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Nurrahmi Ika Aminy Putri
Ibu menyusui merupakan salah satu kelompok yang beresiko tinggi mengalami kekurangan gizi akibat perilaku pantang makanan. Perilaku pantang makanan masih banyak terjadi di daerah yang masih memiliki budaya yang kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi lebih mendalam terkait perilaku pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui di desa Duwet Kedampul Kecamatan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode FGD pada ibu menyusui dan kader posyandu dan wawancara mendalam dengan anggota keluarga dan bidan desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu menyusui masih mematuhi pantang makanan yang telah diturunkan antargenerasi. Faktor pencetus antara lain pengetahuan, kepercayaan, nilai, dan sikap. Ibu menyusui dan anggota keluarga memiliki sikap positif terkait perilaku pantang makanan tersebut. Sebaliknya, bidan dan kader posyandu memiliki sifat negatif terhadap pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui. Pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui didasarkan pada kepercayaan bahwa dengan menghindarkan makanan yang dipantang dapat mencegahkan ibu dan bayi terhadap bahaya (magis). Faktor pendukung antara lain yakni sarana berupa akses informasi yang didapat dari orang terdekat ibu menyusui, bidan, ataupun media cetak. Faktor penguat yakni pengaruh dari keluarga dan pengaruh dari petugas kesehatan sehingga diperlukan penyuluhan terkait pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui.

;Breastfeeding mothers is one of the group with undernutrition risk because of food taboo practice. The food taboo is still exist in the community with strong culture. This research aimed to explain the food taboo behavior among breastfeeding mother in Duwet Kedampul Village, Tumpang sub District, Malang District, East Java. Study design is descriptive qualitative by using method FGD in breastfeeding mothers and kader and in-depth interviews with family members and midwife. The results showed that breastfeeding mothers still obey abdicated intergeneration food taboos. Predisposing factors such as knowledge, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Breastfeeding mothers and family members have a positive attitude toward food taboo. But, midwife and kader have negative attitudes toward food taboo among breastfeeding mother. Food taboo exist is based on the belief that by avoiding the food, mother and her baby can be saved from certain dangers (magical). Enabling factors consists of form of access to the information obtained from the nearest breastfeeding mothers such as her husband or parents, midwife, or flyers. Reinforcing factors consists of influence from family such as husband or parents and influence from health care workers such as kader and midwifes. So, the health care workers have to make education discussion about food taboo to breastfeeding mothers and her family., Breastfeeding mothers is one of the group with undernutrition risk because of food taboo practice. The food taboo is still exist in the community with strong culture. This research aimed to explain the food taboo behavior among breastfeeding mother in Duwet Kedampul Village, Tumpang sub District, Malang District, East Java. Study design is descriptive qualitative by using method FGD in breastfeeding mothers and kader and in-depth interviews with family members and midwife. The results showed that breastfeeding mothers still obey abdicated intergeneration food taboos. Predisposing factors such as knowledge, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Breastfeeding mothers and family members have a positive attitude toward food taboo. But, midwife and kader have negative attitudes toward food taboo among breastfeeding mother. Food taboo exist is based on the belief that by avoiding the food, mother and her baby can be saved from certain dangers (magical). Enabling factors consists of form of access to the information obtained from the nearest breastfeeding mothers such as her husband or parents, midwife, or flyers. Reinforcing factors consists of influence from family such as husband or parents and influence from health care workers such as kader and midwifes. So, the health care workers have to make education discussion about food taboo to breastfeeding mothers and her family.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Purwara Dewanti
Dukungan yang diberikan kepada ibu menyusui untuk melakukan praktik menyusui
sesuai dengan rekomendasi WHO telah banyak dan beragam. Namun demikian,
meningkatkan praktik menyusui sesuai rekomendasi tersebut tampaknya memang
bukan hal yang mudah. Salah satu bentuk dukungan yang diberikan kepada ibu baik
oleh teman sebaya (peer) maupun tenaga ahli (professional) dapat berupa kelompok
pendukung ibu ataupun berupa konsultasi satu-lawan-satu atau individual.
Dukungan tersebut pada akhirnya akan sangat membantu apabila diberikan sesuai
dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik ibu menyusui sehingga dapat mencapai praktek
menyusui yang sesuai dengan rekomendasi. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk
mengeksplorasi praktik menyusui dan pengalaman ibu dalam menghadiri kelompok
pendukung atau konsultasi individu. Praktek menyusui di kalangan ibu-ibu dalam
bentuk kelompok dan bentuk individu sesuai dengan rekomendasi. Kedua bentuk
dukungan dapat memberi manfaat bagi ibu dengan memberi edukasi utamanya jika
mereka mendapat dukungan menyusui (baik kelompok atau individu) sedini
mungkin yaitu selama masa kehamilan, tentang praktek pemberian ASI yang
direkomendasikan dan bagaimana mempertahankannya. Dukungan dalam bentuk
kelompok, dengan suasana yang tepat, ibu dapat berbagi pengalaman mengenai
menyusui dan saling memberi semangat satu sama lain. Sementara dukungan dalam
bentuk individu, ibu meningkatkan praktek pemberian ASI mereka dengan
mengatasi masalah menyusui secara lebih fokus dibantu oleh konsultan
laktasi/konselor menyusui. Praktek menyusui yang baik dapat terus dipertahankan
oleh pengalaman ibu dalam bentuk dukungan kelompok atau bentuk dukungan
individu yang menyediakan lingkungan yang kondusif untuk ibu belajar dan/atau
untuk mengatasi masalah menyusui

Intervention to promote breastfeeding practice according to WHO recommendations
given to breastfeeding mothers have been many and varied. Nevertheless, improving
breastfeeding practices as recommended does not an easy thing. Type of support
given to the mother either by peers and experts (professionals) can be in the form of
support group and/or one-on-one or individual consultation. Such support will be
helpful if given in accordance with the needs and characteristics of breastfeeding
mothers to achieve appropriate breastfeeding practices with the recommendation.
Qualitative approach was used to explore mothers’ breastfeeding performance and
mothers’ experience attending the group and/or individual exposure. The
breastfeeding practice among mothers in group exposure and individual exposure
were in accordance with the recommendation. Both exposures are beneficial for
mothers by educating mothers for recommended breastfeeding practice and how to
maintain it especially if they were exposed to the breastfeeding support (groups or
individual) as early as possible i.e. during pregnancy period. Specific in group
exposure, with the proper group ambiance, mother can share experiences on
breastfeeding and encouraging each other. While in individual exposure, mothers
improved their breastfeeding practice by treating breastfeeding problem with more
focus helped by breastfeeding counselor/lactation consultant. Good performance on
breastfeeding among mothers’ can be maintained by their experiences of group or
individual exposure that allow mothers learn in conducive environment and/or
solved mothers’ breastfeeding problem"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library