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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rotterdam: Universitaire Pers Rotterdam, 1967
338.91 TOW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Landry Haryo Subianto
"The paper tries not to portray the details of these various economic co-operations in the Asia Pacific. Rather, it tries to discuss general progress and development of regional economic co-operations in East Asia, especially in Southeast Asia-as part of Asia's response to and consequences of globalization in this particular region. Further more,it also discusses possible road maps for a more coherent regional co-operation, its challenges and opportunities and in particular its implications on Japan. It is a widely believed that Japan should-and is expected to promote co-operations in Asia as a means to revive and revitalize regional economy, thus, keeping Japan as one of the most important economic dynamos of the region, and the world"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1956
630.951 NOT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Fajar Anwar
"Partisipasi pendidikan tinggi bergantung pada kecerdasan individu yang didapatkan secara alamiah atau melalui jenjang pendidikan sebelumnya. Kecerdasan individu diukur dalam hal pengetahuan literasi, numerasi, dan sains yang terukur melalui penilaian internasional misalnya PISA. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu dalam level mikro membuktikan bahwa skor PISA memengaruhi partisipasi pendidikan tinggi secara signifikan. Partisipasi pendidikan tinggi dianalisis lebih lanjut pada level makro sehubungan partisipasi pendidikan juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi individu, sosial, politik, dan ekonomi. Penggunaan regresi panel dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa negara dengan skor PISA yang tinggi tidak mempunyai angka partisipasi pendidikan tinggi yang signifikan. Angka partisipasi pendidiakn tinggi dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh angka partisipasi pendidikan menengah dan proporsi angka populasi tua. Negara anggota OECD cenderung mempunyai angka partisipasi pendidikan tinggi yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan partisipasi pendidikan tinggi, negara perlu meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pendidikan menengah, menganjurkan orang tua untuk mengalokasikan biaya untuk pendidikan tinggi generasi muda, dan mempelajari sistem pendidikan tinggi negara anggota OECD.
Tertiary education participation depends among others on individual intelligence, which can be obtained naturally or through previous education level. Individual intelligence can be measured by literacy, numeracy, and science knowledge and skills, which are assessed by an international assessment such as PISA. Previous studies at the micro-level proved that the PISA score significantly affects tertiary education participation. It is further analyzed at the macro-level as educational participation can also be affected by individual, social, political, and economic conditions. Applying panel regressions, this study shows that a country with high PISA scores does not have a significant tertiary education participation rate. However, the tertiary education participation rate of the country is significantly affected by the secondary education participation rate and the share of old populations. Countries that are a member of OECD tend to high tertiary education participation rate. Hence, to increase tertiary education participation, a country should improve the quality and quantity of its secondary education, encourage the elder to allocate financial resources for tertiary education of the younger generation, and study the tertiary education system of the OECD member countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus R. Rahman
"ASEM mengkaitkan kawasan Asia dan Eropa dalam pola hubungan terstruktur.Pola hubungan ini bersifat inter-regional sehingga tekanannya difokuskan pada organisasi regional. Organisasi regional itu adalah EU (Uni Eropa) dan ASEAN plus tiga negara Asia yang lain. Kedua organisasi ini mengalami pertambahan jumalh keanggotaan yang berdampak pada pelaksanaan ASEM tahun 2006.Dampaknya terhadap ASEM tahun 2006 yang berlangsung di kota Helsinki memperlihatkan kuatnya baik identitas regional Eropa dan identitas regional Asia . Akan tetapi identitas ini berbeda yakni posisi negara-negara EU sangat kuat dan sebaliknya posisi negara-negara ASEAN plus tiga adalah kurang kuat. Selain itu , negara-negara EU mungkin mendominasi jalannya ASEM 2006 sehingga peran Finlandia sangat menentukan agar ASEM 2006 tetap bersifat demokratis dan tidak menyerang satu partisipan tertentu."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridha Aditya Nugraha
"Civilian drones are revolutionizing the skies, ushering in several beneficial possibilities and along
with it several questions. From checking damage to a roof and aerial photography to border
patrolling and emergency response, drones are increasingly put to civil and commercial use. Such
a common use requires regulation. Technology has always grown exponentially, whereas the
law governing such technology has to contend with such growth. Developed western countries
are not the only ones grappling with reigning in these drones. The unique geographic conditions
and national interests of Indonesia, India, and Thailand, find more utility for civilian drones,
welcoming in the technology and the disruption it brings along. Each of these nations has adopted
a measure of regulation for civilian usage of drones, which is the subject of this paper; An overview
of its impact on this burgeoning phenomenon is provided, by comparing the existing legal
framework in these three countries. Further, an attempt has been made to draw out suggestions
for the Governments by highlighting factors that will require more deliberation in the process of
establishing a sound legal and regulatory environment for civilian drones. Finally, the possibility
of regional co-operation in establishing uniform standards, practices, and legal framework is
Kehadiran pesawat nirawak (drone – dalam konteks ini untuk penggunaan sipil) dengan berbagai
kemungkinan manfaat barunya, yang tentunya disertai munculnya isu-isu (hukum) terkait, telah
mengubah dunia. Penggunaannya, dimulai dari sekedar mengecek kerusakan pada loteng rumah
dan memotret lingkungan sekitar hingga untuk patroli wilayah perbatasan maupun keadaan
darurat, telah menguatkan keberadaan pesawat nirawak baik untuk penggunaan sipil maupun
komersial. Tentunya diperlukan peraturan terkini sehubungan pengaturan penggunaan pesawat
nirawak. Mengingat teknologi tersebut berkembang begitu pesat, hukum-pun harus mampu
mengimbanginya; dimana saat ini tidak hanya negara maju saja yang berupaya menyinkronkan
keberadaan pesawat nirawak kedalam hukum positifnya. Perkembangan teknologi tersebut
juga dimanfaatkan oleh Indonesia, India, dan Thailand mengingat keunikan kondisi geografis
beserta kepentingan nasionalnya. Ketiga negara tersebut telah menerapkan berbagai kebijakan
unik dalam mengadopsi peraturan mengenai pesawat nirawak, yang mana akan menjadi subjek
pembahasan artikel ini. Suatu gambaran mengenai dampak dari fenomena pesawat nirawak
akan disajikan dengan membandingkan hukum positif dari tiga negara tersebut. Kemudian,
berbagai pertimbangan dan saran mengenai perancangan peraturan pesawat nirawak yang
ditujukan kepada pemerintah ketiga negara tersebut akan turut disajikan. Pada akhirnya
wacana akan kemungkinan terbentuknya kerjasama regional, tepatnya dalam hal menciptakan
standar, praktek, maupun hukum positif yang seragam akan dieksplorasi."
Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Analysis of Quality of Service in Co-Operation Officer Local Government (KPPD) Province DKI JakartaThis Background Research is with existence of elementary and important problems that is satisfaction of member (customers) to quality of given by service is organizer of Co-Operation Officer Local Government Employees (KPPD) Province DKI Jakarta because since standing year 1979 hitherto have never been known how in fact the condition of service executed by organizer/official member of co-operation.
Target of Researcher is researching that is: First, to know and analyze how far according between level importance of service elements according to member perception to quality of given by service is Co-Operation Officer Local Government (KPPD) Province DKI Jakarta with good service assumption meanly is. Second, wish to know service attribute map and profile according to dimension of quality of service at Diagram cartesius. Method data collecting by using data and questioner analyzed by descriptive qualitative quantitative and than is quantitative.
Research population is co-operation officer serving/manifestation from service. Responder population amount to 1000 member. While intake of sample done by wearing accidental sampling technique (coincidence), where researcher incidentally come in contact with a governmental officer of DKI Jakarta province becoming member and which have got money loan service from KPPD. Consideration Intake of sample by using accidental technique is limitation of time, responder have difficult and homogeneous characteristic of identification what is a Governmental employees of DKI Jakarta have become KPPD member or not yet and have got money loan service. Amount of sample determined by at least 4 or 5 times the amount of the amount of attributes which is used in research. Because research attribute counted 22 attributes hence amount of sample become 88 people. But to anticipate sample responder data deviation determined to amount to 100 people.
To analyze this research data is used by quantitative descriptive method and know level satisfaction [of] member to quality of service [in] KPPD Province DKI Jakarta, used by Importance-Performance Analysis, John A Martin John and C. James (Supranto J, 2001:239) or Analysis Level Have interest and Performance/satisfaction of Customers. For the value of level importance of member used by Likert scale (assessment weight 1-5) in series consist of Vital Importance Is, Important, Important Enough, Insignificant and Very Insignificant while value mount performance/execution is Very Satisfied Is, Satisfied, Enough Satisfy, Dissatisfy and Very Disgruntled.
Pursuant to analysis result of research by using Importance-Performance Analyze, John A Martin John and C. James. Mount According to Importance and Satisfaction of Member with average value according to 83,5% according to its value scale is satisfying to mean the quality of KPPD Province DKI Jakarta performance or service to member/customers assessed by goodness.
There are some matter which must be paid attention by Co-Operation DKI relate to importance of member which not yet earned to be fulfilled by Co-Operation DKI that is: ability of employees in giving service, technological usage in service (computerization), service office hours, attention by personal importunate things. This matter can overcome with mounting commitment all Co-Operation DKI element to serve and fulfill importance and expectation all its member.
Finding priority scale can be made by reference to increase the quality of Co-Operation DKI service, so that importance of member earn fulfilled so that can gratify Co-Operation DK1 member customer. This Matter can be gone through by improving communications among official member of Co-Operation DKI with its member, fulfilling member rights, fulfilling and giving the understanding of to member rights and obligations. If Co-Operation DKI member lick lips to the accepted service, hence will create high member loyalty to Co-Operation DKI, which is on finally Co-Operation DKI will grow and expand, caused by ground is profiting each other between Co-Operation DKI and the members.
(xiv + 125 page + 6 Chapter + 52 tables + 15 diagram + 5 enclosure)
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 41 book + 8 journal (1997 till 2003)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library