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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Endang Saraswati
Abstrak :
The area of Bandung municipality was 16,180.65 hectares with a population of 1,806,409 persons; so that it categorized as area with high population density that was 112 persons per hectares noted in 1998. It was implied that the high density of population by land use in 1997, which was more than 70% of this area occupied for settlement and industrial regions. With such populated area, one could expect a huge amount of waste accumulated. Municipal solid waste generated approximately 8,000 m3 per day that was disposed to three disposal sites. These were located at TPA (Tempat[ Pembuangan Akhir) Sampah Leuwigajah, Jelekong and Pasir Impun. These areas operate until the year 2002. Therefore, Bandung municipality should seek a new location for disposal site. To find new disposal site based on scientific considerations, geographical information system and approach were employed. The methods used were overlaying techniques with scoring method. The scoring method consisted of physical and social parameters. To determine the most suitable location, technical measurement was also considered. Solid waste disposed to TPA will be decomposed that create odor, gas and liquid that impact on the environment. Gas, especially methane would be flammable. While, the liquid might produce leachate that will be absorbed by the soil surface. In consequence, it would contaminate the ground water. Therefore, in determining most suitable disposal site one must discern physical and social conditions. According to SK SNI T-11-1991-03 regarding TPA Sampah (Waste Disposal Site) Selection Procedures, physical condition parameters must be considered, e.g. altitude, slope, geological risk, soil type, and water table. While social condition parameters consist of population density, land use, and distance from waste source. Each parameter was scored according to the condition. Then, each thematic map was overlaid one to the other to have strata of the most suitable, suitable and not suitable areas for disposal site based on physical and social parameters. There are 37 most suitable locations that must be analyzed to obtain selected location. Then, technical consideration was applied to determine the selected location. The technical consideration parameters contained location area, water discharge and recharge system, accessibility, and distance from the river, distance from the airport, traffic condition, and windrow. The most important parameter was location area. The measurement for location area with assumption for 15 years of operation period, and eight kecamatan would dispose its waste to the selected location. The eight kecarnatan were Margahayu, Margaasih, Katapang, Dayeuhkolot, Soreang, Cimahi Selatan, Cimahi Tengah and Cimahi Utara. These were highly dense population, so that it would not have its own disposal site. The disposal site area required would be around 212.12 hectares. In conclusion, the proposed, most suitable location for Bandung Municipal Solid Waste disposal site would be the area of 357.49 hectares, which was located in the border of Kecamatan Soreang and Katapang.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akbar Fadhlurrahman Yusuf
Abstrak :
Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) sampah merupakan sumber pencemaran lingkungan yang signifikan, termasuk pencemaran air tanah. Lindi, cairan hasil dekomposisi sampah, mengandung berbagai polutan berbahaya yang dapat mencemari air sumur di sekitar TPA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pencemaran lindi terhadap kualitas air sumur dan kesehatan masyarakat di sekitar TPA. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil satu sampel air lindi dari TPA Tanggan dan 5 sampel air tanah dari lima sumur warga yang berbeda jaraknya terhadap TPA Tanggan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa air lindi TPA Tanggan melebihi baku mutu untuk parameter BOD dan COD. Karakteristik air tanah pada titik 1 parameter BOD, COD, dan Besi memenuhi baku mutu kelas 1, sedangkan total koliform memenuhi baku mutu kelas 3. Titik 2 parameter BOD, COD, dan total koliform memenuhi baku mutu kelas 1, sedangkan besi memenuhi baku mutu kelas 2. Titik 3 hanya parameter besi yang memenuhi baku mtutu kelas 1, sedangkan BOD, COD, dan total koliform tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Titik 4 parameter besi dan BOD memenuhi baku mutu kelas 1, sedangkan COD dan total koliform memenuhi baku mutu keals 2. Titik 5 parameter besi dan total koliform memenuhi baku mutu kelas 1, sedangkan BOD dan COD memenuhi baku mutu kelas 3. Parameter total koliform, besi, dan indeks pencemaran cenderung turun seiring bertambahnya jarak, sedangkan BOD dan COD cenderung naik. Hal ini membuktikan terdapat pengaruh jarak terhadap kualitas air. Akan tetapi, terdapat juga potensi pencemaran dari sumber pencemar lain seperti kondisi sanitasi. ......Waste final disposal sites (TPA) are a significant source of environmental pollution, including groundwater pollution. Leachate, the liquid resulting from the decomposition of waste, contains various dangerous pollutants that can contaminate well water around the landfill. This research aims to determine the impact of leachate pollution on well water quality and the health of communities around the landfill. This research was carried out by taking one leachate water sample from the Tanggan landfill and 5 groundwater samples from five residents' wells at different distances to the Tanggan landfill. The research results show that the Tangan landfill leachate exceeds the quality standards for BOD and COD parameters. Groundwater characteristics at point 1, BOD, COD and Iron parameters meet class 1 quality standards, while total coliform meets class 3 quality standards. Point 2 BOD, COD and total coliform parameters meet class 1 quality standards, while iron meets class 1 quality standards 2. Point 3 only iron parameters meet class 1 quality standards, while BOD, COD and total coliform do not meet quality standards. Point 4 iron and BOD parameters meet class 1 quality standards, while COD and total coliform meet class 2 quality standards. Point 5 iron and total coliform parameters meet class 1 quality standards, while BOD and COD meet class 3 quality standards. Total coliform parameters, iron, and pollution index tend to decrease with increasing distance, while BOD and COD tend to increase. This proves that distance has an influence on water quality. However, there is also the potential for pollution from other pollutant sources such as sanitation conditions.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Seri Rezeki Kusumastuti
Abstrak :
Sampah dan pengelolaannya merupakan prioritas utama penanganan masalah yang harus diselesaikan di DKI Jakarta. Sistem yang diandalkan oleh Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta adalah sistem sanitary landfill yang mengandalkan lahan Bantar Gebang sebagai TPA. Saat ini sistem sanitary landfill tidak dapat diandalkan lagi karena tidak sanggup menyelesaikan permasalahan persampahan dengan tuntas dan sudah mengalami tingkat kejenuhan, dan menimbulkan banyak masalah pencemaran. Selain itu, kontrak akan berakhir pada Bulan Desember tahun 2003. Strategi pengolahan sampah skala kawasan, misalnya kawasan permukiman, merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat diandalkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah persampahan di Jakarta. Manfaat kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas biaya serta memberikan dampak yang baik bagi lingkungan, dan dapat dilakukan secara mandiri oleh masyarakat atau bekerja sama dengan sektor informal. Selain manfaat yang dapat dirasakan oleh masyarakat, terdapat juga biaya yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ini. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kajian manfaat dan biaya pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan untuk mengetahui manfaatnya dari aspek ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemampuan pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan ini dapat mengurangi jumlah timbulan sampah, menghitung manfaat dan biaya pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan dan biaya yang harus dibayarkan oleh masyarakat sebagai jasa pengolahan sampah. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat bermanfaat sebagai masukan bagi Pemda DKI Jakarta maupun swasta untuk dapat mengadakan pengolahan sampah terpadu dalam skala kawasan, sebagai salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi ketergantungan pada TPA. Penelian ini mengkaji manfaat dan biaya pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan dengan mengambil kasus di TPS Rawa Kerbau, Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data primer dan data sekunder adalah metode eksperimental untuk mengetahui komposisi dan jumlah timbunan sampah, kemudian untuk memperoleh data proyeksi manfaat dan biaya pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan digunakan metode survei dengan teknik wawancara langsung kepada pengelola TPS Rawa Kerbau, pakar sampah dari BPPT, Dinas Kebersihan Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat, Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Timur, Instansi terkait lainnya, masyarakat sekitar, dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis biaya manfaat yang diperluas dengan memasukkan manfaat dan biaya lingkungan (extended benefit cost (analysis), serta analisis ekonomi. TPS Rawa Kerbau memiliki luas 1.500 m2 dan melayani wilayah permukiman penduduk, yaitu RW 01 dan RW 02 dengan jumlah RT sebanyak 9 (sembilan) yang terdiri atas 406 KK. Jumlah timbulan rata-rata perhari di TPS Rawa Kerbau dari hasil pengujian adalah 13,14 m2 dan berat 3.096,75 kg. Komposisi sampah yang diperoleh terdiri atas 11 komponen, yaitu sampah organik (mudah membusuk), plastik, kertas, tekstil, kaca/gelas, kaleng, baterai, styrofoam, kayu, logam, dan campuran. Komponen sampah dalam % berat yang paling banyak adalah sampah organik 69,87%, sedangkan jenis sampah yang paling sedikit adalah styrofoam 0,04%. Proses yang dirancang dalam usaha kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan ini berupa pemilahan dan pembuatan kompos. Sampah lainnya yang bernilai komersil langsung dijual ke bandar. Peralatan dan mesin yang digunakan dalam kegiatan berupa belt conveyor untuk membantu mempermudah pemilahan sampah dan alat pendukung lainnya, seperti sapu lidi, cangkul, sekop, sarung tangan, dan sepatu boot. Proses yang sederhana dan penggunaan mesin yang seminimal mungkin akan lebih memudahkan pemeliharaannya dan masih memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Hal ini dapat mendorong timbulnya keinginan masyarakat maupun sektor informal lainnya untuk melakukan usaha kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan. Dengan semakin banyaknya pusat pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan, maka semakin mengurangi beban di TPA. Manfaat langsung pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan terdiri atas penghasilan dari penjualan kompos dan pemanfaatan daur ulang sampah komersil sebesar Rp. 203.228.400,00 / tahun. Manfaat tak langsung (lingkungan) adalah nilai kualitas lingkungan yang dihasilkan dengan adanya usaha tersebut sebesar Rp. 53.160.000,00 / tahun. Biaya yang diperlukan terdiri atas biaya investasi, biaya operasional dan perawatan sebesar Rp. 223.581.000,00 / tahun dan biaya perlindungan lingkungan sebesar Rp. 2.500.000,00 / tahun. Usaha kegiatan yang akan dilakukan bersifat padat karya sehingga perkiraan penggunaan alat dan biaya semaksimal mungkin mendekati harga yang dapat dijangkau oleh komunitas lokal. Pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan dengan sistem komposting dan pemanfaatan daur ulang sampah dapat mengurangi beban di TPA sebesar 2.716,39 kg/hari atau 87,71%/hari. Besarnya jasa yang dibebankan pada masyarakat untuk kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan ini adalah Rp. 8.800 per bulan per K.K. Ditinjau dari segi ekonomi dengan menganalisis kelayakan usaha, nilai NPV analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = Rp. 71.443.000,00 dan Rp. 212.747.000,00; NBCR analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = 2,01 dan 3,82; IRR analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = 58% dan 126%; payback period analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = 1 tahun 6 bulan dan 10 bulan, maka usaha kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan ini layak dilaksanakan. Dari segi lingkungan, usaha kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu skala kawasan dapat meningkatkan sanitasi dan estetika lingkungan karena sampah tidak sempat menumpuk dan mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan serta meminimisasi sumber penyakit.
Cost and Benefit Analysis of Integrated Solid Waste Handling (Case Study: TPS Rawa Kerbau, Central Jakarta District)Solid wastes and its management are major priority to the success of problems solving in DKI Jakarta. Sanitary landfill as the disposal of wastes that is implemented by Cleansing Department (Dinas Kebersihan) DKI Jakarta is very depending on Bantar Gebang area as TPA (final disposal site). Nowadays this system is not appropriate enough to be implemented because it cannot overcome solid waste problems successfully, caused many pollution problems, and contract of Bantar Gebang will be ended on December 2003. Small-scale integrated solid waste handling (SISWH), ex. residential area, is one of strategies to solve waste problems in Jakarta. Benefits of the proposed practice are a cost effective and efficient, environmentally acceptable, and cold be conduct by host community or cooperate with informal sector. Besides, costs are needed to carry out this project. Hence, it is important to analyze cost and benefit of SISWH to investigate economic and environmental benefits. The objectiveness of this research are to investigate the capability of small-scale integrated solid wastes handling in diminishing of wastes volume, to analyze cost and benefit, and tariff of wastes handling that is to be paid by host community as a service cost, and also to analyze the feasibility of this project. The result of this research is to provide the decision makers appropriate recommendation on the technical and economic merits of the planned small-scale integrated waste handling, as one of solutions to overcome the dependency on final disposal site. This investigation analyzed the cost and benefit of small-scale solid wastes handling (SSWH), case of Rawa Kerbau TPS (temporary collection site), Central Jakarta District. The experimental method is used to compute the waste volume and composition. The survey method using direct interview technique to Rawa Kerbau collection site manager, expert, Cleansing Department Central Jakarta District, Cempaka Putih Timur village office, other department, local community, and study references is used to investigate cost and benefit estimation of the SSWH Data analysis was conducted using extended benefit cost and economic analysis method. Rawa Kerbau collection site has 1.500 m2 wide and residential dwellings, i.e. 01 and 02 district society (9 RT, 406 Household). The average of solid waste quantity in volume is 13.14 m3 or 3096.75 kg daily. The wastes composition contain of 11 components, which are organic wastes (degradable wastes), plastics of all types, papers, textiles, glass, cans, battery, Styrofoam, wood, metals and mixed wastes. Based on the weight percentage, the largest waste component is organic waste (69.87 %), and the smallest waste is Styrofoam (0,04 %). The design process of this small-scale integrated waste handling are recycling materials and composting. The economic of materials recycled are sold to collection center. Conveyor belt is used to make manual separation of wastes easier. Other supporting equipments are broom, hoe, gloves, and boots. Simplifying method of process into labor intensive ones will make maintaining this machine easier and has possibility to be developed. It may support both host community and informal sector interest to the SISWH. The more center of SISWH, the least wastes to be transported to final disposal site. Direct benefits of SSIWH are compost and recycled materials sale estimation equal to Rp. 203.228.400,00 / year. Indirect benefit (environmental benefit) is environmental quality estimation of the proposed practice equal to Rp. 53.160.000,00 / year. Costs of the project are capital, operational and maintenance estimation cost equal to Rp. 223.581.000,00 / year and cost of environmental protection equal to Rp. 2.500.00,00 / year. The proposed practice planned is a simplifying method of process into labor intensive ones, thus it would be administratively feasible and sensible to host community. SISWH with recycling materials and composting could reduce wastes 2,716.39 kg daily or 87.71%. To this proposed practice, people have to pay about Rp. 8.800 monthly per Household. Charges of this SISWH were calculated based on capital, operational and maintenance costs divided to numbers of capita. Based on economic analysis of feasibility study of this project is feasible because the value of NPV economic analysis = Rp. 71.443.000,00; and extended analysis = Rp. 212.747.000,00; NBCR economic analysis = 2,01 and extended analysis = 3,82; IRR economic analysis = 58% and extended analysis = 126% ; payback period economic analysis - 1 year 6 months and extended analysis 10 months. From terms of technology, SISWH could improve sanitation and aesthetic because wastes handled directly, minimize pollution and disease factors.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 11159
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunik Sri Wahjuni
Abstrak :
Surakarta is the second biggest city in Central Java. The expansion of the city is directed to the north and south. The expansion to the north side is encouraged by the existing Mojosongo PERUMNAS. The Mojosongo PERUMNAS has been developed to the northeast area approaching the Putri Cempo final waste disposal site. The final waste disposal site is located in the area that consists of volcanic stones, big conglomerates, lava precipitation, tufa, calcareous, and sand stone. The shallow well water in the Nojosongo PERUMNAS tends to be infiltrated by either the leachate or run off from Putri Cempo final waste disposal site, so that the water quality will, of course, be decreasing and potentially will in turn affect the health of community. Clean water is an essential necessity for human being. Only 40% of the urban and semi urban population and 25% of the rural population in Indonesia have access to a reliable supply of clean water. In Surakarta, only a. small part of the population has been supplied with potable water. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of Putri Cempo final waste disposal site towards the water quality of nearby wells. The quality of well water is compared with water quality criteria from the Health Ministry through its Regulation Number 418/MENKES/PER/IBC/1890. The Location of observed shallow wells was purposely chosen. The sample of well water was collected on two occasions (in the months of July and September). The samples were collected from twelve shallow wells: eight community shallow-wells which are used for daily activities; one unused well; and three other shallow wells purposely made for this re-search. Sampling process was conducted by using standard equipment from Balai Telrnik Kesehatan Lingkungan Yogyakarta (BTKL Yogyakarta). Samples were analyzed in BTKL Yogyakarta, the examined characteristics were: total suspended solids, iron, manganese, chloride, hardness, sodium, sulphate, BOD, COD, Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr. T Test has been employed to analyze sample collected in the month of July and September. The degree of existing parameters and the distance of the wells have been analytically described. The results indicate that two parameters in lea-chafe (iron and manganese) have exceeded the threshold value of Waste Water Standard as stated in KEP-03/MEIflcLH/I I/ 1991. The wells number 1,2 and 3 which have the distance of 10 in.50 m and 100 m from the final waste disposal respectively have been affected by the lea-chafe; iron and manganese have already exceeded the thres hold value as stated in the regulation number 4l6/MENKES/PER/I/1990 concerning clean water. The content of pollutants has been highest in well number 1 that have the distance of 10 m. T test analysis indicated that season does not affect the quality of well water around the final waste disposal site. Bacteria Escherichia coil was found in high degree in every examined wells. This certify that those 12 examined well water does not fulfill a requirement for potable water. This has got to be seriously paid attention.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library