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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1980
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eny Susilowati
Abstrak :
Fokus penelitian kualitatif berperpektif feminis ini menjelaskan pergulatan mempertahankan kehamilan di luar nikah dalam pendampingan perempuan hamil diluar nikah di Rumah aman Kongregasi Gembala baik. Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan dan Maria Euphrasia dengan pandangan teorinya masing-masing menanggapi situasi perempuan terpinggirkan khusunya perempuan yang hamil di luar nikah. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan empat temuan. Pertama, kisah kekacauan yang dialami oleh Ibu dari perempuan yang hamil di luar nikah demi mempertahankan diri sebagai ?perempuan yang tepat? terjadi juga pada anak perempuannya melalui multi beban dan kekerasan. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh konstruksi sosial akan buruknya stigma sebagai seorang janda. Kedua, relasi perempuan yang hamil di luar nikah dan pasangannya didominasi relasi kuasa laki-laki yang menganggap perempuan hanya sebagai ?objek? dan perempuan dipandang setara ketika menguntungkan dan tidak ada tuntutan. Ketiga, perempuan hamil di luar nikah dan orang disekitarnya sangat berat menerima beban stigma dan aib yang dibebankan hanya pada perempuan. konsep mitos keperawanan dan aturan moral masyarakat mempengaruhi perempuan hamil di luar nikah dalam menilai dan bersikap terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain. Keempat, pendampingan bagi perempuan hamil di luar nikah di Rumah Aman yang kelola oleh Suster Gembala Baik menyediakan suasana yang memberi ketenangan dan saling menguatkan, namun sistem pendampingan yang dijalankan perlu mendapat pembaharuan dan pendampingan lebih berperspektif gender.
The focus of this qualitative feminist study is to explicate struggles of unwed women to keep their pregnancy and assisting practices in maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sisters. Borrowing Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan and Sr Euphrasia approaches to respond situation of marginalized women especially women who become pregnant out of wedlock, I came with four findings. Firstly, the chaos to maintain herself as a ?proper woman? that is experienced by the mother of unwed woman is also experienced by her daughter through multi loads and violence. It?s influenced by the social construction of bad stigma being a widow. Secondly, relationship between women who become pregnant out of wedlock and her partner is dominated by male who consider women as "objects", women are seen as equal if it gives benefit to male and does not request male responsibilities. Thirdly, unwed pregnant women and the family members receive heavy burden of society stigma due to unwed pregnancy. Mythical concept of virginity and moral rules of society affects unwed women in assessing and treating towards themselves and others. Fourthly, assisting for unwed pregnan women in the maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sister provide peacefull environment and support each other, but the assisting system needs upgrading and a gender perspective mentoring system;The focus of this qualitative feminist study is to explicate struggles of unwed women to keep their pregnancy and assisting practices in maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sisters. Borrowing Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan and Sr Euphrasia approaches to respond situation of marginalized women especially women who become pregnant out of wedlock, I came with four findings. Firstly, the chaos to maintain herself as a ?proper woman? that is experienced by the mother of unwed woman is also experienced by her daughter through multi loads and violence. It?s influenced by the social construction of bad stigma being a widow. Secondly, relationship between women who become pregnant out of wedlock and her partner is dominated by male who consider women as "objects", women are seen as equal if it gives benefit to male and does not request male responsibilities. Thirdly, unwed pregnant women and the family members receive heavy burden of society stigma due to unwed pregnancy. Mythical concept of virginity and moral rules of society affects unwed women in assessing and treating towards themselves and others. Fourthly, assisting for unwed pregnan women in the maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sister provide peacefull environment and support each other, but the assisting system needs upgrading and a gender perspective mentoring system, The focus of this qualitative feminist study is to explicate struggles of unwed women to keep their pregnancy and assisting practices in maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sisters. Borrowing Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan and Sr Euphrasia approaches to respond situation of marginalized women especially women who become pregnant out of wedlock, I came with four findings. Firstly, the chaos to maintain herself as a “proper woman” that is experienced by the mother of unwed woman is also experienced by her daughter through multi loads and violence. It’s influenced by the social construction of bad stigma being a widow. Secondly, relationship between women who become pregnant out of wedlock and her partner is dominated by male who consider women as "objects", women are seen as equal if it gives benefit to male and does not request male responsibilities. Thirdly, unwed pregnant women and the family members receive heavy burden of society stigma due to unwed pregnancy. Mythical concept of virginity and moral rules of society affects unwed women in assessing and treating towards themselves and others. Fourthly, assisting for unwed pregnan women in the maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sister provide peacefull environment and support each other, but the assisting system needs upgrading and a gender perspective mentoring system]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Ikayanti
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Eldiana Nabilla
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai upaya yang dilakukan oleh remaja perempuan yang hamil di luar nikah. Remaja perempuan yang mengalami kehamilan di luar nikah kerap dihadapkan pada permasalahan dan tekanan hidup termasuk citra negatif yang melekat pada diri mereka. Kondisi ini kemudian mengarahkan mereka untuk melakukan upaya melalui strategi koping agar bisa mengatasi permasalahan dan tekanan yang menghampiri mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap tiga remaja perempuan yang mengalami kehamilan di luar nikah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan keberagaman bentuk strategi koping yang dilakukan oleh tiga remaja perempuan. Terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan dari strategi coping yang mereka pilih untuk mengatasi permasalahan dan tekanan yang menghampiri. Beberapa diantaranya adalah dengan memberitahu pasangan dan kedua orang tuanya terkait kehamilan, memutuskan melanjutkan kehamilan, menikah, mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan, tetap bergaul dengan teman-teman, berbaur dengan tetangga, tetapi ada pula yang merahasiakan kehamilan, mengasingkan diri, dan menerimanya sebagai takdir. Keberagaman strategi coping ini dipengaruhi oleh konteks sosio-kultural yang dimiliki oleh ketiga informan. ...... This thesis discusses about the adolescent girl s effort in premarital pregnancy. The pregnant adolescents usually have problems and pressures include bad images on their society. On this situation, they triggered to solve the problem by coping strategy. The study use qualitative methodology with several instrument such as, observation and in depth interview of three pregnant adolescents. The result of the study showed that there were diversities of coping strategy. There were similarities and differences on their coping strategy in order to solve their problems and pressures. For instance, they choose to tell their boyfriend and parents about the pregnancy, to take good care the pregnancy, to get married, to get more closer with god, to get along with friends and neighbors, but there were teenagers that choose to keep it secret, to isolate their self, and accept it by their self. This diversity of coping strategies founded in these three adolescents and effected by sociocultural context.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvieni M. Angelica
Abstrak :
Self esteem remaja yang rendah dapat menghasilkan kondisi stress anxiety serta depresi Kondisi ini memicu tingkah laku berisiko salah satunya adalah seks pra nikah yang berujung pada kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki Self esteem rendah ditambah dengan peristiwa kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki semakin memperburuk kondisi self esteem seseorang Salah satu teknik intervensi yang dapat membantu meningkatkan self esteem seseorang ialah teknik acceptance and commitment therapy ACT Desain penelitian yang digunakan ialah pretest posttest one group design Alat ukur yang digunakan ialah Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory CSEI serta Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 DASS 21 Selain itu juga dilakukan pengukuran kualitatif berupa observasi dan wawancara Partisipan ialah remaja 11 tahun di bawah 20 tahun hamil luar nikah dengan penyebab kehamilan ialah hubungan seksual tanpa paksaan dengan pacar serta memiliki self esteem rendah Intervensi dilakukan dalam setting kelompok di dua shelter yaitu Bantul dan Jatinegara dengan 4 orang partisipan yang diambil untuk menjadi fokus dalam penelitian Intervensi terdiri dari 5 sesi dengan waktu pelaksanaan berkisar antara 1 5 ndash 3 5 jam Berdasarkan pengukuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif di atas diketahui bahwa terjadi peningkatan self esteem pada seluruh partisipan namun bervariasi pada kondisi stress anxiety dan depresi ...... Teenagers low self esteem are able to produce stress anxiety also depression It also prompts some risk behaviors such as premarital sex which can cause unintended pregnancy Low self esteem teenagers who have unintended pregnancy may exacerbate their self esteem condition One of many intervention techniques to help increasing self esteem is acceptance and commitment therapy ACT Research design applied was pretest posttest one group design Inventories used were Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory CSEI and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 DASS 21 Observation and interview held as part of qualitative research method Research participants were teenagers 11 years to below 20 years with unintended pregnancy caused by premarital sex with their own partner without any coercion and having low self esteem Intervention held in group setting in 2 shelters Bantul and Jatinegara with 4 participants taken as part of the research focus This intervention consists of 5 sessions each held within 1 5 to 3 5 hours Quantitative and qualitative measurement showed increase on all participants rsquo self esteem but varied results found in stress anxiety and depression
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library