"Program pendidikan merupakan salah satu wujud dari diplomasi Soft Power Amerika yang menargetkan kelompok minoritas di negara lain untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang Amerika serta mempererat hubungan kedua negara. Community College Initiative merupakan salah satu program yang dipromosikan oleh Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat. Pengelolaan program Community College Initiative di Indonesia merupakan hasil kemitraan antara AMINEF dan PT Freeport Indonesia yang berbentuk Public Private-Partnership dengan fokus pada peserta domisili Papua dan Papua Barat.
Program Community College Initiative bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM daerah melalui enam pilarnya seperti: akademik (academic), magang (internships), layanan pembelajaran (service learning), pertukaran budaya (cultural exchange), kepemimpinan (leadership), dan perencanaan aksi (action planning). Output diplomasi soft power dari implementasi program Community College Initiative pada peserta domisili Papua dan Papua Barat, memiliki hasil beragam tergantung masing-masing individu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Soft Power Joseph Nye dan Reception Theory Stuart Hall.
Hasil temuan pada penelitian ini antara lain, pertama: terdapat kesamaan antara visi dan misi PT Freeport Indonesia dan AMINEF yang mengedepankan social investment melalui program pendidikan untuk masyarakat daerah. Kedua: adanya pergeseran perspektif, ekspektasi, serta rencana masa depan peserta domisili Papua dan Papua Barat setelah mengikuti program di Amerika Serikat. Ketiga: terdapat kesesuaian awal output peserta dengan diplomasi soft power penyelenggara melalui visi dan misi dalam bidang peningkatan bidang karir serta soft skills. Keempat: adanya strategi diplomasi soft power Amerika menggunakan instrumen program beasiswa pendidikan meliputi intervensi melalui social investment dan nation branding Amerika pada negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia.
An education program is a form of America's Soft Power diplomacy that targets minority groups in other countries to understand America and strengthen relations between the two countries. Community College Initiative is one of the programs, which is promoted by the US Department of State. The management of the Community College Initiative program in Indonesia is a result of a partnership between AMINEF and PT Freeport Indonesia in the form of a Public-Private-Partnership with a focus on participants domiciled in Papua and West Papua.
The Community College Initiative program aims to improve the quality of human resources through six pillars, such as academic, internships, service learning, cultural exchange, leadership, and action planning. The output of soft power diplomacy from the Community College Initiative program's implementation for participants domiciled in Papua and West Papua has various results depending on each individual. This study uses Joseph Nye's Soft Power theory and Stuart Hall's Reception Theory.
The findings of this research include, first: there is a similarity between the vision and mission of PT Freeport Indonesia and AMINEF, which prioritizes social investment through education programs for local communities. Second: there is a shift in perspectives, expectations, and plans for participants who domiciled in Papua and West Papua after joining the program to the United States. Third: there is a match between the initial output of the participants and the organizers' soft power diplomacy through the vision and mission in career advancement and soft skills. Fourth: There are some soft power diplomacy strategies by America using educational scholarship programs as instruments, including intervention through social investment and American nation branding in developing countries such as Indonesia."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2020