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Abstrak :
Abstract. The spatial planning policy as included in the Local Regulation No. 6/2006 on the spatial planning of Makassar in 2005-2015 has changed from the original blueprint. The policy changing occurred on decisions or programs, but not on institutional regulations. The decisions or programs on spatial planning that were different from the original policy were visible on the licensing decisions in the Development Region I and Development Region III. The purpose of this research was to analyze the changing of the spatial planning policy that was resulted from the behavior of the advocacy coalition who competed with each other in the utilization of strategy and political resources, which was assumed to be affecting the policy output. The study results indicated that the changing of the spatial planning policy in Makassar was resulted from the competition between the major advocacy coalition and the minor advocacy coalition in influencing the policy. The Major Advocacy Coalition used the combination of strategy and political resources more in comparison to the minor advocacy coalition. The utilization of strategy from each advocacy coalitions was effective in several cases but ineffective in other cases. The difference in the effectiveness of the utilization of strategy was on the interests in each cases. In the projects that were based on public interests, the Major Coalition was more systematic in advocating the policy core beliefs, but in other projects that were based on private interests, the Major Coalition was likely to withdraw
Abstrak. Kebijakan penataan ruang daerah yang tertuang dalam peraturan daerah nomor 6 tahun 2006 tentang rencana tata ruang wilayah Kota Makassar 2005-2015 telah mengalami perubahan dari blueprint yang telah ditetapkan. Perubahan kebijakan terjadi pada ranah keputusan/program, bukan aturan kelembagaan. Keputusan/program penataan ruang yang berbeda dengan blueprint kebijakan tampak pada keputusan-keputusan pemberian perizinan di Kawasan Pengembangan I dan Pengembangan III. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan kebijakan pemanfaatan ruang yang diakibatkan oleh perilaku koalisi advokasi yang saling bersaing dalam menggunakan strategi dan sumber daya politik, yang diasumsikan mempengaruhi output kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perubahan kebijakan penataan ruang daerah di Kota Makassar terjadi akibat kompetisi koalisi advokasi mayor dan koalisi advokasi minor dalam mempengaruhi kebijakan. Koalisi Advokasi Mayor menggunakan kombinasi strategi dan sumber daya politik yang lebih banyak dibanding koalisi minor. Penggunaan strategi dari masing-masing koalisi advokasi efektif dalam beberapa kasus namun tidak efektif dalam kasuskasus yang lainnya. Perbedaan dalam efektivitas penggunaan strategi tersebut terletak pada basis kepentingan yang ada pada masing-masing kasus. Dalam proyek yang berbasis kepentingan publik, Koalisi Mayor lebih sistematis memperjuangkan policy core belief, namun dalam proyek yang berbasis kepentingan privat pihak Koalisi Mayor cenderung menarik diri.
makassar state of university, faculty of social science, 2015
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library