Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah sumber harga diri mampu memprediksi desakan menikah dewasa muda. Secara spesifik penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana kontribusi masing-masing area sumber harga diri yaitu, academic competence, competition, family support, appearance, approval from generalized others, God’s love, virtue, dan romantic relationship terhadap desakan menikah dewasa muda. Total responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 192 mahasiswa dewasa muda Jabodetabek yang memiliki orientasi heterosexual dan memiliki rencana menikah.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa sumber harga diri mampu memprediksi desakan menikah pada dewasa muda sebesar 25.2%. Namun hanya sumber harga diri pada area romantic relationship yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap desakan menikah. Selain itu, dari hasil analisis tambahan peneliti juga menemukan bahwa ada hubungan antara usia, jenis kelamin, pengeluaran per bulan, dan selisih usia dengan target usia menikah pada desakan menikah.
The purpose of this study was to test whether contingencies of self worth are able to predict mate urgency on young adults or not. Specifically, the research was done to see the contribution from each contingencies of self – worth, which were academic competence, competition, family support, appearance, approval from generalized others, God’s love, virtue, and romantic relationship toward mate urgency of young adults. This study included 192 young adult students in
Jabodetabek area, who were heterosexual and had a plan to be married.Results of this research proved that contingencies of self – worth can predict mate urgency on young adults for 25.2 percent, although self – worth, which was based on romantic relationship area gave a significant contribution towards mate urgency. On the other hand, the result of additional analysis also found that there was a relationship between age, gender, monthly expenditure, and the range between age and targeted age to get married and the mate urgency itself.