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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Suciwati Nursiam
Abstrak :
PT XYZ telah menjalankan banyak kontrol TI untuk menjaga agar proses bisnis yang dijalankan dapat terhindar dari risiko-risiko kesalahan dan kecurangan. Kontrol tersebut diuji keefektifitasannya oleh Internal Audit Group IAG . Terdapat area dan kontrol yang diujikan secara berulang setiap tahun yang dilakukan secara manual oleh auditor menggunakan metode sampling. Selain itu, IAG juga melakukan pemantauan secara berkala terhadap temuan-temuan audit yang dikeluarkan. Pemantauan audit dilakukan berdasarkan dokumen tertulis oleh setiap divisi dengan mengacu pada timeline yang disepakati dengan Auditee.Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari permasalahan pengujian kontrol dan pemantauan hasil audit, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan spesifikasi kebutuhan Sistem Pengujian Kontrol dan Pemantauan Hasil Audit yang dapat digunakan oleh IAG PT XYZ. Spesifikasi kebutuhan sistem dirancang menggunakan proses rekayasa perangkat lunak Rational Unified Process RUP pada satu iterasi fase inception dan dua iterasi fase elaboration dengan ruang lingkup business modeling workflow dan requirements workflow. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan 18 stakeholder request STRQ , 19 NEED, 27 fitur FEAT , 33 kebutuhan spesifikasi sistem SRS dengan 10 kebutuhan fungsional UCS dan 28 kebutuhan non-fungsional SUPP . Seluruh hasil tersebut didokumentasikan pada artefak Requirement Management Plan, Stakeholder Request, Vision, Software Requirement Specification, Use Case Specification, Supplementary Specification, dan Glossary.
PT XYZ has implemented many IT controls to prevent the business process from risk of fraudulent. The effectiveness of the controls are tested by conducting audit activities performed by the Internal Audit Group IAG . There are recurring audit of controls that are performed manually by the auditor using sampling method. In addition, IAG also conducts regular monitoring of audit findings. Audit monitoring is done manually by each division based on the agreed timeline with Auditee.Based on the problem analysis of control testing and monitoring audit results, this study aims to make the requirement specification design for continuous auditing and monitoring system that can be used by IAG PT XYZ. The requirement specification is designed using the Rational Unified Process RUP software process through inception and elaboration phases with the scope of business modeling workflow and requirements, analysis and design workflow.The result of this research are 18 stakeholder request STRQ , 19 NEED, 27 features FEAT , 33 software requirement specifications SRS that consist of 10 functional requirements UCS and 28 non functional requirements SUPP . All the results are documented in Requirement Management Plan, Stakeholder Request, Vision, Software Requirement Specification, Use Case Specification, Supplementary Specification, and Glossary artifacts.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atvinda Prilya Afista
Abstrak :
Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di industri farmasi dilaksanakan di Departemen Quality Control (QC) PT Medifarma Laboratories. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 2 bulan dari tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan tanggal 31 Agustus 2015. PKP di industri bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker mengerti peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di Industri Farmasi; memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi; memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri Farmasi; memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKP yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran apoteker penting untuk menghasilkan obat-obatan yang aman, bermutu, dan berkhasiat. Apoteker di Departemen QC bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pengawasan mutu terhadap produk yang diproduski dan memastikan bahwa pengujian yang diperlukan dan relevan telah dilakukan dan bahwa bahan yang belum diluluskan tidak digunakan serta produk yang belum diluluskan tidak dijual atau dipasok sebelum mutunya dinilai dan dinyatakan memenuhi syarat. Mahasiswa apoteker telah berhasil memperoleh gambaran umum dari pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian di PT Medifarma., khususnya di bidang QC yaitu melakukan analisis terhadap bahan awal, produk jadi, inspeksi bahan awal. Dalam melakukan tugasnya di QC juga mahasiswa apoteker membuat Spreadsheet dan cara memvalidasinya untuk mendukung analisis dan inspeksi bahan awal. Adanya PKP di PT Medifarma Laboratories yang telah melaksanakan CPOB dengan baik di semua aspek, peserta PKP lebih banyak mengetahui dan memahami seperti apa pelaksanaan CPOB secara real dalam sebuah Industri. Seperti Industri yang lainnya PT Medifarma Laboratories juga memiliki masalah seperti berpikir bagaimana mengatasi waste time pada proses maupun para pekerja sehingga suatu proses berlangsung lebih cepat tetapi tetap menghasilkan hasil yang baik dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, Oleh karena itu, Apoteker harus memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan dan kreatifitas sehingga dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut.
Profession Internship at pharmaceutical industry was held at Quality Control (QC) Department of PT Medifarma Laboratories. This activity was held for two month from July 1 st until August 31 th 2015. Profession internship at pharmaceutical industry was intended to make apothecary student understand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice, understand the implementation of Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB), and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice in pharmaceutical industry. Based on the activities, Apothecary at QC Department is responsible for supervising the quality of the product diproduski and ensure that the necessary and relevant tests have been conducted and that the materials have not been approved are not used as well as products that have not been approved are not sold or supplied before the quality was assessed and found eligible. Apothecary student have obtained insight into general routine activities in QC Department, those were an analysis of the starting materials, finished products, inspection of the starting material. In performing the task in QC department, apothecary student make a spreadsheet and validate them to support the analysis and inspection of the starting material. PT Medifarma Laboratories that has implemented the GMP well in all aspects, give apothecary student more aware and understand what the real implementation of GMP in an industry. Such as Industrial others, PT Medifarma Laboratories also has a problem such as find solution how to solve waste time in the process or the workers, so that a process was faster but still produce good results. Therefore, pharmacists should have the insight, knowledge and creativity so that can overcome the problems. ;Profession Internship at pharmaceutical industry was held at Quality Control (QC) Department of PT Medifarma Laboratories. This activity was held for two month from July 1 st until August 31 th 2015. Profession internship at pharmaceutical industry was intended to make apothecary student understand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice, understand the implementation of Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB), and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice in pharmaceutical industry. Based on the activities, Apothecary at QC Department is responsible for supervising the quality of the product diproduski and ensure that the necessary and relevant tests have been conducted and that the materials have not been approved are not used as well as products that have not been approved are not sold or supplied before the quality was assessed and found eligible. Apothecary student have obtained insight into general routine activities in QC Department, those were an analysis of the starting materials, finished products, inspection of the starting material. In performing the task in QC department, apothecary student make a spreadsheet and validate them to support the analysis and inspection of the starting material. PT Medifarma Laboratories that has implemented the GMP well in all aspects, give apothecary student more aware and understand what the real implementation of GMP in an industry. Such as Industrial others, PT Medifarma Laboratories also has a problem such as find solution how to solve waste time in the process or the workers, so that a process was faster but still produce good results. Therefore, pharmacists should have the insight, knowledge and creativity so that can overcome the problems.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heidy Safira
Abstrak :
Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai penerapan internal control over financial reporting (ICoFR) di PT XYZ dan proses pengujian pada pengendalian Request Posting Pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh internal audit untuk melihat efektivitasnya. Dari mulai membahas mengenai three lines of defense di PT XYZ, aktivitas Request Posting Pembayaran, hingga proses pengujian pengendalian pada Request Posting Pembayaran. Selain itu, laporan ini juga membahas mengenai sistem aplikasi yang digunakan oleh PT XYZ dalam menerapkan ICoFR di perusahaannya, serta permasalahan yang terjadi pada pengujian ICoFR yang dilakukan pada PT XYZ.
This internship report mainly describes about the implementation of internal control over financial reporting (ICoFR) in PT XYZ and the testing process of Request Posting Payment that is done by the internal audit for its effectiveness. It also includes the description about the three lines of defense in PT XYZ, the request posting payment activity, and the control testing of that activity. Furthermore, this report also describes the application system that is used by PT XYZ to implement ICoFR in the company and the problems that occured at the ICoFR testing in PT XYZ.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library