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Abstrak :
Penyapihan akut dari penyalahgunaan opioid kronik selama anestesia umum, umumnya disertai gejala akibat keluarnya adrenalin. Makalah ini melaporkan pengalaman kami dalam neuroregulasi yang dipercepat untuk memulihkan ketergantungan fisik dan psikologik. Sesudah pemeriksaan medik dan psikologik yang menyeluruh, 361 pasien pecandu heroin dirawat di ICU selama 24-36 jam, yang mencakup proses pengobatan praprosedur 6 jam (solbutamol, klonidin, diazepam, ranitidin, omeprazol, vitamin C, oktreotid, dan ondansetron). Anestesia dimulai dengan midazolam dan propofol iv dan dipertahankan dengan infusi propofol. Naltrekson, klonidin, oktreotid, dan diazepam diberikan setelah itu. Anestesia dipertahankan selama 3 ½ - 5 jam tergantung pada keparahan gejala-gejala putus obat yang dicetuskan oleh naltrekson. Sesudahnya, analgetik dan sedatif diberikan seperlunya. Sewaktu dipulangkan pada keesokan harinya, pasien diberi resep naltrekson oral selama 10-12 bulan. Detoksifikasi berhasil pada semua pasien tanpa efek samping anestesia yang tidak diinginkan. Efek samping yang dijumpai adalah capai, insomnia, mengantuk, menggigil, nyeri perut, mual, diare, mialgia, bulu roma merinding dan rasa tak nyaman. Pada kebanyakan pasien gejala-gejala ini menghilang tanpa pengobatan. Terapi simptomatik diperlukan pada 32,7% pasien. Pada semua pasien yang menyelesaikan terapi rumatan naltrekson (166 orang) ‘craving’ menghilang pada bulan ke 10. Masalah utama adalah kepatuhan pasien yang rendah terhadap naltrekson oral, sehingga hanya 45,9% pasien yang menyelesaikan terapi. Kesimpulan: neuroregulasi yang dipercepat yang mencakup terapi pemeliharaan naltrekson (10-12 bulan) sangat efektif untuk detoksifikasi dan untuk menghilangkan craving pada pasien pecandu heroin. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 53-8)
Acute weaning from chronic opioid abuse during general anesthesia is usually followed by adrenergic outflow effects. This article is to report our experience with accelerated neuroregulation that reverses the physical and psychological dependency. After a comprehensive psychological and medical examination, 361 heroin dependent patients were admitted to ICU to be hospitalized for a full 24 or 36 hours, including a 6 hour pre-procedure medication process (solbutamol, clonidine, diazepam, ranitidine, omeprazole, vitamin C, octreotide, and ondansetron). Anesthesia was induced with midazolam and propofol iv and maintained with propofol infusion. Naltrexon, clonidine, octreotide, and diazepam were then administered. Anesthesia was maintained for 3 ½ - 5 hours depending on severity of withdrawal symptoms precipitated by naltrexone. Analgetics and sedatives were given as needed afterwards. Upon discharge on the following day, patient was prescribed a regimen of oral naltrexone for 10-12 months. All 361 patients were successfully detoxified without any adverse anesthetic events. The side effects encountered were fatigue, insomnia, drowsy, shivering, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, myalgia, goose bumps and uncomfortable feeling. In most of the patients these symptoms disappeared without any treatment. Symptomatic treatments were needed in 32.7% of patients. In all 166 patients who completed their naltrexone maintenance treatment, craving disappeared in the 10th month. The main problem was the low patient compliance to oral naltrexone, so that only 45.9% of the patients completed their therapy. Conclusion: Accelerated neuroregulation which includes naltrexone maintenance treatment (10-12 months) was highly effective to detoxify and to abolish craving in the heroin dependent patients. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 53-8)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 13 (1) January March 2004: 53-58, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dian Harlivasari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Penggunaan tembakau menimbulkan ketergantungan nikotin sehingga proses berhenti merokok menjadi sulit dan membutuhkan bantuan khusus. Keterbatasan terapi berhenti merokok di Indonesia mendorong lahirnya terapi farmakologi alternatif. Hasil penelitian preklinik menunjukkan terdapat peluang efektivitas N-acetylcistein (NAC) terhadap berhenti merokok. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan uji acak plasebo terkontrol pada perokok yang dilakukan selama Januari-Desember 2018. Sebanyak 90 perokok mendapatkan perlakuan yang dibedakan menjadi dua kelompok yaitu NAC 2x1200 mg dan plasebo selama 4 minggu. Pengamatan dilakukan pada minggu ke 1,2,3 dan 4. Pada akhir perlakuan dilakukan penilaian abstinence rate (AR), nilai withdrawal dan craving. Hasil: Nilai AR pada kelompok NAC sebesar 37,7% sementara kelompok plasebo 6,7%. Pada variabel demografi yang bermakna terhadap abstinence adalah skor Fagestorm, motivasi dan nilai CO ekshalasi dasar dan percobaan berhenti merokok sebelumnya. Pada variabel akhir penelitian yaitu nilai CO ekshalasi akhir, jumlah rokok akhir, nilai withdrawal akhir dan nilai craving akhir bermakna secara statistik ( nilai p <0,001) Kesimpulan: Abstinence rate pada kelompok NAC lebih superior dibandingkan kelompok plasebo. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan dengan durasi pemberian lebih panjang dan pengamatan terhadap continues abstinance rate (CAR). ......Background: Tobacco cigarette smoking often resulted in nicotine dependence which caused difficulties in smoking cessation program which in turn requiring smokers to seek professional help. However, pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation was limited in Indonesia. Preclinical studies suggested n-acetylcysteine (NAC) might able to reduce withdrawal and craving symptoms for substance dependence particularly nicotine addiction among smokers. Methods : This placebo controlled clinical trial was conducted between January to December 2018. This study randomly grouped 90 cigarette smokers into NAC-treated (NAC 1200 mg bid) and placebo group whose four weeks of treatment was observed. The study objective was to compare abstinence rate (AR), withdrawal, and craving symptoms using scoring system at the end of the study. Results : The AR in NAC-treated group was 37.7% and in placebo group was 6.7%. Fagerstrom score of nicotine dependence, motivation, and base exhaled CO concentration were related to abstinence. Decrease of daily cigarette consumption and exhaled CO concentration, and changes in withdrawal and craving score, were observed among the smokers by the end of the study. Conclusion : This preliminary study suggested feasibility and efficacy of NAC for smoking cessation. Follow-up study of NAC on AR should be carried out.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karmelia Christa Pusung
Abstrak :
One interesting issue nowadays is the legal protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) produced by traditional society. Intellectual property produces by the traditional society called expression of folklore. There is no special regulation in the scope of international and national caused legal protection of iuntellectual property produced by traditional societies is still weak. Consequently, exploitation occured by foreigners. For example, the case of Jepara?s carving art that was exploited by foreign caused craftsmen in Jepara losses.
Salah satu isu yang menarik saat ini adalah perlindungan hukum terhadap Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat tradisional. Kekayaan intelektual yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat tradisional disebut expression of folklore. Belum adanya pengaturan khusus dalam lingkup internasional dan nasional menyebabkan perlindungan hukum terhadap kekayaan intelektual yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat tradisional masih lemah. Akibatnya, terjadi eksploitasi oleh pihak asing. Contohnya, kasus seni ukir Jepara yang dieksploitasi oleh pihak asing menyebabkan pengrajin di Jepara mengalami kerugian.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library