK) which was enacted by Barnabas Suebu-Abraham Atururi as the governor of Papua and West Papua, two provinces in the easternmost part of Indonesia. The construction from villagesto cities was the core idea of the policies of Otsus-RESPEK's budget politics. The purpose of this study is to give a depiction of these policies as a response to the region. In reviewing and analyzing the process of the policies of Otsus-RESPEK's budget politics, several theories are used. Maswadi Rauf's theory of conflict and consensus, as well as Irene Rubbin's theory of budget conflict are used as the main theory. The supporting theories are (1) Mano Bird's and Vaillancourt's theory of fiscal decentralization, (2) Aeron Wildavky's and Naomi Caiden's theory of budget politics, (3) Zusanne Keller's, Pareto's and Organski's theory of elite, (4) John Gaventa's theory of power cube, (5) Richard C. Crook's and James Manor's theory of Central-Local supervision, (5) Brian Smith's theory of local politics, (6) and Clifford Geertz's theory of ethnical politics. The method of this study is descriptive and analytical with a qualitative approach. Furthermore, this study uses in-depth interview (primary data) and literary review (secondary data) to analyze and describe thoroughly the idea of the policies of Otsus-RESPEK's budget politics. This study has two conclusions. First, a balanced professional relationship between the budget holders and the people are not in sync. Second, budget transparency which is congruent to the regulations of work management and distribution of budget power hinders the local political growth in Papua and West Papua. There are three principal findings in this research. First, constructive cooperation and unity between the Central and Local (Papua and West Papua) is not yet at its maximum. As a result, doubt arose between the two. Second, budget is the source of power interplay and consensus amongst Central and Local authorities when the policies are being formulated. Third, primordialism cannot be avoided in the development of Otsus-RESPEK's budget usage. The theoretical implication supports Maswadi Rauf's theory of conflict and consensus, as well as Irene Rubbin's theory of conflict which states that budget is the source of political debates. This is evident in the policies of Otsus-RESPEK's budget politics. If a political debate on budget is not overcome, it could threaten the nation's unity. This is due to the fact that budget is not only a source of conflict, but also the source of protection for people, regions, government, and international acknowledgement. These facts are not revealed by Rauf and Rubbin in this dissertation's research.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indriarto Yuniantoro
Abstrak :
Pengaturan arus kompensasi pada tapis aktif sistem tiga fasa empat lengan dengan menggunakan teknik modulasi vektor ruang dilakukan dengan mengatur vektor tegangan dan vektor tegangan referensi. Dalam modulasi vektor ruang maka model vektor tegangan berbentuk silinder tegak telah dikembangkan oleh Zhang dan beberapa peneliti lain.Peninjauan ulang model matrik pemetaan Akagi teori pq-pqr dengan metode rotasi sudut Euler menghasilkan vektor ruang tiga dimensi berbentuk silinder miring sehingga analisis parameter modulasi mengikuti analisis bentuk asimetri. Model vektor tegangan asimetri pada modulasi vektor ruang bersifat unik dalam menentukan vektor tegangan referensi, waktu pensaklaran dan duty cycle. Penentuan parameter modulasi seperti vektor tegangan referensi, duty cycle dan waktu pensaklaran dari model vektor tegangan asimetri menghasilkan harga yang sedikit berbeda dengan model silinder tegak.Modulator membangkitkan sinyal kendali pensaklaran tapis aktif sistem tiga fasa empat lengan bekerja berdasarkan modulasi vektor ruang asimetri dengan kombinasi kendali PI proportional integral dengan luaran berupa arus kompensasi mempunyai amplitudo sama dan polaritas berlawanan dengan arus beban.
Current compensation controller on three phase four leg system active using space vector modulation technique is done by setting the voltage vector and the reference voltage vector. In vector space modulation, the upright cylindrically vector voltage model has been developed by Zhang and several other researchers.A review mapping matrix model of Akagi the pq pqr theory with Euler angular rotation method result a three dimensional the skewed cylindrical vector so that the analysis of modulation parameters follows asymmetrical form analysis. The asymmetrical voltage vector model in vector space modulation is unique in determining the reference voltage vector, switching time and duty cycle. Determination of modulation parameters such as reference voltage vectors, duty cycle and switching time of the asymmetrical voltage vector model result a slightly different price with the upright cylindrically model.The modulator generates a switching control signal switching the three phase four leg system active filter on of the asymmetrical space vector modulation with a combination of PI proportional integral control with the output of the current compensation having the same amplitude and the opposite polarity of the load current. The modulator generates a switch modulation signal switching system active three phase four leg based on the asymmetrical voltage vector model with the output of the compensation current has the same amplitude and polarity opposite the load current.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fariz Muhamad
Abstrak :
Kurkumin merupakan senyawa bahan alam berwarna jingga kekuningan salah satu kandungan utama dari tanaman kunyit (Curcuma longa). Kurkumin memiliki beragam aktivitas farmakologi seperti antiinflamasi, antioksidan, dan antikanker. Namun, aplikasi klinisnya masih terbatas karena stabilitas dan bioavailabilitasnya yang rendah. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi struktur kurkumin menjadi suatu senyawa analog kurkumin menghasilkan efek farmakologi yang lebih baik, salah satunya adalah AKMA (Analog Kurkumin Monokarbonil Asimetrik). Tujuan peneltian ini adalah melakukan sintesis senyawa 2E,6E)-2-[(4-hidroksi-3-metoksifenil) metiliden]-6-[(4-metoksifenil)metiliden]sikloheksan-1-on tersubstitusi basa Mannich dibutilamin dan melakukan uji aktivitas antiinflamasi terhadapnya. Sintesis dilakukan dalam 3 tahap. Pertama, sintesis senyawa 2-(4-metoksifenilmetiliden)sikloheksan-1-on dengan mereaksikan 4-metoksibenzaldehida dan sikloheksanon. Kedua, sintesis senyawa AKMA dengan mereaksikan 2-(4-metoksifenilmetiliden)sikloheksan-1-on dan vanilin. Ketiga, sintesis senyawa AKMA tersubstitusi basa Mannuch dibutilamin dengan mereaksikan senyawa AKMA, dibutilamin, dan formaldehid 37%. Kemurnian setiap senyawa diuji dengan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis dan penetapan jarak lebur. Struktur senyawa tersebut diidentifikasi menggunakan Spektrofotometri FTIR, dan dielusidasi lebih lanjut menggunakan Spektrometri 1H-NMR dan 13C-NMR. Uji aktivitas antiinflamasi in vitro menggunakan metode inhibisi denaturasi protein dengan Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). Senyawa AKMA tersubtitusi basa Mannich dibutilamin (IC50=12,659 uM) memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan senyawa AKMA (IC50=30,374 uM), namun masih lebih rendah dibandingkan natrium diklofenak (IC50=1,464 uM) dan kurkumin (IC50=8,913 uM).
Curcumin is one of the bioactive natural compounds of turmeric (Curcuma longa). Curcumin has been reported to have anti-inflammation, antioxidant, and anticancer activity. However, its clinical application is still limited due to its low stability and bioavailability. Modification of curcumins structure into a curcumin analogue compound such as AMAC (asymmetrical mono-carbonyl analogs of curcumin) shows improving pharmacological activities. The purpose of this research is to synthesize the compounds 2E,6E)-2-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyliden]-6-[(4-methoxyphenyl)methyliden]cyclohexan-1-on substituted by Mannich base dibutylamine and study its anti-inflammatory activity. The synthesis process is done in 3 stages. First, synthesis of 2- (4-methoxyphenylmethylen)cyclohexan-1-on compounds by reacting 4-methoxybenzaldehyde and cyclohexanone. Second, the synthesis of AKMA compound by reacting 2-(4-methoxyphenylmethylen)cyclohexan-1-on and vanillin. Third, synthesis of AKMA compound substituted by Mannich base dibutylamine by reacting AKMA compound, dibutylamine and formaldehyde 37%. The purity of each compound was tested by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and melting range determination. The structure of the synthesized compound was identified using FTIR, 1H-NMR, and 13C-NMR. Protein denaturation inhibition method is used to study its anti-inflammatory activity. AKMA compound substituted by dibutylamine (IC50=12,659 uM) has better anti-inflammatory activity than AKMA compound (IC50=30,374 uM) but is still lower than diclofenac (IC50=1,464 uM) and curcumin (IC50=8,913 uM).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zubair Muis Alie
Abstrak :
The fixed jacket is still the most common offshore structure used for drilling and oil production. The structure consists of tubular members interconnected to form a three-dimensional space frame, which can be categorized into a column structure. The structure usually has four to eight legs that are battered to achieve stability against axial compressive loads and toppling due to wave loads. The configuration of a typical member on the jacket structure has significant influence on buckling and fatigue strength. Horizontal and diagonal braces play an important role in resisting the axial compression and wave load on the global structure. This paper discusses the effect of symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration shapes in buckling and fatigue strength analysis on two types of fixed jacket offshore platforms. The axial compressive and lateral (wave) loads were considered and applied to both structures. The material and dimensions of the two structures were assumed to be constant and homogenous. Crack extension and corrosion were not considered. To assess the buckling and fatigue strength of these structures, due to the symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration shape, the finite element method (FEM) was adopted. Buckling analysis was performed on these structures by taking two-dimensional planes into consideration to obtain the critical buckling load for the local plane; fatigue life analysis was then calculated to produce the fatigue life of those structures. The result obtained by FEM was compared with the analytical solution for the critical buckling load. The stress-strain curve was also applied to show the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. For fatigue life analysis, the procedure of the response amplitude operator was applied.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zubair Muis Alie
Abstrak :
The fixed jacket is still the most common offshore structure used for drilling and oil production. The structure consists of tubular members interconnected to form a three-dimensional space frame, which can be categorized into a column structure. The structure usually has four to eight legs that are battered to achieve stability against axial compressive loads and toppling due to wave loads. The configuration of a typical member on the jacket structure has significant influence on buckling and fatigue strength. Horizontal and diagonal braces play an important role in resisting the axial compression and wave load on the global structure. This paper discusses the effect of symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration shapes in buckling and fatigue strength analysis on two types of fixed jacket offshore platforms. The axial compressive and lateral (wave) loads were considered and applied to both structures. The material and dimensions of the two structures were assumed to be constant and homogenous. Crack extension and corrosion were not considered. To assess the buckling and fatigue strength of these structures, due to the symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration shape, the finite element method (FEM) was adopted. Buckling analysis was performed on these structures by taking two-dimensional planes into consideration to obtain the critical buckling load for the local plane; fatigue life analysis was then calculated to produce the fatigue life of those structures. The result obtained by FEM was compared with the analytical solution for the critical buckling load. The stress-strain curve was also applied to show the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. For fatigue life analysis, the procedure of the response amplitude operator was applied.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:6 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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