Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Changsha: Hunan People Publishing House, 1999
SIN 181.11 XUN I
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Serly Kusumadewi
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas peranan nilai-nilai Konfusianisme sebagai pandangan fundamental bangsa Korea keseluruhan dalam pemerintahan Park Chung Hee secara khusus dan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan ekonomi Korea Selatan tahun 1961-1979. Pembahasan tersebut akan mengurai bagaimana pengaruh internal (nilai-nilai Konfusianisme) dan eksternal (pengaruh Amerika Serikat dan Jepang) berpengaruh kepada Park Chung Hee dan pemerintahannya. Penelitian akan dibuktikan dengan analisis kualitatif deskriptif atas nilai-nilai Konfusianisme yang terkandung dalam kepemimpinan Park Chung Hee, kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintahan Park serta resistensinya terhadap Konfusianisme dan pengaruh asing. Hasil studi ini membuktikan adanya hubungan antara nilai-nilai Konfusianisme dengan kepemimpinan Park Chung Hee tahun 1961-1979 dalam peranannya terhadap perkembangan ekonomi Korea Selatan.
The focus of this study is to explain the role of Confucian values as Korean’s fundamental view in Park Chung Hee’s era specifically and its influences toward South Korea’s economy development 1961-1979. This study would describe how both internal factor (Confucian values) and external factor (USA and Japan) give influences toward Park Chung Hee himself and his government. This study will be conducted by descriptive-qualitative analysis of Confucian values on Park’s era, Park government’s policies, and also their resistance towards Confucianism itself and foreign influences. This study itself concludes that there is a correlation between Confucian values and Park Chung Hee’s era (1961-1979) due to its role toward South Korea’s economy development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Kim, Gyeong Il
Seoul: Ocean Publishing, 1999
KOR 181.119 KIM g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2008
181.112 CON
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Kim, In-ok
Seoul: Intiative, 2011
KOR 181.119 KIM f
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Aura Nuryasmin
Abstrak :
Perilisan film Mulan (2020) telah memicu perdebatan berkelanjutan mengenai bagaimana film live-action tersebut kurang merepresentasikan kebudayaan Cina meskipun telah menyatakan niatnya untuk memberikan penggambaran yang akurat demi memuaskan penonton-penonton di Tiongkok. Tulisan ini mengkaji karakter, cerita, dan bahasa visual dalam film Mulan (2020) sehingga menghasilkan sebuah kajian tekstual yang komprehensif dengan berfokus pada Konfusianisme sebagai latar budaya dari film tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana identitas gender dan konsep kehormatan menurut kebudayaan Cina direkonstruksi agar selaras dengan ajaran Konfusianisme yang autentik. Penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan teoretis Feminisme Konfusius menggunakan konsep Jen dan teori yin-yang. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa konsep kehormatan bertransformasi menjadi sejalan dengan karakteristik kepribadian seorang Jen, sebuah konsep jati diri dalam Konfusianisme yang didasarkan oleh nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Identitas gender Mulan menyimbolkan maskulinitas dan feminitas yang selaras dengan konsep murni dari yin-yang, yang menitikberatkan pada harmoni dibandingkan ketidaksetaraan gender. Oleh karena itu, film ini berhasil merekonstruksi pemikiran Konfusianisme yang mengembalikan aspek fundamentalnya sebagai filosofi yang mendukung ideologi feminisme.
......The release of Mulan (2020) has incited an undergoing debate that the live-action movie still lacks Chinese cultural representation despite its original intention to show accurate depiction to please Chinese audiences. This paper examines the characters, the story, and the visual language in the movie Mulan (2020) resulting in a comprehensive textual analysis that focuses on Confucianism as the cultural setting of the movie. It aims to explore how gender identity and the notion of honor according to Chinese culture are reconstructed to align with the authentic Confucianism teachings. The research is conducted through Confucian Feminism theoretical approach with the concept of Jen and yin-yang to frame the findings. This research finds that the notion of honor is changed in a way that is still in line with what it means to be a person of Jen, a concept of self in Confucianism that fundamentally emphasizes humanness. Mulan’s gender identity that embodies masculinity and femininity fits the original yin-yang concept, which offers harmony rather than gender inequality. Therefore, it can be concluded that this movie redefines Confucianism to its original ideal as a philosophy that encourages feminist ideology.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study is to examine the process of globalization in the Korean context and resultant changes in major social institutions and cultural values, especilly the impact of the recent economic crisis and subsequent neoliberal reform on traditional confucian values. The financial crisis in 1997 forced the Korean government to ask for IMF loans, to which conditionaly in the form of neoliberal economic reform is costumarily attached. Indeed the IMF is one of the many international organizations through which globalization as a hegemonic ideology propagates neoliberalism to the whole world based on the so-called Washington consensus. the economic crisis and the IMF-led neoliberal reform have resulted in changes in many areas: mass unemployement and employement instability; changes in family roles and marriage patterns; and polarization of income distribution with the shrinking middle class. Neoliberalizm also promotes such values as competitiveness, individualism, materialism, efficiency and instrumental rationality, which are in sharp contrast to thee traditional confucian values. In fact the neoliberal reform following the economic crisis created not only the social environment where confucian legacies can no longer hold, but also value conflicts between the upper and the lower classes and between the younger and the older generations.
Korea: Korean Social Science Research Council, 2003
300 KSSJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
Rainier A. Ilbana
Abstrak :
As the largest nation with an Islamic population, Indonesia is also home to an intellectual tradition that has received, preserved and cultivated the Platonic-Aristotelean philosophy, the seedbed of Western Philosophical tradition. Along with Hinduism, Buddhism and other religious traditions, we must not forget the enormous influence of the hard working Chinese traders in Indonesia and in the ASEAN who are inspired by Confucian ethics. The main features of these great Asiatic philosophical traditions blend within the context of our malay-polynesian linguistic sensibilities and our colonial encounter with the West. It shows that despite our differences, there are many commonalities that confirm the parallel structure of humanity's great depositories of wisdom and the basic neurological structure of all human beings.
Jakarta: Pusat Pengembangan Etika Unika Atma Jaya, 2016
300 RJES 21:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Kwang-Kuo, Hwang
Abstrak :
In this light, Foundations of Chinese psychology, bridges the gap between western and eastern traditions and elaborates on theories based on local phenomena, findings, and experiences by research methods that are contextually appropriate.
Using a guiding principle of cultural psychology, ‘one mind, many mentalities’, this book advocates the balancing of a global psychology concept without sacrificing that of a specific locality and people. It analyzes the basics of confucionism and compares them to Western ethical thinking, arriving at a series of theories concerning social exchange, face, achievement motivation, organizational behaviors, and conflict resolution.
Beyond the specifics of a particular culture, this book exemplifies the act of constructing autonomous social science that may be emulated in other non-Western settings. It also serves as an excellent guide for cross-cultural research as well as a caveat on the limitations of presumptive individualism and exclusionary perspectives.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library