Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Al Wahyu Kurniawan
This analysis entitled Ayun-ayun jo galitiak musical expression in Babiola in the society of Pesisir Selatan regency. It aims to show the musical expression in that Babiola by formulizing the empirical experience of the respondents. It is a qualitative analysis to explore the form of ayun-ayun jo galatik in the song of Sikambang. Data collecting is done by library research, observation, interview and documentation. The result shows that Ayun-ayunj o galatik has contour melody up ...
Pekanbaru: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru, 2018
800 JIB 15:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library