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Dwinta Nurul Puteri
Abstrak :
Indonesia dan Malaysia melakukan kesepakatan yang dinamakan kesepakatan Sosial Ekonomi Malaysia-Indonesia (Sosek Malindo) yang dibuat secara tertulis dan diatur oleh hukum yang diakui oleh kedua negara tersebut. Kementerian Keuangan mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 188/PMK.04/2010 Tentang Impor Barang yang Dibawa Oleh Penumpang, Awak Sarana, Pengangkut, Pelintas Batas, dan Barang Kiriman. Pada Pasal 19 Ayat 1 disebutkan bahwa Setiap Pelintas Batas yang membawa barang impor, wajib memiliki KILB. KILB adalah Kartu Identitas Lintas Batas yang dikeluarkan oleh Kantor Pabean yang membawahi Pos Pemeriksaan Lintas Batas yang diberikan kepada Pelintas Batas setelah dipenuhi persyaratan tertentu. Berdasarkan peraturan mengenai pembebasan membayar bea dan cukai berdasarkan Border Trade Agreement yang dibatasi hingga 600 RM yang diberlakukan bagi masyarakat perbatasan, menimbulkan berbagai dampak yang secara tidak langsung dirasakan, yaitu hilangnya rasa nasionalisme sebagai warga negara karena kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah dan KILB juga dimanfaatkan oleh pihak tertentu yang disebut “tengkulak” untuk memasukkan barang dari Malaysia dalam jumlah besar dan kemudian dijual kembali di wilayah perbatasan tanpa dikenai pajak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum, yakni suatu kegiatan ilmiah yang didasarkan pada metode, sistematika, dan kegiatan pemikiran tertentu yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari satu atau beberapa gejala hukum tertentu kemudian melakukan analisa maupun pemeriksaan yang mendalam terhadap fakta hukum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terlihat bahwa pelanggaran KILB masih kerap terjadi pada wilayah perbatasan dan rasa cinta terhadap produk negara tetangga masih sangat tinggi. Pemerintah diharapkan hadir secara optimal dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat perbatasan, agar penyalahgunaan menggunakan KILB secara ilegal, dapat teratasi dan membantu perekonomian negara dengan lebih banyak ekspor daripada impor. ......Both Indonesia and Malaysia had agreed to the Malaysia-Indonesia Socio-Economic Agreement (Sosek Malindo). The agreement is applied by The Ministry of Finance of Indonesia in Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 188/PMK.04/2010, concerning the Imported Goods Carried by Passengers, Crews of Facilities, Carriers, Border Crossers, and Shipments. Article 19 Section 1 states that every Border Crosser who carries imported goods is required to have a Cross-Border Identity Card (Kartu Identitas Lintas Batas, KILB) issued by the Customs Office in charge of the Cross-Border Checkpoint which is given to the Border Crosser after meeting certain requirements. The regulation regarding the exemption from paying customs and excise based on the Border Trade Agreement which is limited to 600 RM which is applied to border communities, causes various indirect impacts, namely reduced nationalism due to lack of government attention. KILB is also exploited by other parties, so-called “middlemen” (tengkulak) to import goods from Malaysia in large quantities and resell them in border areas without being taxed. This is a legal research, which is a scientific activity based on certain methods, systematics, and thought activities aimed at studying certain legal phenomena and then conducting in-depth analysis as well as examination of legal facts. It is found that KILB violations still occur in border areas. Therefore, the preference for the products of neighboring countries is still high. The government is expected to fulfill the needs of border citizen, so that the abuse of KILB can be stopped and help the country's economy by exporting more than importing.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shella Hajura
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hambatan pemerintah Indonesia menyelesaikan negosiasi pembaruan perjanjian perdagangan lintas batas Indonesia-Malaysia (BTA). Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah mengapa pemerintah Indonesia belum menyelesaikan negosiasi pembaruan perjanjian BTA Indonesia-Malaysia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kualitatif dengan menggunakan proses triangulasi untuk mengolah lebih dari satu jenis sumber data. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah studi dokumentasi dan wawancara. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan teori Two-Level Games oleh Robert Putnam (1988). Alasan yang menyebabkan pemerintah Indonesia masih belum dapat menyelesaikan perjanjian perdagangan lintas batas Indonesia-Malaysia (BTA) adalah pemerintah Indonesia di tingkat domestik belum memiliki sikap dasar yang mengakibatkan negosiasi di tingkat bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia tidak berjalan. Terdapat empat kondisi yang mempengaruhi Indonesia di tingkat domestik belum memiliki sikap dasar, yaitu (1) Indonesia menghadapi berbagai kepentingan domestik yang menyulitkan Indonesia menghasilkan posisi dasar yang kuat, (2) Indonesia belum memiliki landasan hukum tentang perdagangan perbatasan yang lengkap sebagai pembahasan Indonesia menindaklanjuti pembaruan perjanjian BTA, (3) daya tawar pemerintah Indonesia yang rendah terhadap Malaysia, (4) Indonesia terjebak dilema kepentingan antara kepentingan domestik dan kepentingan Malaysia. Empat kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya mempengaruhi proses negosiasi di tingkat bilateral dan mengakibatkan pemerintah Malaysia memiliki sikap status quo terhadap perubahan perjanjian BTA. ......This thesis aims to analyze obstacles for the Indonesian Government to complete negotiations on the renewal of the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Trade Agreement (BTA). The research question was on why the Indonesian Government had not yet completed negotiations on renewing the Indonesia-Malaysia BTA. This study used a qualitative analysis method with a triangulation process. Data collection techniques were documentation studies and interviews. To answer the research question, the Two-Level Games theory by Robert Putnam (1988) was used. The main argument of this research is that the Indonesian Government is still unable to complete the renewal of BTA because, at the domestic level, the Indonesian Government has not yet had an outlook on border trade, which has resulted in negotiations at the bilateral level not proceeding. This indicates four factors that contribute to the phenomenon. First, Indonesia faces various domestic interests that complicate the country to deliver a strong basic position. Second, Indonesia has not yet had a complete legal basis on border trade as a discussion to follow up on the BTA renewal. Third, the Indonesian Government’s bargaining power is low against Malaysia. Fourth, Indonesia has been trapped in a dilemma between domestic interests and Malaysian interests. These four conditions affect the negotiation process at the bilateral level and result in the Malaysian Government having a status quo towards the renewal of the BTA.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatma Muthia Kinanti
Abstrak :
[Masyarakat di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat – Sarawak telah lama melakukan kegiatan perdagangan lintas batas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari yang kemudian diformalkan dalam bentuk perjanjian bilateral Border Trade Agreement tahun 1970. Pergeseran paradigma ekonomi di wilayah ini menyebabkan berubahnya kepentingan perdagangan lintas batas dari semula bersifat tradisional, hingga kini lebih mirip dengan perdagangan internasional. Sayangnya, potensi ini tidak diakomodasi dengan peraturan hukum yang baik serta sarana dan prasarana yang mapan. Alhasil, kegiatan ekonomi di wilayah perbatasan ini tidak berjalan dengan baik. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 memberikan mandat untuk mendorong liberalisasi perdagangan dengan tujuan meningkatkan perdagangan intra-ASEAN. Perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan merupakan salah satu kegiatan utama dari konsep free flow of good dalam perdagangan bebas. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan untuk memberikan analisa terkait implikasi penerapan AFTA dengan bentuk perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan saat ini dan kebijakan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah dalam usaha peningkatan perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat – Sarawak. Ditemukan bahwa liberalisasi perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan akan mendorong integrasi ekonomi regional ASEAN. Pemerintah Indonesia telah berlaku aktif dalam peningkatan perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat – Sarawak dengan ikut serta dalam kerjasama subregional ASEAN dan mengimplementasikkannya ke dalam peraturan nasional. ......Communities in the border region of West Kalimantan - Sarawak has long been conducting border trade to meet their daily needs which are then formalized in the form of Border Trade Agreement in 1970. The shifting economic paradigm in this region led to changes in the interest of border trade from a traditional trade to a more formal international trade. Unfortunately, this potential is not accommodated with legal regulations as well as established infrastructures and facilities. As a result, economic activity in the border region is not going well. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 provides a mandate to promote trade liberalization with the aim of increasing intra-ASEAN trade. Border trade is one of the main activities of the free flow of good concept in free trade. This study will be conducted to provide analysis related to the implications of the of AFTA to border trade in this border region, and policies of the central government and local governments in the efforts to increase border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak. It was found that the liberalization of border trade will encourage regional economic integration of ASEAN. The Government of Indonesia has been active in the improvement of border trade in border areas of West Kalimantan - Sarawak by participate in the ASEAN sub-regional cooperation and implement it into national legislation., Communities in the border region of West Kalimantan - Sarawak has long been conducting border trade to meet their daily needs which are then formalized in the form of Border Trade Agreement in 1970. The shifting economic paradigm in this region led to changes in the interest of border trade from a traditional trade to a more formal international trade. Unfortunately, this potential is not accommodated with legal regulations as well as established infrastructures and facilities. As a result, economic activity in the border region is not going well. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 provides a mandate to promote trade liberalization with the aim of increasing intra-ASEAN trade. Border trade is one of the main activities of the free flow of good concept in free trade. This study will be conducted to provide analysis related to the implications of the of AFTA to border trade in this border region, and policies of the central government and local governments in the efforts to increase border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak. It was found that the liberalization of border trade will encourage regional economic integration of ASEAN. The Government of Indonesia has been active in the improvement of border trade in border areas of West Kalimantan - Sarawak by participate in the ASEAN sub-regional cooperation and implement it into national legislation.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risti Ana Malik Jani Jaleha
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor penentu keputusan individu untuk berpartisipasi dalam perdagangan lintas batas informal (ICBT) dan sejauh mana pendapatan rumah tangga dipengaruhi oleh partisipasi individu dalam ICBT. Dengan menerapkan metode pengambilan sampel melalui snowball method, peneliti melakukan survey kepada 77 individu yang melakukan ICBT dan 70 individu yang tidak melakukan ICBT yang menetap di daerah perbatasan Entikong, Indonesia. Kuesioner ICBT diadopsi dari Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) tahun 2008. ICBT tidak dikenakan pajak akan tetapi bersifat resmi sesuai Border Trade Agreement 1970. ICBT mengizinkan pedagangan untuk melakukan aktivitas jual beli barang-barang tertentu di daerah tertentu di bawah Rp. 2.025.900 (RM 600). Jumlah barang yang diperdagangkan setiap bulan juga terbatas. Untuk mengidentifikasi peran ICBT bagi daerah Entikong, peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan metode kualitatif. Pertama, sebuah model partisipasi dalam ICBT diestimasi menggunakan regresi multivariat logit. Hasil penunjukkan bahwa gender, lokasi, jarak, banyaknya jumlah pekerjaan yang dimiliki, posisi sebagai kepala rumah tangga dan kepemilikan asset mempengaruhi keputusan individu untuk berpartisipasi dalam ICBT. Kedua, sebuah model regresi OLS digunakan untuk menginvestigasi manfaat moneter bagi individual dari ICBT. Hasil mengindikasikan bahwa partisipasi dalam ICBT mendorong pendapatan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi rumah tangga, khususnya pendapatan sekunder di daerah. Ketiga, peneliti memeriksa karakteristik dari ICBT dan menunjukkan bahwa komoditas ekspor utama adalah terong dan lada. Sedangkan komoditas impor utama adalah gula dan minyak goreng. Profit yang dihasilkan dari ICBT ini sebagian besar digunakan sebagai modal untuk diinvestasikan kembali, membayar pinjaman, dan membayar biaya sekolah anak. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ICBT diperlukan sebagai sumber pendapatan yang penting bagi individu di Entikong dan sebagai mekanisme individu untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Ketiadaan ICBT akan membuat kondisi perekonomian rumah tangga semakin memburuk, sehingga pemerintah perlu langkah lebih lanjut untuk menyelesaikan situasi tersebut melalui program jaminan sosial yang mahal. Akan tetapi, masih dipertanyakan apakah pemerintah benar-benar mendapatkan manfaat dari formalisasi perdagangan skala kecil ini. ......This study analyzes the determinants of people's participation in informal cross-border trade (ICBT) and to what extent household income is affected by participation in informal trade. By applying a snowball sampling method, the author carried out a survey among 77 ICB traders and 70 non-ICB traders who live all in the Entikong border area of Indonesia. The ICBT questionnaire developed by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) in 2008 was adapted. ICBT is non-taxed but formalized in Indonesia since 1970 under The Border Trade Agreement. It allows traders within a certain area to exchange pre-specified goods below a value of Rp. 2,025,900 (RM 600). The numbers of monthly trades are also limited. To assess the role of ICBT for the Entikong region I make use of quantitative and qualitative methods. First, a model of ICBT participation is estimated using a multivariate logit regression. The findings illustrate that gender, location, distance, multiplicity of jobs, position in a household and asset ownership affect the decision to engage in ICBT. Second, an OLS regression model was employed to examine the individual monetary benefit from ICBT. The result indicates that ICBT participation boosts income and improves the household's economic prosperity, especially secondary income in the Entikong region results to a large extend from ICBT. Third, I assess the nature of trade and show that the major exported goods are sour eggplant and pepper. The major imported goods are sugar and cooking oil. Proceeds from ICBT are mainly used for reinvestment, for rental payments and to cover school fees. I conclude that ICBT is needed as an important source of income in Entikong and a coping mechanism. In the absence of ICBT, the economic conditions of the households would be worse suggesting that the government would need to step in with social programs that are costly. Therefore, it is questionable whether the government would really gain from formalizing this small-scale cross-border trade.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akkanut Wantanasombut
Abstrak :
In 2021 Thailand’s Ministry of Labour reported that approximately 2.4 million migrant workers had been permitted to work in Thailand, with two-thirds arriving from Myanmar (Samnak Borihan Raeng Ngan Tang Dao Krom Karn Jad Ha Ngan 2021). For decades, this large number of migrant workers from Myanmar has benefited the Thailand-Myanmar border trade, both directly and indirectly, including the remittances that Burmese migrant workers send to their families back home. This paper studies how the economic activities revolving around border trade developed. It describes how informal remittances from Myanmar migrant workers have become one of the key elements of the massive illicit border trade and introduces the possibility of digital technology replacing traditional informal remittance methods. The data presented here was collected by way of semi-structured interviews with 32 Burmese migrant workers living and working in Samutsakorn Province, nine Thai border traders in Mae Sot, officials, and a Thai financial technology company operating in Myanmar. The interviews revealed that most of the migrant workers had experience using mobile banking and financial applications, they were familiar with the technology, and they were aware of its capacity as an alternative method of sending money back home. However, many still preferred to use informal banking as it benefited them the most. The border traders interviewed for this paper further confirmed that there was still no threat of consequences for payment offsetting. Therefore, the digitalization of banking strengthens the informal banking system as it both hastens and improves the processes of money distribution.
Kyoto : Nakanishi Printing Company, 2022
050 SEAS 11:3 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library