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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Suwas, Satyam
Abstrak :
Providing a comprehensive and invaluable overview of the basics of crystallographic textures and their industrial applications, this book covers a broad range of both structural and functional materials. It introduces the existing methods of representation in an accessible manner and presents a thorough overview of existing knowledge on texture of metallic materials. Texture analysis has widespread use in many industries, and provides crucial input towards the development of new materials and products. There has been rapid growth in the science and art of texture analysis in the last few decades. Other topics addressed within this book include recent research on texture in thin films and non-metals, and the dependence of material properties on texture, and texture control in some engineering materials. This book constitutes an invaluable reference text for researchers and professionals working on texture analysis in metallurgy, materials science and engineering, physics and geology. By using content selectively, it is also highly accessible to undergraduate students.
Heidelberg: Springer, 2014
548.8 SUW c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wells, A.F.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977
548.7 WEL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nofrijon Bin Imam Sofyan
Abstrak :
Telah dipelajari pengaruh Pb terhadap struktur kristal dan kerapatan elektron keramik Ba1_x PbxTiO3 dengan x (nominal) = 0,5. Sampel dalam percobaan ini didapat melalui sintesis metalurgi serbuk dari bahan asal BaC03, PbC03 dan TiO2, yang merupakan reagen dengan kemurnian lebih dari 99% yang tersedia secara komersial dari E-Merck. Difraktogram sinar-X yang diperoleh pada suhu kamar dianalisis menggunakan paket program kristallografi GSAS. Analisis struktur memperlihatkan bahwa kristalnya adalah Bao,7Pb0,3TiO3 dengan tipe struktur perovskife BaTiO3, grup ruang tetragonal P4mm, a = 3,943(1) A, c = 4,055(1) A, V = 63.035(63) A3, x2 = 2,115, Rp = 18,630 dan Rwp = 23,640 dengan jumlah variabel 19. Hal ini memberikan arti bahwa penambahan Pb terhadap keramik BaTiO3 tidak merubah struktur nonsentrosimetrik bahan, akan tetapi hanya sedikit berpengaruh terhadap kontraksi sumbu a dan b dan pemanjangan terhadap sumbu c. Analisis kerapatan elektron dalam bahan memperlihatkan bahwa ada konsistensi pengukuran kerapatan elektron dengan parameter struktur kalkulasi dengan ∆p max. 7.965 e A-3 dan ∆p min.-2.555 e A-3. Hasil akhir memperlihatkan bahwa, bila dibandingkan dengan barium titanat mumi yang dalam percobaan ini mempunyai kerapatan elektron p max. 115,129 e A-3 dan 112,467 a A-3 masing-masing untuk nilai observasi dan perhitungan, terjadi penambahan kerapatan elektron pada posisi ion subtitusi dengan p max. 180,069 e A-3 dan 172,105 e A-3 masing-masing untuk nilai observasi dan nilai perhitungan. Selanjutnya, pengukuran diferensial termal dari bahan Ba0,7Pbg,3TiO3 memperlihatkan bahwa kemungkinan titik lelehnya lebih rendah dari BaTiO3, sedangkan hasil pengukuran konstanta dielektrik memperlihatkan bahwa temperatur Curie dan konstanta dielektrik pada temperatur tersebut masing-masing adalah 210 °C dan 5440. ...... The effect of Pb on crystallographic structure and electron density of Ba1.xPbxTi03 ceramic, where x (nominal) = 0.5, has been investigated. The samples in this study were synthesized using powder metallurgy from BaCO3, PbCO3 and TiO2, which were reagents with purity better than 99% available commercially from E-Merck. The X-ray diffractograms, which were obtained at room temperature, were refined using the crystallographic software package GSAS. Structural analysis shows that the crystal is Bao.7Pba.3TiO3 with the perovskite-type BaTiO3 structure, the space group tetragonal P4mm, a = 3.943(1) A, c = 4.055(1), V=63.035(63) A3 with 19 refined variables, the goodness of fit x2 is of 2.115 and the residual parameters Rp and Rwp are 18.630% and 23.640% respectively. These results imply that Pb has no effect on the noncentrosymmetric structural change of barium titanate except to contract a and b axis and to extend c axis. Studies on electron density show that the electron density measurements are consistent with the calculated structural parameters with max ∆p = 7.965 e A-3 and min. ∆p = -2.555 e A-3. Final results show that, as compared to that of pure BaTi03, which in this study has the value of max. p 115,129 e A'3 and 112,467 e A-3 for the observed and the calculated value respectively, there is an increasing of electron density at the substitute ion positions with max. p 180.069 e A-3 and 172,105 e A-3 for the observed and the calculated value respectively. Furthermore, differential thermal analyzer measurements on Bao.7Pba.3TiO3 show that its melting point might be lower than that of BaTiO3, while dielectric constants measurement shows that the Curie temperature and corresponding dielectric constant are 210 °C and 5440 respectively.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan refinement struktur kristal zeolit Bayah dari data difraksi menggunakan program Rietan. Intensitas difraksi dari zeolit diukur dengan teknik difraksi sinar-x (XRD). Hasil terbaik dari pencocokan dan refinement pola difraksi, yang menunjukkan keberadaan dua fasa klinoptilolit dan mordenit, memberikan tingkat reliabilitas (Rwp) sebesar 11,37 % pada sampel 1 (lokasi 1) dan 10,34 % pada sampel 2 (lokasi 2). Tingginya harga ini disebabkan oleh rendahnya data statistik dan adanya puncak-puncak abnormal, yang mungkin ditimbulkan oleh proses pemurnian zeolit alam yang kurang sempurna atau tingginya mobilitas beberapa atom. Berhasil dikonfirmasikan bahwa zeolit alam berasal dari Bayah mempunyai dua fasa yaitu fasa klinoptilolit dan mordenit yang berturut-turut mempunyai simetri ruang C2/m dengan sistim kristal monoklinik dan simetri ruang Cmcm dengan sistim kristal ortorombik. Pada sampel I fraksi berat masing-masing sebesar 59,26 % untuk fasa klinoptilolit bentuk uni kation K dan 40,74 % untuk mordenit bentuk poli kation K-Na. dengan formula K6,06(A16Si30O72) 3,OH2O dan K3.10 Na5.12(Al8Si40O96). 3,04H2O. Sampel 2, fraksi berat berturutturut sebesar 33,13 % untuk fasa klinoptilolit bentuk poli kation K-Mg dan 66,87 % untuk mordenit bentuk poll kation Ca-Na dengan formula K517 Mg0,16(AI6S6O72).1,0 H2O dan Ca1,13 Na5,63 (Al8Si40096) 1,2H2O. Dominasi fasa klinoptilolit dan mordenit tiap lokasi ternyata berbeda. Adanya dua tipe gugus hydroxyl dalam struktur sangkar zeolit telah diidentifikasi dengan teknik Spektroskopi Infra Merah (FTIR). Morfologi permukaan zeolit telah diperiksa dengan Scanning Electron Miceoscope Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analyzer (SEM-EDAX). Penelitian ini dapat memberikan harapan bahwa zeolit alam Bayah dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dengan pemakaian dan pengembangan zeolit yang tepat guna.
ABSTRACT The crystallographic structures of Bayah zeolite have been refined using RIETAN program from the x-ray diffraction intensity data. The best refinement gives residual factor (Rwp) of 11.37% in sample 1 (first location) and 10.34 % in sample 2 (second location) which comes from poor statistics and abnormal peaks in the data. The latter might be due to the purification problem in natural zeolite process or high mobility of same atoms. This refinement suggest that this Bayah zeolit (first sample) compound crystallizes in two phases of the clinoptilolite K-form (uni-cation) with chemical formula : K6.06 (AI6Si30O72),3.0H20 type monoclinic phase (space group C21m) and mordenite K-Na-form (poly-cation) with chemical formula K3,10 Na5.12(Al8Si40O96). 3.04H20 type orthorhombic phase (space group Cmcm) with mass fraction of 59.26 % and 40.74 % respectively. Second sample compound crystallizes also in two phases of the clinoptilolite K-Mg form (poly-cation) with chemical formula : KS.17 Mgo.16(A16Si30072).1.0 H2O type monoclinic phase (space group C21m) and mordenite Ca-Na-form (poly-cation) with chemical formula : Ca13 Na5.63(AI8Si40096).1.2 H2O type orthorhombic phase (space group Cmcm) with mass fraction of 33.13 % and 66.87 % respectively. Two types of hydroxyl group in framework were identified by using Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). The surface morphology was probed with Scanning Electron Microscope Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analyzer (SEM-EDAX). The results of this investigation raise hope that the Bayah natural zeolit is able to be modified and to be used effectively.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
An attempt to prepare trinuclear tungsten oxoalkoxides [BzMe3N]3[W3O8(OMe)5] from the reaction between WO2(OMe)2, [BzMe3N]2WO4 and [BzMe3N](OMe) in the ratio of 2:1:1 in MeOH produced [BzMe3N]2[Na2W4O12(OMe)4(MeOH)6].6MeOH. Suitable crystals for X-ray chrystallographic studies were obtained from hot mixture of methanol-acetonitrile solution. The I.R., 1H-NMR, and microanalysis data including crystal structure of [Na2W4O12(OMe)4(MeOH)6]2- anion are reported.
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In an attempt to synthesize [BzMe3N]2Mo2O5(OMe)5 from the reaction of [BzMe3N]2MoO4 and MoO(OMe)4 in the ratio of 1:1 in methanol has produced [BzMe3N]2Mo4O10(OMe)6. The formation of [Mo4O10(OMe)6]2- anion suggests that ligand dissociation has occured in solution. Suitable crystals for X-ray chrystallographic were obtained from hot methanol and the crystal structure of [BzMe3N]2Mo4O10(OMe)6 has been solved and reported here in.
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library