"Latar Belakang: Depresi merupakan dampak psikologis yang paling umum terjadi pada penderita stroke. Penanganan Depresi Pasca Stroke dapat membantu penderita beradaptasi dengan kondisi saat ini yang mempengaruhi kesehatan fisik dan kesejahteraan psikologis bagi para penderita, khususnya penderita lanjut usia.
Tujuan: Untuk melihat efektivitas Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) dalam menurunkan depresi pasca stroke pada penderita stroke lanjut usia.
Metode: Satu orang lansia penderita depresi pasca stroke diberikan intervensi REBT sebanyak delapan kali pertemuan. Intervensi ini mencakup psikoedukasi, activity scheduling, restrukturisasi kognitif (disputing), pemecahan masalah, pemberian tugas rumah serta latihan relaksasi. Pengukuran efektivitas dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi diberikan dengan menggunakan Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) dan Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS).
Hasil: Partisipan mengalami penurunan depresi dan peningkatan kepuasan hidup setelah berpartisipasi dalam intervensi REBT. Kegiatan yang paling berperan dalam intervensi ini adalah latihan relaksasi dan activity scheduling.
Kesimpulan: Intervensi REBT efektif dalam menurunkan depresi pada lansia penderita stroke.
......Background: Depression is the most common psychological effect that is found in stroke patients. Treating Post Stroke Depression (PSD) might help the patients to cope with current condition. It also affects the physical health and psyhological well being in patients, especially the elderly ones.
Purpose: To observe the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in reducing depression in an elderly stroke patient.
Methods: The REBT intervention was given to an elderly PSD patient. The intervention consists of eight sessions with following activities: psychoeducation, activity scheduling, cognitive restructuring (disputing), problem solving, homework, and relaxation. The effectiveness of the therapy is measured by Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) dan Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) that was given before and after the intervention.
Results: The participant experienced a decrease in depression and improvement in life satisfaction after participating in this intervention. Relaxation and activity scheduling, among others, are considered to be the most influencing activities in the intervention.
Conclusion: A Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is effective to reduce depression in an elderly stroke patient."