Mohamad, A. A.
"This book introduces readers to the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for solving transport phenomena-flow, heat and mass transfer-in a systematic way. Providing explanatory computer codes throughout the book, the author guides readers through many practical examples, such as:
- flow in isothermal and non-isothermal lid-driven cavities;
- flow over obstacles;
- forced flow through a heated channel;
- conjugate forced convection; and
- natural convection.
Diffusion and advection-diffusion equations are discussed, together with applications and examples, and complete computer codes accompany the sections on single and multi-relaxation-time methods. The codes are written in MatLab. However, the codes are written in a way that can be easily converted to other languages, such as FORTRANm Python, Julia, etc. The codes can also be extended with little effort to multi-phase and multi-physics, provided the physics of the respective problem are known."