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M. M. Trinabasilih Harsiki
"Kekurangan Energi dan Protein (KEP) masih merupakan salah satu masalah gizi utama pada balita di Indonesia. KEP ini meningkat dimasa krisis ekonomi terutama pada keluarga miskin pedesaan maupun perkotaan.
Anak umur di bawah tiga tahun (anak batita) merupakan masa yang sangat menentukan hari depan anak. KEP mengakibatkan gangguan pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan mental, sehingga perlu perhatian khusus. Pemberian makanan (feeding) dan perawatan anak (caring) yang benar untuk mencapai keadaan gizi yang baik melalui pola asuh yang dilakukan ibu kepada anaknya akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Prevalensi KEP berat di Sumatera Barat masih cukup tinggi (8,0 %), diduga pola pengasuhan anak yang buruk berperan terhadap terjadinya KEP . Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran bagaimana hubungan pola asuh anak dan faktor lain dengan keadaan anak batita keluarga miskin di pedesaan dan perkotaan Propinsi Sumatera Barat.
Disain penelitian adalah crossectional study. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive dengan prevalensi gizi kurang tertinggi di pedesaan dan perkotaan Propinsi Sumatera Barat yaitu Kecamatan Lubuk Alung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman dan Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota Padang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 210 anak. Unit sampel adalah keluarga miskin yang mempunyai anak batita berumur 12-35 bulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan KEP di pedesaan 47,6 % dan perkotaan 48,6 %, sedangkan pola asuh yang kurang di pedesaan 55,2 % dan perkotaan 44,8 %, status kesehatan yang kurang di pedesaan 58,1 % dan perkotaan 41,0 %, konsumsi energi yang kurang di pedesaan 88,6 % dan perkotaan 75,2 %, konsumsi protein yang kurang di pedesaan 87,6 % dan perkotaan 60,0 %. Berdasarkan analisis perbedaan daerah pedesaan dan perkotaan ternyata pola asuh anak dan keadaan gizi tidak berbeda secara bermakna (p0,05).
Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pola asuh anak, konsumsi energi dan protein dengan keadaan gizi anak batita (p<0,05). Pola asuh anak dan konsumsi protein secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi terjadinya KEP pada anak batita. Konsumsi protein anak batita merupakan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi terjadinya KEP pada anak batita Pola asuh anak yang kurang disebabkan karena pengetahuan dan pendidikan yang kurang, untuk itu disarankan perlunya peningkatan pemberdayaan peran ibu dan peran keluarga di dalam keluarganya sendiri rnaupun di masyarakat dalarn meningkatkan keadaan gizi anak batita, selanjutnya karena KEP yang masih tinggi di Propinsi Sumatera Barat maka perlu memberikan makanan tambahan secara berkelanjutan pada anak batita, melalui dukungan pemerintah daerah seternpat, LSM, organisasi wanita, dunia usaha, lintas sektoral dan perantau Minang yang ada di kota-kota besar dalam usaha bersarna menanggulangi masalah KEP pada anak batita di Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Perlu penelitian dalam skala besar, mengingat penelitian hanya pada keluarga miskin.

Relationship Between the caring Pattern of the Children and Other Factors with the Nutrient Condition of the Children under Three Years in the Poor Families in Villages and Urban Areas in the Province of West SumatraEnergy and Protein Malnutrition (PEM) is still a major nutrient problem in the children under five in Indonesia. PEM was increasing during the period of economic crisis, especially in the poor families in the villages and urban areas.
Children under three years are passing the most determinative period for their future. Energy and Protein Malnutrition results in the hindrances of their physical and mental development; thus requiring special attention, proper feeding and caring given by the mothers will influence the development and the growth of the children, in reaching good nutrient status for them. Meanwhile the prevalence of serious Energy and Protein Malnutrition in West Sumatra is still relatively high (8, 0 %). It is assumed that the occurrence of PEM in West Sumatra is because of poor caring pattern by the mothers. Therefore, this research is focused on the attention to the effort for getting the description on how is the relationship between the caring pattern and other factors with the nutrient condition of children under three years in the poor families in villages and urban areas at the Province of West Sumatra.
The design of the research is cross-sectional study. The choice of research location is done with purposive way with the highest prevalence of nutrient deficiency in the villages and urban areas in the Province of West Sumatra, that is, Sub district of Lubuk Alung, the Regency of Padang Pariaman, and Sub district of Koto Tangah Padang City. The sampling was done in random sampling with the samples of 210 children. Samples units are poor families having children under three years of about 12-35 months age.
Research findings show that the Energy and Protein Malnutrition in the villages is 47,6 % and in urban areas is 48,6 %, meanwhile the insufficient caring pattern in the villages is 55,2 % and in urban area is 44,8 %. The insufficient health status in the village is 58,1 % and in urban area is 41,0 %, insufficient energy consumption in the villages is 88,6 % and in urban area is 75,2 %, and insufficient protein consumption in the villages is 87,6% and in urban area is 60,0%. Based on the analysis of sub district divergence, it was found that the caring pattern and the nutrient status is not significantly (p>0, 05).
There is a significant relationship between the caring pattern, energy and protein consumption with the nutrient status of the children under three years, that is, (p<0, 05). Children caring pattern and protein consumption together influence of Energy and Protein Malnutrition in the children less than three year?s ages. Protein consumption in the children under three years is the most dominant factor influencing of Energy and Protein Malnutrition in the children under three years.
The influences of caring pattern because are knowledge and education, therefore it is necessary to develop the family and the roles of mother the children under three years.
Based on this research finding, it is suggested to give PMT continuously to. in the society in improving the nutrient status of the children under three years, through the support of local government, non-governmental organizations, women organizations, business, cross-sectored institutions and the son of Minang who live in the big cities to together overcome the problem of PEM in the children under three in the Province of West Sumatra. It is suggested to conduct a larger research, considering that this research is only on the poor families.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
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