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Rich M. Sutrisno
Jakarta: Pustaka Binaman Pressindo, 1984
658.155 2 RIC t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Zulfikar
"Titik kritis dalam menjaga kontinuitas sistem pasokan dan distribusi industri hilir bahan bakar minyak (BBM) terletak pada efisiensi distribusi depot-depot BBM. Dengan pemberlakuan persaingan usaha pada industri hilir, kebebasan penentuan harga BBM dan gas bumi, dan berakhirnya tugas pelayanan publik (public service obligation) PT Pertamina (Persero) berdasarkan ketentuan Undang-Undang nomor 22 tahun 2001, maka pertimbangan aspek ekonomi, diantaranya dari aspek keuangan dan potensi bisnis terhadap suatu depot BBM menjadi penting. Depot Solo di Kota Surakarta direkomendasikan oleh Tim Evaluasi Pertamina untuk ditutup dan dipindahkan ke Depot Rewulu di Kota Yogyakarta. Depot Solo merupakan langkah awal serangkaian kebijakan reformasi pada Depot-Depot PT Pertamina (Persero).
Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi Depot Solo dan mengevaluasi rencana relokasi Depot Solo ke Depot Rewulu berdasarkan pertimbangan aspek keuangan dan potensi bisnis. Secara khusus, tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menganalisis manfaat Depot Solo dan rencana relokasi Depot Solo ke Depot Rewulu ditinjau dan aspek keuangan dan potensi pasar bisnis, (2) Menganalisis biaya Depot Solo dan rencana relokasi Depot Solo ke Depot Rewulu ditinjau dari aspek keuangan dan potensi pasar bisnis, dan (3) Menganalisis rasio biaya dibandingkan terhadap manfaat yang diperoleh dari Depot Solo dan rencana relokasi pasokan BBM dari Depot Solo ke Depot Rewulu ditinjau dari aspek keuangan dan potensi pasar bisnis.
Lokasi penelitian adalah Depot Solo yang berada di kota Surakarta, propinsi Jawa Tengah dan Depot Rewulu yang berada di propinsi Daerah Istimewa (D.L) Yogyakarta. Periode analisis biaya manfaat dilakukan selama 21-27 tahun dengan tingkat depresiasi asset sebesar 5% per tahun menggunakan metode garis lurus (straight line). Data diolah menggunakan Excell 2003. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis sensitivitas dari perhitungan rasio-rasio keuangan gross benefit cost ratio (gross BIC ratio), net benefit cost ratio (net BIC ratio), net present value (NPV) dan internal rate of return (MR). Analisis potensi pasar bisnis BBM dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan parameter pola pasokan dan distribusi BBM, penyaluran BBM (thruput), tujuan lhruput BBM, biaya per liter lokasi, sarana dan fasilitas, dan sumberdaya manusia.
Hasil analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa Depot Solo dan Depot Rewulu sensitif terhadap dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh peningkatan biaya total, terutama peningkatan landed cost. Depot Solo dan Depot Rewulu juga sensitif terhadap dampak positif dari peningkatan harga jual output. Depot Rewulu memperoleh manfaat keuangan yang lebih besar dibandingkan Depot Solo, tetapi Depot Solo layak pada perhitungan skenario normal, skenario harga jual output meningkat sebesar 10%, skenario produksi menurun sebesar 10%, dan skenario kondisi present worth factor sebesar 20%. Relokasi Depot Solo ke Depot Rewulu tidak layak pada empat dari enam skenario, kecuali pads skenario peningkatan harga jual output sebesar 10% dan penggunaan present worth factor sebesar 20%. Ditinjau dari aspek bisnis, potensi bisnis Depot Solo teridentifikasi besar. Depot Rewulu yang direncanakan akan menjadi lokasi relokasi Depot Solo, teridentifikasi mempunyai kemampuan daya dukung jaringan yang tinggi. Depot Rewulu juga dianggap berpotensi bisnis yang besar. Depot Madiun dan Depot Cepu yang menjadi penampung relokasi Depot Solo ternyata mempunyai potensi bisnis yang rendah, meskipun Depot Madiun dan Depot Cepu mempunyai kemampuan daya dukung jaringan yang sama-sama normal sebagaimana kelompok kemampuan Jaya dukung jaringan dari Depot Solo.
Rekomendasi untuk PT Pertamina (Persero) adalah Depot Solo tidak perlu ditutup atau riskan direlokasikan ke Depot Rewulu, efisiensi produksi untuk mengurangi biaya pokok produksi perlu senantiasa dijaga, terutama faktor penyusutan akibat masalah teknis dan penyusutan akibat masalah tenaga kerja, dan perlu upaya untuk mencari BBM impor yang murah dan berkualitas baik untuk mengurangi biaya distribusi Depot, terutama untuk menekan landed cost.

The critical point of supply and distribution system of fuel is how to distribute fuel efficiently in context of `Depot' role. As we know well Depot is a supply point of fuel distribution into fuel station (SPBU). Before deregulation period, most of a Pertarnina's Depot were building with non economic factors consideration, not feasible as a supply point and became inefficient sources. Referred to the new regulation known with Undang-Undang Nomor 22 tahun 2001 of fuel business that stressing to free competitive business in down stream, economic market price of fuel and gasoline as well as to terminate of PT Pertamina's (Persero) role as an entity of public service obligation doer, so that economic factors like finance aspecs and business potential of a Depot very important to be considered. Depot Solo located in Surakarta has been recommended by 'Tim Evaluasi Pertamina' to be terminated and relocate its operation to Depot Rewulu in Yogyakarta. This decision is first priority to do in PT Pertamina (Persero) reformation policies that will follow with suitable treatment to another Depot.
This study generally focus on evaluating existing condition of Depot Solo in context with relocation program of its operation to Depot Rewulu base on financial and business potential as two of important factors. The objective of this study especially to: (1) Benefit analysis of relocation program of its operation from Depot Solo to Depot Rewulu base on financial and marketplace potential, (2) Cost analysis of relocation program of its operation from Depot Solo to Depot Rewulu base on financial and marketplace potential, and (3) Cost benefit ratio analysis that acquired of relocation program of its operation from Depot Solo to Depot Rewulu based on financial and marketplace potential.
Study is conducted in Depot Solo located in Surakarta, Central of Java province and Depot Rewulu located in Daerah Istimewa (D.I.) Yogyakarta province. Cost benefit analysis period of time as long as 21 years with asset depreciation level is 5% per annum using straight line method. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis and sensitivity analysis of financial factors like gross benefit cost ratio (gross BC ratio), net benefit cost ratio (net BC ratio), net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR). Analysis of market potential is using with supply and distribution parameters, fuel thruput, objective thruput of fuel, cost per litre location, means and facilities of Depot, and human resource factors.
The result has described from sensitivity analysis show up that both Depot Solo and Depot Rewulu were sensitive with negative impact by increasing of total cost, and landed cost. Depot Solo and Depot Rewulu were also sensitive with positive impact by increasing of output price. Depot Rewulu has a bigger benefit compare with Depot Solo, but in the other hand Depot Solo is feasible to operate base on scenario 1 (normal situation), scenario 2 (price of output increase 10%), scenario 4 (production decrease 10%, and scenario 6 (present worth factors 20%). This fact is incompatible with Pertamina's plan which will terminate Depot Solo operation, because it is feasible to continue its operation. So that, there is no any reasons to continue analysis related with relocation processes of Depot Solo operation to Depot Rewulu. This rejection is strengthened with result of cost benefit analysis, where both Depot Solo and Depot Rewulu are not feasible base on financial aspect as per scenario 3 (total cost increase 10%), and scenario 6 (landed cost increase 10%). Again, if we refer to business aspect, market potential of Depot Solo is identified big. Preparation of Depot Rewulu as area of relocation of Depot Solo_is jdefltified has a high distribution_system of fuel and very potential in fuel business in the future. It is different with Depot Madiun and Depot Cepu that also choose as an another alternative for relocation area that has low business potential of fuel, even if Depot Madiun and Depot Cepu has a good distribution system of fuel like system distribution of Depot Solo it self.
Some suggestions for management of PT Pertamina (Persero) are relocation of Depot Solo to Depot Rewulu area is not significant, production efficiency to reduce cost is a better choice than relocation operation of Depot Solo, and it is important to consider another alternative like import of fuel product if import price is lower than domestic price to reduce distribution cost significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Radiks
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1997
658.155 4 RAD a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahrul Rahman
Analisis Biaya Pelayanan Diabetes Melitus denganKomplikasi dan faktor penentu inefisiensi penangananDiabetes Melitus di Rawat Inap RSUD Banyuasin Tahun2015Mulai 1 januari 2014 diberlakukannya JKN di rumah sakit maka terjadi perubahansistem pembayaran dari pembayaran secara retrospektif fee for service menjadisistem pembayaran prospektif INA-CBG?s .Direncananakn pada 2019 Indonesiaseluruh penduduk Indonesia terdaftar di BPJS Universal Heath Coverage .Sebagaisalah satu fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan milik pemerintah RSUD Banyuasinmempunyai peranan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas namun tetapmemperhatikan efisiensi karena makin berkurangnya subsidi pemerintah.Penelitianini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penentuinefisiensi layanan Diabetes Melitus Komplikasi sehingga bisa dijadikan pedomanpengendalian biaya dalam melayani pasien.Jenis penelitian ini bersifat analisisdeskriptif dengan menggunakan data primer pengamatan dan wawancara dan datasekunder berupa data dari RSUD Banyuasin tahun 2015.Analisis biaya menggunakanpendekatan Activity Based Costing ABC .Metode ABC untuk mengalokasikan biayadengan mengidentifikasi pemicu biaya cost driver penyebab terjadinya biayalayanan Diabetes Melitus Komplikasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komponen obatpada pelayanan Diabetes Melitus Komplikasi merupakan faktor penentu inefisiensi.Usaha yang dapat dilakukan oleh rumah sakit untuk mengatasi inefisiensi denganpembuatan Panduan Praktek Klinik, Revisi Formularium RS, Klinisi secara konsistenmenggunakan obat e-cataloqKata kunci: Analisis biaya, metode ABC, inefisiensi.

Analyzing the cost of services of Diabetes Melitus andidentifying determinant factor in handling diabetes melitus atImpatient at Banyuasin General Hospital RSUD Banyuasi in 2015Since JKN was offiacially administered in general hospital on January 1st, 2014, therehas been changing in hospital administration payment from the restrospective system free for services to the prospective system INA CBG s . It is planned in 2019 thatall the people in Indonesia is registered in BPJS Universal Heath Coverage as oneof the facilities for public healt services provided by Banyuasin general hospital RSUD Banyuasin which ains to provide qualified services, yet still consideringeffiencies due to the lach of the government subsidies. This study aimed to analyzethe cost and identify determinant factor in handling Diabetes Melitus withcomplications, so that it can be a reference to handle the cost in taking care of patientswith Diabetes Melitus. This study applied descriptif analysis which using primarydata observation and interview and secondary data from Banyuasin general hospital RSUD Banyuasin in 2015 meanwhile. The cost analysis was appliyng ActivityBased Costing ABC method. The ABC method was applied to allocated the cost byidentifying the cost driver which was the major cause for cost for financing servicesfor Diabetes Melitus with complication. The result of this study showed that medicalcomponent was the determinant factor of the inefficiencies for Diabetes Melitus withcomplication services. There are many efforts that can be done by the hospital toovercome the ineficiencies, for instance, making quidance for clinical practies,making revision for hospital formulation, and using e cataloq medicine consistentlyKeywords the cost analysis, ABC method, ineficiency."
Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saunders, Anthony
Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003
658.155 2 SAU f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aninda Ratih Kusumaningrum
"Kawasan kumuh di Indonesia terjadi karena tingginya urbanisasi, namun tidak diimbangi oleh edukasi maupun skill para migran, disatu sisi, lapangan kerja yang terbatas, menyebabkan persaingan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan begitu sulit, begitu pula dengan keuangan para migran dan akhirnya banyaknya migran yang datang, menyebabkan tingginya permintaan akan hunian, namun kemampuan keuangan migran tidak dapat menjangkaunya sehingga mereka menempati lokasi daerah marginal tanpa adanya pelayanan infrastruktur dasar yang memenuhi standart pelayanan minimum.
Pembangunan Rusunawa di Marunda, Jakarta Utara adalah salah satu solusi dalam penyediaan permukiman layak huni bagi pekerja kawasan industri, masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) dan korban gusur serta kebakaran. Rumah susun dilakukan dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan permukiman melalui upaya peremajaan, pemugaran dan relokasi. Kegiatan pembangunan rumah susun ini dinilai positif dalam mengurangi kekumuhan perkotaan karena sangat menghemat lahan.
Ketepatan penerima manfaat subsidi, dapat dilihat dari penerima subsidi sudah tepat sasaran atau belum dengan menggunakan metode Benefit Incidence Analysis yang menggunakan data SUSENAS dan data primer, kemudian diperkuat dengan menganalisis permasalahan pergeseran penerima subsidi tersebut dengan menggunakan metode depth interview dan sistem sewa menyewa yang ada di dalamnya, serta komparasi fakta lapangan dengan kebijakan yang berlaku, yaitu UU no 16 tahun 1985.
Dari hasil analisis BIA, secara umum ditemukan bahwa masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah yang menjadi target sasaran program ini masih kesulitan masuk ke rumah susun karena tingginya harga hunian dan utilitas yang tidak sebanding dengan pendapatan mereka. Untuk penghuni yang mendapatkan sistem subsidi, masyarakat miskin (Q1) belum mendapatkan manfaat dari program pemerintah ini, penerima manfaat terbanyak merupakan masyarakat yang memiliki penghasilan lebih tinggi (Q4). Pergeseran penerima manfaat ini disebabkan karena tingginya biaya hidup yang sulit dipenuhi oleh penghuni, sulitnya aksesibilitas transportasi, desain yang kurang sesuai dengan kegiatan penghuni. Sedangkan untuk penghuni dengan sistem non subsidi, penerima manfaat hampir merata dan hampir tepat sasaran karena tidak ada perbedaan yang mencolok antara masyarakat miskin (Q1) dengan masyarakat terkaya (Q5).
Mengacu pada UU No 26 tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang, pemerintah berkewajiban untuk menyediakan layanan dasar kesehatan tersebut, namun agar program tersebut berkelanjutan, harus ada peran serta dari masyarakat, yaitu ikut menanggung biaya penyediaan layanan dasar, terutama layanan dasar air bersih yang sekarang ini belum tahu berapa besaran biaya yang harus ditanggung masyarakat. Penentuan besaran biaya air bersih tersebut, menggunakan metode willingness to pay dan menggunakan data primer. Besaran biaya air bersih ini perlu dilakukan untuk menghitung biaya service hunian, yang menurut UN Habitat tidak boleh melebihi 30% dari total pengeluaran rumah tangga, dan ketika masyarakat mengeluarkan pendapatannya lebih dari 30% untuk sewa rumah dan utilitasnya, maka hunian tersebut sudah tidak dapat terjangkau lagi oleh masyarakat dan akhirnya mereka akan kembali ke daerah marginal yang minim akan pelayanan dasar. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebanyak 51% sample penghuni, mengeluarkan pendapatannya melebihi batas yang dianjurkan oleh UN Habitat, yaitu >30% untuk hunian dan utilitasnya, sehingga rumah susun tersebut sudah tidak lagi terjangkau oleh masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah ini.

Slum areas in Indonesia occurred because of the high urbanization, but not matched by education and skills of migrants, on the one hand, employment is limited, causing the competition to get a job so difficult, so they accept law salary, high housing demand for working and less supply in housing, make they fit into the marginal areas without basic infrastructure services that meet minimum service standards.
Development for Flats in Marunda, North Jakarta is one of the solutions in the supply of habitable housing for industrial workers, low income people (MBR) and evicted the victims and fire. Development for flats with the aim of improving the quality of neighborhoods through the efforts of rejuvenation, restoration and relocation. Apartment construction activity was assessed positively in reducing urban squalor because it can conserve land, encourage green open space and efficiency for development basic infrastructure.
The accuracy of the beneficiaries of subsidies, subsidies can be seen from the receiver is on target or not by using a method that uses the Benefit Incidence Analysis. This analysis using data from SUSENAS and primary data, and then amplified by analyzing the problems of shifting the subsidy recipients by using the method of depth interviews and a lease system that is in therein, as well as comparative facts on the ground with the policies in force, UU Rumah Susun (UURS) No. 16 year 1985.
From the analysis of BIA, in general it was found that low-income people who become the target of this program is still difficult entry into the apartment because of the high price of housing and utilities that are not proportional to their income. For residents who get a subsidy system, the poor (Q1) has not benefited from this government program, most beneficiaries are the people who have higher incomes (Q4). Beneficiaries of this shift is caused due to the high cost of living is difficult to fulfill by the occupant, the difficulty of accessibility of transportation, lack of appropriate design with the activities. As for residents with non-subsidy system, beneficiaries almost evenly and almost right on target because there was no significant difference between the poor (Q1) with the richest (Q5). Referring to the Act No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning, the government is obliged to provide basic services such health, but that the program is sustainable, there must be participation from the community, which helped underwrite the cost of providing basic services, especially basic services of clean water are not currently know how much amount of cost to be borne by society.
Determination of the amount of the cost of the clean water, using the method of willingness to pay and use the primary data. Cost of clean water is necessary to calculate the cost of residential service, which according to UN Habitat should not exceed 30% of total household expenditure, and when people spend more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities, then the occupancy is already out of reach again by the community and eventually they will return to marginal areas would be minimal basic services. From the result showed that as many as 51% sample of residents, to spend his income exceeds the limit recommended by the UN Habitat, which is> 30% for shelter and utilities, so the apartment is no longer affordable by low-income communities.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"When people begin to talk about cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and return-on-investment, they often envision eye-glazing mathematical gobbledgook. Even when the letters in equations like the one above are explained, people may have ...."
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training and Development Press, American Society for Training and Development Press], 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The implementation of tariff for health service at community heath center at Seluma District has not been based on cost analysis as well as community's abality and willingness to pay ....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudibyo Supardi
"Almost all district public hospital already has their own formulary.The aims of study are to obtain percentage of noncompliance with the public hospital formulary, to obtain the average additional cost be paid by outpatients as a result of noncompliance with the hospital formalary and to obtain the avarage of the outpatient's ability to pay for treatment.A cross sectional study has been carried out to 120 patients in RSU Kabupaten K and 100 patients in RSU Kabupaten B.Subjects of the study were adult outpatients with TB,hypertension and diabets.Data were collected by well-trained district public hospital staff in interviewing patients.The questioner was first tried out to patients at RSU Kota Jakarta Timur.Data were analyzed by cost analysis.Results of the study are difference drug item with formulary in RSU Kabupaten K is 66,7% for TB,96,6% for hypertension,where as in RSU Kaabupaten B 44,8% for TB,82,3% for hypertension and 76,7% for diabetes. Average additional cost that must be paid by outpatients per ercounter in RSU Kabupaten K is Rp 10.060 for hypertension; while in RSU Kabupaten B is Rp 5.818 for TB,Rp.8.956 for hypertension and Rp.15.218 for diabetes. The avarage outpatient's ability to pay treatment in RSU Kabupaten K is Rp.19.807 and in RSU Kabupaten B.is Rp.15.301 which are bath less than outpatient treatment cost per encounter"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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