"[Tesis ini membahas tentang budaya produksi dalam newsroom TVONE pada pilpres 2014. Budaya produksi media, berkaitan dengan komposisi dan struktur sosial internal dari para pekerja media dan hubungan yang dipelihara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi kasus di dalam program “Presiden Pilihan Rakyat”. Untuk mengetahui budaya produksi dalam newsroom TVONE pada pilpres 2014, peneliti menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap jurnalis TVONE. Hasil penelitian menunjukan
bahwa individual level, level rutinitas media, level organisasi, level ekstra media serta level ideologi berperan dalam budaya produksi pada newsroom TVONE di pilpres 2014.;This research focused on the cultural production in newsroom TVONE at the 2014 presidential election. Media production culture, with regard to the composition and internal social structure of the media workers and relationships are maintained. This is a qualitative research that using case study on Presiden Pilihan Rakyat programme. To find out cultural production in newsroom TVONE
at the 2014 presidential election, therefore the author use case study on Presiden Pilihan Rakyat TV programme. In order to find out the cultural production in newsroom TVONE at the 2014 presidential election, the author observed and interview the TVONE journalist. The results showed that individual level, routines media level, organization level, extra media level and ideology play a role in the cultural level of production in the newsroom of TVONE at the 2014 presidential election, This research focused on the cultural production in newsroom TVONE at the
2014 presidential election. Media production culture, with regard to the
composition and internal social structure of the media workers and relationships
are maintained. This is a qualitative research that using case study on Presiden
Pilihan Rakyat programme. To find out cultural production in newsroom TVONE
at the 2014 presidential election, therefore the author use case study on Presiden
Pilihan Rakyat TV programme. In order to find out the cultural production in
newsroom TVONE at the 2014 presidential election, the author observed and
interview the TVONE journalist. The results showed that individual level,
routines media level, organization level, extra media level and ideology play a
role in the cultural level of production in the newsroom of TVONE at the 2014
presidential election]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015