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Adhianto Windratama
"[Program magang ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisa penerapan manajemen risiko perusahaan pada PT Pertamina EP serta membandingkannya dengan teori dari Standar ISO 31000 Program magang dilakukan selama tiga bulan di Fungsi Strategic Planning and Risk Management pada bagian Risk Management PT Pertamina EP untuk mengamati dan membantu pelaksanaan proses manajemen risiko perusahaan Perbandingannya dengan teori dari Standar adalah pengadopsian prinsip kerangka kerja untuk mengelola risiko dan proses manajemen risiko yang diusulkan oleh standard tersebut Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan telah mengadopsi standar ISO 31000 dengan baik dan penerapan proses manajemen risiko disesuaikan dengan proses bisnis dan kebutuhan perusahaan ;The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP ;The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP ;The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP , The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP ]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renaldi MNF
"Pekerjaan pembuatan tabung gas beresiko terpajan oleh kebisingan Sedangkan program konservasi pendengaran yang dilakukan belum dilakukan dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya masalah gangguan pendengaran yang terjadi akibat kebisingan pada tenaga kerja pabrik tabung EP serta melakukan upaya pencegahannya. Disain penelitian Studi intervensi. Jumlah subyek yang diteliti 59 orang dari total populasi 62 orang tenaga kerja tetap. Intervensi berupa anjuran pemakaian slat pelindung diri telinga bagi tenaga kerja serta penyuluhan bagi pimpinan dan part pengawas tentang pentingnya penerapan program konservasi pendengaran secara efektif dan efisien.
Hasil dan kesimpulan. Terdapat 10 lokasi dengan tingkat kebisingan 92 dB di dalam pabrik Keluhan gangguan pendengaran pada tenaga kerja berupa kurang pendengaran 16,94 persen, tinitus - 11,86 persen atau kombinasi keduanya 3,38 persen. Prevalensi tali akibat bising (TAB) sebesar 11,86 persen Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara TAB dengan lama paparan dan intensitas bising (p kurang dari 0,05). Sedangkan huhungan antara TAB dengan usia, lama bekerja, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku tidak bermakna. Untuk kepatuhan memakai alat pelindung diri telinga terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Penyuluhan pada pimpinan dan para pengawas menghasilkan suatu komitmen dan dukungan pimpinan terhadap program konservasi pendengaran.
......Work in the gas cylinder production has a high exposure to noise hazard The implementation on hearing conservation program is essential for the prevention of hearing lass among workers. The objective of the study is to know the prevalence of Noise Induced Hearing Disturbance among workers in EP gas cylinder factory and the implementation of it's prevention program. The study design used was an intervention study. From the total population of 62 workers, 59 subject participated in this study. The intervention was education on NIHL and recommendation to use ear protection for workers and education to managers and supervisors on effective and efficient hearing conservation program.
Result : In 10 location in the factory the noise level was above 92 dB . Complaints in hearing decrease was found in 16,94 percent, tinnitus in 11,80 percent and both complaints in 3,38 percent of the workers. The prevalence of NI HL was 11,86 percent.Statistical test showed a significant relation between exposure period and NIHL. There was no significant relationship between NIRL and age, work period and KAP. Intervention showed a significant increase in the use of ear protection among workers. Managers and supervisors committed to support the implementation of Hearing Conservation Program."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrey Jenifer Vyatri Kartika
"Pada PT Pertamina EP tidak dilekatkan pada kewajiban kontraktor untuk melakukan penawaran participating interest kepada BUMD berdasarkan Pasal 34 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35 Tahun 2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa dasar-dasar tidak dilekatkannya kewajiban dimaksud berdasarkan kekhususan yang ada pada PT Pertamina EP. Adapun dasar-dasar tersebut yaitu, Wilayah Kerja PT Pertamina EP yang dicakup dalam Kontrak Minyak dan Gas Bumi Pertamina berbeda dengan pengaturan wilayah kerja di PSC lain. Kemudian, dalam Kontrak Minyak dan Gas Bumi Pertamina tidak diatur mengenai kewajiban untuk menawarkan participating interest tersebut kepada BUMD. Selanjutnya komersialitas atas wilayah kerja PT Pertamina EP sudah didapatkan sebelum Kontrak Minyak dan Gas Bumi Pertamina ditandatangani.
......PT Pertamina EP is not vested on the contractor?s obligation to make a participating interest offer to the Local Government Owned Company (BUMD) based on the Article 34 Government Regulation of Year 2004 on the Oil and Gas Upstream Activity.Based on the research conducted, the results obtained showed that the ground for not vested PT Pertamina EP to the aforementioned contractor?s obligation is relying on its particular characteristic. The said grounds are PT Pertamina EP?s Working Area comprised on the Pertamina Oil and Gas Contract different to the provision of working area in other PSC. Furthermore, the obligation to offer participating interest to Local Government Owned Company (BUMD) is not regulated in Pertamina Oil and Gas Contract. In addition to that, PT Pertamina EP?s working area commerciality has already obtained long before Pertamina Oil and Gas Contract signed."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasya Luthfiyyah
"Obat adalah substansi yang mempengaruhi sistem fisiologi atau keadaan patologi untuk diagnosa, pencegahan, penyembuhan, dan lainnya. Bahan obat, baik yang berkhasiat maupun tidak, digunakan dalam pembuatan obat dengan standar mutu sebagai bahan baku farmasi. Pendistribusian bahan obat oleh pedagang besar farmasi (PBF) diatur oleh CPOB untuk memastikan mutu selama proses distribusi. PT. Tatarasa Primatama sebagai distributor bahan obat di Indonesia melakukan kualifikasi bahan baku obat dari luar negeri dengan mengacu pada standar kompendia seperti USP, BP, dan EP, serta membandingkan dengan FI VI untuk memenuhi persyaratan mutu yang diatur.
Drugs are substances that influence physiological systems or pathological conditions for diagnosis, prevention, healing, etc. Medicinal ingredients, whether efficacious or not, are used in the manufacture of medicines with quality standards as pharmaceutical raw materials. Distribution of medicinal substances by pharmaceutical wholesalers (PBF) is regulated by CPOB to ensure quality during the distribution process. PT. Tatarasa Primatama as a distributor of medicinal ingredients in Indonesia qualifies medicinal raw materials from abroad by referring to compendia standards such as USP, BP and EP, and comparing with FI VI to meet regulated quality requirements."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library