Anggara Sahadewa Wiritanaya
Abstrak :
Tingginya arus urbanisasi mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap masalah sosial. Masalah sosial tersebut adalah pelacuran yang dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu penyakit masyarakat. Peran Babinkamtibmas sangat penting terhadap pencegahan, penindakan dan pembinaan terhadap penyakit masyarakat seperti pelacuran dibantu oleh elemen masyarakat.
Permasalahannya adalah peran dan tindakan apa saja yang telah dilakukan oleh Babinkamtibmas terhadap lokasi pelacuran BTA, faktor apa yang menyebabkan Babinkamtibmas Polsek Tanah Abang kesulitan memberantas pelacuran BTA, kelompok masyarakat mana yang berkepentingan terhadap keberadaan pelacuran BTA serta pola hubungan atau relasi seperti apa yang terbentuk antar kelompok masyarakat yang berkepentingan terhadap pelacuran BTA.
Tujuan dan kegunaan penelitian adalah mengetahui kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan Babinkamtibmas dalam menertibkan pelacuran BTA, mengetahui faktor yang menghambat penertiban pelacuran BTA oleh Babinkamtibmas, mengetahui kelompok masyarakat mana yang mempunyai kepentingan terhadap pelacuran di BTA serta mengetahui pola hubungan antar kelompok masyarakat yang berkepentingan terhadap pelacuran di BTA.
metode yang dipergunakan metode penelitian kualitatifr dengan pendekatan etnografi, pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi iapangan serta studi dokumen, menggunakan teori interaksi sosial.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aparat pemerintah, tokoh masyarakat dan masyarakat sekitar BTA mempunyai pola hubungan atau interaksi sosial serta kepentingan ekonomi terhadap keberadaan pelacuran BTA, akibatnya aparat Babinkamtibmas dalam mengambil sikap pasif dalam hal memberantas pelacuran BTA sehingga keberadaan pelacuran BTA tetap berjalan walaunun telah diIakukan tindakan baik tindakan secara preventif maupun represif.
The high urbanization flow has adverse impacts to social problems. One of the social problems is prostitution which can be categorized as a social pathology. The role of Babinkamtibmas is very important to prevention, enforcement and reeducation against the social pathology such as prostitution aided by public elements.
The point is what role and measure which have been played by Babinkamtibmas at the brothel complex of BTA (Bongkaran Tanah Abang), what factors which may cause Babinkamtibmas Precinct Police of Tanah Abang to face difficulties in alleviating prostitution at BTA, what public groups which have interests to the existence of BTA brothel complex and what relation patterns which are formed between public groups having interests in the brothel complex at BTA.
The aim and the purpose of this research is to know activities conducted by Babinkamtibmas in enforce orderliness at BTA brothel complex, to know what factors which may deter the orderliness enforcement at BTA brother complex by Babinkamtibmas, to know what public groups which have interest at brothel complex BTA and to know the relation patterns between public groups having interests at prostitution complex BTA.
Method used is qualitative method with ethnographic approach, data collection with interviews, field observations and document study using social interaction theory.
It is concluded that the government officials, public leaders and community surrounding BTA have relation patterns or social pattern and economic interest to the existence of BTA, in consequence the Babinkamtibmas officials take passive attitude in case of prostitution alleviation at BTA so the existence of the brothel complex remains in operation though many measures have been taken both preventive and repressive ones.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library