"Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi membawa program imunisasi ke dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan yang bermutu dan efisien. Upaya terscbut didukung dengan kemajuan yang pesat dalam penemuan vaksin baru. Kemajuan lainnya adalah menggabungkan beberapa jenis vaksin dalam satu kemasan/vial. Salah satu vaksin tersebut adalah Vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo, yang mcrupakan kombinasi antara vaksin DPT dan Hepatitis B.
Kabupaten Tangerang masih menggunakan 3 jenis vaksin dalarn imunisasi DPT dan Hepatitis B, yaitu vaksin DPT, Hepatitis B Vial dan DPT - Hepatitis B Combo. Sejauh ini belum diketahui vaksin mana yang lebih cost Mctive antara DPT dan Hepatitis B Vial dengan DPT - Hepatitis B Combo. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui vaksin manakah yang lebih cost effective dalam pelaksanaan imunisasi DPT dan Hepatitis B di Kabupaten Tangerang.
Peneilitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Cisoka yang menggunakan vaksin DPT dari Hepatitis B Vial, dan Puskesmas Jayanti yang menggunakan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Operasional Research, dasar penilaian Cost effectiveness menggunakan sistem atau metode Acifivily Based Costing (ABC).
Hasil penclitian menunjukkan bahwa niiai Cost Ejjieclive Rario (CER) penggunaan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Vial lebih besar dibandingkan dengan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo, yaitu CER berdasarkan cakupan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Vial scbcsar Rp. 151.981 dan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo sebesar Rp. 85.l27. CBR Indeks pemakaian Vaksin DPT » Hepatitis B Vial scbcsar Rp. 21.788470 dan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo scbcsar Rp. 2l.2l7.8l9. CER berdasarkan dosis vaksin terbuang vaksin DPT -» Hepatitis B vial sebesar Rp. 16,510,787 dan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo sebesar Rp. 7.0~'l4.23l. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa vaksin DPT -» Hepatitis B Combo lebih murah dibandingkan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo.
Berdasarkan hasil peneiitian disarankan khususnya kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang agar menggunakan vaksin DPT - Hepatitis B Combo dalam pelaksanaan imunisasi DPT dan Hepatitis B.
Development of science and technology brought immunization program into qualitative and efficiently services management. lt supported by vast progress in finding new vaccine. Other development is gathering various vaccines in one vial. One of the vaccines is DPT Vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo, that representing combination between DPT vaccine and Hepatitis B.
Tangerang Regency still utilized three types of vaccine in immunization DPT and Hepatitis B, there are DPT vaccine, Hepatitis B Vial and DPT - Hepatitis B Combo. Meanwhile, didn?t know yet whether vaccine is most effective costly between DPT and Hepatitis B Vial with DPT - Hepatitis B Combo.
This research conducted to recognize which vaccine is more cost effective in conducting DPT immunization and Hepatitis B at Tangerang Regency. This research conducted in Cisoka Puskesrnas that use DPT vaccine and Hepatitis B Vial, and Jayanti Puskesmas that use DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo. Research designed utilized operational research. Bases on Cost Effectiveness asses? system or method activity based costing (ABC).
Research result shows that Cost EiTective Ratio (CER) using DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Vial value is higher that DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo, which is CER based on coverage of DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Vial as much as Rp. 151.981 and DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo as much as Rp. 85.l27. CER Index of using DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Vial as much as Rp. 2l.788.4'70 and DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo as much as Rp. 21.2l7.819. CER based on wasted vaccine dose of DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Vial as much as Rp. 16.5lO.787 and DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo as much as Rp. 7.044.23l. This result shows that DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo is more lower at cost.
Based on research result, suggested to, especially, Health Agency Tangerang Regency use DPT vaccine - Hepatitis B Combo as altemative vaccine in conducting DPT immunization and Hepatitis B."