This study reveals the existence of urban village public facilities which are seen as common pool resources. The residents of the urban village have very close social relations between residents, especially the existence of public facilities that are owned further strengthen their social relations. Public facilities as elements of urban architecture are a necessity for every citizen of the urban village, but their provision and maintenance requires quite expensive costs. It takes the involvement of formal leaders and the assistance of informal leaders as a liaison between formal leaders and villagers to meet the needs of these public facilities. The purpose of this study was to understand and prove the influence of formal leaders and informal leaders on the planning, construction, and management of public facilities and their implications for the quality of the urban village environment. The research was conducted in Kampung Gabus Bekasi which is known as the village of champions or the village of thugs based on the experiences of residents and the media. The research method uses case studies and reputable techniques on 419 respondents from a total of 34 RTs in Kampung Gabus. ......This study proves that the existence of public facilities as well as the increase or destruction that occurs in Kampung Gabus Bekasi cannot be separated from the dynamics of social relations (morphogenesis) between formal leaders (village heads) and local informalleaders (community leaders and religious leaders). Formal leaders and informal leaders influence the existence of public facilities because they have a heyday and have room for their glory. However, because every leader, both formal and informal leaders, can sort out the actions of those who want to change/maintain the prevailing culture and structure, other agents such as the foreman who control public facilities arise.
Perairan Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu perairan Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia (WPPNRI) 573 dengan aktivitas penangkapan ikan. Nelayan sebagai aktor utama aktivitas tersebut akan terus memanfaatkan sumber daya perikanan untuk kebutuhan hidupnya. Padahal perairan merupakan common-pool resources yang dapat menimbulkan sebuah masalah akibat adanya kegiatan penangkapan ikan. Masalah tersebut dapat berujung pada eksploitasi dan degradasi lingkungan perairan. Perairan Yogyakarta umumnya dimanfaatkan oleh komunitas nelayan di Provinsi Yogyakarta dengan pemanfaatan terbesar pada komunitas nelayan di Kabupaten Bantul. Salah satu komunitas nelayan di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta yang paling besar dan maju adalah nelayan di Pantai Depok, Desa Parangtritis. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemilihan fishing grounds dan aktivitas penangkapan ikan berdasarkan jarak dari garis pantai untuk mencapai pengelolaan sumber daya perikanan yang tepat. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis keruangan dan keterkaitan hubungan yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nelayan masih sangat bergantung kepada kondisi cuaca dan perairan. Pemilihan fishing grounds hanya mencapai 10 mil dari garis pantai ketika musim berlimpah. Fishing grounds tersebut akan berubah dan cenderung mendekat ke arah garis pantai ketika memasuki musim paceklik. Pemilihan fishing grounds memiliki hubungan yang cukup erat dengan asal daerah nelayan. Nelayan pendatang dari Cilacap yang sudah terbiasa dengan aktivitas penangkapan ikan dapat memilih fishing grounds yang lebih jauh dibandingkan nelayan lokal. Untuk pola spasial penangkapan ikan, jarak fishing grounds akan mempengaruhi ukuran mesin armada. Sementara faktor penangkapan lain seperti armada (kepemilikan dan ukuran), alat tangkap, dan hasil tangkapan cenderung sama baik pada fishing grounds dekat dan jauh di Perairan Yogyakarta. Komoditas tangkapan ikan yang sama serta kondisi cuaca dan perairan diperkirakan membuat aktivitas penangkapan kurang bervariasi oleh nelayan di Pantai Depok.
Yogyakarta waters are one of the waters in Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia (WPPNRI) 573 with capture fisheries activity. Fisher is the main actor in fisheries activity who always uses the resources to their life necessities. Waters is a common-pool resource that can cause problems with capture fisheries activity. These problems could lead to exploitation and environmental degradation of waters. Generally, the fisher community who lived in the coastal area in Yogyakarta fishing in Yogyakarta waters. Bantul Regency becomes the biggest fishery production in 2018 than the other regency in Yogyakarta Province. One of the fishing communities in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta that continues to grow and the most advanced in capture fisheries is the fisher at Depok Beach, Parangtritis Village. Therefore, the research conduct to analyze the fisher spatial behavior of fishing activities based on distance from the coastline to do proper fisheries management. The analytical method used was spatial analysis and quantitative descriptive. The results showed that fisher at Depok Beach still depends on the weather and water condition. Fishing grounds can reach 10 miles from the coastline on west monsoon (good season). Those fishing grounds will change and got shorter to the coastline on east monsoon (bad season). Fishing grounds choice has a relationship with the origin of the fisher. Migrant fishers from Cilacap who familiar with fishing activities choose fishing grounds more distant than a local fisher. For the spatial pattern of fishing, the fishing grounds distance will affect the size of the boat engine. While other fishing activities like a boat (ownership and size), gears, and the amount of catch fish tend to be the same both near and far fishing grounds at Yogyakarta waters. The same commodities and weather and water conditions are thought to make fishing activities less varied by fisher on Depok Beach.