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Dini Indrastuty
Abstrak :
Stunting merupakan kondisi gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis sehingga anak lebih pendek untuk usianya melampaui defisit -2 standar deviasi di bawah median panjang atau tinggi badan. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting pada balita mulai dari faktor gizi sampai faktor sosial ekonomi. Kekurangan gizi terjadi sejak bayi dalam kandungan dan pada masa awal kehidupan setelah lahir, praktik pemberian air susu ibu, umur kepala rumah tangga, usia ibu pertama kali melahirkan, tingkat pendidikan ibu, status pekerjaan ibu, pendapatan rumah tangga, daerah tempat tinggal, dan juga sarana sanitasi. Multi dimensi faktor yang menyebabkan stunting memiliki dampak bagi kehidupan balita dan mempengaruhi perekonomian bangsa akibat meningkatnya pembiayaan kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak stunting terhadap sosial ekonomi rumah tangga di Indonesia, menggunakan data panel Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) tahun 1993 dan IFLS 2014. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah individu bayi usia 0-59 bulan (balita) dengan jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi sebanyak 1.295 individu. Analisis multivariat pada data dilakukan dengan pendekatan Propensity Score Matching (PSM) untuk melihat pencocokan nilaikedekatan antar dua kelompok. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa faktor pendidikan ibu, status pekerjaan ibu, tempat tinggal, sanitasi pembuangan kotoran manusia dan pendapatan rumah tangga memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kejadian balita stunting. Dampak stunting terhadap pendidikan anak ketika dewasa sebesar 2,3%, dampak stunting terhadap status pekerjaan sebesar 3,7% dan dampak stunting terhadap status ekonomi sebesar 8,3%.
Stunting is a problem of growth and development in children under five who are malnoutrished because children lack -2 deviation standart below the median length or height. Many factors improve nutrition in toddlers ranging from nutrition to socio-economic factors. Malnutrition occurs from the womb baby and at the beginning of life after birth, the practice of giving mothers milk, the age of the housewife, the age of the mothers first childbirth, the mothers education level, mothers employment status, household income, housing, and sanitation facilities. Multi-dimensional factors that cause stunting have an impact on the lives of toddlers and have an impact on improving state finances to improve publi finances. This study aims to analyze the impact of stunting on household socioeconomics in Indonesia, using a panel data of Indonesian Family Life Survey IFLS) in 1993 and 2014. The unit of analysis of this study was individuals aged 0-59 months with a number of samples fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria of 1,295 individuals. Multivariate analysis of the data was carried out with the aim of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) to see the value of proximity between two groups. The results of research obtained from maternal education factors, maternal employment status, place of residence, sanitation of human waste and household income have a significant relationship to the incidence of stunting in children under five. Stunting effect the education of adult is 2.3%, stunting effect on employment status is 3.7% and stunting effect on economic status is 8.3%.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Radhityana Muhammad
Abstrak :
Polusi atau emisi gas rumah kaca merupakan salah satu hal sumber eksternalitas negatif bagi lingkungan. Peningkatan emisi akan berdampak pada peningkatan suhu yang berakibat pada perubahan iklim. Salah satu penyumbang emisi terbesar di Indonesia adalah sektor transportasi.  Transisi menuju penggunaan kendaraan listrik merupakan salah satu alternatif kebijakan dalam upaya pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia melalui Perpres 55/2019 bertujuan untuk mempercepat implementasi kendaraan listrik berbasis baterai di Indonesia. Kendaraan listrik dianggap tidak menimbulkankan polusi dalam penggunaannya. Namun, di sisi lain penggunaan kendaraan listrik berpotensi menimbulkan leakage effect dari sektor transportasi terhadap emisi di sektor pengadaan listrik.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak ekonomi dan lingkungan akibat permintaan listrik yang merupakan derived demand dari kendaraan listrik. dengan menggunakan analisis environmentally extended input-output (EEIO). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total output perekonomian Indonesia berpotensi mengalami peningkatan hingga Rp 636 Miliar akibat peningkatan penggunaan kendaraan listrik. Pada sektor transportasi penggunaan kendaraan listrik dapat berpotensi mengurangi emisi hingga 76.982 Ton CO2. Tetapi leakage effect yang dihitung dari tambahan emisi sektor pembangkit listrik sebesar 92.863 TonCO2 dari total emisi dan hasil perhitungan EEIO 156.709 TonCO2. Jadi, pengurangan emisi sektor transportasi akibat penggunaan kendaraan listrik lebih kecil dibandingkan emisi yang muncul dari kegiatan ekonomi terutama di sektor pembangkitan listrik. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terjadi leakage effect akibat peningkatan penggunaan kendaraan listrik meskipun memiliki potensi yang besar dalam pengurangan emisi sektor transportasi.   ......Pollution is a source of negative externality for the environment. Increasing emissions will follow by the increase of global temperature that impacts climate change. The transportation sektor is one of the most significant contributors to emission production. The transition to the usage of electric vehicle (EV) is an alternative solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because it has zero emissions. The Indonesian government has been aiming to raise the usage of EV through fiscal and non-fiscal incentives through regulation in Perpres 55/2019. However, there's a potential leakage effect of emission increase in the activities of generating electricity. Even electric vehicles are considered to be zero emissions. This study aims to quantify the economic and environmental impact of increasing electricity demand by increasing the use of electric vehicles using environmentally extended input-output analysis. The results find that economic output will increase to Rp 636 billion as the effect of the increasing electricity demand. The emission of transportation sector will have a potential decrease to 76.982 Ton CO2. Unfortunately, Electricity generation sector emission will potentially increase to 92.863 Ton CO2 and also the total emission will increase to 156.709 Ton CO2e. The results shows that leakage effect occur after the increase of electric vehicle usage in Indonesia even the EVs have a huge pontential to reduce emission in transport sector.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Sugito
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang dampak pembangunan jalan tol Jakarta ? Cikampek terhadap kehidupan ekonomi masyarakat di Kabupaten Bekasi dan Kabupaten Karawang tahun 1980 ? 1998. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan sejarah sebagai metode penelitian yang terbagi dalam empat tahapan antara lain: Heuristik, Kritik, Interpretasi, dan Historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam proses pembangunan jalan tol Jakarta ? Cikampek terdapat dinamika yang terjadi di masyarakat khususnya mengenai ganti rugi pembebasan lahan yang digunakan untuk pembangunan jalan tol tersebut. Akan tetapi, pembangunan jalan tol juga memberikan dampak ekonomi terutama dalam meningkatkan sektor industri dan jumlah tenaga kerja bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Bekasi dan Kabupaten Karawang yang secara langsung dilalui pembangunan jalan tol tersebut.
This research discusses about the impact development of Jakarta ? Cikampek Highway again economic life of society in the Bekasi and Karawang regency in 1980 ? 1998. He authors used historical approach as method of research which is devide into for stages include: Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. The result of this research shows that in the process of development Jakarta ? Cikampek Highway there are dynamics that occur in the society, especially regarding land acquisition compensation which is used for the development that?s Highway. However, the development of Highway also provide economic impact, especially in the increasing of industrial sector and the number of workers for the people in Bekasi and Karawang regency which directly passed by development of that highway.;
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Adi Putra Sudiman
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas dampak ekonomi dan fiskal Pembangunan Pelabuhan Khusus Ekspor Batubara di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif menggunakan Data Tabel Input-Output Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2011 untuk menghitung dampak ekonomi serta proyeksi sederhana untuk menghitung dampak fiskal berupa potensi peningkatan royalti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan Pelabuhan Khusus Ekspor Batubara ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, karena mampu menciptakan peningkatan output, nilai tambah bruto, pendapatan masyarakat, dan lapangan kerja yang cukup signifikan. Dampak ekonomi terhadap penciptaan output selama kurun waktu 2015-2027 sebesar Rp. 168.247,87 miliar, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat sebesar Rp. 29.148,08 miliar, penciptaan nilai tambah bruto sebesar Rp. 119.161,15 miliar, dan penciptaan lapangan kerja sebanyak 148,77 ribu orang. Terkait dampak fiskal, keberadaan Pelabuhan Khusus Ekspor Batubara akan meningkatkan pengawasan yang berdampak pada pengurangan opportunity losses dan berdasarkan hasil simulasi, semakin besar pengurangan ekspor batubara ilegal maka akan meningkatkan potensi penerimaan PNBP dalam bentuk royalti. ......This thesis discusses the impact of Coal Export Port Development to East Kalimantan Province economy. This research is quantitative descriptive design using Data Input-Output East Kalimantan Province in 2011 to measuring economic impact, and simple projection method to measuring fiscal impact. The results showed that the development of Coal Exports Port have a positive impact on the East Kalimantan Province economy, because it can create an increase in output, gross value added, public revenue, and employment significantly. The economic impact of the creation of the output amounting to Rp. 168,247.87 billion, increased public revenue amounting to Rp. 29148.08 billion, the creation of gross value added amounted to Rp. 119,161.15 billion, and job creation amounted to 148.77 thousand. Related fiscal impact, the existence of Coal Exports Port will increase supervision to reduction of opportunity losses, and based on simulation results, the greater the reduction in illegal coal exports will increase non-tax revenue potential in the form of royalties.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darsono Wisadirana
Malang: Intelegensia Media, 2015
305.42 DAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang Pembangunan Jalan Ir. H. Juanda di Kota Depok yang dibangun sekitar tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2003 merupakan program dari pemerintah Daerah Kota Depok dimaksudkan agar dapat mengurangi kemacetan disekitar Jalan Margonda dan Jalan Tole Iskandar yang sangat padat terutama pada sekitar jam masuk kerja dan pulang kerja. Disamping itu keberadaan Jalan Baru Ir. H. Juanda menimbulkan dampak positif dengan tumbuhnya usaha ? usaha baru disepanjang jalan itu, seperti perdagangan, usaha bisnis dan usaha properti, dan juga menimbulkan dampak negatif dikarenakan terjadinya penggusuran rumah warga yang terkena imbas dari pembangunan jalan Ir. H. Juanda tersebut Dengan memperhatikan uraian latar belakang tersebut di atas maka dapat dirumuskan bahwa yang menjadi dasar dan faktor utama yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam studi ini adalah : ? Seberapa jauh dampak pembangunan Jalan Baru Ir. H. Juanda Depok terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat disekitar jalan tersebut?. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian deskriptif yaitu suatu penelitian yang berupaya menggambarkan, mencatat, menganalisa dan menginterprestasikan perubahan yang telah terjadi. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel kelompok pedagang, pengusaha properti, pelaku bisnis dan pengguna jalan di lingkungan Jalan Baru Ir. H. Juanda tersebut yang terdapat di kelurahan baktijaya, kecamatan Sukmajaya yang menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ke beradaan Jalan Baru Ir. H. Juanda Depok telah turut memicu tumbuhnya berbagai aktivitas baru disepanjang jalan baru antara lain, banyaknya para pedagang, pengusaha yang tumbuh di lokasi tersebut, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan perkapita penduduk sekitar Jalan Baru tersebut. Dan juga berpengaruh terhadap pengguna jalan yaitu dengan adanya jalan itu, dapat memperpendek jarak tempuh, dapat mengurangi biaya operasional perjalanan, mengurangi transport atau ongkos dalam menuju aktivitas sehari-harinya, dapat mengurangi kemacetan yang selama ini terjadi di kota Depok. Dan juga dengan dibangunnya jalan Baru Ir. H. Juanda berpengaruh terhadap Nilai Jual Obyek Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (NJOP) sehingga harga tanah maupun rumah lebih mahal karena sebelum adanya jalan tersebut harga tanah relatif terlalu murah disebabkan letaknya yang ada dibelakang.
This thesis discusses the development of Ir. H. Juanda Street in Depok city that was built around 2002 to 2003 to reduce congestion around Margonda Street and Tole Iskandar Street. Ir. H. Juanda New Road Construction is a program of the Regional Government of Depok City, with the aim to reduce the congestion that has been happening in the city of Depok especially before and after working hours. But the existence of the New Road has an impact on the environmental quality degradation, due to the occurrence of home evictions affected by road construction, the presence of air pollution and lack of clean air. By considering the description of the background mentioned above, can be formulated that is the basis and the main factor that become a question in this study is: "How far the impact of Ir. H. Juanda Depok New Road construction towards an economic growth around the road". This study used a descriptive type of research that attempts to describe, record, analyze and interpret the changes that have occurred. This study took a sample group of traders, property entrepreneur and road users within the Ir. H. Juanda New Road that contained in baktijaya village, subdistrict Sukmajaya which uses techniques of data collection by questionnaire. Based on this results it can be concluded that the existence of Ir. H. Juanda New Road Depok has helped trigger the growth of new activities along the new roads, among others, the number of traders, businessmen who grew in that location, so it effect on the per capita income of residents around the New Road. And also affect the road users because it can shorten the travel distance, reduce the operational costs of travel, reduce the cost of transport or fee in the way to daily activities, and can reduce the congestion that has been happening in the city of Depok. With the construction of the new road affect the Tax Object Sale Value of Land and Buildings (NJOP) so that land and house prices are more expensive because before it builds, the price is too cheap due to its location that is behind and almost unreachable.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Febrianto
Abstrak :
Artikel ini membahas tentang pengaruh Pabrik Gula Poerwodadie bagi wilayah sekitarnya yakni Desa Pelem, Magetan. Hadirnya industri gula memberikan dampak ekonomi pada peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya penyerapan tenaga kerja, penggunaan lahan, dan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Meskipun industri gula memberikan dampak ekonomi terhadap masyarakat, kehadiran Pabrik Gula Poerwodadie juga berdampak terhadap lingkungan masyarakat karena pabrik gula merupakan salah satu industri yang berpengaruh di Indonesia terutama di wilayah Desa Pelem pada tahun 1997 hingga tahun 2006. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan pihak Pabrik Poerwodadie memberikan kompensasi kepada masyarakat berupa bahan pangan yang kemudian berpengaruh pada eksistensi pabrik ini sendiri. Secara spesifik penelitian ini mencakup periode ketika terjadi krisis moneter hingga pasca berakhirnya krisis. Tujuannya agar dapat melihat perkembangan ekonomi daerah di Desa Pelem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari tahapan heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Penulis menggunakan data dari sumber-sumber berupa arsip, wawancara, koran, buku, dan jurnal yang diperoleh dari perpustakaan nasional, arsip pabrik, serta badan pusat statistik. Hasil penelitian ini memuat pengaruh pabrik gula Poerwodadie bagi perekonomian masyarakat pada periode 1997-2006. ......This article discusses the impact of "Pabrik Gula Poerwodadie" to its surrounding area, especially Desa Pelem, Magetan. The existence of sugar industry brought significant impact on improving the economy of its surrounding area. The reason behind the impact are employment and land usage that improving the income of the surrounding village. Although the sugar industry brought economic impact on society, the existence of "Pabrik Gula Poerwodadie" also impacted the surrounding environment because its vital role in Desa Pelem area in 1997 until 2006. To deal with the environmental issues, "Pabrik Gula Poerwodadie" gave compensation to the surrounding villager in the form of comestibles which affect the existence of the factory itself. Specifically this research limit the scope of time during the period of financial crisis until post-crisis era. The main objective of this research is to see the regional economic development in Desa Pelem. This research utilize historical method which consists of heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The author uses data from historical sources in form of archives, interview, newspaper article, books, and journal article that accessible from Indonesia National Library, company archives, and Indonesia Central Agency on Statistics. This research contain the impact of "Pabrik Gula Purwodadie" to its surrounding people economy during 1997 until 2006.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joyce Irmawanti
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti dampak ekonomi sektor pariwisata di Provinsi Banten, daerah yang berdekatan dengan kota metropolitan Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan studi empiris di negara berkembang, yang terutama mengeksplorasi pentingnya pariwisata lokal/domestik, dampak langsung / tidak langsung dari kegiatan pariwisata dan peluang pengembangan keterkaitan dengan ekonomi lokal. Studi kasus ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Model kuantitatif menggunakan tren analisis, tren statistik dan simulasi input-output. Untuk analisis kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan beberapa stakeholder pariwisata di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Ditemukan bahwa pariwisata lokal dan domestik adalah kontributor paling signifikan dalam pendapatan pariwisata Banten. Namun, data yang ada tidak secara jelas menjelaskan dampak fenomena ?wisatawan sehari? (excursion). Simulasi input-output mengungkapkan bahwa efek "tidak langsung" dari sektor pariwisata nilainya lebih besar dari "efek langsung" dari koefisien multiplier sektor pariwisata. Temuan ini membuktikan bahwa industri pariwisata adalah "sektor pemicu" tetapi bukan mesin utama pertumbuhan ekonomi di Banten. Keterkaitan sektor pariwisata dengan ekonomi lokal untuk mengurangi impor/kebocoran ekonomi pariwisata bahkan membutuhkan proses industrialisasi di dalam industri pariwisata itu sendiri;
The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain ?one day tourism visit? phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that ?indirect? multiplier effects of ?less tourism-dependent sectors? are greater than the ?direct? multiplier effect of ?most tourism-dependent sectors?. The finding proves that tourism industry is a ?trigger sector? but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten. The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: ?no supply constraint?, ?constant return to scale?, ?fixed commodity input structure?, and ?fixed output-ratios?, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations;The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain ?one day tourism visit? phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that ?indirect? multiplier effects of ?less tourism-dependent sectors? are greater than the ?direct? multiplier effect of ?most tourism-dependent sectors?. The finding proves that tourism industry is a ?trigger sector? but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten. The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: ?no supply constraint?, ?constant return to scale?, ?fixed commodity input structure?, and ?fixed output-ratios?, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations;The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain ?one day tourism visit? phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that ?indirect? multiplier effects of ?less tourism-dependent sectors? are greater than the ?direct? multiplier effect of ?most tourism-dependent sectors?. The finding proves that tourism industry is a ?trigger sector? but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten. The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: ?no supply constraint?, ?constant return to scale?, ?fixed commodity input structure?, and ?fixed output-ratios?, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations;The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain “one day tourism visit” phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that “indirect” multiplier effects of “less tourism-dependent sectors” are greater than the “direct” multiplier effect of “most tourism-dependent sectors”. The finding proves that tourism industry is a “trigger sector” but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten. The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: “no supply constraint”, “constant return to scale”, “fixed commodity input structure”, and “fixed output-ratios”, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations, The focus of this study is the freshman student of Faculty of Psychology at The purpose of this study is to explore economic impact of tourism in Banten Province, a region close to Jakarta (a mega city in Indonesia). This research is an empirical study of tourism economic in developing country, mainly explores the importance of local/domestic tourism, direct/indirect impact of tourism activity and linkage opportunity. This case study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative model uses trend, statistical and input-output analysis. Input-output simulation shows the multiplier effect of increasing tourist arrival and import substitution. For exploratory analysis, this study uses semi-structured interview with key important persons from major stakeholder groups in Pandeglang District (one of the most-preferred coastal tourism destination in Banten). It is found that local and domestic tourism are the most significant contributor in Banten tourism revenue. However, existing data do not clearly explain “one day tourism visit” phenomena (excursion) of this local/domestic tourism from neighbouring cities. Input-output simulation reveals that “indirect” multiplier effects of “less tourism-dependent sectors” are greater than the “direct” multiplier effect of “most tourism-dependent sectors”. The finding proves that tourism industry is a “trigger sector” but not the main engine for economic growth. In the other side, local linkage as an option to reduce tourism import (the leakage), requires industrialisation in tourism industry itself. Industrialization in manufacture sectors is still the key for economic growth in Banten. The limitation of this paper is the restriction of underlining-assumptions of IO model: “no supply constraint”, “constant return to scale”, “fixed commodity input structure”, and “fixed output-ratios”, which might contrary to real conditions. The paper might not capture the in-depth micro-economic analysis of linkage feasibility. Another limitation of the study is that the result could not be generalized to different contextual situations]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library