ABSTRAKStroke pada lansia mengakibatkan keterbatasan kemandirian. Salam Trendi
merupakan latihan fisik untuk mengurangi keterbatasan yang dilakukan di rumah
dan bersifat individual. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh latihan
terhadap kekuatan otot, kecepatan berjalan, dan kemampuan fungsional lansia
paska stroke di Kota Depok. Penelitian menggunakan desain Quasi Eksperimen
pre dan post test design. Besar sampel 44 responden, dipilih dengan tehnik
consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan otot lengan
(p=0.042) dan kaki (p=0.005); kecepatan berjalan (p=0.002) berubah secara
signifikan setelah diberikan latihan. Latihan ini direkomendasikan sebagai salah
satu intervensi keperawatan pada lansia paska stroke di komunitas.
ABSTRACTStroke in older person resulted in dependency. A combined of deep breathing,
stretching and Range of Motion is one of physical exercise to increase
independence. This study aimed to measure effects of this exercise to muscle
strength, walking speed, and functional ability of older person with post-stroke. A
quasi-experimental with pre and post-test design was applied. Sample of 44
respondents were selected by consecutive sampling technique. Results showed
that strength of arm and legs muscle and walking speed increased significantly
after intervention given (p = 0.042; 0.005; 0.002). It is recommended to provide
this exercise as nursing intervention at community., Stroke in older person resulted in dependency. A combined of deep breathing,
stretching and Range of Motion is one of physical exercise to increase
independence. This study aimed to measure effects of this exercise to muscle
strength, walking speed, and functional ability of older person with post-stroke. A
quasi-experimental with pre and post-test design was applied. Sample of 44
respondents were selected by consecutive sampling technique. Results showed
that strength of arm and legs muscle and walking speed increased significantly
after intervention given (p = 0.042; 0.005; 0.002). It is recommended to provide
this exercise as nursing intervention at community.]"