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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lubis, Reni Agustina
Abstrak :
The application of fish recombinant growth hormone (rGH) has been known as one of the methods to improve the growth performance of cultured fishes, one of which is the striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, a species that is becoming commercially attractive in Indonesia. Hence, this study was aimed to evaluate the effects of rGH supplementation in commercial diet on the growth, feed utilization and flesh quality in P. hypophthalmus grow out. The rGH was mixed with chicken egg yolk and sprayed on the commercial feeds with different protein levels (32, 28 and 23%). In the control, the feeds were also sprayed with chicken egg yolk but without rGH. Striped catfish with body weights of 110.66 ± 1.32 g ind-1 were fed on rGH-supplemented diets two times a week during the first and third months, and during the rest of the months they were fed on diet without rGH supplementation. The fishes were reared for 120 days in 18 hapa (2×1×1.5 m3) with initial density of 20 fishes per hapa. The result showed that the highest weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), and lowest feed conversion ratio (FCR) were obtained by fishes fed on 32% protein content with rGH-supplemented diet. No significant difference was observed in the weight gain, SGR and FCR in rGH treated group with 28% protein content with rGH supplemented diet and non-rGH control group receiving 32% protein diet. Similar moisture content of meat, protein content of meat, belly fat and edible portion were observed in rGH-supplemented diet and their control. Except in the treatment 23% protein content rGH supplemented diet that has lower lipid content in fish body and meat. The highest SGR was obtained when the fishes were fed on the 32% protein feed combined with rGH. Enrichment with rGH depleted the fat content in the meat of fish fed on all levels of protein in which the lowest fat was found in the 23% protein feed
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2019
634.6 BIO 26:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wartono Hadie
Abstrak :
Studi tentang variasi genetik dan truss morphometric telah dilakukan pada dua populasi ikan lele di Sungai Musi dan Bengawan Solo dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekerabatan antara keduanya. Populasi yang diamati adalah lele lokal (Clarias batrachus) untuk kedua habitat dan lete keli (Clarias meladerma) di Sungai Musi sebagai pembanding. Sampel ikan lele diambil dari masing-masing habitat sebanyak 100 individul populasi untuk pengukuran truss. Pengukuran morfometrik dilakukan dengan ukuran komersial konvensional yakni panjang total (PT), panjang standar (PS), panjang badan (PB), dan panjang kepala (PK), serta rasio termakan (edible portion). Pengukuran secara truss morfometrik dilakukan dengan mernbagi menjadi 4 truss cell dan 6 titik homologus (dengan 21 variabel truss). Analisis elektroforesis protein (protein electrophoresis) dilakukan pada 12 enzim dari 40 individu masing-masing populasi. Jaringan yang dianalisis berasal dari hati dan otot daging bagian dorso ventral di belakang insang sebelah kid. Waktu yang digunakan untuk proses elektroforesis adalah 4 jam pada kekuatan 80 mA. Dengan menggunakan 21 variabel truss (P < 0,05) populasi Clarias batrachus di S. Musi dengan Clarias meladerma mempunyai kemiripan yang lebih tinggi dan terpisah dengan populasi C. batrachus dari B. Solo. Demikian pula dengan ukuran komersial konvensional yakni PK dan edible portion. Pengetahuan ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan mutu genetik terutama untuk budidaya. Dad 12 enzim yang dianalisis diperoleh 16 lokus dan 4 (25%) diantaranya heterozigot. Heterozigositas pada tingkat populasi (H) adalah 0,029 (populasi Bengawan Solo), 0,063 (populasi Sungai Musi), dan 0,167 untuk Clarias meladenna dari Sungai Musi. Jarak genetik C. batrachus dari S. Musi lebih dekat kepada populasi Bengawan Solo daripada populasi C. meladerma yang juga berasal dari Sungai Musi. ...... Clarias batrachus, or Catfish, is a popular fish, especially in java, where they serve as a natural food resources in most villages. Catfish comprises several species included in 30 families found world wide, with 7 families widely distributed throughout Asia, including Indonesia. At least four species are known in Indonesia, each having a different local name. Nevertheless, information concerning the genetic variation/diversity and phenotype of C. batrachus in Indonesia is not yet available. The aim of these study is to established the relationship between morphometric and enzymatic haracters of C. batrachus from different geographic distribution, namely from the Musi river in Sumatra and Bengawan Solo river in Java. The results obtained from these studies will serve as a basic information for further research and development of this species. The studies were conducted on two different populations of C. batrachus in the Musi and Bengawan Solo river, and a population of C. meladerma of Musi. The truss morphometric study was conducted on 100 fish from each species collected by fishing and trapping. The fish was divided into 6 truss length and 4 truss cells. Fourty fish were then frozen at -24°C for analysis of enzymes polymorphisms. Genetic variation based on enzyme polymorphisms and multivariate analysis of truss morphometric characters suggest that catfish populations from Bengawan Solo and Musi river do not form panmictic population. Electrophoretic analysis of 12 enzymes using aqueous muscle and liver tissues revealed the product of 16 loci. Genetic variation among these enzymes in this species was observed in 4 loci (Mdh, Pgm, Gpi, and Me) at 25% of the total number of loci. Avarage heterozygosities for C. batrachus was 0.029 (Bengawan Solo) and 0.063 (Musi river), while avarage heterozygosity of C. meladerma (Musi river) was 0.167. Truss morphometric measurement have successfully shown to be a good technique for distinguishing catfish originated from different geographic areas. Most of the significant variation in morphological shapes of catfish population were found in the anterior (head) rather than the posterior part of the body. The information obtained from these studies may be used in aquaculture for strain improvement through selection and testing.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novy Sartika Putri Sari Dewi
Abstrak :
Berkembangnya internet turut mempermudah penggunanya untuk mencari pasangannya. Namun, tanpa disadari hal ini membawa resiko tersendiri, salah satu resikonya adalah catfish yang merupakan salah satu bentuk dari false identity. Berangkat dari hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penetrasi sosial yang terjadi pada hubungan dengan false identity. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivist dan metode studi kasus. Melalui wawancara dan observasi ditemukan bahwa pada online dating terjadi tahap pre-orientasi sebagai tahapan awal persiapan proses penetrasi sosial, dimana dalam hal ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh motivasi pengguna pada saat melakukan online dating. Motivasi disini melandasi setiap tindakan pengguna dalam tiap proses penetrasi sosial. Hubungan dengan penggunaan false identity di dalamnya akan mengalami deterioration yang berujung pada interpersonal separation karena kegagalan face-to-face meeting. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa penting untuk memiliki kemampuan literasi digital supaya dapat terhindar dari tindakan penipuan di online media. ......The development of internet has made it easier for users to find a partner. However, without realizing it, this carries its own risks, one of the risks is that catfish is a form of false identity. It aims to determine the process of social penetration that occurs in the relationship with false identity. This study uses post-positivist paradigm and case study method. Through interviews and observations, it was found that in online dating, there is pre-orientation stage as the initial stage of preparation for social penetration process, which strongly influenced by user motivation when doing online dating. Motivation here, underlies in every user action in each social penetration process. The relationship which uses false identity will experience deterioration which leads to interpersonal separation due to the failure of face-to-face meetings. In addition, it was found that it is important to have digital literacy to avoid fraud in online media.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haraharp, Fitrah Humala
Abstrak :
Koagulasi adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menggumpalkan daging. Agen koagulan yang digunakan adalah enzim papain, transglutaminase dan rennin. Enzim papain tergolong protease sulhidril. Pada penggumpalan daging apabila dikenakan enzim papain maka terjadi reaksi pemutusan ikatan peptide sehingga protein terpotong-potong membentuk rantai yang lebih pendek. Komposisi penambahan agen koagulan yang dilakukan adalah 6 ml untuk setiap 100 gram daging ikan lele gerusan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui nilai-nilai untuk koagulasi menggunakan agen enzim papain, enzim transglutainase dan enzim rennin secara berurutan adalah kadar protein (16,01%; 16,03%; 17,21%), kadar air (72,44%; 70.98%, 72,5%), kadar serat kasar (0,4%; 0,56%; 0,29%) kadar lemak (7,88%; 7,75%; 8,85%), kadar karbohidrat (0,68%; 1,61%; 0,32%). Kemudian diketahui bahwa enzim transglutaminase paling baik dalam peran sebagai agen koagulan dibanding enzim lainnya. Diketahui transglutaminase memiliki kinerja lebih baik dalam menggumpalkan daging ikan lele, meskipun dikonsikan pada suhu 800C.
Coagulation is the method used to agglomerate meat. Coagulant agents used are papain, transglutaminase and rennin enzymes. Papain enzymes are classified as protease sulhydryl. In agglomeration of flesh when it is enriched papain enzyme then the peptide bond termination reaction occurs so that the protein is cut into shorter chains. The composition of the addition of coagulant agent is 6 ml for every 100 grams of scalloped catfish meat. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the values ​​for coagulation using papain enzyme agent, transglutainase enzyme and rennin enzyme are protein content (16,01%; 16,03%; 17,21%), moisture content (72,44%; 70.98%, 72.5%), crude fiber content (0.4%, 0.56%, 0.29%) fat content (7.88%, 7.75%, 8.85%), carbohydrate 0.68%; 1.61%; 0.32%). Then it is known that transglutaminase enzyme is best in the role of coagulant agent than any other enzyme. Known transglutaminase has better performance in catfish flesh, although dikonsikan at a temperature of 800C.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Gelatin kulit ikan patin Siam (Pangasius hypophthalmus) telah dihasilkan oleh Balai Besar Riset Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keamanan produk, telah dilakukan uji toksisitas subkronik dari gelatin kulit ikan patin Siam secara in vivo terhadap hewan uji mencit (Mus musculus). Sebanyak 72 mencit jantan dengan berat 20-30 9 dibagi dalam 4 kelompok dan diberi perlakuan pakan gelatin secara oral dengan menggunakan sonde. Dosis yang diberikan adalah 0 (kontrol negatif); 1,5; 3; dan 6persen atau setara dengan 0, 12, 24, dan 48 mg/g bb mencit. Pemberian bahan uji dilakukan setiap hari selama 4 minggu yang dilanjutkan dengan masa pemulihan (recovery) selama 2 minggu. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kondisi serum darah, yaitu Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (GOT), Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (GPT), kreatinin, albumin, dan Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) serta tingkat kerusakan organ target (hati, ginjal, dan lambung). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian gelatin pada dosis 48 mg/g bb mencit berpengaruh pada kadar GOT setelah minggu ke-2 perlakuan. Selain itu tidak terdapat pengaruh pemberian gelatin terhadap kerusakan organ target dari kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol negatif.
620 JPBK 6:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amila Tikyayala
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Luka bakar masih menjadi masalah kesehatan yang berat khususnya di Indonesia. Pada kasus luka bakar mayor, penutupan luka sementara dengan menggunakan xenograft terbukti memberikan keuntungan. Akan tetapi tidak semua jenis xenograft tersedia akibat latar belakang kultur, biaya, dan agama disamping tampilan bersisik pada jenis xenograft ikan tilapia yang kurang estetik. Patin siam (Pangasius hypophthalmus) adalah ikan tidak bersisik yang memiliki banyak kandungan kolagen tipe I. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan komparasi kulit ikan patin siam terhadap kulit ikan tilapia dan babi yang telah umum dijadikan material xenograft pada luka bakar. Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi eksperimental menggunakan sembilan sampel berbeda dari kulit ikan patin siam, ikan tilapia, dan babi. Setiap sampel dilakukan preparasi dan dilakukan evaluasi secara histologi dengan menggunakan pewarnaan hematoxylin-eosin stained. Dilakukan dokumentasi dan analisa pada tampilan makroskopik dan mikroskopik setiap sampel. Hasil: Tampilan makroskopik kulit ikan patin siam menggambarkan kulit yang tidak berbulu, tidak bersisik, berwarna hitam – perak, dan memiliki ketebalan yang moderat. Tampilan mikroskopik kulit ikan patin siam memiliki ketebalan epidermis (8.49±1.60 μm) yang berbeda secara signifikan terhadap ikan tilapia (2.18±0.37 μm; p<0.001) dan babi (42.22±14.85 μm; p=0.002). Ketebalan dermis kulit ikan patin siam (288.46±119.04 μm) menyerupai ikan tilapia (210.68±46.62 μm; p=0.783) namun berbeda signifikan terhadap babi (1708.44±505.12 μm; p<0.001). Integritas dan susunan kolagen ikan patin siam serupa dengan tilapia berdasarkan penilaian histologi semi-kuantitatif (p>0.05). Kesimpulan: Ikan patin siam memiliki tampilan makroskopik dan tampilan mikroskopik yang dapat dibandingkan dengan ikan tilapia; tampilan makroskopik lebih halus, epidermis lebih tebal, dan tebal dermis yang serupa. Oleh karena itu, kulit ikan patin siam dipercaya dapat menjadi materi xenograft. Studi lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas dan kelayakan xenograft patin siam dalam tata laksana luka bakar. ......Background: Burn injury remains a health problem, specifically in Indonesia. In major burns, xenograft had been proved to be useful as temporary wound coverage. However, some xenografts are not widely available due to cultural, financial, and religious backgrounds or have unesthetic appearance, such as scaly appearance of tilapia fish xenograft. Striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is a scaleless fish that has abundant type 1 collagen. This study aimed to compare striped catfish skin to commonly used xenograft (Nile tilapia and porcine skin) as xenograft material for burn wound. Methods: In this experimental study, nine different skin samples of striped catfishes, Nile tilapias, and porcines were prepared and histologically examined using hematoxylin- eosin stained samples. Macroscopic and microscopic features of each samples were documented and analysed. Results: The macroscopic skin appearances of striped catfishes were hairless and scaleless with black-silver color and moderate thickness. As for microscopic features, the epidermal thickness of striped catfish’s skin (8.49±1.60 μm) was significantly different to both Nile tilapia (2.18±0.37 μm; p<0.001) and porcine skin (42.22±14.85 μm; p=0.002). The dermal thickness of striped catfish’s skin (288.46±119.04 μm) was similar to Nile tilapia (210.68±46.62 μm; p=0.783) but differs significantly to porcine skin (1708.44±505.12 μm; p<0.001). The integrity and collagen organization of striped catfishes was also similar to tilapia based on semi-quantitative histology scoring system (p>0.05). Conclusion: Striped catfishes had potential macroscopic appearance and comparable microscopic features to Nile tilapia; smoother macroscopic appearance, thicker epidermis, and similar dermis thickness. Therefore, we believe it can be potentially used as a xenograft material. Further studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of striped catfish xenograft in burn wound management.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tabah Darma
Abstrak :
Kebijakan perencanaan produksi merupakan kegiatan yang berperan penting dalam keberlangsungan suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi metode goal proramming dalam rangka menentukan rencana produksi pada UMKM Abon Ikan Patin Ibu Ratu. Pada metode goal programming, model matematika dibuat berdasarkan data potensi permintaan dan harga pokok produksi. Potensi permintaan tersebut didapatkan dari hasil kuisioner tentang pola konsumsi masyarakat Kota Depok terhadap produk olahan ikan. Hasil kuisioner menunjukkan bahwa terdapat potensi permintaan produk abon ikan patin untuk ukuran kemasan 50 gram sebanyak 20 pack dan kemasan 100 gram sebanyak 31 pack. Metode perhitungan harga pokok produksi pada penelitian ini adalah metode activity-based costing. Perhitungan harga pokok produksi produk abon ikan patin ukuran kemasan 100 gram adalah Rp 27.991 dan Rp 14.624 untuk ukuran kemasan 50 gram. Dari hasil perhitungan metode goal programming menggunakan software LINGO, diperoleh rencana produksi yang disarankan kepada UMKM adalah memproduksi lima kilogram abon ikan patin dengan variasi jumlah produk pada masing-masing ukuran kemasan sebesar 20 pack untuk ukuran 50 gram dan 40 pack untuk ukuran 100 gram.
The policy of production planning is an activity that plays an important role in the sustainability of a company. This study discusses about the implementation of goal programming method in order to determine the production plan at UMKM Abon Ikan Patin Ibu Ratu. In goal programming method, a mathematical model was developed by using data of potential demand and cost of production. The potential demand is obtained from questionnaire about the consumption patterns of people in Depok to processed fish products. The results from questionnaire shows that the potential demand for shredded catfish products with the packing size 50 grams is 20 packs and 100 grams packing size is 31 packs. In this reaearch, activity based costing method is used to calculating the cost of production. The cost of shredded catfish production from packing size 100 grams is Rp 27.991 and Rp 14.624 for the 50 gram packing size . From the result of calculation goal programming method by using LINGO software, the production plan which recommended for UMKM Ibu Ratu is produce five kilogram shredded catfish product with the amount of each variation pack size is 20 pack for 50 gram and 40 pack for 100 gram.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library