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Jonathan Raharjo Subekti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Infeksi human papillomavirus (HPV) pada genital laki-laki selain dapat menyebabkan kutil kelamin dan kanker penis juga meningkatkan risiko infeksi HPV pada pasangan. Walaupun saat ini telah terdapat banyak penelitian mengenai peran HPV risiko tinggi terhadap karsinogenesis serviks dan semakin jelas peran laki-laki sebagai vektor virus HPV, namun pemeriksaan HPV pada laki-laki belum rutin dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proporsi kepositivan, variasi genotipe HPV pada suami pasien kanker serviks serta kesamaan genotipe HPV antara suami pasien kanker serviks yang HPV positif dengan pasien kanker serviks di RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode. Penelitian potong lintang. Pemilihan SP dilakukan secara berurutan (consecutive sampling). Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan kertas amplas dan dacron swab. Pada spesimen dilakukan pemeriksaan menggunakan HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Hasil. Sebanyak 47 SP dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini, dengan rerata usia 50,7+10,6 tahun. Dari analisis spesimen diidentifikasi HPV genital pada 9 (19%) SP, terdiri atas genotipe risiko rendah (3 SP) dan risiko tinggi (6 SP). Genotipe HPV yang ditemukan adalah 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, dengan tipe tersering adalah 18 dan 43. Tidak didapatkan kesamaan tipe HPV di antara pasangan HPV yang positif. Kesimpulan. Proporsi kepositivan HPV pada suami pasien kanker serviks sebesar 19% dengan tipe 18 dan 43 paling banyak didapatkan, namun tidak didapatkan kesamaan tipe HPV antara SP dengan pasien kanker serviks pasangannya.ABSTRACT
Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genital warts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despite many current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?s role as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed. The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse with HPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method. Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Sample was collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age 50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3 subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance found between the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPV genotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56. Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%, with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.;Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genital warts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despite many current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?s role as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed. The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse with HPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method. Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Sample was collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age 50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3 subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance found between the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPV genotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56. Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%, with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.;Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genital warts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despite many current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?s role as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed. The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse with HPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method. Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Sample was collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age 50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3 subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance found between the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPV genotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56. Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%, with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Abraham Dian Nikita
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai relasi sipil-militer di Myanmar. Setelah kurang lebih lima dekade di bawah kekuasaan junta militer, Myanmar kembali menegakkan supremasi sipil melalui penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum tahun 2010. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan Concordance Theory oleh Rebecca Schiff untuk menganalisis relasi-sipil militer di Myanmar setelah penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum tahun 2010 hingga tahun 2019. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menganalisis concordance yang terbentuk antara militer, elite politik, dan masyarakat berdasarkan keempat indikator yang dikemukakan oleh Schiff, yaitu Social Composition of the Officer Corps, Political Decision-Making Process, Recruitment Method, dan Military Style. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pembagian kekuasaan dalam pemerintahan yang disepakati antara militer, elite politik, dan masyarakat setelah penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum tahun 2010 di Myanmar merupakan hasil dari concordance antara ketiga aktor tersebut, di mana mereka menyepakati keempat indikator dalam Concordance Theory. ......This research discusses the civil-military relations in Myanmar. After having been under junta military rule for almost five decades, Myanmar successfully re-established civilian supremacy through the 2010 general elections. Combined with a qualitive approach, this research used the Concordance Theory by Rebecca Schiff to analyse the civil-military relations in Myanmar after the 2010 general elections until 2019. It analyses the concordance among the military, the political elites, and the citizenry in Myanmar based on the four indicators of the Concordance Theory, which are Social Composition of the Officer Corps, Political Decision-Making Process, Recruitment Method, and Military Style. The findings of this research indicate that the distribution of power in the government agreed among the military, the political elites, and the citizenry after the 2010 general elections in Myanmar was a result of the concordance among the three actors, in which they agreed upon the four indicators in the Concordance Theory.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benedicta Winni Lisachristanty
Abstrak :
Parkinson dan Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) merupakan penyakit neurodegenerative yang disebabkan oleh penurunan fungsi otak. Jumlah kasus penyakit ini diprediksi akan terus meningkat sehingga Indonesia harus mempersiapkan penanganan yang tepat untuk menangani pasien Parkinson dan FTD di masa depan. Hingga kini belum ditemukan obat untuk menyembuhkan kedua penyakit tersebut dan seringkali terjadi kesalahan diagnosis di mana pasien FTD didiagnosis sebagai pasien Parkinson. Secara umum, terdapat empat tingkat keparahan pada penyakit tersebut, yaitu normal, ringan, sedang, dan berat. Pada penelitian ini dibahas karakteristik pasien Parkinson dan FTD secara umum dan laju peningkatan keparahan kondisi dari normal atau ringan menjadi sedang berdasarkan karakteristik pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang terdiri dari beberapa pengukuran klinis dan demografis. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk analisis laju peningkatan keparahan penyakit adalah Optimal Survival Tree dan metode untuk mengukur goodness-of-fit dari model survival adalah concordance statistics. Metode optimisasi yang digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan Survival Tree menjadi Optimal Survival Tree adalah Mixed-Integer Optimization (MIO) dan pendekatan local search. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pasien FTD memiliki kondisi lebih parah dan laju peningkatan keparahan lebih cepat daripada pasien Parkinson. Laju peningkatan keparahan pasien FTD cenderung dijelaskan oleh kemampuan non-motorik pasien, sedangkan pada pasien Parkinson cenderung dijelaskan oleh kemampuan motoriknya. ......Parkinson and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) are neurodegenerative diseases which caused by decreased brain function. The number of cases of these diseases is predicted to increase so that Indonesia must prepare the right treatment for Parkinson and FTD patients in the future. Until now, no medication has been found to cure these diseases. Furthermore, misdiagnosis in which FTD patients are diagnosed as Parkinson patients often occurs. In general, there are four levels of severity in those diseases, which are normal, mild, moderate, and severe. This research focuses on analyzing the general characteristics of Parkinson and FTD patients along with the rate of increase in disease severity from normal or mild to moderate. This study used secondary data, consisting of several clinical and demographic measures. The method used to analyze the rate of increase in disease severity is Optimal Survival Tree, while the concordance statistics is used to measure the goodness of fit of the survival model. The optimization method used to optimize Survival Tree into an Optimal Survival Tree is Mixed-Integer Optimization (MIO) and the local search approach. As a result, FTD patients suffer more severely and have a faster rate of increase in disease severity than Parkinson patients. In FTD, the rate of increase in disease severity tends to be explained by patient's non-motor abilities, while in Parkinson by patient's motor abilities.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pengobatan penyakit kronik tidak hanya membutuhkan ketersediaan obat dan petugas kesehatan yaitu dokter, tetapi juga tiga faktor yakni kepatuhan (compliance), aderensi (adherency), dan konkordansi (concordance). Ketiga faktor tersebut sangat penting dalam upaya penanganan penyakit kronik, termasuk tuberkulosis (TB) paru, hipertensi, dan asma. Untuk mewujudkan sikap konkordansi, dibutuhkan komunikasi efektif antara dokter dan pasien. Komunikasi yang terjalin efektif akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan motivasi dalam diri pasien untuk mengikuti nasihat dari dokter. Adapun penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tingginya angka penderita dan angka kegagalan berobat (drop out) pasien tuberkulosis paru, hipertensi, asma di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Mataram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan komunikasi dokter dan karakteristik pasien dengan sikap konkordansi pasien. Penelitian dengan desain studi potong lintang ini dilakukan terhadap 174 pasien TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan, pengeluaran, dan komunikasi merupakan variabel yang berhubungan dengan sikap konkordansi pada pasien TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma. Rekomedasi tindak lanjut dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan fasilitas ruangan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan komunikasi pasien dan dokter, penyelenggaraan program pengembangan kemampuan komunikasi dokter, dan survei berkala untuk menilai proses komunikasi dokter-pasien. ......The therapy of chronic diseases is not only needed drugs supply and health staff, that is physician, but also three factors such as compliance, adherence, and concordance. The three of factors are crucial in the handling of chronic diseases like lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma. To accomplish a concordance attitude is needed an effective communication between physician and patient. The effective communication may increase the understanding and motivation of patients to comply the physician?s advice. The research is based on the high prevalence rate and drop out rate of the patients of lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma at Mataram City General Hospital. This research is proposed to show the association of the effectiveness of physician communication and characteristics of patients to the concordance attitude of patients. Cross sectional design was employed in this study with 174 patients of lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma as respondents. The results of this study indicate that education, expenditures, and communication are variables related to concordance in TB, hypertension and asthma patients. It is recommended to maintain room facilities so that patient and doctor feel comfortable to communicate and to conduct a doctor communication skill development program as well as a regular survey of patient-doctor communication process.
Mataram: Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Patriani
Abstrak :
The therapy of chronic diseases is not only needed drugs supply and health staff, that is physician, but also three factors such as compliance, adherence, and concordance. The three of factors are crucial in the handling of chronic diseases like lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma. To accomplish a concordance attitude is needed an effective communication between physician and patient. The effective communication may increase the understanding and motivation of patients to comply the physician?s advice. The research is based on the high prevalence rate and drop out rate of the patients of lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma at Mataram City General Hospital. This research is proposed to show the association of the effectiveness of physician communication and characteristics of patients to the concordance attitude of patients. Cross sectional design was employed in this study with 174 patients of lung tuberculosis, hypertension, and asthma as respondents. The results of this study indicate that education, expenditures, and communication are variables related to concordance in TB, hypertension and asthma patients. It is recommended to maintain room facilities so that patient and doctor feel comfortable to communicate and to conduct a doctor communication skill development program as well as a regular survey of patient-doctor communication process.
Pengobatan penyakit kronik tidak hanya membutuhkan ketersediaan obat dan petugas kesehatan yaitu dokter, tetapi juga tiga faktor yakni kepatuhan (compliance), aderensi (adherency), dan konkordansi (concordance). Ketiga faktor tersebut sangat penting dalam upaya penanganan penyakit kronik, termasuk tuberkulosis (TB) paru, hipertensi, dan asma. Untuk mewujudkan sikap konkordansi, dibutuhkan komunikasi efektif antara dokter dan pasien. Komunikasi yang terjalin efektif akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan motivasi dalam diri pasien untuk mengikuti nasihat dari dokter. Adapun penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tingginya angka penderita dan angka kegagalan berobat (drop out) pasien tuberkulosis paru, hipertensi, asma di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Mataram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan komunikasi dokter dan karakteristik pasien dengan sikap konkordansi pasien. Penelitian dengan desain studi potong lintang ini dilakukan terhadap 174 pasien TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan, pengeluaran, dan komunikasi merupakan variabel yang berhubungan dengan sikap konkordansi pada pasien TB paru, hipertensi, dan asma. Rekomedasi tindak lanjut dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan fasilitas ruangan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan komunikasi pasien dan dokter, penyelenggaraan program pengembangan kemampuan komunikasi dokter, dan survei berkala untuk menilai proses komunikasi dokter-pasien.
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuri Dwi Mayasari
Abstrak :
Glaukoma merupakan suatu kelompok neuropati optik progresif yang ditandai dengan kelainan struktural dan fungsi saraf optik. Fungsi penglihatan yang paling terganggu pada penderita glaukoma adalah lapang pandangan. Pemeriksaan perimetri berguna untuk mengidentifikasidan mengukur defek lapang pandangan serta memperkirakan progresivitas glaukoma. Aplikasi perimetri berbasis tablet atau website sangat berguna untuk pemantauan pasien selama pandemi Covid-19 dan dapat digunakan di daerah terpencil dengan keterbatasan alat Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA). Perimetri Melbourne Rapid Fields (MRF) merupakan teknologi baru yang terjangkau, mudah dibawa dan andal, serta dapat memberikan manfaat yang sama dengan perimetri HFA.  Tujuan: Menilai kesesuaian hasil perimetri MRF terhadap HFA pada pasien glaukoma derajat sedang– berat dengan tajam penglihatan terganggu. Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan desain potong lintang untuk menilai hubungan tajam penglihatan terhadap kesesuaian hasil perimetri MRF 24-2 dibandingkan dengan HFA 24-2 pada pasien glaukoma derajat sedang-berat. Dilakukan pengelompokan subjek ke dalam dua grup berdasarkan tajam penglihatan. Setiap subjek dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan dua macam alat, urutan pemeriksaan dilakukan randomisasi blok. Pemeriksaan perimetri HFA sebanyak satu kali dan pemeriksaan MRF sebanyak dua kali. Hasil pemeriksaan yang memenuhi kriteria dilakukan analisis komparatif, korelasi, kesesuaian, serta test-retest repeatability.  Hasil: Total 64 mata dari 57 subjek terbagi dalam dua kelompok. Durasi pemeriksaan MRF lebih singkat dibanding HFA (265,7 ± 26,6 vs 384,4 ± 46,7, p < 0,001). Tidak terdapat perbadaan bermakna pada indeks reliabilitas kedua alat. MRF menunjukkan korelasi dan kesesuaian yang sangat kuat dan baik dengan HFA (R = 0,931, ICC = 0,957, p < 0,001 pada hasil mean deviation (MD) dan R = 0,941, ICC = 0,974, p < 0,001 pada hasil Visual Field Index (VFI)). Test-retest repeatability MRF menunjukkan korelasi dan kesesuaian yang sangat baik (R = 0,948, ICC = 0,989, p < 0,001 pada hasil MD dan R = 0,946, ICC = 0,989, p < 0,001 pada hasil Visual Capacity (VC)). Tidak didapatkan korelasi antara tajam penglihatan dengan Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) hasil MRF, p > 0,05.  Kesimpulan: Hasil perimetri MRF memiliki korelasi yang sangat kuat dnegan HFA. MRF juga menunjukkan hasil test-retest repeatability yang sebanding dengan HFA.Keakuratan hasil MRF tidak berkorelasi dengan perbedaan tajam penglihatan. ......Background: Glaucoma is a group of progressive optic neuropathy characterized by structural and functional abnormalities of the optic nerve. The most impaired visual function in glaucoma sufferers is the visual field. Perimetric examination is useful for identifying and measuring visual field defects and predicting the progression of glaucoma. Tablet or website-based perimetry applications are very useful for monitoring patients during the Covid-19 pandemic and can be used in remote areas with limited Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) perimetry. Melbourne Rapid Fields (MRF) is a new perimetry technology that is affordable, portable and reliable, also can provide the same benefits as HFA perimetry. Objective: To assess the agreement of MRF perimetry results with HFA in moderate to severe glaucoma patients with impaired visual acuity. Methods: Observational study with a cross-sectional design to assess the relationship of visual acuity to the agreement of perimetry MRF 24-2 versus HFA 24-2 in patients with moderate-to-severe glaucoma. Subjects were grouped into two groups based on visual acuity. Each subject was examined with two kinds of perimetry, the order of examination was randomized using block randomization. Participants were tested once on HFA and twice on MRF. Examination results that meet the criteria are analyzed for comparative, correlation, agreement, and test-retest repeatability Results: A total of 64 eyes from 57 subjects were divided into two groups. MRF examination duration was shorter than HFA (265.7 ± 26.6 vs 384.4 ± 46.7, p < 0.001). There is no significant difference in the reliability index of the two perimetry. MRF showed a very strong and good correlation and agreement with the HFA (R = 0.931, ICC = 0.957, p < 0.001 in the mean deviation (MD) and R = 0.941, ICC = 0.974, p < 0.001 in the results of the Visual Field Index (VFI)). The MRF test-retest repeatability showed a very good correlation and agreement (R = 0.948, ICC = 0.989, p < 0.001 on the MD and R = 0.946, ICC = 0.989, p < 0.001 on the Visual Capacity (VC)). There was no correlation between visual acuity and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) MRF, p > 0.05.  Conclusion: The perimetry results from MRF have a very stong correlation to the HFA outcomes. MRF reveals test-retest repeatability comparable to HFA. The accuracy of MRF results did not correlate with differences in visual acuity.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library