Amanda Larissa M.S.P.
"Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana sebuah lingkungan interior dapat menghadirkan kualitas spasial yang menciptakan kontrol terhadap pergerakan (movement) dalam konsep continuous interior. Proses pemahaman ini ditelusuri melalui studi mengenai pembentukan sistem persepsi yang melibatkan fungsi sensori dan gerak tubuh.
Studi kasus dilakukan dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap lingkungan interior melalui perspektif penyandang low vision. Ketidakoptimuman fungsi sensori visual terkait persepsi ruang, berdampak pada kesulitan berorientasi dan bernavigasi.
Studi terhadap penelusuran memberikan temuan bahwa beberapa perlakuan terhadap elemen-elemen ruang mampu menghasilkan kualitas spasial yang ditawarkan dalam konsep "continuous interior". Perlakuan terhadap elemen ruang yang repetitif menghasilkan kualitas kontinuitas (continuity).
Selain itu, perlakuan terhadap elemen ruang yang berfungsi sebagai landmark atau penanda menghadirkan kualitas keberagaman program (diversity of programme). Kedua kualitas spasial tersebut kemudian mampu mengarahkan alur pergerakan (directed flow) pernyandang low vision.
......This undergraduate thesis focuses on understanding how an interior environment offers spatial qualities that could create control on movement, by looking at a theory called "continuous interior". The understanding process involves study on the construction of the perception system, which further involves comphrehension on sensory system and body movement.
Study cases for this thesis are done by interviewing and having a walk through an interior environment with people whom have low vision. The involvement of people with low vision is to understand the perspective of space from a low vision point of view, which leads to difficulties on orienting and navigating through space.
From the study case, it is found that several treatments towards spatial elements could create spatial qualities (continuity, diversed programme, directed flow) proposed by the theory of "continuous interior". Repetitive treatments on spatial elements create the spatial quality of continuity. Other than that, elements that are designed as landmarks create the spatial quality of diversed programmed. Both the spatial quality of continuity and diversed programme then creates another spatial quality of directing the movement (directed flow) of people with low vision."