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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: Raven Pressc , 1984
616.994 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soerachmad S.
Abstrak :
Radioactive Iodine-131 therapy is one of the modalities of hyperthyroidism treatment. This kind of therapy has been practiced for about 50 years and have been noted to be effective, safe, and relatively economical. Beta radiation of Iodine-131 causes the ablation of thyroid follicle cells, thus stopping excessive production of thyroid hormone. Thyroid ablation shows its effect progressively and can be clinically observed after 8 to 12 weeks.12 The effect can be accelerated or slowed down by administering higher or lower doses. A precaution regarding predicted side effects of radiation, such as possible carcinogenesis, leukemogenesis, and impacts on genes and fertility have not been proven.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davy Ariany
Abstrak :
Ruang lingkup dan Cara penelitian : Untuk melakukan penelitian eksperimental in vivo mengenai pengaruh serbuk Brucea javanica (SBJ) secara topikal pada proses karsinogenesis kulit mencit C3H akibat pemberian topikal DMBA digunakan 8 kelompok yang terdiri atas 4 kelompok kontrol (A, B, C, D) dan 4 kelompok uji (E, F, G, H). Kelompok E diberikan DMBA. Sedangkan yang lain diberikan SBJ dengan dosis 10 mg, 20 mg dan 40 mg selama 4 minggu lalu pemberian SBJ diikuti dengan pemberian DMBA selama 12 minggu. Kemudian dilihat pengaruh SBJ dengan mengamati jumlah mencit bertumor, jumlah tumor per mencit dan volume tumor. Disamping itu dibuat sediaan histopatologik dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin. Hasil dan kesimpulan : Jumlah mencit bertumor, jumlah tumor per mencit dan volume tumor kelompok E menunjukkan angka yang lebih kecil dari kelompok F, G dan H. Analisis varian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,003 dan p=0,000) antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok uji dalam hal jumlah tumor per mencit dan volume tumor. Hasil pada kelompok F, G dan H tidak tergantung pada besaran dosis SBJ. Secara makroskopik, pada kelompok E, F, G dan H tampak tumor dan bercak kehitaman dengan jumlah dan ukuran bervariasi. Secara mikroskopik, pada kelompok A, C dan D tidak tampak kelainan. Pada kelompok B tampak atrofi ringan pada beberapa tempat. Pada kelompok E, F, G dan H tampak hiperkeratosis, atrofi dan fibrosis disertai gambaran papiloma, keratoakantoma, karsinoma sel skuamosa dan peningkatan pigrnen melanin dermis. Dengan demikian pada penelitian ini, pemberian SBJ secara topikal pada dosis 10 mg, 20 mg dan 40 mg memberikan pengaruh aditif terhadap kerja DMBA dan tidak tergantung pada besaran dosis SBJ dalam proses karsinogenesis kulit mencit C3H akibat pemberian topikal DMBA selama 12 minggu. Di samping itu terjadi peningkatan pigmen melanin di dermis secara berkelompok maupun tersebar tidak teratur.
Scope and method of research : In vivo experimental about effect of topical application of Brucea javanica powder on skin carcinogenesis process by topical application of DMBA in C3H mice, have been made 8 groups consist of 4 control groups (A, B, C, D) and 4 test groups (E, F, G, H). Group E is exposed to DMBA only, while F, G and H were exposed to SBJ (10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg) for 4 weeks and then they were exposed to SBJ and DMBA for 12 weeks. Those groups were monitored on SBJ effect by number of mice with tumor, number of tumor on each mice and volume of tumor. Histopathological changes were examined on HE stain. Result and conclusion : Number of mice with tumor, number of tumor on each mice and volume of tumor in group E gave smaller number than F, G and H. Analysis of variance shows significant discrepancies (p=0,003 and p=0,000) between control groups and test groups in number of tumor and volume of tumor. SBJ dose did not have any effect on F, G and H. Macroscopically, in E, F, G and H tumors and black marks in various number and size were seen. Microscopically, in A, C and D no significant changes on epidermis and dermis, although in B only atrophyc changes of epidermis. In E, F, G and H, non tumor changes such as hyperkeratosis, and atrophic of epidermis and fibrosis of dermis were noted, tumors found varied from papilloma, keratoacanthoma to squamous cell carcinoma as well as deposition of melanin containing cells in dermis. In conclusion, topical application of 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg Brucea javanica powder showed additive effect of DMBA on skin carcinogenesis process in C3H mice irrespective of Brucea javanica powder dose. In addition, melanin depositions in dermis were seen.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Ruang lingkup dan cara penelitian: Proteasom adalah partikel subseluler yang berperan dalam degradasi protein intrasel. Dari kepustakaan diketahui bahwa konsentrasi proteasom serum pada penderita kanker meningkat dibandingkan individu normal. Belum diketahui apakah konsentrasi proteasom juga meningkat pada tahap prakanker. Telah dilakukan penelitian induksi karsinogenesis hati pada tikus Wistar dengan menggunakan N,2-Fluorenilasetamida (FAA) 40 lag. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati apakah terjadi perubahan konsentrasi proteasom dalam plasma dan jaringan hati pada tahap prakanker dan bagaimana efek pemberian tomat terhadap konsentrasi proteasom. Pada penelitian ini tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok : kelompok kontrol 1(KKl) yaitu kelompok tikus yang hanya diberi akuabides, kelompok kontrol 2 (KK2) yaitu kelompok tikus yang diberi Pulvis Gum Arab (PGA) + minyak kelapa, kelompok kontrol 3 (KK3) yaitu kelompok tikus yang diberi emulsi tomat, kelompok perlakuan 1 (KP1) yaitu kelompok tikus yang diinduksi FAA dan kelompok perlakuan 2 (KP2) yaitu kelompok tikus yang diberi emulsi tomat dan diinduksi FAA. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengambil plasma dan jaringan hati setelah perlakuan selama 4 minggu dan 8 minggu. Dilakukan pengukuran konsentrasi proteasom dan pemeriksaan histopatologis jaringan hati untuk menilai derajat kerusakan hati. Pengukuran konsentrasi proteasom dilakukan dengan ELISA. Analisis hasil dilakukan dengan uji statistik Anava 1 arah, kecuali untuk konsentrasi proteasom plasma 4 minggu digunakan uji non parametrik Kruskal Wallis dengan batas kemaknaan p <0,05. Hasil dan kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi proteasom plasma KP1 berbeda bermakna (p<0,05) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dan KP2 setelah 8 minggu, sedangkan konsentrasi proteasom jaringan hati KP1 telah berbeda bermakna (p<0,05) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dan KP2 sejak perlakuan 4 minggu. Pengamatan secara histopatologis menunjukkan adanya perubahan pada tahap prakanker pada perlakuan 8 minggu pada KP1 dan tidak pada kelompok yang lain. Dengan demikian hasil pengamatan konsentrasi proteasom pada tikus menunjukkan, bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi proteasom plasma terjadi pada tahap prakanker sementara peningkatan konsentrasi proteasom hati terjadi lebih dahulu daripada plasma dan kelainan histopatologisnya. Dari penelitian ini ternyata tomat memiliki efek protektif terhadap terjadinya karsinogenesis hati.
Proteasome is subcellular particle, which have role in degradation of intracellular protein. It is known that concentration of proteasome in serum cancer patients is higher than normal subject, but whether proteasome concentration increased at precancer is still unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the alteration of proteasome concentration during hepatocarcinogenesis induced by N, 2-Fluorenilacetamide (FAA) and protective effect of tomato. This research use rats that divided randomly into 5 groups: control group I (KKI), which only received bidistilled water, control group 2 (KK2), received Pulvis Gummi Arabic (PGA) + palm oil, control group 3 (KK3), received tomato emulsion, group of treatment I (KPI), which induced by FAA and group of treatment 2 (KP 2), induced by FAA and received tomato emulsion. The rats were sacrificed in the forth and eights week after treatment. Some parts of the liver were taken for histological examination and the rest were homogenized. Concentration of proteasome was determined from liver homogenats and plasma by ELISA method. This study showed that proteasome concentration in plasma KP 1 is significantly increase compared to all control groups and KP 2 after 8 weeks, while concentration of proteasome in liver KP 1 significantly increase compared to all control groups and KP 2 after 4 weeks. Histological examinations showed signs of precancer only at KP 1 after 8 weeks treatment and not in other groups. This study suggested that proteasome concentration of rats? plasma were increased in precancer; elevation of liver proteasome were detected before alteration of liver cell occurred; and tomato emulsion has protective effect in liver carcinogenesis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Chandra Putra
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Faktor transkripsi Hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1 merupakanpengatur utama hipoksia, termasuk menyebabkan penekanan sistem perbaikan deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA), sehingga menghasilkan instabilitas genetik pada sel kanker. Varian genetik HIF-1α C1772T (P582S) dan G1790A (A588T) dipercaya mempunyai aktivitas transkripsi yang lebih tinggi.Peranan polimorfisme HIF-1α ini sudah diteliti pada beberapa jenis kanker seperti kanker ginjal, payudara, ovarium, tetapi belum ada penelitian pada kanker paru. Metode: Polimorfisme HIF-1α diperiksa dengan menggunakan direct sequencing dengan total sampel 83 pasien kanker paru (42 adenokarsinoma, 30 skuamous sel karsinoma, empat adenoskuamous sel karsinoma dan tujuh kanker paru karsinoma sel kecil (KPKSK) dan 110 subjek sehat sebagai kontrol. Hubungan polimorfisme HIF-1α dengan kelainan genetik/epigentik loss of heterozygot (LOH) TP53, LOH 1p34, LOH retinoblastoma-1 (RB1), inaktivasi p16 dan kelainan epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kemudian diperiksa. Hasil: Frekuensi polimorfisme HIF-1α pada kanker paru dan kontrol telah sesuai dengan keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg. Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan perbedaan frekuensi genotipe C1772T atau G1790A antara kanker paru dengan kontrol sehat. Tetapi, frekuensi varian HIF1A C1772T ditemukan tinggi bermakna di pasien kanker paru dengan LOH TP53 (p=0,015). Pada pasien adenokarsinoma, individu dengan varian alel memiliki frekuensi tinggi LOH TP53 (p=0,047), LOH 1p34 (p=0,009) atau keduanya (LOH TP53 dan LOH 1p34) (p=0,008). Aktivitas transkripsi juga diperiksa secara in vitro dan ditemukan HIF1A varian pada sel kanker paru A549 mempunyai aktivitas yang meningkat secara bermakna dibanding wild type HI1F1A baik di kondisi normoksia atau hipoksia, terutama P582A di sel dengan mutan p53 (p< 0,0005 dan p< 0,005). Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini mengindikasikan polimorfisme gen HIF-1α mempunyai peranan penting dalam karsinogenesis paru terutama pada adenokarsinoma, diduga melalui peningkatan instabilitas genetik. ...... Background and objective: The transcription factor, hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), is a master regulator of hypoxia, including repression of DNA repair systems, resulting in genomic instability in cancer cells. The roles of the polymorphic HIF-1a variants, C1772T (P582S) and G1790A (A588T), which are known to enhance transcriptional activity, were evaluated in lung cancers. Methods: HIF-1a polymorphisms were assessed by direct sequencing in a total of 83 lung cancer patients (42 adenocarcinomas, 30 squamous cell, four adenosquamous cell and seven small cell lung carcinomas) and in 110 healthy control subjects. The relationship between these polymorphisms and the frequently observed genetic and/or epigenetic aberrations, TP53 loss of heterozygosity (LOH), 1p34 LOH, retinoblastoma-1 (RB1) LOH, p16 inactivation and epidermal growth factor receptor aberrations, was then assessed. Results: There were no significant differences in genotype frequencies for either C1772T or G1790A between lung cancer patients and healthy controls. However, the frequency of the HIF1A C1772T variant allele was significantly higher in lung cancer patients with TP53 LOH (P = 0.015). Among adenocarcinoma patients, individuals with variant alleles of either polymorphism showed significantly higher frequencies of TP53 LOH (P = 0.047), 1p34 LOH (P = 0.009), or either of these (P = 0.008) in the tumours. The in vitro transcriptional activity of these HIF1A variants in A549 lung cancer cells was significantly greater than that of the wild type under either normoxic or hypoxic conditions, especially for P582S in cells containing mutant p53 (P < 0.0005 and P < 0.005, respectively). Conclusions: These findings indicate that functional polymorphisms in the HIF-1a gene may have an important impact on lung carcinogenesis, especially in adenocarcinomas, possibly by increasing genomic instability.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Wulan Rahmawati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menguji efek penghambatan karsinogenesis sari buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) merek X dengan DMBA sebagai penginduksi tumor paru-paru. 110 tikus betina galur Sprague-Dawley dibagi secara acak dalam enam kelompok. Kelompok I, kontrol negatif, diberikan minyak wijen 1 ml; kelompok II, kontrol positif, diberikan dosis tunggal 7,12- dimetilbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) (15 mg) dalam minyak wijen secara per oral, dan selanjutnya kedua kelompok hanya diberikan aquades. Kelompok III, kelompok preventif, diberikan bahan uji dosis 0,43 ml/200 g bb per hari dimulai dua minggu sebelum diinduksi dengan DMBA hingga akhir masa percobaan. Kelompok IV, V, dan VI, kelompok kuratif, diinduksi dengan DMBA dan diberikan bahan uji dengan variasi dosis berturut-turut, 0,21 ml/200 g bb, 0,43 ml/200 g bb, dan 0,86 ml/200 g bb per hari. Masa percobaan berlangsung selama 120 hari. Pengamatan penghambatan karsinogenesis paru-paru dilakukan dengan mengamati histologi paru-paru hewan uji. Pemberian sari buah merah merek X dosis 0,21 ml/200 g bb memperlihatkan penghambatan karsinogenesis paru-paru yang lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok dosis lainnya.
This study examined the carcinogenesis inhibition effect of buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) extract brand X on DMBA-induced rat lungs tumor. One hundred and ten female Sprague-Dawley rats randomly divided into 6 groups. Group I, negative control, received 1 ml sesame oil; group II, positive control, were given a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) (15 mg) in 1 ml sesame oil by oral intubation, and both groups were received aquadest during the experiment period. Group III, preventive group, received 0.43 ml/200 g bw sample daily beginning two weeks before induced by DMBA until the experiment was terminated. Group IV, V, and VI, curative groups, were induced by DMBA and received 0.21 ml/200 g bw, 0.43 ml/200 g bw, and 0.86 ml/200 g bw sample daily, respectively. The experiment was terminated at day 120. The experiment of carcinogenesis inhibition was observed by lungs histology of tested animal. The result showed that buah merah extract brand X at 0.21 ml/200 g bw improved lungs carcinogenesis inhibition rather than others dose.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
George G. Chen, editor
Abstrak :
Our recent understanding of the cellular and molecular defects and the regulation of the apoptotic signalling pathways has resulted in rationally designed anticancer strategies and the development of novel agents that regulates apoptosis. A comprehensive review of all apoptotic-related anticancer therapies is not the purpose of this book. However, in the volume of this book with 11 chapters, we have described a number of novel apoptotic regulators that have shown promising value and also great feasibility for cancer treatment. These novel agents either occur naturally or are chemically synthes.
Dordrecht: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ani Retno Prijanti
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Ruang lingkup dan cara penelitian: Telah dilakukan penelitian induksi kanker hati tikus dengan aflatoksin B1. Penelitian ini ingin melihat apakah asam sialat meningkat lebih dini dari AFP pada induksi kanker hati tersebut. 50 ekor tikus perlakuan diinduksi dengan intubasi lambung 42 x 20 ug aflatoksin B1 Sebagai kontrol, 50 ekor tikus diintubasi dengan sejumlah sama akuades. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengambil plasma dan jaringan hati setiap bulan selama 10 bulan pemeliharaan. Pada contoh uji dilakukan pengukuran kadar asam sialat, deteksi AFP plasma dan pengamatan histopatologis jaringan hati. Pengukuran kadar asam sialat dilakukan dengan cara spektrofotometri, sedangkan deteksi AFP dengan cara ELISA. Pengukuran AFP dengan teknik ELISA memerlukan antigen AFP dan antibodi anti AFP tikus, yang ternyata tidak tersedia dipasaran. Antibodi anti AFP dibuat dengan imunisasi kelinci menggunakan protein amnion. Setelah imunisasi ke 3 titer antibodi sebesar 1280, setelah imunisasi ke 5 sebesar 2560. Purifikasi antibodi dilakukan dengan kolom imunoafinitas AminoLink. Purifikasi AFP dari amnion dilakukan dengan kolom afinitas Cibacron Blue. Uji statistik yang dipakai untuk analisis hasil adalah analisis Marian dua arah, dengan batas kemaknaan p<0,05. Hasil dan kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar asam sialat plasma kelompok tikus perlakuan berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol sejak bulan pertama (p<0,05). Deteksi AFP menunjukkan peningkatan AFP pada kelompok tikus perlakuan dan tidak pada kelompok tikus kontrol sejak bulan pertama (p<0,05). Pengamatan histopatologis menunjukkan adanya perubahan yang dapat menuju kearah keganasan. Dengan demikian hasil pengamatan petanda tumor pada tikus yang diinduksi kanker hati menunjukkan bahwa baik kadar AFP maupun asam sialat meningkat pada waktu dini, satu bulan setelah induksi dengan aflatoksin B1 .
ABSTRACT Determination of The Earliness of Rat Plasma α-Fetoprotein (AFP) and Sialic Acid Levels as Tumor Markers in the Process of Liver Carcinogenesis Induction By Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) Scope and method of study: An experimental study of aflatoxin B1 induced liver carcinogenesis has been done. The aim oh this study was to prove the increase of plasma sialic acid level is earlier than the AFP level in liver carcinogenesis. Fifty rats that were treated with daily intubations of 20 gg for a period of 42 days. Fifty control rats were intubated with equal volumes of aquadest. Observation of the plasma and liver tissues were done every month, including measurement of plasma AFP, sialic acid level, and histopatology of the liver tissue. Sialic acid level was done by spectrophotometric technique, and ELISA technique was used for the detection of plasma AFP. The ELISA technique for rat AFP needs rat AFP antigen and antibody anti rat AFP which were not available from chemical suppliers. The antibody anti rat AFP was developed by immunization of rabbits with rat amniotic protein. After the 3rd immunization, rabbit antibody anti rat amniotic titter was 1280, and after the 5th immunization 2560. Antibody purification was done by immunoaffinity chromatography column (AminoLink). Purification of the rat AFP from amniotic fluid was done by affinity chromatography column (Cibacron Blue). The result were analyzed by Analysis of varians, with p<0,05. Results and conclusions: The results showed that the plasma sialic acid level of rats treated with aflatoxin B1 were significantly different from that of the control rats, p<0,05. Besides, plasma AFP was detected in the treated rats, but not in the control rats, from the first month. The histopathologic observation of the treated rat livers showed that there were changes that could lead to neoplastic livers. Both plasma and sialic acid levels were seen early, starting from the first month after induction of carcinogen by aflatoxin B1.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The human foetus is separated from the maternal blood by the syncytiotrophoblast induced by endogeneous human retrovirus-encoded proteins. This barrier is a highly developed one, which suppors apical-basolateral transport of maternal idiotype and anti-idiotype IgG, IgG-virus complexes. The selective maternal-fetal transport of epitope- and paratope-bearing entities can influence the developping fetal immune system during pregnancy. The bidirectional maternal-fetal transfer of cells are of even more importance during pregnancy. Maternal cells with latent viruses transport viruses without impairment of fetal development. Cells with premaligant and malignant genetic transformation are also transported to the fetus. Fetal and neonatal tumours are initiated by such cells in spite of the antitumour potential of fetal organism. On the contary, the fetal cells repair maternal tissue injouries and survive in the organisms of the recipients for decades. These possess new consequences for the neonatal immunity and organ transplatation surgery.
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Arif Khan, editor
Abstrak :
This book will interest specialists dealing with cancer associated infectious complications, researchers working in the field of cancer biology, teachers and scientists in the field of microbiology, biotechnology, medicine and oncology. The unique coverage of bacteriology and cancer association in both positive and negative way can usher into development of novel thrust area for microbiology students and experts.
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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