ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membandingkan penilaian pembaca terhadap kredibilitas
berita yang sama yang diakses dari surat kabar, website, dan apps. Penelitian
dilakukan dengan metode eksperiman terhadap 37 partisipan eksperimen. Adapun dimensi yang diukur adalah completenss, relevance, well written, accuracy, imparsiality, trusworthiness, dan actuality. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain Randomized One-Way Anova. Berdasarkan hasil uji Fhitung > Ftabel (3,505 > 3,28) dan Sig (0,041) < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak, artinya ada perbedaan penilaian pembaca terhadap Kredibilitas Berita dari Surat Kabar, Website dan Apps. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kendati beritanya sama namun penilaian pembaca yang mengakses berita dari jenis media berbeda adalah berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan surat kabar menempati penilaian tertinggi oleh pembaca terkait kredibilitas berita, diikuti oleh website, dan apps. Surat kabar menempati penilaian tertinggi untuk dimensi well writen, objectivity, trustworthiness, dan accuracy Pembaca website memberikan nilai tertinggi untuk dimensi relevance Sedangkan pembaca apps memberikan penilaian tertinggi untuk dimensi completenss, actuality dan imparsiality
ABSTRACTThe study evaluated readers' assessment on credibility of news on certain topics accessed from newspaper, website, and app. The study was conducted by taking experiment to 37 participants. The experiment measured a number of dimensions namely completeness, relevance, well written, accuracy, impartiality, trusworthiness, and actuality. This study used randomized design One-Way ANOVA. Based on the test results F count> F table (3.505> 3.28) and Sig (0.041) <0.05 then Ho was rejected, then it argued that readers had different perspectives when they valued the credibility of news articles on Newspaper, Website and App. The study then concluded that readers found different qualities on the way each media presenting its news. Newspaper had the highest rating for credibility while websites and apps were on the second and the third. The newspaper also had the highest rating in terms of well writen aspect, objectivity, trustworthiness, and accuracy. Readers who
accessed news from website valued the media by its relevance, while readers
thought app offered highest level on completeness, actuality, and impartiality"