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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Vicky Ardiansyah
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pemberangusan serikat pekerja yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan hubungan industrial yang diajukan oleh pekerja. Pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah kedudukan dan perlindungan hukum bagi pengusaha berdasarkan putusan mahkamah agung ditinjau dari UU Serikat pekerja dan UU Hubungan Industrial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normative, sedangkan metode analisis datanya adalah metode kualitatif. Pekerja merupakan bagian dari suatu perusahaan dan juga merupakan salah satu pemangku kepentingan dalam suatu perusahaan. Namun demikian, dalam hal terjadi pertentangan atau sengketa antara pekerja dan perusahaan (pengusaha) sering kali meskipun dibawa ke pengadilan PHI. UU Serikat pekerja menyatakan bahwa pengusaha dilarang untuk menghalang-halangi aktifitas pekerja dalam serikat pekerja dengan cara melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja. Putusan Mahkamah Agung nomor 2014K/Pid.Sus/2011 seolah-olah menyatakan bahwa pengusaha dapat dianggap melakukan pemberangusan serikat pekerja berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan hubungan industrial terhadap phk yang diajukan oleh pekerja. Dalam tesis ini ditarik suatu kesimpulan bahwa pada dasarnya PHK yang diajukan oleh pekerja tidak dapat dijadikan dasar untuk menyatakan bahwa pengusaha telah melakukan pemberangusan serikat pekerja.dan majelis hakim dalam perkara pidana perburuhan, hendaknya memperhatikan keputusan pengadilan hubungan industrial, atas dasar-dasar terjadinya pemutusan hubungan kerja. Diharapkan dimasa depan telah diatur secara tegas bahwa pemberangusan serikat pekerja haruslah diperhatikan dari dasar pemutusan hubungan kerja dan adanya pemahaman hakim pidana perburuhan yang sama bahwa proses yang terjadi di Pengadilan hubungan industrial dapat dijadikan dasaar dalam penyelesaian kasus pidana perburuhan kecuali diatur secara tegas oleh Undang-Undang. ......This thesis discusses the suppression of trade unions carried out by the employer based on the industrial relations court decision filed by workers. The main problem in this thesis is the status and legal protection for employers based on the decision of the Supreme Court in terms of the Law Unions and Industrial Relations Act . The method used is a normative juridical approach , whereas the method of data analysis is a qualitative method Workers are part of a company and also one of the stakeholders in a company . However , in the event of disagreement or dispute between workers and companies ( employers ) often though brought to justice at industrial relationship court. Unions Act states that employers are forbidden to obstruct the activities of workers in trade unions by doing layoffs . Supreme Court ruling number 2014K / Pid.Sus / 2011, as if stating that employers can be considered conduct suppression of union by a court decision on the termination of industrial relations filed by workers. In this thesis drawn a conclusion that basically laid filed by workers can not be used as a basis for stating that the employer has made suppression of union judges in criminal cases of labor , should pay attention to the industrial relations court's decision , on the foundations of the termination work . Expected future has been set explicitly that the suppression of trade unions should be considered on the basis of termination of employment and their understanding of labor the same criminal judge that the processes occurring in the industrial relations court can be ground in resolving criminal cases except labor are strictly regulated by law
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2017
658.3 HUM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rendar Mahardhika Putra
Abstrak :
Isu tentang keberagaman, kesetaraan, dan inklusi saat ini sedang menjadi fokus dan agenda besar dari pemerintah dan dunia korporasi. Salah satu strategi inklusi yang saat ini sedang didorong khususnya oleh pelaku usaha adalah inklusi terhadap penyandang disabilitas di tempat kerja. Permasalahannya adalah masih banyak pemberi kerja yang belum memiliki pengetahuan tentang disability confidence yaitu tentang bagaimana pihak pemberi kerja meningkatkan pemahamannya terhadap penyandang disabilitas, menyingkirkan hambatan-hambatan yang ada, dan membuat sebuah kasus bisnis yang berdampak signifikan agar penyandang disabilitas dapat dipekerjakan di suatu perusahaan. Oleh karena itu studi eksplorasi perlu dilakukan dengan cakupan penelitian yaitu dua perusahaan yang memiliki Layanan Pelanggan kelas dunia khususnya di industri contact center atau layanan pelanggan yang menjadi salah satu pionir yang merekrut penyandang disabilitas di industri tersebut. Data yang diambil untuk penelitian ini adalah dengan mewawancarai sepuluh informan sebagai manajemen yang mewakili perusahaan dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif tematik analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa perluasan pandangan, dukungan penuh, dan Disability Confidence atau kepercayaan diri pemberi kerja untuk merekrut dan mempekerjakan penyandang disabilitas adalah faktor yang sangat penting untuk mewujudkan inklusi terhadap penyandang disabilitas di tempat kerja. ......Issues towards diversity, equity, and inclusion currently become a main focus and big agenda both for government and corporate. One of the inclusion strategy encouraged by employers in corporate world is the inclusion towards people with disability at the workplace. The current problem, many employers lack of disability confidence knowledge, means that how the employers enhancing their understanding about people with disability, removing all barriers, and created a strong business case for hiring people with disability and deliver a significant impact at the workplace. Therefore, an exploratory study required to be conducted with the scope of two companies who has world-class contact center and also become a pioneer or role model in terms of their lead towards disability employment in contact center industry. In collecting the data, this study conducted semi structured in depth interviews with ten informant as the representative of the management, with qualitative thematic analysis methodology. The results came up from this study stated that employer’s broadened perspective, employer’s full support, and disability confidence or the employer’s confident level in hiring and employed people with disability are the important factors to create disability inclusion is truly happened at the workplace.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Ramadhany
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa dan pemberi kerja mengenai generic skills yang meliputi tingkat kepentingan dari generic skills untuk kesuksesan di dalam berkarir, tingkat pengembangan generic skills mahasiswa akuntansi melalui mata kuliah yang diambil selama masa kuliah S1, dan tingkat pencapaian generic skills yang didemonstrasikan oleh lulusan akuntansi. Survei dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa tingkat akhir S1 akuntansi dari Universitas Indonesia dan pemberi kerja dengan level pekerjaan menengah ke atas untuk melihat kesenjangan atas generic skills yang terjadi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa akuntansi mulai sadar atas kebutuhan generic skills di dalam dunia kerja dimana dari empat kategori generic skills, terdapat dua kategori yang tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan, yaitu kategori keterampilan personal dan keterampilan interpersonal dan komunikasi. Meskipun demikian, masih terdapat kesenjangan antara generic skills yang diharapkan oleh pemberi kerja dengan generic skills yang dimiliki oleh lulusan akuntansi, serta antara persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi mengenai tingkat pengembangan generic skills dengan persepsi pemberi kerja.
The purpose of this research is to see generic skills perception between undergraduates and employers in terms of the importance of generic skills for career success, generic skills developed by undergraduates thorugh courses taken during the degree, and the achievement level of generic skills demonstrated by accounting graduates. Respondents of this survey consist of final year accounting undergraduates of Universitas Indonesia and employers that have upper middle employement level to see if there is a gap between those two categories of respondents. This study finds that undergraduates are becoming aware of the importance of generic skills for career success, namely, personal skills and interpersonal and communication skills. However the gap still exists between generic skills expected by employers and generic skills demonstrated by accounting graduates. The gap is also found between undergraduates perception of generic skills developed and employers perception of generic skills.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
McAlevey, Jane F.
Abstrak :
Over the past two decades, labor unions in the United States have experienced a profound crisis. In spite of spending hundreds of millions of dollars on new organizing campaigns, unions have not won a major victory since 1995, and membership rates have steadily plunged. Meanwhile, corporate power has strengthened its grip, making the strength of unions more relevant than ever. What is the reason behind the downfall of the unions, and what can be done about it? No Shortcuts examines the ways in which unions can reverse their recent decline, arguing that despite todays extremely hostile environment, unions could win much more if they changed their organizing strategies. Through case study analysis, the book demonstrates that different organizing strategies produce different outcomes representing different levels of success, and that the reason for the decline in union victories lies not in the growing power of employers, but rather in the ways in which unions organize both members and nonmembers. Once, the workers themselves were the focus of union organizing, but organizers in the new millennium have spent most of their energy on corporate campaigns intended to weaken employer opposition to unions-making the employers, not the workers, the new center of the movement. No Shortcuts concludes that reversing todays inequality will require a robust embrace of unions-but of unions that are democratic and focused on bottom-up rather than top-down strategies, that place the agency for change in workers acting collectively both at work and in the communities in which they reside. Finally, the books analysis, although focused on the organization of strong unions, has the broadest possible application: the organization of a just society.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ozkan, Umut Riza
Abstrak :
Building open the recents scholarship on "traveling ideas" and "translation", the author discusses how ILO and EU labour standards were conveyed to Turkey's political landscape by domestic actors and how those standards were adjusted. The study first anlyses the motivations of the commission that drafted the 2003 labour act, and of employer and labour organizations, for choosing to draw on those inter-institutional outcomes of the reform by examining how domestic actors modified the international standards, while also preserving components of the old labour legislations, as on severance pay.
Geneva: Blackwell Publishing, 2017
331 ILR 156:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Setiawati
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas bahasa Arab TKI di Arab Saudi yang dipandang dari aspek fonologi, morfologi, dan sintaksis. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis komparatif, yaitu dengan membandingkan bahasa Arab standar dan bahasa Arab nonstandar. Signifikansi analisis ini yaitu untuk memaparkan kepada pembaca mengenai perubahan fonologi, morfologi, dan bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Arab nonstandar. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendapat Lado mengenai bilingualisme. Data dalam skripsi ini secara garis besar berasal dari kuesioner, modul pengajaran, dan hasil pengamatan. Hasil analisis dari aspek fonologi menyatakan bahwa terdapat beberapa perubahan bunyi dalam bahasa Arab nonstandar yaitu afesis, apokop, sinkop, proteis, dan paragog. Dari Aspek morfologi ditemukan bahwa dalam bahasa Arab nonstandar juga terdapat proses derivasi dan infleksi. Dan dari aspek sintaksis, kalimat dalam bahasa Arab nonstandar terdiri dari kalimat minor, kalimat mayor, kalimat nomina, kalimat verba, kalimat tanya, kalimat perintah, dan kalimat larangan. Selain itu, penulis menganalisis bagaimana penguasaan bahasa Arab TKI di Arab Saudi. ......This research describes about the Arabic language by Indonesian employers that looked from phonology, morphology, and syntactic aspect. An analysis method that used in this research is comperative analysis which compared standard Arabic with nonstandard Arabic. signification of this analysis are describe readers about changes of phonology, morphology and sentence form in nonstandard Arabic. This research using lado’s perfective about bilingualisme. The data in this paper outlines obtained from questionnaires, teaching modules, and from the observations. The results of analize phonological aspect states that there are some sound changes in Arabic nonstandard namely afesis, apokop, syncope, proteis, and paragog. From Morphology Aspect in Arabic found that there are processes nonstandard derivations and inflections. From syntax aspect, sentence in nonstandard Arabic consists of minor phrase, major phrase, noun phrase, verb phrase, interrogative, imperative, and negative commands. In addition, the writer analyze how Indonesian employers mastery nonstandar Arabic in Saudi Arabia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library