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Muthia Nurhidayah
"Penyakit paru obstruktif kronis sebagai penyakit yang ditandai dengan adanya pembatasan aliran udara progresif yang bersifat irreversible terhadap respon inflamasi abnormal dari paru-paru karena adanya partikel atau gas berbahaya. Berdasarkan data Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) terdapat 65 juta orang menderita penyakit paru obstruktif kronis (PPOK) dan 3 juta orang meninggal setiap tahunnya dan merupakan penyebab utama kematian ketiga di dunia. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan studi, pendekatan bioinformatika dan pendekatan in vivo. Pendekatan bioinformatika ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pathogenesis PPOK menggunakan jejaring farmakologi serta mengidentifikasi kandidat baru senyawa inhibitor ST2/IL-33 menggunakan metode komputasi dengan cara analisis farmakofor, virtual screening dan docking. Hasil pendekatan bioinformatika melalui jejaring farmakologi menunjukan bahwa gen AKT1, TNF, IL-6, ACTB. EGF, VEGFA, STAT3, MAPK3, MYC, JUN, IL10, CCL2 memiliki peranan penting dalam patogenesis penyakit obstruksi kronis yang diinduksi dengan asap rokok elektronik. Hasil farmakofor native ligand (NAG) menunjukkan empat donor ikatan hidrogen dan lima ikatan hidrogen akseptor, dan ligand dihydroergochristine menunjukkan tiga donor ikatan hidrogen dan lima akseptor ikatan hidrogen. Dari hasil analisis docking dihydroergochristine dengan reseptor ST2 menunjukkan energi ikatan yang lebih tinggi (- 10.2 kkal/mol) terhadap reseptor ST2 protein dibandingkan dengan senyawa lain. Pendekatan in vivo menggunakan mencit betina Mus musculus yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok: kontrol, kontrol negatif, kontrol positif diberikan inhalasi budesonid 1mg/kg BB/hari, serta 3 kelompok variasi dosis dihydroergochristine 0,0040mg/21gBB mencit/hari; 0,081mg/21gBB mencit/hari; 0,0163mg/21gBB mencit/hari secara inhalasi. Mencit dipaparkan asap rokok elektronik (36 puff sekali sehari selama 8 minggu), kemudian diobati dengan dihydroergochristine atau budesonid selama 3 minggu. Berdasarkan uji statistik pada hasil uji in vivo terdapat beberapa perbedaan bermakna (p < 0.05) pada parameter berat badan dan parameter hematologi. Pada parameter histologi persentase sel goblet kelompok kontrol sebesar 3,35 %, kelompok kontrol negatif 51,34 %, kelompok kontrol positif 5,52 %, kelompok D1 30,29 %, kelompok D2 33,94 %, dan kelompok D3 sebesar 16,13 %. Persentase kolagen kelompok kontrol sebesar 7.34 %, kelompok kontrol negatif sebesar 26.44 %, kelompok kontrol positif 8.62 %, kelompok D1 sebesar 23.82 %, kelompok D2 sebesar 21.01 %, dan kelompok D3 sebesar 12.56 %. Persentase penebalan dinding bronkus kelompok kontrol normal sebesar 5.57 %, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol negatif sebesar 23.25 %, kelompok kontrol positif sebesar 6.28 %, kelompok dosis satu sebesar 17.08 %, kelompok dosis dua sebesar 16.53 %, dan kelompok dosis tiga sebesar 12.93 %. Peningkatan kadar IL-6 pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 4.10 pg/ml, kontrol negatif sebesar 102.39 pg/ml, kelompok kontrol positif mimiliki kadar IL-6 sebesar 23.74 pg/ml, kelompok D1 sebesar 94.08 pg/ml, kelompok D2 sebesar 60.75 pg/ml, dan pada kelompok D3 memiliki kadar IL-66 sebesar 36.18 pg/ml. Peningkatan kadar karboksihemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 18.40 ng/ml, kontrol negatif sebesar 87.53 ng/ml, kelompok kontrol positif memiliki kadar karboksihemoglobin sebesar 22.45 ng/ml, kelompok D1 sebesar 83.57 ng/ml; kelompok D2 sebesar 50.29 ng/ml; dan pada kelompok D3 memiliki kadar IL-66 sebesar 32.36 ng/ml. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, senyawa dihydroergochristine dapat menurunkan dan memperbaiki inflamasi pada penyakit paru obstruktif kronis
......Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a disease characterized by the presence of progressive irreversible air flow restrictions to abnormal inflammatory responses of the lungs due to the presence of harmful particles or gases. Based on data from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), there are 65 million people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million people die every year and is the third leading cause of death in the world. This research uses two study approaches, the bioinformatics approach and the in vivo approach. This bioinformatics approach aims to identify COPD pathogenesis using pharmacological networks and identify new candidates for ST2/IL-33 inhibitor compounds using computational methods using pharmacophore analysis, virtual screening and docking. The results of the bioinformatics approach through pharmacological networks showed that the AKT1, TNF, IL-6, ACTB genes. EGF, VEGFA, STAT3, MAPK3, MYC, JUN, IL10, CCL2 have an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive disease induced by electronic cigarette smoke. The results of the pharmacophore native ligand (NAG) showed four hydrogen bond donors and five acceptor hydrogen bonds, and the dihydroergochristine ligands showed three hydrogen bond donors and five hydrogen bond acceptors. From the results of the docking analysis of dihydroergochristine with ST2 receptors showed a higher bond energy (-10.2 kcal / mol) to the ST2 receptor protein compared to other compounds. The in vivo approach used female mice Mus musculus which was divided into 6 groups: control, negative control, positive control given budesonid inhalation 1mg/kg BB/day, as well as 3 groups of dihydroergochristine dose variation groups of 0.0040mg/21gBB mice/day; 0.081mg/21gBB mice/day; 0.0163mg/21gBB mice/day inhaled. Mice were exposed to electronic cigarette smoke (36 puffs once a day for 8 weeks), then treated with dihydroergochristine or budesonid for 3 weeks. Based on the statistics analysis in the in vivo test results, there are several significant differences (p < 0.05) in weight parameters and hematology parameters. In the histological parameters, the percentage of goblet cells of the control group was 3.35%, the negative control group was 51.34%, the positive control group was 5.52%, the D1 group was 30.29%, the D2 group was 33.94%, and the D3 group was 16.13%. The collagen percentage of the control group was 7.34%, the negative control group was 26.44%, the positive control group was 8.62%, the D1 group was 23.82%, the D2 group was 21.01%, and the D3 group was 12.56%. The percentage of thickening of the bronchi walls of the normal control group was 5.57%, while in the negative control group of 23.25%, the positive control group was 6.28%, the first dose group was 17.08%, the second dose group was 16.53%, and the third dose group was 12.93%. The increase in IL-6 levels in the control group was 4.10 pg/ml, the negative control was 102.39 pg/ml, the positive control group had IL-6 levels of 23.74 pg/ml, the D1 group was 94.08 pg/ml, the D2 group was 60.75 pg/ml, and in the D3 group it had IL-66 levels of 36.18 pg/ml. Increased levels of carboxyhemoglobin in the control group of 18.40 ng/ml, negative control of 87.53 ng/ml, the positive control group had carboxyhemoglobin levels of 22.45 ng/ml, group D1 of 83.57 ng/ml; group D2 of 50.29 ng/ml; and in the D3 group, it had an IL-66 content of 32.36 ng/ml. Based on the results of the study, dihydroergochristine compounds can reduce and improve inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikhsan Budiarto
"Indonesia telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan cukai cairan rokok elektronik, namun penelitian tentang rokok elektronik belum banyak dilakukan. Studi ini menguji tentang efek kebijakan cukai terhadap persepsi risiko dan persepsi manfaat rokok elektronik serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Data berasal dari studi kohort online dengan sampel pengguna rokok elektronik dewasa di Indonesia. Data diambil sebelum implementasi cukai pada September 2018 (wave 1, n=1322) dan sesudah implementasi cukai pada November-Desember 2018 (wave 2, n=1039). Variabel dependen berupa Persepsi risiko dan Persepsi manfaat. Sedangkan variabel independen utama berupa status vaping, punya teman yang vaping, persepsi keterjangkauan harga, persepsi risiko dan persepsi manfaat sebelum implementasi cukai. Analisis menggunakan regresi linier berganda untuk mengestimasi hubungan antara variabel dependen dan variabel independen utama setelah dikontrol oleh variabel sosiodemografi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan persepsi risiko (t=-3.549; p=0.001) dan persepsi manfaat (t=-20.182; p=0,001). Persepsi risiko berhubungan secara positif dengan status vaping (b=0,21, SE=0,07, p=0,003) dan persepsi risiko sebelum implementasi cukai (b=0,45, SE=0,03, p=0,001), serta berhubungan secara negatif dengan persepsi keterjangkauan harga (b=-0,09, SE=0,03, p=0,001) dan persepsi manfaat sebelum implementasi cukai (b=-0,13, SE=0,03, p=0,001). Sedangkan persepsi manfaat berhubungan secara positif dengan persepsi keterjangkauan harga (b=0,05, SE=0,02, p=0,006) dan persepsi manfaat sebelum implementasi cukai (b=0,05, SE=0,02, p=0,011), serta berhubungan secara negatif dengan persepsi risiko sebelum implementasi cukai (b=-0,05, SE=0,02, p=0,039). Kebijakan cukai seharusnya dapat meningkatkan persepsi risiko dan menurunkan persepsi manfaat, namun kondisi tersebut tidak tercapai. Variabel persepsi keterjangkauan harga menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhinya. 

Indonesia has implemented an electronic cigarette excise tax policy, but not much research on electronic cigarettes. This study examines the effect of tax policy on risk and benefits perception of electronic cigarettes and the factors that influence it. Data comes from an online cohort study with sample of Indonesian adult electronic cigarette users. Data is taken before implementation of tax in September 2018 (wave 1, n = 1322) and after implementation of tax in November-December 2018 (wave 2, n = 1039). Dependent variables of this research is perceived risk and perceived benefit. Main independent variables are vaping status, social support, perceived affordability of electronic cigarette, perceived risk and perceived benefit before implementation tax. The analysis uses multiple linear regression to estimate the relationship between dependent variables and users characteristics after being controlled by sociodemographic variables. The analysis showed an increase of perceived risk (t=-3.549; p=0.001) and perceived benefit (t=-20.182; p=0,001). Perceived risk was positively associated with vaping status (b=0.21, SE=0.07, p=0.003) and perceived risk before implementation tax (b=0.45, SE=0.03, p=0.001) and was negatively associated with perceived affordability (b=-0.09, SE=0.03, p=0.001) and perceived benefit before implementation tax (b=-0.13, SE=0.03, p=0.001). Perceived benefit was positively associated with perceived affordability (b=0.05, SE=0.02, p=0.006) and perceived benefit before implementation tax (b=0.05, SE=0.02, p=0.011) and was negatively associated with percdeived risk before implementation tax (b=-0.05, SE=0.02, p=0.039). Tax policies should be able to increase risk perceptions and reduce perceived benefits, but this condition is not achieved. Variable perceived affordability of price is a factor that affects it. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wening Pamungkasningsih
"Latar belakang: Zat beracun utama dalam rokok elektronik yang ditemukan juga pada rokok konvensional adalah nikotin.Hasil utama metabolisme nikotin berupa kotinin yang terdapat di plasma, urin dan saliva. Kotinin dapat digunakan sebagai penanda hayati penggunaan nikotin pada perokok elektronik. Nikotin juga bersifat adiktif yang menyebabkan ketergantungan, yang dapat menjadi salah satu faktor kendala dalam upaya berhenti merokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar kotinin urin dan tingkat ketergantungan nikotin pada laki-laki perokok elektronik reguler.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang secara consecutive sampling dilakukan pada kelompok laki-laki perokok elektronik reguler dan bukan perokok di tahun 2018. Semua subjek penelitian dilakukan wawancara dan pemeriksaan kadar kotinin urin menggunakan metode enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Kuesioner Penn State Nicotine Dependent Index (PSNDI) hanya diisi oleh kelompok perokok elektronik reguler untuk menentukan tingkat ketergantungan nikotin.
Hasil: Kadar kotinin urin perokok elektronik pada kelompok tidak ada ketergantungan didapatkan lebih rendah dibanding kelompok ketergantungan sedang-tinggi (p=0,008). Kadar kotinin urin kelompok ketergantungan rendah lebih kecil dibanding kelompok ketergantungan sedang-tinggi (p=0,029).Median kadar kotinin urin kelompok perokok elektronik reguler lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok bukan perokok (276,11 [58.01-284.15] ng/mL vs 5.21 [4.65-23.72] ng/mL, p<0.001). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar kotinin urin perokok elektronik dan bermakna secara statistik adalah usia (p=0.041), kadar nikotin cairan rokok elektronik (p=0.013) dan aroma cairan rokok elektronik (mentol dan non mentol) (p=0.040). Sebanyak 76.5% laki-laki perokok elektronik reguler mempunyai ketergantungan nikotin.
Kesimpulan: Kadar kotinin urin dan tingkat ketergantungan nikotin pada laki-laki perokok elektronik reguler memiliki hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik. Kadar kotinin urin pada laki-laki perokok elektronik reguler lebih tinggi dibandingkan bukan perokok dan bermakna secara statistik. Faktor-faktor yang secara bermakna mempengaruhi kadar kotinin urin adalah usia, kadar nikotin dan aroma cairan rokok elektronik.
......Introduction: The main toxic substance in electronic cigarettes (e-Cig), also found in conventional cigarettes, is nicotine. The main product of nicotine metabolism is cotinine which can be found in plasma, urine and saliva. Cotinine can be used as a biomarker for nicotine in electronic cigarette users. Nicotine is also addictive which causes dependence, thus serves as one of problems in smoking cessation program. This study aims to determine the correlation of urine cotinine and nicotine dependence level in the regular e-Cig male users.
Method: This cross-sectional study consecutively included regular e-Cig male users and non-smokers. All subjects were interviewed and were measured for its urinary cotinine levels (uCOT) were examined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The Penn State Nicotine Dependent Index (PSNDI) questionnaire was filled by regular e-Cig users.
Results: The uCOT of e-Cig users in the non-dependency group was lower than the medium-high dependency group (p=0.008). The uCOT of e-Cig users in the low dependency group was lower than the medium-high dependency group (p=0.029). The median uCOT of the regular e-Cig users was higher than the non-smokers group (276.11 [58.01-284.15] ng/mL vs 5.21 [4.65-23.72] ng/mL, p<0.001). Factors influencing uCOT of e-Cigs users were age (p=0.041), nicotine level of e-Cig liquid (p=0.013) and flavor of e-Cig liquid (e.g. menthol or non-menthol) (p=0.040). Nicotine dependence was found in 76.5% regular e-Cig male users.
Conclusion: The uCOT and nicotine dependence level on the regular e-Cig male users was significantly correlated. The uCOT of regular e-Cig male users was significantly higher than non-smokers, of which age, nicotine level and flavor of e-cCig liquid significantly influenced the uCOT."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library