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Tri Lika Jayanti Budi Ranti
Abstrak :
Jerami padi dan ampas tebu merupakan limbah alam yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan papan serat. Polivinil asetat sebagai perekat dipilih karena termasuk polimer yang tidak terlalu mahal sehingga memungkinkan untuk membuat papan hibrida serat jerami padi - ampas tebu yang murah dan juga ramah lingkungan. Perlakuan kimia diterapkan pada kedua serat untuk memperbaiki mutu serat jerami padi dan ampas tebu sebelum dijadikan penguat pada papan hibrida. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui komposisi terbaik papan jerami berbasis lem putih PVAc dan pengaruh penambahan ampas tebu dalam papan jerami padi, untuk mendapatkan komposisi terbaik juga mendapatkan sifat fisis dan mekanik terbaik. Komposisi optimal papan serat jerami padi sebesar 30 wt% menghasilkan kekuatan tarik sebesar 4.8 MPa sedangkan komposisi optimal papan hibrid jerami padi-ampas tebu adalah komposisi 15 wt% jerami padi, 15 wt% ampas tebu dan 70 wt% PVAc menghasilkan kekuatan tarik sebesar 3.7 MPa. Rata- rata kerapatan yang didapatkan pada papan hibrida adalah 0.75 gr/cm3 dengan kadar air 10% dan daya serap air mendekati 100%. Sifat mekanik dan sifat fisis papan hibrida yang tidak terlalu baik dikarenakan perekat yang digunakan mempunyai kuat tarik lemah, viskositas tinggi dan larut dalam air.
Rice straw and bagasse are natural waste materials that have the potential to be used as fiber boards. Polyvinyl acetate adhesives have been employed because it is relatively economical and this is possible to produce relatively cheap and eco-friendly rice straw-bagasse hybrid boards. Chemical treatment applied to improve the quality of rice straw and bagasse prior the rice straw ? bagasse hybrid board production. This study aimed to determine the optimum composition of rice straw - PVAC white glue boards and the effects of bagasse addition to rice straw boards in order to achieve the optimum composition that provides the best physical and mechanical properties. Optimal composition of rice straw boards was in 30 wt% rice straw that provide a tensile strength of 4.8 MPa, while the optimal composition of hybrid boards is 15 wt% rice straw, 15 wt% bagasse and 70 wt% PVAc resulted a tensile strength of 3.7 MPa. Average density obtained on the hybrid fiber board was 0.75 gr/cm3 with 10 % moisture content and close to 100 % of water absorption. The mechanical and physical properties of these hybrid boards were not very good due to the adhesive used that had a low tensile strength, high viscosity and high water solubility.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Misri Gozan
Abstrak :
The bioetanol development from biomass bases of lignocellulose like bagasse is one of alternative energy which has potential to be applied in Indonesia. Beside of raw material source that is so many in our country, the process is also environmentally friendly. Conversion of bagasse becomes etanol using Simultaneous Sacharification and Fermentation (SSH technology by cellulose and cellobiase enzyme had been done on this research. Sacharification process or hydrolysis process, cellulose enzyme will break cellulose polymer becomes glucose whereas cellobiose enzyme will break cellobiose becomes glucose. Then, glucose through fermentation is changed to etanol by using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The variations include pH of system that is pH 4' ; 4,5 and 5, HCI addition low concentrated HCI at pH 5 with variation of concentration that is 0,5 % and I %, also variation of sample at pH 5 where bagasse without pretreatment is compared with bagasse which had been done pretreatment by using fungi Lentinus edodes for 4 weeks. The result shows that the use of cellulose and cellobiase enzyme with system optimum condition pH 5 produce etanol concentration is higher than using only cellulose enzyme at the same pH condition. For substrate concentration 50 g/L, on the use of cellulose and cellobiase, the highest etanol concentration which is produced bagasse without pretreatment is 5,62 g/L or li,24 % from bagasse. On HCI addition, the highest etanol concentration is produced by concentration HCI i % with amount 6,52 g/L or 13,04 % from bagasse. With bagasse L. edodes and P. ostreatus 6 weelts, the highest etanol concentration that is 6 86 g/L and 6,50 g/L or 13, 72% and l2,99% from bagasse. It also shows that HCl addition low concentrated and pretreatment by white rot fungi L. edodes and P. ostreatus can increase the etanol quantity that is produced from bagasse conversion.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dijan Supramono
Abstrak :
Torrefaction, which is used to improve the properties of sugarcane bagasse as fuel in pulverised fuel combustion and as carbon feed in gasification, is a low heating rate pyrolysis of biomass carried out at a temperature of 200–300oC, at an atmospheric pressure, and in an inert environment. In the present work, sugarcane bagasse was torrefied at heating rates of 3, 6, and 10oC/minute, respectively, to achieve a final temperature of 275oC and after the final temperature was reached, hold times of 0 and 15 minutes, respectively occurred at a constant temperature of 275oC for a heating rate of 6oC/minute. The physical characteristics of torrefied sugarcane bagasse samples to be determined were a particle size distribution accomplished by grinding, hydrophobicity by allowing the samples to absorb moisture from the ambient air, and pellet hardness of the sample pellets. The torrefaction results show that increasing heating rate and hold time reduced the cellulose content of the sugarcane bagasse to as low as between 5.35% to 10.61% by weight composition, respectively. As the lignin content increased, the sample pellets resulted in better hardness in comparison to that measured on raw sugarcane bagasse. As the hemicellulose content increased, the samples, after grinding and stronger hydrophobicity, produced a higher fraction of smaller particle sizes. The maximum weight fraction of particles in these samples with sizes smaller than 105 µm achieved was 83.43% weight in contrast to 0.62% weight in raw sugarcane bagasse. The maximum water absorption by the samples in 3 hours was 1.28% weight in contrast to 8.02% weight by raw sugarcane bagasse. The results indicate that torrefaction is able to improve sugarcane bagasse physical characteristics, which are favourable for biomass pelletization, storage and transportation.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:7 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Murie Dwiyaniti
Abstrak :
Pemanasan global dari berbagai sektor kehidupan, terutama sektor energi, berdampak signifikan terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca sehingga diperlukan energi bersih yang bersumber dari energi baru terbarukan (EBT). Meskipun Indonesia telah mendorong penggunaan EBT, namun kendala pengembangan dan sifat intermittent sumber EBT memerlukan piranti penyimpanan energi yang berbiaya tinggi. Kapasitor Lithium Ion (KLI), piranti penyimpan energi jenis baru yang merupakan gabungan baterai lithium ion pada anoda dan superkapasitor pada katoda, menawarkan solusi kerapatan energi yang besar dan daya yang tinggi. Namun performansi KLI sangat dipengaruhi oleh material katoda yang berbahan karbon aktif. Karbon aktif umumnya terbuat dari graphene yang mahal, proses pembuatannya kompleks dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Sehingga perlu dicarikan alternatif bahan pembuat karbon aktif yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu opsinya adalah limbah biomasa ampas tebu yang sangat berlimpah di Indonesia. Ampas tebu memiliki kandungan karbon dan lignoselulosa yang tinggi sehingga dapat dijadikan material karbon aktif berkualitas. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mensintesis ampas tebu menjadi karbon aktif menggunakan metode pirolisis sederhana dengan tabung reaktor kedap udara dan cara kering, di mana aktivator kimia dicampur langsung ke dalam karbon tanpa larutan, sehingga lebih efisien dari segi waktu dan biaya. Selanjutnya, karbon aktif ampas tebu digunakan sebagai material katoda pada KLI dan disusun bersama dengan LTO sebagai anoda dalam bentuk koin sel CR2032. Namun hasil pengujian elektrokimia KLI berbahan karbon ampas tebu menunjukkan kerapatan daya dan konduktivitas yang rendah. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, ditambahkanlah oksida logam berupa MnO2 yang memiliki kapasitansi tinggi, murah dan ramah lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karbon aktif berbahan ampas tebu dapat dijadikan material katoda pada KLI. Luas permukaan spesifik tertinggi adalah 1906 m2/g, spesifik kapasitansi 61 F/g, kerapatan energi 122 Wh/kg, kerapatan daya 1800 W/kg, konduktivitas 2,15 µS/cm, dan kapasitas 33 mAh/g dengan retensi 84% dalam 100 siklus. Penambahan MnO2 pada karbon aktif menunjukkan peningkatan performansi elektrokimia KLI yaitu spesifik kapasitansi 101 F/g, kerapatan energi 452 Wh/kg, kerapatan daya 2700 W/kg, konduktivitas 9,17 µS/cm, dan kapasitas 55 mAh/g dengan retensi 93% dalam 100 siklus. Kesimpulan penelitan ini, ampas tebu berpotensi menjadi karbon aktif yang digunakan sebagai material katoda pada KLI. Penambahan MnO2 pada karbon aktif ampas tebu menunjukkan kinerja KLI yang lebih baik sebagai piranti penyimpan energi yang ramah lingkungan. ......Global warming from various life sectors, especially the energy sector, significantly impacts greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating clean energy sourced from renewable sources (RE). Despite Indonesia's promotion of RE, the unstable nature of these sources requires high-cost energy storage devices (batteries). Lithium-ion capacitors (LICs), a new battery combining lithium-ion batteries on the anode and supercapacitors on the cathode, offer a solution. However, LIC performance is highly reliant on cathode materials made of activated carbon. Activated carbon, typically made from expensive and hazardous graphene, has a complex production process. Bagasse is proposed as an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative with a simpler production process. Its advantage lies in its high carbon content and lignocellulosic nature, ideal for activated carbon material. The synthesis method involves bagasse pyrolysis in a gas-tight tube furnace without gas and KOH activation via dry mixing, making it more time and cost-efficient. Bagasse-derived activated carbon is then used as the cathode material in LIC, combined with LTO as the anode in CR2032 coin cells. Characterization tests of the bagasse-derived carbon material in LIC revealed low power density and conductivity. To address this, manganese dioxide (MnO2), known for its high capacitance and eco-friendliness, was added. Research findings indicate that bagasse-derived activated carbon can be used as the cathode material in LIC. The highest specific surface area is 1906 m2/g, specific capacitance of 61 F/g, energy density of 122 Wh/kg, a power density of 1800 W/kg, conductivity of 2.15 µS/cm, and a capacity of 33 mAh/g with an 84% retention over 100 cycles. The addition of MnO2 showed improved electrochemical performance in LIC with a specific capacitance of 101 F/g, energy density of 452 Wh/kg, power density of 2700 W/kg, conductivity of 9.17 µS/cm, and a capacity of 55 mAh/g with a 93% retention over 100 cycles. This research concludes that sugarcane bagasse has the potential to become activated carbon used as the cathode material in LICs. Adding MnO2 to the activated carbon from sugarcane bagasse demonstrates the better performance of LICs as environmentally friendly energy storage devices
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Samsuri
Abstrak :
Bagas merupakan residu padat pada proses pengolahan tebu menjadi gula, yang sejauh ini masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan menjadi produk yang mempunyai nilai tambah (added value). Bagas yang termasuk biomassa mengandung lignoselulosa sangat dimungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi sumber energi alternatif seperti bioetanol atau biogas. Dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam terbarukan dapat mengatasi krisis energi terutama sektor migas. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan konversi bagas menjadi etanol dengan menggunakan enzim xylanase. Perlakuan dengan enzim lainnya saat ini sedang dikerjakan di laboratorium kami mengingat hemisulosa juga mengandung polisakarida lainnya yang dapat didekomposisi oleh berbagai enzim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan lignoselulosa pada bagas sebesar lebih kurang 52,7% selulosa, 20% hemiselulosa, dan 24,2% lignin. Hemiselulosa merupakan polisakarida yang dapat dihidrolisis oleh enzim xylanase dan kemudian akan difermentasikan oleh yeast S. cerevisiae menjadi etanol melalui proses Sakarifikasi dan Fermentasi Serentak (SSF). Beberapa parameter yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini antara lain kondisi pH (4, 4,5, dan 5), untuk meningkatkan kuantitas etanol dilakukan penambahan HCl berkonsentrasi rendah (0,5% dan 1% (v/v)) dan bagas dengan perlakuan jamur pelapuk putih (L. edodes) selama 4 minggu. Proses SSF dilakukan dengan waktu inkubasi selama 24, 48, 72, dan 96 jam. Perlakuan dengan pH 4, 4,5, dan 5 menghasilkan konsentrasi etanol tertinggi berturut-turut 2,357 g/L, 2,451 g/L, 2,709 g/L. Perlakuan penambahan HCl konsentrasi rendah mampu meningkatkan produksi etanol, penambahan dengan konsentrasi HCL 0,5 % dan 1 % berturut-turut menghasilkan etanol 2,967 g/L, 3,249 g/L. Perlakuan dengan menggunakan jamur pelapuk putih juga dapat meningkatkan produksi etanol yang dihasilkan. Setelah bagas diberi perlakuan L. edodes 4 minggu mampu menghasilkan etanol dengan hasil tertinggi 3,202 g/L.
Utilization of Bagasse Cellulose for Ethanol Production through Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation by Xylanase. Bagasse is a solid residue from sugar cane process, which is not many use it for some product which have more added value. Bagasse, which is a lignosellulosic material, be able to be use for alternative energy resources like bioethanol or biogas. With renewable energy resources a crisis of energy in Republic of Indonesia could be solved, especially in oil and gas. This research has done the conversion of bagasse to bioethanol with xylanase enzyme. The result show that bagasse contains of 52,7% cellulose, 20% hemicelluloses, and 24,2% lignin. Xylanase enzyme and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to hydrolyse and fermentation in SSF process. Variation in this research use pH (4, 4,5, and 5), for increasing ethanol quantity, SSF process was done by added chloride acid (HCl) with concentration 0.5% and 1% (v/v) and also pre-treatment with white rot fungi such as Lentinus edodes (L.edodes) as long 4 weeks. The SSF process was done with 24, 48, 72, and 96 hour?s incubation time for fermentation. Variation of pH 4, 4,5, and 5 can produce ethanol with concentrations 2,357 g/L, 2,451 g/L, 2,709 g/L. The added chloride acid (HCl) with concentration 0.5% and 1% (v/v) and L. edodes can increase ethanol yield, The highest ethanol concentration with added chloride acid (HCl) concentration 0.5% and 1% consecutively is 2,967 g/L, 3,249 g/L. The highest ethanol concentration with pre-treatment by L. edodes is 3,202 g/L.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamed El-Sakhawy
Abstrak :
The antimicrobial properties of bagasse paper sheets coated with natural polymers (chitosan, different ratios of (gelatin/glycerol) + chitosan, hemicellulose, hemicellulose + glycerol, hemicellulose+chitosan) or synthetic organophosphorus dimer compounds were evaluated in this work. Hemicelluloses showed moderate activity against Bacillus subtilis and Candida albicans, while chitosan showed weak activity against B. subtilis. The condition that offered the highest inhibitory activity of bagasse paper was the one coated with 1,3-diaryl-2,2,2,4,4,4-hexachlorocyclodiphosph(V)azane (where aryl is p-chloroaniline or p-anisidine). The developed bagasse papers were evaluated against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. The highest inhibitory activity was obtained at a concentration of 200 mg/mL for p-chloroaniline with an inhibition zone that varied for different microbes from 6.9 mm to 26 mm. The highest inhibitory activity was obtained at 300?250 mg/mL for p-anisidine against most of the pathogenic microorganisms with an inhibition zone that varied for different microbes from 8 mm to 14.75 mm. The observed antimicrobial and antifungal activity properties for bagasse paper coated with 1,3-diaryl 2,2,2,4,4,4-hexachlorocyclodiphosph(V)azane could be attributed to the presence of Cl, P atoms, and the lone pair of electrons on N atoms in the structure of the dimers.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Beton busa (Foamed Concrete) adalah salah satu jenis beton ringan yang terdiri dari pasta semen atau mortar, dimana ruang udara atau pori-pori strukturnya terbentuk dengan menambahkan foaming agent kedalam campuran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan abus ampas tebu sebagai bahan pengganti semen dalam pembuatan beton busa ringan (lightweight foamed concrete). Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semen Portland tipe I, abu ampas tebu, pasir, foaming agent dan air. Mix design yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan ASTM C796-97 dengan kuat tekan yang diharapkan sebesar 1,4 MPa. Kuat tekan tertinggi yang dihasilkan pada umur 28 hari sebesar 1,2 MPa sampai 1,9 MPa. Kuat tekan terbesar didapat pada beton busa ringan dengan kadar abu ampas tebu 12%. Sedangkan berat jenis sebesar 1014 - 1037 kg/m3 dan kuat lenturnya sebesar 0,69 - 1,38 MPa.
Bandung: Badan Litbang Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2017
728 JUPKIM 12:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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