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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ananthakrishnan, T.N.
New Delhi: Oxford and IBH, 1982
577.15 ANA b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""St Lucia is the world's oldest protected estuary and Africa's largest estuarine system. It is also the centerpiece of South Africa's first UNESCO World Heritage Site, the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, and has been a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance since 1986. Knowledge of its biodiversity, geological origins, hydrology, hydrodynamics and the long history of management is unique in the world. However, the impact of global change has culminated in unprecedented challenges for the conservation and management of the St Lucia system, leading to the recent initiation of a project in support of its rehabilitation and long-term sustainability. This timely volume provides a unique source of information on the functioning and management of the estuary for researchers, students and environmental managers. The insights and experiences described build on over 60 years of study and management at the site and will serve as a valuable model for similar estuaries around the world"--
"This book provides a unique source of information on the functioning and management of the estuary for researchers, students and environmental managers"--"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
577.786 ECO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tyus, Harold M.
Boca Raton : CRC Press , 2012
597 TYU e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mansur
"Nepenthes tergolong tumbuhan karnivora yang tersebar luas di Indonesia. Pulau Sumatra memiliki keanekaragaman Nepenthes tertinggi kedua setelah Borneo. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis Nepenthes di Provinsi Sumatra Utara dan Sumatra Barat, termasuk distribusi, populasi, kondisi habitat, konsentrasi unsur hara dan status konservasinya. Eksplorasi dilakukan untuk inventarisasi jenis-jenis Nepenthes yang ditemukan di setiap lokasi penelitian, purposive sampling plot dibuat untuk mempelajari ekologinya serta analisa unsur hara pada Nepenthes dilakukan di Laboratorium. Hasil penelitian bahwa, total sebanyak 33 jenis Nepenthes ditemukan di lokasi penelitian, terdiri dari 22 jenis di Sumatra Utara dan 23 jenis di Sumatra Barat. Sepuluh jenis di antaranya tergolong kedalam kriteria terancam punah, mengingat populasi dan distribusinya sangat terbatas. Nepenthes berasosiasi sangat kuat dengan jenis vegetasi dominan di habitatnya. Pada satuan yang sama (%), konsentrasi nitrogen pada daun Nepenthes umumnya lebih besar daripada konsetrasi pada cairan kantong, sedangkan konsentrasi Nitrogen pada daun Nepenthes tidak dipengaruhi dengan bertambahnya ketinggian tempat hidupnya.
......Nepenthes are classified as carnivorous plants with their distribution center in Indonesia. The island of Sumatra has the second highest diversity of Nepenthes after Borneo. The research aims to determine the diversity of Nepenthes species in North Sumatra and West Sumatra Provinces, including distribution, population, habitat conditions, nutrient concentrations and conservation status. Exploration was carried out to inventory the species of Nepenthes found at each research location, purposive sampling plots were made to study their ecology and nutrient analysis of Nepenthes was carried out in the laboratory. The results showed that a total of 33 species of Nepenthes were found at the site, consisting of 22 species in North Sumatra and 23 species in West Sumatra. Ten of these species are classified as endangered, considering that their population and distribution are very limited. Nepenthes is very strongly associated with the dominant vegetation species in its habitat. In the same unit (%), the nitrogen concentration in Nepenthes leaves is generally greater than the concentration in the pitchers fluid, while the nitrogen concentration in Nepenthes leaves is not affected by increasing the altitude at which it lives."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Subagyo
"Sumatra merupakan habitat bagi tujuh spesies Felidae. Ancaman utama terhadap Felidae di Sumatra adalah hilangnya habitat dan perburuan liar. Data ekologi dan dukungan masyarakat sekitar merupakan faktor penting yang menunjang keberhasilan konservasi Felidae di dalam kawasan konservasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data ekologi dan mengetahui bagaimana dukungan masyarakat lokal terhadap konservasi Felidae di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK). Data ekologi meliputi keanekaragaman spesies, kelimpahan relatif, distribusi, pola aktivitas, dan interaksi dikumpulkan dengan memasang perangkap kamera pada area seluas 480 km2 yang dibagi dalam tiga blok sampling. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana dukungan masyarakat lokal terhadap konservasi Felidae, dilakukan wawancara terstruktur terhadap 395 responden yang tinggal di 19 desa sekitar taman nasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keanekaragaman spesies Felidae di TNWK lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan survei sebelumnya. Hanya empat spesies Felidae yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu harimau Sumatra (Panthera tigris sumatrae), macan dahan (Neofelis diardi), kucing batu (Pardofelis marmorota) dan kucing congkok (Prionailurus bengalensis). Dua spesies Felidae lainnya yaitu kucing emas (Pardofelis temincki) dan kucing dampak (Prionailurus planiceps) tidak ditemukan. Ekologi keempat spesies Felidae di taman nasional ini secara umum serupa dengan literatur dan beberapa hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya di Sumatra. Meskipun pengetahuan masyarakat tentang taman nasional dan Felidae tergolong rendah, namun mereka memiliki persepsi dan sikap yang positif terhadap konservasi Felidae. Data ekologi hasil penelitian ini merupakan masukan yang penting dalam pengelolaan Felidae di TNWK terutama dalam aspek perlindungan, monitoring, dan restorasi habitat. Agar dukungan masyarakat sekitar terhadap konservasi Felidae semakin baik, perlu upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang taman nasional dan Feliade melalui pendidikan konservasi, sosialisasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik sosial, demografi, dan pengalaman interaksi mereka dengan taman nasional.
......Sumatra is home to at least six species of wild felids. Habitat loss and poaching are the main threat to the wild felids in Sumatra. Management strategy based on solid information and local community support are important factors for the success of wild felids conservation. The purposes of this study are to collect ecological data and to reveal local communities support for wild felids conservation in the Way Kambas National Park (WKNP). Ecological data were collected by placing camera traps in an area of 480 km square which is divided into three blocks of sampling. Data of local communities support to wild felids conservation were collected using structured interviews to 395 respondents living in 19 villages around the park. The results showed that wild felids species diversity in this stydy is lower compared to those of previous surveys. Only four wild felids were found in this study i.e., sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi), marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorota) and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). Two other species i.e., golden cat (Pardofelis temincki) and flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps) were not found. In general, ecology of the four species of wild felids in this park is in accordance with literature and several earlier studies in Sumatra. Despite the low level of local communitie’s knowledge both on the parks and wild felids, their perception and attitude towards wild felids conservation are positive. Ecological information resulted from this study serve as important input to develop the wild felids management plan especially in terms of species protection, monitoring and habitat restoration. To ehance the local community support toward wild felids conservation, it is essential to improve the level of local community knowledge towards national parks and wild felids conservation through conservation education, socialization, and community empowerment by considering social and demographic characteristics of the local people, including their experience in interacting with the park."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book draws together a team of experts from the natural and social sciences to discuss its success so far in addressing critical issues such as biodiversity, ecological function, and human livelihoods. Applying principles of landscape ecology, restoration ecology, planning theory and conflict management, the book presents a series of case studies which document the approach, and discusses how the approach can help with priority setting for the future."
Dordrecht: Springer Science, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library