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Besse Sarmila
"Latar belakang. Displasia bronkopulmonal (DBP) adalah penyakit multifaktorial kronis akibat inflamasi baik prenatal maupun postnatal. Hal ini akan menyebakan komplikasi jangka panjang dalam hal pernapasan, kardiovaskuler, dan neurodevelopmental. Azitromisin sebagai agen antiinflamasi diharapkan dapat mencegah kejadian DBP.
Metode. Uji klinis acak terkontrol tidak tersamar dilakukan selama Juni 2021-April 2022 di unit Neonatologi RSCM Jakarta pada 114 subjek dengan usia gestasi 25 minggu-31 minggu 6 hari yang mengalami distress napas. Pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dilakukan randomisasi dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok uji/perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol, masing masing sebanyak 57 subjek. Kelompok uji akan mendapatkan azitromisin dalam usia <24 jam selama 14 hari dengan dosis 10 mg/kgbb/intravena selama 7 hari kemudian dilanjutkan 5 mg/kgbb/intravena selama 7 hari. Pasian akan dipantau sampai dengan usia gestasi 36 minggu untuk melihat outcome primer berupa DBP, dan outcome sekunder berupa IVH, PVL, EKN, lama penggunaan O2, durasi penggunaan ventilator mekanik, lama pencapaian full enteral feeding, serta mortalitas pada kedua kelompok. Diagnosis DBP ditegakkan berdasarkan NICHD 2019.
Hasil. Angka kejadian DBP secara umum adalah 34.8%. Angka kejadian DBP pada bayi extremely preterm adalah 58.3%, sedangkan pada bayi very preterm adalah 31%. Kejadian DBP lebih banyak pada kelompok kontrol (63% vs 38%) dengan RR 0.611(0.417-0.896). Durasi penggunaan ventilator mekanik lebih pendek pada kelompok yang mendapatkan azitromisin (5.22 vs 12.75,p 0.025). Lamanya pencapaian full enteral feeding lebih pendek pada kelompok uji/perlakuan (13.38 vs 17.14 hari, p 0.04). Angka kejadian EKN lebih rendah pada kelompok uji/perlakuan (19% vs 40%, nilai p 0.014). Mortalitas lebih rendah pada kelompok uji/perlakuan (25% vs 46% , nilai p 0.019) RR 1.660 (95% CI 1.043-2.642).
Kesimpulan. Azitromisin dapat menurunkan angka kejadian DBP, mempercepat pencapaian full enteral feeding, menurunkan mortalitas pada bayi prematur.

Background. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic multifactorial disease caused by inflammation both prenatal and postnatal. This will lead a long-term complications of respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurodevelopmental. Azithromycin as an antiinflammatory agent is expected to prevent BPD.
Methods. A randomized controlled clinical trial, unblinded was conducted during June 2021-April 2022 at the Neonatology unit of RSCM Jakarta on 114 subjects with a gestational age of 25 weeks-31 weeks 6 days who experienced respiratory distress. Patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were randomized and divided into two groups, the intervention group and the control group, each group with 57 subjects. The intervention group will receive azithromycin at the age of <24 hours for 14 days at a dose of 10 mg/kg/intravenous for 7 days then followed by 5 mg/kg/intravenous for 7 days. Patients will be monitored up to 36 weeks' gestation to see the primary outcome in the form of BPD, and secondary outcomes in the form of IVH, PVL, EKN, duration of O2 used, duration of mechanical ventilator used, duration of achieving full enteral feeding, and mortality in both groups. BPD diagnosed based on NICHD 2019.
Results. The incidence of BPD in general is 34.8%. The incidence of BPD in extremely preterm infants is 58.3%, while in very preterm infants it is 31%. The incidence of BPD was more in the control group (63% vs 38%) with an RR 0.611(0.417-0.896). The duration of ventilator mechanic used was shorter in the intervention group (5.22 vs 12.75, p 0.025). The duration of achieving full enteral feeding was shorter in the intervention group (13.38 vs 17.14 days, p 0.04). The incidence of NEC was lower in the intervention group (19% vs 40%, p-value 0.014). Mortality was lower in the intervention group (25% vs 46%, p 0.019) RR 1.660 (95% CI 1.043-2.642).
Conclusion. Azithromycin can reduce the incidence of BPD, accelerate the achievement of full enteral feeding, reduce mortality in premature infants
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kaban, Risma Kerina
Resusitasi dengan konsentrasi oksigen yang tinggi (100%) pada bayi cukup bulan
meningkatkan angka mortalitas dan morbiditas. Hiperoksia dapat meningkatkan stres
oksidatif pada bayi prematur oleh karena kadar anti oksidannya yang rendah. Peningkatan
stres oksidatif akan mengakibatkan inflamasi dan berhubungan dengan terjadinya displasia
bronkopulmonal dan gangguan integritas usus. Pemberian oksigen yang tinggi juga akan
memengaruhi mikrobiota aerob dan anaerob dalam usus oleh karena oksigen akan berdifusi
dari mukosa usus ke dalam lumen usus. Belum diketahui berapa kadar FiO2 awal yang tepat
pada resusitasi bayi prematur.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah dampak perbedaan pajanan konsentrasi oksigen awal pada
resusitasi bayi prematur terhadap displasia bronkopulmonal, integritas mukosa, dan
mikrobiota usus.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji klinis acak terkontrol tidak tersamar di Ilmu
Kesehatan Anak, FKUI-RSCM dan RS Bunda Menteng pada bayi prematur (usia gestasi 25?
32 minggu) yang mengalami distres pernapasan yang dirandomisasi untuk diberikan
resusitasi dengan FiO2 awal 30% atau 50%. Kadar FiO2 disesuaikan untuk mencapai target
saturasi oksigen (SpO2) 88?92% pada menit ke-10 dengan menggunakan pulse oxymetry.
Luaran primer berupa angka kejadian DBP dan luaran sekunder berupa penanda stres
oksidatif (rasio GSH/GSSG dan MDA darah tali pusat dan hari ke-3), penanda gangguan
integritas usus (alpha-1 antitrypsin), dan mikrobiota usus (polymerase chain reaction) pada
feses hari 1?3 dan hari ke-7.
Selama periode Januari?September 2015, terdapat 84 bayi yang direkrut (masing-masing 42
bayi pada kelompok 30% dan 50%). Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna angka kejadian DBP
pada kelompok FiO2 30% vs. 50%, yaitu 42,8% vs. 40,5% (intention to treat analysis) dan
25% vs. 19,4% (per protocol analysis). Juga tidak ada perbedaan bermakna penanda stres
oksidatif (rasio GSH/GSSG dan kadar MDA), kadar AAT, dan mikrobiota usus pada kedua
kelompok. Mikrobiota anaerob fakultatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan mikrobiota
anaerob pada hari ke-7 pada kedua kelompok.
Pada bayi prematur dengan usia gestasi 25?32 minggu yang diresusitasi dengan FiO2 awal
30% vs. 50% tidak dijumpai perbedaan yang bermakna angka kejadian DBP, penanda stres
oksidatif, gangguan integritas mukosa usus (AAT), dan mikrobiota usus. Oleh karena itu,
pemberian FiO2 awal 30% hingga 50% selama resusitasi sama amannya untuk bayi prematur

Resuscitation with high oxygen levels (100%) in term infants increases mortality and
morbidity rates. Hyperoxia can increase oxidative stress in premature infants due to its low
antioxidant level. The increased oxidative stress will cause inflammation and it is associated
with the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) as well as intestinal
dysintegrity. The administration of high oxygen levels will also affect aerobic and anaerobic
intestinal microbiota as the oxygen will diffuse from intestinal mucosa into the lumen. The
appropriate initial FiO2 level during the resuscitation of premature infants has not been
This study aims to analyze an impact on the difference of exposure to initial oxygen
concentration in resuscitation of premature infants against bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
mucosal integrity, and intestinal mucosa.
The study was an unblinded randomized controlled clinical trial, in Child Health Department
University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, and Menteng Bunda Hospital in
Jakarta, which was conducted in premature infants (25?32 weeks of gestational age) who
experienced respiratory distress and were randomized for receiving resuscitation using 30%
or 50% initial FiO2. The FiO2 levels were adjusted to achieve target oxygen saturation (SpO2)
of 88?92% on the 10th minute using pulse oximetry. The primary outcome was incidence of
BPD; while the secondary outcome was markers of oxidative stress (ratio of GSH/GSSG and
MDA in umbilical cord blood and on the 3rd day), intestinal dysintegrity (AAT) and
intestinal microbiota (using PCR) found in fecal examination on day 1?3 and on the 7th day.
During the period between January and September 2015, there were 84 infants recruited
(there were 42 infants in each group of the 30% and 50% FiO2). There was no significant
difference on BPD incidence between 30% and 50% FiO2 groups, i.e. 42.8% vs. 40.5%
(intention to treat analysis) and 25% vs. 19.4% (per protocol analysis). There was also no
significant difference on oxidative stress markers (ratio of GSH/GSSG and MDA levels),
AAT levels, and changes of facultative anaerobic and anaerobic microbiota in both groups.
However, there was a higher level of facultative anaerobic microbiota compared to anaerobic
microbiota on the 7th day in both groups.
In premature infants with 25?32 weeks of gestational age who were resuscitated using 30%
vs. 50% initial FiO2 level, significant differences were found in terms of BPD incidence,
oxidative stress markers (ratio of GSH/GSSG and MDA), AAT (intestinal mucosa integrity)
and intestinal microbiota. Therefore, it is concluded that the administration of 30% to 50%
initial FiO2 are both equally safe for premature infants during resuscitation."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Adhi Teguh Perma Iskandar
"Manuver rekrutmen paru (MRP) adalah strategi mencegah kerusakan paru saat bayi menggunakan ventilator mekanis (VM). Dengan meningkatkan tekanan akhir ekspirasi (TAE) secara bertahap, MRP membuka alveolus, menurunkan kebutuhan oksigen hirup (FiO2) sekaligus meningkatkan ambilan oksigen paru. Hingga kini, belum cukup bukti ilmiah terkait pengaruh MRP menggunakan VM terhadap luaran bayi prematur.
Penelitian ini adalah uji klinis tidak tersamar, dilakukan di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RSIA Bunda Menteng, bertujuan mencari hubungan MRP dengan kejadian DBP dan atau kematian, curah jantung, cedera alveolus-endotel, penurunan diameter duktus arteriosus (DA), dan mikrosirkulasi kulit. Penelitian berlangsung Maret 2021–April 2022. Subjek penelitian adalah bayi prematur 24–32 minggu yang menggunakan ventilator mekanis saat usia < 48 jam. Protein surfaktan-D (SP-D) diukur menggunakan metode ELISA, mikropartikel endotel (CD-31+/CD-42–) menggunakan flowsitometri, curah jantung dan diameter DA menggunakan ekokardiografi, TcCO2–PaCO2, TcO2/PaO2 menggunakan monitor gas darah transkutan dan gas darah arteri, strong ion difference (SID) menggunakan elektrolit darah arteri. Pada usia koreksi 36 minggu, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna kejadian DBP atau kematian antara kelompok MRP dan tanpa MRP 38 (69,09%) vs. 43 (78,18%), p = 0,216. Pada 72 jam pasca-penggunaan VM, tidak didapati perbedaan kadar SP-D, CD 31+, Diameter DA, curah jantung, TcCO2 gap dan SID antara kelompok MRP dan tanpa MRP . Terdapat perbedaan bermakna TcO2 indeks 1,00 (1,00; 1,02) vs. 1,00 (0,99; 1,00), p = 0,009* antara kelompok MRP dibanding tanpa MRP. Pada bayi penyintas, MRP mempercepat waktu untuk mencapai FiO2 ter-rendah 60,0 (54,00; 75,00) vs. 435,00 (375,00; 495,00) menit, p < 0,0001 dan lama penggunaan alat bantu napas 25,0 (19,00; 37,00) vs. 36,83 (SB 19,11) hari, p = 0,044.
Simpulan, MRP bayi prematur tidak terbukti mengurangi kejadian DBP dan atau kematian pada usia 36 minggu. Tidak ada perbedaan cedera alveolar-endotel, curah jantung kiri-kanan, dan diameter DA pada usia 72 jam. Tindakan MRP meningkatkan mikrosirkulasi. Pada kelompok penyintas, MRP mempersingkat waktu mencapai FiO2 terendah dan penggunaan alat bantu napas.

Lung recruitment maneuver (LRM) is a strategy during mechanical ventilation which aim to open collapsed alveolus in order to increased oxygenation. This maneuver could be done by application of a stepwise increments of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) until lowest FiO2 (< 30%) is achieved. There is still lack of evidence regarding relationship between LRM and neonatal outcome. This study aimed to evaluate effectivity of LRM in order to reduce chronic lung disease and it’s influence to neonatal hemodynamic as well. This was unblinded randomized clinical trial which aimed to investigate relationship between LRM and neonatal death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), cardiac output, reduction of ductus arteriosus (DA) diameter, skin microcirculations and alveolar-endotel injury. The study was conducted on March 2021 until April 2022 in Cipto Mangunkusumo and Bunda Menteng Hospital. Plasma surfactant protein-D (SP-D) was measured with ELISA, Microparticel endotel (CD-31+) with flowcytometri, left and right cardiac output (LVO and RVO) and DA diameter were measured by echocardiography, TcCO2–PaCO2, tcO2/PaO2 were measured form arterial blood gas and transcutaneous monitor and strong ion difference (SID) from plasma electrolyte. At 36 weeks follow up, there ware no significant difference of incident of DBP and/or death between MRP vs. without MRP groups 38 (69.09%) vs. 43 (78.18%), p = 0.216 (CI 95% 0.141–0.295). There were no difference between MRP and without MRP group at 72 hours, regarding : plasma SP-D, microparticle endotel, cardiac output, DA diameter, tcCO2 gap and SID. At. 72 hours, tcO2 index was better in MRP compared to control group 1.00 (1.00; 1.02) vs. 1.00 (0.99; 1.00), p = 0.009. There were no significant difference regarding other neonatal morbidity between the two group. Among survival subject, LRM reduced time to achieved lowest FiO2 60.00 (54.00; 75.00) vs. 435.00 (375.00; 495.00) hours, p < 0.0001 and length of respiratoy support 25.0 (19.00; 37.00) vs. 36.83 (SD 19.11) days, p=0.044.
Conclusion When applied to 24–32 weeks preterm baby with invasive mechanical ventilation, LRM could not reduced DBP or death at 36 weeks of age. There was no any difference at 72 hours regarding alveolar and endothelial injury, left and right cardiac output and diameter DA. LRM was associated with better microcirculation. Among the survivor, LRM reduced high oxygen concentration exposure time and length of respiratory support.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Pamungkas
"Latar belakang : Preeklamsia merupakan penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dan bayi yang masih tergolong cukup tinggi di dunia. Preeklamsia menduduki kedua tertinggi sebesar 14% penyebab kematian ibu. Penyebab kematian bayi pada masa neonatus sebesar 78,5% disebabkan oleh asfiksia, bayi berat lahir rendah dan infeksi. Salah satu akibat hal tersebut dikarenakan faktor maternal seperti preeklamsia. Luaran neonatal dengan kasus preeklamsia yaitu pertumbuhan janin terhambat, gangguan darah (Trombositopenia), gangguan sistem saraf pusat (hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy, cerebral palsy), gangguan organ pernafasan (bronchopulmonary dysplasia, respiratory distress syndrome) serta gangguan saluran pencernaan (NEC).
Tujuan : Mengetahui adakah perbedaan luaran neonatal pada kelahiran preterm dengan preeklamsia dibandingkan dengan kelahiran preterm tanpa preeklamsia.
Metode : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan menggunakan metode case-control. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara consecutive sampling. Subjek penelitian ini merupakan neonatal dari kelahiran preterm di usia kehamilan kurang dari 37 minggu yang dilakukan di RSCM. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis secara bivariat menggunakan uji chi-square untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya preeklamsia pada kelahiran preterm dengan bayi yang mengalami hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy (HIE), broncopulmonary syndrome (BPD), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) dan necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) selama masa perinatal.
Hasil : Dari 2.750 subjek yang diteliti dari tahun 2015 hingga 2018 didapatkan luaran neonatal preterm dari ibu yang mengalami Preklamsia sebanyak 455 subjek (16,5%) dibandingkan ibu yang tidak mengalami Preeklamsia sebanyak 2295 subjek (83,5%). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna untuk seluruh gangguan luaran neonatus preterm yaitu hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy dengan nilai p = 0,002, OR 3,84, CI95% 1,61-9,17, broncopulmonary syndrome dengan nilai p = 0,04, OR 1,87, CI95% 1,03-3,42, respiratory distress syndrome dengan nilai p < 0,0001, OR 5,51 CI95% 4,35-6,98 dan necrotizing entercolitis dengan nilai p< 0,001, OR 2,22 CI95% 1,5-3,17.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan bermakna untuk seluruh gangguan luaran neonatus preterm berupa hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy (HIE), broncopulmonary syndrome (BPD), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) dan necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) pada ibu dengan preeclampsia.

Background: Preeclampsia is one of major causes of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality in the world. Preeclampsia is the second highest causes maternal death. Factors of death in infants are due to asphyxia, low birth weight and infections. One of the reasons causing infant death are maternal factors such as preeclampsia. Neonatal outcomes with maternal preeclampsia are fetal growth restriction, trombositopenia, nervous system disorder (hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy, cerebral palsy), respiratory disorder (broncopulmonary dysplasia, respiratory distress syndrome), and digestive tract disorder (necrotizing enterocolitis).
Objective : To investigate whether there are differences of preterm neonatal outcomes in cases with and without preeclampsia.
Method : This study is an observational analytic study using case-control method and consequtive sampling. The subject of this study was preterm neonatal outcomes at gestational age less than 37 weeks in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. The data then bivariately analyzed in order to determine preterm neonatal outcomes in cases with and without preeclampsia with hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy (HIE), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and necrotizinf enterocolitus (NEC) on perinatal period.
Result : Two-thousand and seventy hundred fifty subjects from 2015 until 2018 was studied, preterm infants with preeclampsic mother were 455 subjects (16,5%) and without preeclampsia is 2295 subjects (82,4%). There were significant relationship between preeclampsia with hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy ( p = 0,002, OR 3,84, CI95% 1,61-9,17) broncopulmonary syndrome (p = 0,04, OR 1,87, CI95% 1,03-3,42), respiratory distress syndrome (p < 0,0001, OR 5,51 CI95% 4,35-6,98) and necrotizing entercolitis (p< 0,001, OR 2,22 CI95% 1,5-3,17).
Conclusion : There were significant relationship between preeclampsia with neonatal outcame hypoxic ischemic ensephalopathy (HIE), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and necrotizif enterocolitus (NEC).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library