ABSTRAKNama : Achmad Zuhro Ma rsquo;rufProgram Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitJudul Tesis :Analisis Pelaksanaan Fungsi Komite Medik di RSUD dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo,Balikpapan Periode 2014-2016Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhipelaksanaan fungsi Komite Medik di RSUD dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo, Balikpapansesuai dengan PMK No 755 tahun 2011. Desain penelitian adalah kualitatif studikasus. Responden penelitian Komite Medik periode 2014-2018 dan stake holderrumah sakit.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan fungsi Komite Medik belum maksimal.Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pada tingkat individu usia, spesialisasi,pengalaman, tugas rangkap, pelatihan , kelompok iklim kerja, kepemimpinan,sarana prasarana, pengambilan keputusan, penghargaan, komunikasi, targetkinerja dan organisasi hospital bylaws dan stake holder .Rekomendasi perbaikan dengan penyempurnaan hospital bylaws corporate danmedical staff dan memperbaiki sistem di Komite Medik.Kata kunci :Komite Medik, PMK No.755 tahun 2011, Hospital Bylaws, Medical Staff Bylaws
ABSTRACTName Achmad Zuhro Ma rsquo rufStudy Program Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitTitle Analysis of The Implementation of Medical Committee Functions in RSUD dr.Kanujoso Djatiwibowo, Balikpapan Period 2014 2016The aim of this study is to explore the factors that affect the implementation of thefunctions of the Hospital Medical Committee in dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo GeneralHospital, Balikpapan, accordance with Minister of Health Regulation Number 755of 2011.The design of this study is a qualitative case study. The respondents are TheCommittee rsquo s members for the period 2014 2018 and the stake holder of thehospital.The result shows that the implementation of Hopital Medical Committee rsquo sfunctions are not maximal yet. The influencing factors are at the individual level age, specialization, experience, double task, training , group level work climate,leadership, infrastructure, decision making, awards, communication, performance and organization level hospital bylaws and stakeholders .Recommendations are improving hospital bylaws corporate and medical staff andimproving systems in the Medical Committee.Kata kunci Medical Committee, PMK No.755 tahun 2011, medical staf bylaws"