"This paper aimed to see the impact of the development of the tourism sector during Indonesia's MidTerm Development Planning Period (RPJMN) 2015-2019. The analysis also aimed to contribute to the Terminal Evaluation of RPJMN 2015-2019. The implementation of this impact evaluation analyzes the achievement of tourism's primary target sector to the national economy and the welfare of individual workers and business units engaged in the field of tourism. The impact on the national economy is evaluated based on relevant secondary data. While the impact analysis on the welfare of
individual workers and the tourism business unit carried out using primary data obtained through surveys. The field survey was conducted on June-July 2019, covering all provinces, 2.125 individual workers, and 1.082 business units participate as respondents. The proportional sampling method was used to determine the number of respondents in each province. The study found that during 2014- 2019, the competitiveness of the Indonesian tourism sector has increased and has encouraged the increasing number of foreign tourists to visit. The sector has experienced growth and contributes positively to the national economy. At the micro-level, the sector generated a positive impact on the
tourism business unit as most of them were claiming to gain profit sustainably during that period. However, the impact was still limited in improving business units' ability to innovate in product development and the ability to generate new employment. There was also a minimal positive impact
on the welfare of the sector's workers. In terms of the average earning per month, the welfare of workers in this sector is still relatively low compared to workers in all other sectors."
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2020