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Rinaldy Dalimi
"A study has been done on the potential integration of Demand Side Management (DSM) to the reduction of electric power peak load forecasting in the Indonesian electric system by using the indonesia Energy Outlook by .System Dynamic (INOSYD) model and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method, within the study period of 2005-202l. DSM is the process of managing the consumption of energy. generally to optimize availability and development plan of energy resources. DSM application in this research refers to actions taken on the customer 's side of the matter to change the amount or timing of energy consumption, therefore it influences the reduction of the long-range forecasting of electricity peak load In this paper, the lang-term load forecasting is studied by using INOSYD model, JS T method and Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED) as comparison, where the calculation results of average annual load growth rate are around 4.60% (DVOSYD) ; 7.l6% (ISD and 6.87% (MAED) respectively. Afterwards, the influence of DSM by an effort to reduce energy consumption of residential sector by an amount of 5% and l0% respectively, with the respect to the lang-term load forecasting by using INOSYD model and ANN method is performed The study results show that DSM application at residential (household sector at an amount of 5% and l 0% by using lNOS}'D model will reduce the average long-term load forecasting by about 4.95% and 9.90% respectively, meanwhile ANN method will reduce the average long-term load forecasting by about 2.74 and 5.36% respectively."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Mudakkir
"Permasalahan yang banyak dihadapi oleh perusahaaan Iistrik di dunia saat ini (tak teikecuali juga oleh PT PLN) di dalam upaya untuk memenuhi permintaan tenaga listrik adalah : 1) terbatasnya dana untuk membangun sarana penyediaan tenaga Iistrik, mengingat usaha kelistrikan merupakan usaha yang sifatnya padat modal; 2) semakin menipisnya sumber daya alam sebagai sumber energi primer untuk membangkitkan tenaga listrik; dan 3) munculnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut adalah dengan cara memasukkan atau mempertimbangkan potensi penghematan (MW maupun MWh) yang ada pada sisi pemakai melalui aktifitas Manajemen Sisi Kebutuhan (Demand Side Management-DSM) ke dalam Perencanaan. Pengembangan Sistem Kelistrikan. Pola ini merupakan pola panyediaan tenaga Iistrik yang baru yang dikenal sebagai Perencanaan Sumber Daya Terpadu (integrated Resources Planning-|F~lP), yang tetap didasarkan pada biaya termurah. DSM yang dirancang untuk mempengaruhi pola konsumsi (waktu dan intensitas) penggunaan tenaga iistrik oleh pelanggan, akan berdampak terhadap berubahnya bentuk kurva beban sistem, dan dengan berubahnya bentuk kurva beban sistem ini maka akan berakibat terhadap perubah an lingkat keandalan sistem (1). Adanya perubahan terhadap tingkat keanclalan sistem ini yang diiadikan sebagai dasar untuk menentukan besarnya Capacity Benefit (MW) untuk membedakannya dengan pengertian ?Peak Reduction" yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan potensi penurunan beban puncak sistem sebagai dampak dari aktifitas program DSM. Perhitungan Capacity Benefit ini dimungkinkan setelah ditemukannya suatu model kurva beban yang dikenal sebagai "VPI Load Model""2' yang merupakan fungsi dari beban puncak, beban dasar dan total konsumsi energi, sehingga ia dapat menam pung setiap perubahan bentuk kurva beban sistem yang sering terjadi karena adanya aktilitas DSM. Dalam thesis ini, penulis akan melakukan analisa Capacity Benefit terhadap sasaran program DSM di dalam Sistem Keiistrikan .Jawa-Bali, yang dikaitkan dengan Perencanaan pengembangan Sistem Kelistrikan Secara Terpadu. Selain itu, akan dihitung pula besarnya Avoided Cost berkaitan dengan adanya penurunan beban puncak sistem dan total konsumsi energi Iistrik sebagai dampak dari program DSM tersebut.
Most the electric power companies in the world (including PT PLN in Indonesia), are facing many problems in providing to meet the expected demand. Some of them are : 1) the limitation of budget to build infrastructure for providing electric power that needs capital intensive; 2) natural resources as primary energy source to generate electric power gradually reduce; 3) increasing of people awareness concerning their environmental conditions. One of the alternatives to solve those problems is by considering the potency of energy that can be saved by consumers (MW and MWh) through introduction and implementation Demand Side Management (DSM) activities in the Power System Planning. This methode in considered as a new concept for providing electric power and known as integrated Resources Planning (IBP). This concept is still based on lowest system cost. DSM that is designed to influence the consumption pattern (time and intensity) of customers' energy use, will change the shapes of load system curves, and the changes of the shapes of load system curves, will affect the level of generation system reliability "". Changing in the level of generation system reliability will be used as a basic calculation for the Capacity Benefit (MW). The term of Capacity Benefit isused to differentiate with the the term of 'Peak Reduction" which is often used to representate the potency of peak load system reduction as a result of implementing DSM program activities. Calculation of Capacity Benefit is enabled after a model of load curves known as ?VPI Load Model"?2' is found. This model is a function of peak load, base load and total energy consumption. This model can also accomodate every changing in the shapes of system load curves that often happens because of DSM activities. In this thesis, it will be conducted an analysis concerning a Capacity Benefit toward (objectives of the) DSM Program in The Java-Bali Power System, that will be related to (the integrated Power System Planning). Besides that, it will also be calculated Avoided Cost as due to of peak load system reduction and the total of electric energy consumption as impacts of implementing the DSM program."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Kusumaningrum
Peluang pasar yang cukup besar membuat kondisi persaingan industri kosmetik di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Ketatnya persaingan dalam industri kosmetik memaksa perusahaan harus mampu merespon lebih cepat atas kebutuhan konsumen. Dalam lingkungan bisnis modern, persaingan tidak lagi antar perusahaan, tapi antar rantai pasok. Rantai pasok bersifat kompleks dan melibatkan beragam alur kerja antar mitra bisnis. Dua masalah utama yang muncul dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja rantai pasok adalah praktek berbagi informasi dan kolaborasi.
Penelitian ini mempertimbangkan empat nilai-nilai dalam pertukaran sosial yaitu hubungan timbal balik, kepercayaan, komitmen, dan kekuasaan sebagai variabel anteseden terhadap praktek berbagi informasi dan kolaborasi dalam konteks rantai pasok pada saluran distribusi produk kosmetik. Penelitian ini mengusulkan model penelitian untuk mengukur hubungan antara variabel nilai pertukaran sosial, berbagi informasi, kolaborasi, dan kinerja rantai pasok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian asosiatif, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, menggunakan alat analisis partial least squares-path modeling (PLS-PM).
Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa komitmen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap praktek berbagi informasi dan hubungan timbal balik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kolaborasi. Berbagi informasi berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kinerja perusahaan melalui kolaborasi rantai pasok yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan secara signifikan. Hubungan antar mitra dagang pada demand side sangat didasarkan pada besaran keuntungan yang didapatkan dari sebuah hubungan kerjasama. Ketika hubungan tidak terlalu memberikan keuntungan, sekalipun mitra saling percaya dan mau berkomitmen, praktek berbagi informasi dan kolaborasi sulit untuk terbentuk. Selain itu, dukungan teknologi informasi menjadi hal yang sangat krusial dalam praktek berbagi informasi dan kolaborasi rantai pasok.

Large market opportunities created high competition in cosmetics industry in Indonesia. Intense competition in cosmetics industry forces companies to be able responding the needs of consumers quickly. In modern business, competition is no longer between organizations, but among supply chains. Supply chain is complex in nature, involving various work flows across trading partners. Two major concerns arise in improving supply chain performance, information sharing and collaborative effort. However, it is necessary to further identify the fundamentals for their implementation in terms of partners' exchange beliefs.
This study considers four key social exchange issues; reciprocity, trust, commitment, and power as antecedents of information sharing and supply chain collaboration in distribution channel of cosmetic products. This study thus proposes a research model to examine the relationships among SET-based variables, information sharing and collaboration, and supply chain performance. The method used in this research is associative research method, with a quantitative and qualitative approach and using partial least square-path modeling (PLS-PM).
The results of the study reveal that commitment has significant effect in information sharing and reciprocity has significant effect in supply chain collaboration. Information sharing has indirect effect on the firm's performance through supply chain collaboration that has been proved improving firm?s performance. Relations between trading partners on demand side is strongly based on the magnitude of mutual benefits. When the relationship is not very profitable, even though partners trust and commit to each other, the practice of information sharing and collaboration is difficult to form. In addition, information technology support becomes very crucial in the implementation of information sharing practice and collaborative supply chain behaviors.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Sukma Laksana
Permintaan energi Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang, mengalami peningkatan yang cukup besar setiap tahunnya. Akan tetapi, disisi lain jumlah cadangan energi primer semakin berkurang setiap tahunnya. Ekspor energi yang merupakan salah satu penghasil devisa semakin menurun sedangkan impor energi semakin meningkat. Reference Energy System (RES) dapat digunakan untuk melihat kondisi penyediaan dan permintaan energi saat ini dan juga memprediksi keadaan mendatang sehingga dapat merencanakan kebijakan energi nasional.
Metode untuk mensimulasikan RES adalah demand side driven dengan tujuan memperoleh jumlah suplai yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi permintaan energi yang berasal dari minyak dan gas dan juga neraca energi dan neraca keuangan nasional. Simulasi menggunakan piranti lunak powersim studio.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang neraca energi nasional untuk minyak dan gas. Dari neraca ini diketahui bahwa Indonesia sejak tahun 2003 telah menjadi negara net importer minyak dengan selisih mencapai 78.621 ribu SBM pada tahun 2007. Pertumbuhan produksi migas Indonesia mencapai 0,48% per tahun. Losses pada neraca minyak mencapai 8% dari total produksi minyak bumi Indonesia. Pada neraca gas losses yang terjadi mencapai 20% dari total produksi gas bumi Indonesia. Neraca keuangan yang dihasilkan menunjukkan nilai subsidi pemerintah untuk sektor minyak pada tahun 2007 sebesar 10.104 Juta US$ atau sekitar 23% dari total penjualan domestik

As a developing country, Indonesia energy demand has been increasing every year. In the other hand, our major energy reserve begun to depleted. Nowadays, energy export start decreasing whiles its import increasing. Reference Energy System (RES) is a tool that can be used to watch over the condition of supply and energy demand and also able to forecast the future situation. These allow the government to create a correct plan for energy policy.
The method that used to simulate RES is called “Demand Side Driven”. The objective is to get amount of supply that needed to accomplish the demand of oil and gas sourced energy. Another objective is to obtain national energy balance and finance. It uses “Powersim Studio” software to simulate the condition.
This research was relating to national energy balance for oil and gas. From the investigation, it found that Indonesia has become a net importer country since 2003s. Indonesia net import gets to 78.62 million Barrel Oil Equivalent (BOE) in 2007s. The simulation showed that oil and gas production growth in Indonesia reach 0.48% per year. During the process from well to end user, oil losses up to 8% from its total production, while gas was 20%. From financial balance, it also found that government had to spend USD 10.1 billion to subsidize oil. This is equivalent with 23% of total domestic selling."
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this study is, through a review of current literature on product counterfeiting and piracy, to propose specific topics that future research needs to investigate.... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melisa Try Hatmanti
"Penelitian ini menguji efektivitas program bantuan pendidikan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan Angka Partisipasi Kasar APK untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas di Indonesia. Program tersebut terdiri dari Bantuan Operasional Sekolah BOS dan Kartu Indonesia Pintar KIP yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Bantuan Siswa Miskin BSM . Program-program ini dibagi menjadi supply side financing dan demand side financing. BOS mengintervensi supply sidesedangkan KIP mengintervensi demand side. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan data panel dari 2012 hingga 2016 di semua 33 provinsi di Indonesia.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa BOS sebagai program yang mengintervensi sisi supply lebih efektif daripada KIP dalam meningkatkan rasio partisipasi kasar siswa SMA di Indonesia. Selain itu, variabel lain seperti indeks demokrasi, keluhan kesehatan, jumlah sekolah menengah atas di Indonesia, dan rasio partisipasi kasar sekolah menengah pertama juga menunjukkan beberapa hal penting dalam meningkatkan rasio partisipasi kasar di Indonesia.
......This research examines the effectiveness of government educational aid programs in improving the Gross Enrollment Ratio GER for high school in Indonesia. The programs are Bantuan Operasional Sekolah BOS and Kartu Indonesia Pintar KIP previously known as Bantuan Siswa Miskin BSM . These programs are divided into supply side and demand side financing. BOS intervenes in the supply side whereas KIP intervenes in the demand side. The study is conducted using panel data from 2012 to 2016 in all of the 33 provinces in Indonesia.
The result shows that BOS as a supply side intervention is more effective than KIP in increasing the gross enrollment ratio of high school student in Indonesia. Aside from that, other variables such as democracy index, health complaints, number of high school in Indonesia, and gross enrollment ratio of junior high school also show some significance in increasing the gross enrollment ratio in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kopsakangas-Savolainen, Maria
"Energy has moved to the forefront in terms of societal and economic development. Modern energy markets is a comprehensive, economically oriented, exploration of modern electricity networks from production and distribution to deregulation and liberalization processes. Updating previous work by the authors, different aspects are considered resulting in a complete and detailed picture of the systems and characteristics of modern electricity markets.
Modern energy markets provides clear detail whilst encompassing a broad scope of topics and includes :
1. A method to model energy production systems including the main
characteristics of future demand side management,
2. Different applications of this model in nuclear and renewable energy
3. An analysis of Real-Time Pricing of electricity and its potential
effects across
the market, and,
4. A discussion of the need for regulation in an easily monopolized
Engineering and economics students alike will find that modern energy markets is a succinct and informative resource, as will researchers interested in environmental and energy issues. The inclusion of timely and relevant issues related to economic decision will also be of value to industry and civil officials."
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library