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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Latar Belakang: Aktifitas dan lingkungan penyelaman yang dilakukan penyelam Kopaska memiliki bahaya potensial baik fisik, kimia maupun biologi. Teori adatatif Guritno mengatakan bahwa lingkungan penyelaman merupakan stressor yang menyebabkan manusia melakukan penyesuain, dimana dalam melakukan adaptasinya mengalami strain yang mempengaruhi beberapa organ tubuh manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan pengaruh kerja jantung : isi sekuncup, frekuensi denyut jantung dan curah jantung dengan kerja fisik submaksimal menggunakan media napas oksigen 100% dan udara kompresi di kedalaman 5 meter pada penyelam Kopaska. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental dengan cross over design. Subyek penelitin 22 orang penyelam Kopaska, dibagi dua kelompok, yaitu oksigen 100% (intervensi) dengan udara kompresi (kontrol). Kerja fisik submaksimal menggunakan sepeda ergocycle dengan metode Astrand modifikasi Guritno. Hasil: Perbandingan respon kardiovaskuler antara media napas oksigen 100% dengan udara kompresi kondisi hiperbarik saat istirahat, respon isi sekuncup dengan nilai value-p p = 0.655, frekuensi denyut jantung p = 0.512 dan curah jantung p = 0.769 (p > 0.05). Dalam kondisi hiperbarik saat pembebanan fisik submaksimal 2 Kp, respon isi sekuncup dengan nilai value-p p = 0.655, frekuensi denyut jantung p = 0.512 dan curah jantung p = 0.769 (p > 0.05). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada sistem kardiovaskuler berupa respon isi sekuncup, frekuensi denyut jantung dan curah jantung antara media napas oksigen 100% dengan udara kompresi di kedalaman 5 meter baik saat istirahat maupun saat pembebanan fisik submaksimal 2 Kp. ...... Background: activities and environmental dives conducted frogmen divers have good potential danger of physical, chemical and biological. "Guritno adatatif Theory" says that the dive environment is a stressor that causes people to do adjustment, which in doing adaptation subjected to strain that affects several organs of the human body. This study aims to prove the influence of the heart: stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output with submaximal physical work using the media breathing 100% oxygen and compressed air at a depth of 5 meters at divers frogmen. Methods: This study is an experimental study with cross-over design. The subjects of the research is conducted 22 divers frogmen, divided into two groups, namely oxygen 100% (intervention) with compressed air (control). Submaximal exercise using a bicycle Ergocycle Astrand method "Guritno modification". Results: Comparison of cardiovascular responses between the media breathing oxygen 100% (hyperbaric hyperoxia) with compressed air (hyperbaric ?hyperoxia air?) conditions hyperbaricat rest, stroke volume response with value-p of p = 0.655, heart rate p = 0.512 and cardiac output p = 0.769 (p> 0.05). In conditions hyperbaric submaximal exercise 2 Kp, stroke volume response with value-p of p = 0.226, heart rate p = 0.647 and cardiac output p = 0.195 (p> 0.05). Conclusions: There were no significant differences in the response of the cardiovascular system such as stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output between the media breathing oxygen 100% with compressed air at a depth of 5 meters both at rest and during submaximal exercise 2 Kp."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vera Citra Setiawan Hoei
"Latar belakang: Sindrom curah jantung rendah (low cardiac output syndrome, LCOS) merupakan salah satu morbiditas yang terjadi pascaoperasi jantung terbuka. Angka kejadian LCOS pada pasien pascaoperasi sebanyak 25–65%, sehingga diperlukannya suatu penanda biologis praoperatif untuk menilai keadaan pembedahan yang optimal. NT-proBNP merupakan suatu biomarker yang berpotensi digunakan dalam diagnosis, tata laksana dan prognosis pada populasi pediatrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi peran NT-proBNP sebagai faktor prediktor terhadap kejadian LCOS pascabedah jantung terbuka.
Metode: Studi longitudinal dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita dalam periode November 2018 hingga Maret 2020 dengan merekrut subjek di bawah usia 18 tahun yang menjalani operasi korektif kelainan jantung bawaan. Kadar NT-proBNP prabedah diambil dan dianalisis terhadap kejadian LCOS pascaoperasi.
Hasil: Terdapat 159 subjek dilibatkan sebagai subjek penelitian. Angka kejadian LCOS pascaoperasi sebanyak 23,9%. Median NT-proBNP prabedah berbeda bermakna antara pasien yang mengalami LCOS dengan pasien yang tidak mengalami LCOS (1592 pg/mL vs. 227 pg/mL; p = 0,001). Nilai cut-off NT-proBNP prabedah terhadap kejadian LCOS pascaoperasi adalah 400 pg/mL, dengan sensitivitas 78,95%, spesifisitas 64,46%, positive predictive value 41,10%, negative predictive value 90,70% dan diagnostic accuracy 67,92%.
Simpulan: NT-proBNP prabedah dapat dijadikan faktor prediktor terhadap kejadian LCOS pascaoperasi jantung terbuka. Nilai cut-off NT-proBNP prabedah terhadap luaran LCOS pascaoperasi adalah 400 pg/mL.
Background: Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a common morbidity following open heart surgery in pediatric population. The incidence of postoperative LCOS range from 25 to 65%, indicating the needs for preoperative tool to evaluate optimum condition prior to surgery. NT-proBNP is a biomarker that has potential in diagnosis, management, and prognosis in pediatric population. This study aims to evaluate the role of NT-proBNP as predictive factor for LCOS following cardiac surgery.
Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted in Harapan Kita National Heart Center between November 2018 and March 2020. We recruited subjects below 18 years old who underwent corrective cardiac surgery. NT-proBNP was obtained preoperatively and analyzed for postoperative LCOS.
Results: A total of 159 subjects were enrolled. The incidence of postoperative LCOS was 23.9%. The median of preoperative NT-proBNP was found to be significantly higher in patients experiencing LCOS compared to that of patients without LCOS (1592 pg/mL vs. 227 pg/mL; p = 0.001). The cut-off value for preoperative NT-proBNP to determine postoperative LCOS was 400 pg/mL with sensitivity of 78.95%, specificity of 64.46%, positive predictive value of 41.10%, negative predictive value of 90.70% and diagnostic accuracy of 67.92%.
Conclusions: Preoperative NT-proBNP can be used as predictor for postoperative LCOS following cardiac surgery. The cut-off value of preoperative NT-proBNP in determining postoperative LCOS was found to be 400 pg/mL."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felicia Gunardi
Penyakit jantung bawaan asianotik yang merupakan sebagian besar dari penyakit jantung bawaan memerlukan operasi bedah jantung terbuka untuk memperbaiki kelainannya. Sindrom curah jantung rendah masih merupakan masalah yang dihadapi pada pasien pediatrik pascabedah jantung terbuka. Deteksi sindrom curah jantung rendah yang ada sekarang menggunakan kriteria klinis dan indikator laboratorik masih belum dirasa cukup, yang terbukti dengan masih adanya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas. Peranan penanda biologis NT-proBNP telah berkembang di gagal jantung dewasa diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk dapat mendeteksi sindrom curah jantung rendah pada pediatrik.
Penelitian cross sectional observasional dengan jumlah 38 subjek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang menjalani operasi jantung bawaan asianotik bulan Oktober-November 2018 di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh darah Nasional Harapan Kita, Indonesia. Data prabedah, intrabedah dan pascabedah termasuk kejadian sindrom curah jantung rendah dicatat. Kadar NT-proBNP akan diambil prabedah, 4 jam, 24 jam dan 72 jam pascabedah. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney.
Kadar NT-proBNP prabedah, 4 jam pascabedah dan 24 jam pascabedah berbeda bermakna dengan kejadian sindrom curah jantung rendah (nilai p <0,05). Kadar NT-proBNP prabedah memiliki perbedaan rerata lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kadar NT-proBNP 4 jam pascabedah yang juga lebih rendah dibandingkan kadar NT-proBNP 24 jam pascabedah dan hal ini berbeda bermakna (p <0,001). Sedangkan kadar NT-proBNP 72 jam pascabedah memiliki rerata lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kadar NT-proBNP 24 jam pascabedah yang juga berbeda bermakna (p <0,001). Analisis kadar NT-proBNP dengan variabel lainnya mendapatkan hasil berbeda bermakna dengan variabel usia, jenis kelamin, berat badan, diagnosis PJB, durasi ventilasi mekanik dan durasi ICU.
Kadar NT-proBNP berhubungan dengan kejadian sindrom curah jantung rendah. Kadar NT-proBNP yang tinggi menunjukkan adanya kejadian sindrom curah jantung rendah (pada kadar NT-proBNP prabedah, 4 jam dan 24 jam pascabedah).

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Rijal Alaydrus
Hipertrofi ventrikel kanan (HVKa) pada tetralogy fallot (TF) merupakan suatu respon adaptif akibat dari peningkatan tekanan di ventrikel kanan (VKa) dan hipoksia. HVKa yang berat vektor jantung akan mengarah ke kanan-posterior dapat menyebabkan gelombang S yang dalam di sadapan V6. Sementara itu pasien TF yang lama tidak dikoreksi akan mengalami paparan tekanan berlebih dan sianosis yang lebih lama juga, yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan-perubahan di tingkat seluler kardiomiosit yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan disfungsi VKa, dan sindrom curah jantung rendah (SCJR). Walaupun angka kesintasan pasca operasi baik, tapi perburukan SCJR dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Saat ini belum jelas bagaimana hubungan antara gelombang S di V6 dengan luaran total koreksi TF khususnya kejadian SCJR.
Penelitian dengan metode potong lintang. Subyek penelitian adalah TF yang menjalani total koreksi selama tahun 2013 sebanyak 150 pasien, 35 diantaranya dikeluarkan dari penelitian karena tidak memenuhi kriteri inklusi. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok subyek dengan temuan kriteria S di V6 dan subyek yang untuk melihat hubungan temuan kriteria tersebut dengan variabel dasar. Kemudian dilakukan analisis bifariat terhadap kejadian SCJR, variabel dengan nilai p < 0.25 di masukkan dalam analisa multivariat. Nilai p< 0.05 dianggap bermakna.
Usia yang lebih muda, saturasi dan hematokrit yang lebih tinggi ditemukan pada kelompok subyek memenuhi kriteria gelombang S di V6. Kemudian, usia yag lebih muda, saturasi yang tinggi, kriteria gelombang R di aVR, kriteria gelombang S di I dan kriteria gelombang S di V6 berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR. Analisis multivariat kriteria gelombang S di V6 berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR dengan OR 3.2, interval kepercayaan 95% 1.2 - 8.5 dan nilai p=0.02
Kriteria EKG gelombang S di sadapan V6 untuk diagnosis HVKa berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR pasca total koreksi pasien TF.

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn?t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients? OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Shandi Laila
"Latar Belakang: Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) adalah salah satu komplikasi berat yang sering terjadi pascabedah jantung terbuka dengan insidens 25-32%. LCOS dapat terjadi akibat proses inflamasi melalui jalur inflamasi dan komplemen setelah pintas jantung-paru (PJP). Diperlukansuatu marker inflamasi yang dapat memprediksi terjadinya LCOS. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan rasio neutrofil-limfosit (neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, NLR) yang merupakan marker inflamasi sederhana dan rutin dilakukan, tetapi penggunaannya sebagai prediktor dalam menentukan LCOS belum banyak dilaporkan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui peran NLR prabedah dan 0, 4, dan 8 jam pascabedah sebagai prediktor kejadian LCOS pascabedah jantung terbuka anak dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB).
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan uji prognostik dengan desain kohort prospektif, dilaksanakan pada 1 Desember 2020 hingga 30 Juni 2021 di cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu (PJT) RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Hasil: Dari 90 subyek didapatkan 25 subyek (27,8%) mengalami LCOS. Nilai NLR prabedah berperan dalam memprediksi kejadian LCOS (AUC 70), dengan cut off ≥0,88 (p=0,027) didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas 64% dan 64,62% (IK 95%, 57-83). Sedangkan NLR 0 jam pascabedah memiliki nilai prediksi yang baik (AUC 81) terhadap kejadian LCOS, dengan cut off ≥4,73 (p<0,0001) didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas masing-masing 80% (IK 95%, 69-94). Selanjutnya NLR 4 dan 8 jam pascabedah memiliki nilai prediksi yang sangat baik (AUC 97 dan 98) terhadap kejadian LCOS, dengan cut off berturut-turut adalah ≥6,19 (p<0,0001) dan ≥6,78 (p<0,0001) didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas berturut-turut adalah 92% dan 96% (IK 95%, 92-100), serta 92% dan 96,92% (IK 95%, 94-100).
Kesimpulan: NLR prabedah dan 0, 4, dan 8 jam pascabedah terbukti berperan sebagai prediktor kejadian LCOS pascabedah jantung terbuka anak dengan PJB.
......Background: Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a severe complications that often occurs in children after open heart surgery, with an incidence 25-32%. It can occur as a result of inflammatory response involving the inflammatory and complement pathways after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). An inflammatory marker is needed to predict the occurrence of LCOS. In this study, an examination of the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) which is a simple and routine marker of inflammation is carried out, but its use as a predictor in determining LCOS has not been widely reported.
Objective. We aimed to explore the role of preoperative and 0, 4, and 8 hours postoperative NLR as a predictor of LCOS after open heart surgery in children with congenital heart disease (CHD).
Methods: This study used a prognostic test with a prospective cohort design, was done from 1st December 2020 until 30 th June 2021 at cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu (PJT) RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Results: From 90 subjects, 27.8% (25 subjects) had LCOS. Preoperative NLR had a fair predictive value (AUC 70) for the incidence of LCOS, with a cut off value ≥0.88 (p=0.027) having a sensitivity and specificity of 64% and 64.62% (CI 95%, 57-83).While the NLR 0 hours post-operative also had a good predictive value (AUC 81) for the incidence of LCOS, with a cut off value ≥4.73 (p<0.0001) having a sensitivity and specificity of 80% (CI 95%, 69-94), respectively. Furthermore, NLR 4 and 8 hours post-operative had a very good predictive value (AUC 97 and 98) for the incidence of LCOS, with cut off value ≥6.19 (p<0.0001) and ≥6.78 (p<0.0001), having a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 96% (CI 95%, 92-100), as well as 92% and 96.92% (CI 95%, 94-100).
Conclusion: Preoperative and 0, 4, and 8 hours postoperative NLR can be a predictor of LCOS after open heart surgery in children with CHD. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Nugroho
"Hipotensi merupakan masalah yang sermg di jumpai pada tindakan analgesia blok. Subarak.hnmd ( SAB ) untuk bedah seksio sesari. Penelitian acak. terbuka ini meneliti keefektifan elevasi tungkat 30° untuk mengurangi kekerapan hipotenst pada analgesia SAB untuk bedah seksaria sesama pembanding yang digunakan adalah tidakan yang sudah terbukti efektif mengurangi kekerapan hipotensi pada analgesia SAB untuk bedah seksio sesaria yaitu pemberian laktatintravena 20 mll/kg bb saat penyuntikan spmal ( coload).
Seratus enampuluh satu pasien yang menjalani bedah seksio sesaria dikelompokkan secara acak menjadi kelompok yang tungkainya dielevasikan 30° (kelompok. elevast) dan kelompok yang diberikan cairan laktat 20 ml/kg bb yang diberikan saat penyuntikan (kelompok load). Kejadian hipotensi (25% bandmg 39% p = 0 510) penggunaan efedrin ( medran 0 [0 30] bandmg 0 [030] p = 0 381) mlat APGAR menit pertama ( median 9 [4 9] bandmh 9 [6 9] p = 0 908) dan menit kelima (median 10 [6 10] bandmh, 10 [8 10] p= 0 -+1-+) tidak berbeda antara kelompok elevas1 dan kelompok coloid.
Kesimpulannya adalah devast tungkai sama efektifnya dengan pemberian laktat 20 ml/kg bb untuk mengurangi hitpotensi pada tindakan analgesia blok subarakhanoid bedah seksio sesaria.
......Hypotension Is the most common problem following subarachnoid block analgesia for cesarean section. In this study we tested the hypothesis that 30° leg elevation (elevation group) following subarachnoid block analgesia cesarean section would reduce the incidence of hypotension. In this study we used coloadmg lactated ranger's solution 20 m/kg BW intravenously given dunng spinal injection (coload group) as comparison.
We conducted an open randomuzed trial study m 161 patients would undergo cesarean section. Patients divided into leg elevation and coload group. Both groups had no difference in hypotension mdctence (25% m leg elevation group and 39% m coload group p = 0 51 0) ephedi in dose requirement (median 0 [ 0 10 ] compared with 0 [ 010 l p = 0 381) Apgar's score in first minute ( median 9 [ 4 9 ] compared With 9 [ 6 9 ] p = 0 908 ) and fifth minute( median I0 r6 I0 ] compared with I0 [ 8 I0 ] p= 0 4 14).
The conclusion that 30° leg elevation is as effective as coloading lactated ringer 20 ml/kg Bw intreavenously given during, spinal injection to decrease hypotenston mcdence tollowing subarachnoid block analgesia for cesarean section."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang: Penurunan curah jantung merupakan masalah yang penting dalam penatalaksanaan pasca-bedah jantung terbuka karena penurunan curah jantung ini meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien. Modalitas untuk pemantauan curah jantung bergeser dari invasif ke non-invasif. Alat ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM) dan ekokardiografi menjadi alat baru yang non-invasif. Bila dibandingkan dengan alat ekokardiografi yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus, alat USCOM dapat dijadikan alat pengukuran indeks curah jantung alternatif secara intermiten oleh tenaga medis terlatih.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil pengukuran indeks curah jantung dengan alat USCOM dibandingkan ekokardiografi pada anak pasca-bedah jantung terbuka dengan pintasan jantung paru.
Metode: Studi potong lintang (cross sectional) pada anak pasca-bedah jantung terbuka dengan PJP dengan metode pengukuran simultan indeks curah jantung dengan alat USCOM dan ekokardiografi di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, dari bulan Juni-Juli 2014.
Hasil: Tiga belas pasien yang menjalani bedah jantung terbuka berhasil diukur dengan alat USCOM dan ekokardiografi secara simultan. Subyek terdiri atas 8 laki-laki dan 5 perempuan dengan median usia 3 tahun (1-12 tahun). Median berat badan, tinggi badan, dan luas permukaan tubuh berturut-turut 11 kg (5,5-29 kg), 82 cm (63-133 cm), dan 0,53 m2 (0,32- 0,98 m2). Diagnosis terbanyak berturut-turut adalah tetralogi Fallot (5 subyek), defek septum ventrikel (3 subyek), dan DORV (2 subyek). Pada analisis Bland-Altman indeks curah jantung yang diukur dengan alat USCOM dibandingkan ekokardiografi didapatkan perbedaan rerata sebesar 0,115 L/menit/m2 (IK95% -0,536 hingga 0,766) dan batas kesesuaian -3,616 hingga 3,846 L/menit/m2. Hasil tambahan penelitian ini berupa perbedaan rerata indeks isi sekuncup 0,03 mL/m2 (IK95% -5,002 hingga 5,065) dan batas kesesuaian -28,822 hingga 28,885 mL/m2. Perbedaan rerata diameter LVOT -0,017 cm (IK95% -0,098 hingga 0,064) dan batas kesesuaian -0,285 hingga 0,251 cm. Perbedaan rerata nilai VTI didapatkan sebesar -2,991 cm (IK95% -4,670 hingga -1,311) dan batas kesesuaian -12,616 hingga 6,635 cm.
Kesimpulan: Pengukuran indeks curah jantung dengan alat USCOM dibandingkan ekokardiografi pada anak pasca-bedah jantung terbuka dengan PJP didapatkan perbedaan rerata kedua pengukuran kecil dan batas kesesuaian 95% yang lebar. Pada pengukuran indeks curah jantung yang makin rendah, perbedaan atau selisih rerata semakin kecil dan memiliki kesesuaiannya lebih baik.

Background: Low cardiac output is important problem in post-open heart surgery management because this condition increase morbidity and mortality. Modality of cardiac output monitoring shifted from invasive to non-invasive. Ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM) and echocardiography are new non-invasive tools. Echocardiography needs special skill, but USCOM can used by trained user because of fast learning curve of skill.
Objectives: To determine the agreement of cardiac index measurement by USCOM and echocardiography in children after open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Methods: Cross sectional study using simultaneous measurement of cardiac index by USCOM and echocardiography on post-open heart surgery patient in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, from Juni-Juli 2014.
Results: Thirteen post-open heart surgery of pediatric patient were enrolled (8 male and 5 female, median of age 3 years old (1-12 years old). Median of body weight, height, and body surface area respectively were 11 kg (5,5-29 kg), 82 cm (63-133 cm), dan 0,53 m2 (0,32-0,98 m2). Diagnosis of patient were tetralogi Fallot (5 subject), ventricular septal defect (3 subject), dan double outlet right ventricle (2 subject). This study using Bland-Altman analysis of cardiac index measurement by USCOM and echocardiography. Mean bias was 0,115 L/minute/m2 (95%CI -0,536 to 0,766) and limit of agreement was -3,616 to 3,846 L/minute/m2. Secondary outcome of this study was mean bias of stroke volume index 0,03 mL/m2 (95%CI -5,002 to 5,065) and limit of agreement was -28,822 to 28,885 mL/m2. Mean bias of LVOT diameter was -0,017 cm (95%CI -0,098 to 0,064) and limit of agreement was -0,285 to 0,251 cm. Mean bias of VTI was -2,991 cm (95%CI -4,670 to -1,311) and limit of agreement -12,616 to 6,635 cm.
Conclusion: Cardiac index measurement by USCOM and echocardiography in children after open heart surgery has narrow mean bias and wide limit of agreement. Mean bias was narrower and good agreement in patient with low cardiac index."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Budiyanto
"Posisi tubuh semi fowler 30° lateral kanan yang dianggap upaya proteksi mandiri yang memiliki efek positif terhadap hemodinamik pada pasien gagal jantung, namun belum diketahui dampaknya terhadap curah jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi semi fowler 30 lateral kanan terhadap curah jantung. Uji klinis crossover pada 20 subjek gagal jantung akut dengan teknik non randomisasi berdasarkan riwayat gagal jantung. Parameter hemodinamik diukur menggunakan alat LiDCO CNAP. Analisa dilakukan untuk menilai efek residual dan efektifitasnya menggunakan SPSS 26 & NCSS. Rentang usia subjek adalah 26-72 tahun. 75% tidak memiliki riwayat gagal jantung. 85% memiliki penurunan fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri <40%. Durasi washout 30 menit tidak menimbulkan efek residual dan tidak bermakna secara statistik (p>0.05). Perbedaan rerata stroke volume (p<0.05), variasi stroke volume 20.1±7.6 vs 43.3±19. Rerata curah jantung 4.88 sedangkan semi fowler 4.20, tidak signifikan secara statistik (p>0.05). Semi fowler 30 lateral kanan menurunkan variasi stroke volume dan meningkatkan rerata curah jantung. Dipertimbangkan sebagai strategi optimalisasi beban awal pada pasien gagal jantung preload dependent.
......The right lateral semi fowler 30° body position is considered a self-protective measure that has a positive effect on hemodynamics in heart failure patients, but the impact on cardiac output is not yet known. This study aimed to determine the effect of positioning the right lateral 30 semi fowler on cardiac output. A non randomized Crossover clinical trial on 20 acute heart failure subjects based on history of heart failure. Hemodynamic parameters were measured using the LiDCO CNAP. Statistical analysis was performed to assess the residual effect and assess its effectiveness using SPSS 26 & NCSS software. The age range of subjects is 26-72 years. 75% had no history of heart failure. 85% of subjects had a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction <40%. The washout duration of 30 minutes caused no residual effect and was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The average stroke volume differs significantly, stroke volume variation in SF30RL was 20.1±7.6 vs 43.3±19 in SF group. The mean cardiac output SF30RL was 4.88 while the semi fowler was 4.20 but not statistically significant (p>0.05). The right lateral 30 semi fowler can increase cardiac output values. Considered as a volume optimization strategy in a preload dependentt patients."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library