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Bazooka Akbar Anantama
Abstrak :
Letusan Gunung Kelud yang terjadi pada malam hari tanggal 13 Februari hingga dini hari 14 Februari 2014 meninggalkan dampak pada daerah di sekitarnya. Kabupaten Kediri yang terletak di sebelah barat Gunung Kelud, merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang terdampak letusannya. Arah angin pada saat hari kejadian menjadikan Kabupaten Kediri wilayah yang paling parah terpapar oleh material hasil letusan Gunung Kelud. Di samping faktor angin, terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi Kabupaten Kediri termasuk ke dalam wilayah terdampak letusan Gunung Kelud 2014, diantaranya faktor morfologi, topografi dan kemiringan lereng, serta jaringan sungai daerah bersangkutan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana dampak letusan Gunung Kelud serta bagaimana kerusakan yang ditimbulkan, khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Kediri. Melalui analisis citra radar, spasial dan deskriptif dapat ditunjukkan bahwa seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Kediri terpapar oleh material letusan dan sejumlah desa di empat kecamatan mengalami kerusakan permukiman dengan kategori ringan hingga berat. Analisis kapasitas dan sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa daerah yang terkena dampak letusan Gunung Kelud tidak serta merta mengalami kerusakan baik itu ringan, sedang maupun berat.
Kelud Eruption that had happened in 2014 from February 13 night till February 14 night, was exposed its surrounding area. Kediri Regency which located in the west of Mount Kelud, is one of regencies that exposed by the eruption. Even Kediri Regency became the most exposed by all material things from the eruption. Furthermore, there's some other factors that impact Kediri Regency as an exposed area of Kelud Eruption. Those factors such as morphology, topography, slope, and river network in that area. So, the purposes of this research are observing how far impact of the eruption and the damage that's been caused in Kediri Regency. By using radar imagery interpretation, spatial analysis, and descriptive analysis, readers will know how far Kediri Regency exposed and many houses in some villages in 4 districts were damaged, those kind of damage can be categorized as light and heavy damage. In addition, capacity and sensitivity analysis will show area that is not damaged by eruption, neither light, moderate nor heavy damage.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta, Indonesia: Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia and PNPM Support Facility, 2011
363.3 IND w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susi Sukmasari
Abstrak :
Objective: The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence, distribution and association of developmental alteration in tooth number with gender, location, and presence of delayed eruption of tooth among children who attended to Student?s polyclinic of IIUM Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study on total 727 Orthopanthomograms (OPGs) of 3-17 years old children from April 2009 to July 2012. OPGs with presence of alteration number were scrutinized to find out the prevalence, distribution and association. The data was analyzed comparing gender, location and presence of delayed eruption and tested using Chi-square test. Results: Out of 727 OPGs, 71 OPGs showed developmental alteration in tooth number. The prevalence was 98/1000 OPGs within 3 years. Among those 71 OPGs, the gender differences were: males (49.3%) and females (50.7%). Locations were found in maxilla (45.1%), mandible (40.8%) and both (14.0%). The finding of delayed eruption was (7.0%). There were significant differences between alteration in tooth number with location as (p < 0.05) while there were no significant differences with gender and delayed eruption as (p > 0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that hyperdontia was considerably lower than hypodontia. There was association between alteration in tooth number with location, but no association with gender and delayed eruption.;
[Department of Paediatric Dentistry International Islamic University Malaysia;International Islamic University Malaysia. Department of Paediatric Dentistry;International Islamic University Malaysia. Department of Paediatric Dentistry;International Islamic University Malaysia. Department of Paediatric Dentistry;International Islamic University Malaysia. Department of Paediatric Dentistry, International Islamic University Malaysia. Department of Paediatric Dentistry], 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Objective: The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence, distribution and association of developmental alteration in tooth number with gender, location, and presence of delayed eruption of tooth among children who attended to Student’s polyclinic of IIUM Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study on total 727 Orthopanthomograms (OPGs) of 3-17 years old children from April 2009 to July 2012. OPGs with presence of alteration number were scrutinized to find out the prevalence, distribution and association. The data was analyzed comparing gender, location and presence of delayed eruption and tested using Chi-square test. Results: Out of 727 OPGs, 71 OPGs showed developmental alteration in tooth number. The prevalence was 98/1000 OPGs within 3 years. Among those 71 OPGs, the gender differences were: males (49.3%) and females (50.7%). Locations were found in maxilla (45.1%), mandible (40.8%) and both (14.0%). The finding of delayed eruption was (7.0%). There were significant differences between alteration in tooth number with location as (p < 0.05) while there were no significant differences with gender and delayed eruption as (p > 0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that hyperdontia was considerably lower than hypodontia. There was association between alteration in tooth number with location, but no association with gender and delayed eruption.
International Islamic University Malaysia. Department of Paediatric Dentistry ; Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yan Adhitya
Abstrak :
Gunung Agung is a stratovolcano type of volcano which has a height of 3,142 masl and is located in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province. At the end of 2017, Mount Agung's volcanic activity increased until it finally erupted several times in October to December. The government has prepared refuge pockets at the foot of Mount Agung, in areas that are not directly affected by eruption. There are 19 drilling plan points that will be carried out to meet the raw water needs at the evacuation site. This paper presents the groundwater recharge potential including the distribution of water sources, Hydrogeological conditions and the magnitude of groundwater recharge potential at hillside of Mount Agung and the surrounding area. The method used in this study is a field survey, calculation of potential recharge, analysis and evaluation of hydrogeological conditions, distribution of water sources and calculation of potential groundwater recharge. Groundwater at the foot of Mount Agung has the potential to be utilized and developed mainly to cover raw water needs in several refugee locations, namely in the Districts of Sidemen, Abang and Karangasem. The result of the analysis is that the largest groundwater potential is in Kubu Sub-District, namely 97,560,207 m3 / year, with a position that is relatively susceptible to primary hazards and secondary to Mount Agung eruption. For locations that are relatively safe and reachable in the area, they are in Tianyar, Sukadana, Baturinggit, Kubu, and Tulamben Villages, all of which are on the coast of the sea. These results are expected to be used by local governments in an effort to deal with the provision of water from the impact of the eruption of Mount Agung.
Bandung: Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2019
627 JTHID 10:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunardi Sunardi
Abstrak :
Eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 caused a dense cover of Acacia decurrens Willd., which is an Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS). The dense cover happened in all areas of Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP) in Java, Indonesia. This study was aimed to describe the relationship between major natural disturbance from volcanic eruption in triggering the invasion of A.decurrens in Mount Merapi National Park. Vegetation data were collected using line transect in two different sites. The first site was Cangkringan which was affected by pyroclastic flow and the second site was Selo which was not affected by pyroclastic flow. Distribution patterns and association of A.decurrens with other species in each location was analyzed using ordination analysis of the Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS). Microclimate such as temperature, humidity, light density and soil humidity was recorded in each location. Correlation between species abundance and microclimate data was assessed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The results showed that the population of A. decurrens was more dominant in Cangkringan than in Selo site. Cangkringan site was impacted with pyroclastic flow during Mount Merapi eruption in 2010, while Selo site was not affected. In Cangkringan, A.decurrens was distributed in clump, while in Selo the plant was randomly distributed. Ordination analysis using NMDS showed that there was positive association between A.decurrens and herbaceous plant. Negative association was observed between A.decurrens and other tree species. CCA analysis showed that temperature and light density was positively correlated with A. decurrens abundance. This study showed that the IAPS invasion in MMNP was correlated with the eruption of Mount Merapi.
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2017
634.6 BIO 24:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meidika Sri Wardiana
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini meneliti tentang praktik pemberitaan bencana erupsi Gunung Sinabung dari tahun 2010 hingga 2017 oleh Tempo.co sebagai salah satu media daring sekaligus pioner media berbasis internet di Indonesia. Selain melihat peliputan bencana, penelitian ini juga ingin melihat prinsip dan teknik peliputan jurnalisme bencana dilakukan oleh Tempo.co. Penelitian ini juga ingin melihat peran Tempo dalam fungsi media massa sebagai pengawasan surveillance . Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis semiotika sosial oleh M.A.K Halliday untuk menganalisis teks berita dari Tempo.co. Kemudian, dikonfirmasi melalui wawancara dengan redaktur dan reporter Tempo.co. Peneliti menemukan bahwa pemberitaan Tempo.co terkait erupsi Gunung Sinabung lebih fokus pada dampak terhadap korban dari sudut pandang pihak berwenang. Tempo.co juga belum melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip jurnalisme bencana sepenuhnya. Kemudian, Tempo.co sudah menjalankan fungsi media massa sebagai pengawasan surveillance.
The focus of this study is about reporting practice of Sinabung eruption from 2010 to 2017 by Tempo.co as online media pioneer in Indonesia. Besides, this study also want to know how Tempo.co implement the principles and techniques of disaster journalism and the role of Tempo.co in the function of mass media as surveillance. This research is qualitative constructivism. This study uses social semotics analysis by M.A.K Halliday to analyze the data and confirmation interview with editor and journalist from Tempo.co. This research found that Tempo.co 39 s report related to eruption of Sinabung focused more on the impacts related to the victims from the point of view of the authorities. Tempo.co also has not implemented the principles of disaster journalism completely. Then, Tempo.co has implemented the function of mass media as surveillance surveillance.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatimah Boenjamin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara status gizi dengan tahap erupsi molar pertama tetap. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan status gizi dengan tahap erupsi seluruh gigi tetap. Selain itu juga diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk melihat gambaran status gizi anak di masa lalu. Status gizi dinilai secara antropometri berdasarkan simpang baku terhadap median dari pengukuran tinggi badan menurut umur sesuai baku WHO-NCHS. Tahap erupsi yang digunakan adalah lima tahap erupsi permukaan oklusal molar pertama tetap menurut kriteria Sato. Tahap satu dimulai sejak terlihatnya sebagian permukaan tonjol mesiobukal dan mesiolingual, sedangkan pada tahap lima seluruh permukaan oklusal sudah terlihat, termasuk tepi distal. Penelitian dilakukan pada 575 anak umur 5-8 tahun pada Taman Kanak-kanak dan Sekolah Dasar di DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa molar pertama tetap lebih cepat erupsi pada anak dengan status gizi tinggi dibandingkan
dengan status gizi lebih rendah (t=3,599, df = 23, p = 0,05). Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara status gizi dengan tahap erupsi molar pertama tetap (r = 0.1972, p = 0,05).
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Kumalasari
Abstrak :
Keberlanjutan masyarakat dapat tercapai jika praktik dan cara berinteraksi manusia selaras dengan lingkungan setempat sehingga tercipta kondisi yang ideal dimana ada keseimbangan aspek ekologis, sosial ekonomi dan spiritual budaya. Untuk itu informasi terkini mengenai kondisi masyarakat dalam dalam memulihkan kehidupanya setelah relokasi dan bagaimana praktik dan cara masyarakat berinteraksi dengan lingkungan apakah sudah menuju ke arah menguntungkan dan berlanjut perlu dikaji. Tujuan riset adalah menganalisis kondisi aset penghidupan masyarakat sebelum dan setelah relokasi, menganalisis tingkat keberlanjutan masyarakat, serta menyusun strategi pengelolaan keberlanjutan masyarakat. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan metode campuran. Hasil riset menunjukan bahwa: (i) Kondisi aset penghidupan masyarakat pada aset natural dan aset finansial pascarelokasi menjadi kurang baik karena kondisi tanah yang bersifat masam dan tingkat kesuburan tanah rendah menyebabkan hasil pertanian tidak mengutungkan (ii) Tingkat keberlanjutan masyarakat Siosar sudah menunjukan awal yang baik menuju keberlanjutan, secara spesifik aspek ekologi menunjukan nilai yang rendah dibandingkan dengan dua aspek yang lainnya yaitu aspek sosial dan aspek spiritual. (iii) Strategi pengelolaan keberlanjutan masyarakat diarahkan pada usaha pengembangan agroforestri; pendidikan praktis untuk mencapai keberlanjutan; pengembangan ekowisata, argrowisata; peningkatan kualitas kesehatan dan pendidikan dan revitalisasi/ menggiatkan budaya lokal serta; penyuluhan dalam mengelola koperasi, industri rumah tangga dan perdagangan.


Community sustainability can be achieved if the practices and methods of human interaction are in harmony with the local environment so that ideal conditions are created where there is a balance of ecological, social and spiritual aspects of culture. For this reason, up-to-date information on the condition of the community in restoring their lives after relocation and whether the practices and methods of human interaction with the environment already have been directed towards being profitable and sustainable or not need to be studied. The purpose of the research is to analyze the condition of the assets of community livelihoods before and after relocation, analyze the level of community sustainability, and develop strategies for managing community sustainability. The approach used was quantitative, with mix method. The results of the research show that: (i) The conditions of livelihood assets in natural assets and financial assets are considered to be poor because the acidic soil condition and low fertility level of the soil cause agricultural yields to be unprofitable (ii) The level of sustainability of the Siosar community has shown a good start towards sustainability, specifically the ecological aspects shows a low value in achieving sustainability compared to the other two aspects social and spiritual; (iii) The strategy for managing community sustainability is directed at developing agroforestry; giving practical education to achieve sustainability; ecotourism development, agrotourism; improving the quality of health and education and revitalizing / intensifying local culture and; counseling in managing cooperatives, home industries and trade. 

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogi Andrian Sidiyanto
Abstrak :
Erupsi gunung api merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang umum terjadi di Indonesia dan telah memakan korban jiwa serta kerugian yang cukup besar. Oleh karena dampak yang mungkin terjadi dari erupsi cukup besar, maka perlu dilakukan pemantauan yang berkelanjutan pada gunung api. Adanya aktivitas gunung api akan mengubah kondisi fisik medium batuan sehingga parameter fisis kecepatan gelombang seismik dan amplitudonya akan berubah. Pengaruh terhadap kecepatan gelombang seismik dan amplitudo dapat dipantau melalui analisis variasi kecepatan semu dengan ambient seismic noise dan Realtime Seismic Amplitude Measurement (RSAM). Pada studi kasus di Gunung Agung Bali pada periode 2017-2019 terdapat tiga rentang waktu yang menunjukkan adanya aktivitas gunung api yang ditandai dengan adanya penurunan pada nilai kecepatan seismik serta peningkatan pada nilai amplitudo. Perubahan pada nilai kecepatan serta amplitudo disebabkan oleh adanya tekanan dari aktivitas magmatik sehingga akan menyebabkan stress dan/atau teraktifkannya rekahan (crack) pada medium. Sehingga, dengan mengetahui adanya perubahan pada nilai kecepatan seismik dan amplitudo dapat dijadikan indikator terjadinya peningkatan aktivitas vulkanik dan sebagai prekursor sebelum terjadinya erupsi.
Volcanic eruption is one of the most common natural disasters in Indonesia and has taken significant casualties and losses. Because the impact of the eruption was quite large, ongoing volcano monitoring was carried out. The existence of volcanic activity will change the physical condition of the rock medium so that the physical parameters such as seismic wave velocity and amplitude will change. The effect on seismic wave velocity and amplitude can be monitored through apparent velocity variation analysis with ambient seismic noise and Realtime Seismic Amplitude Measurement (RSAM). In the case study on Gunung Agung Bali in the period of 2017-2019, there were three time periods that showed the existence of volcanic activity which was marked by a decrease in the seismic velocity value and an increase in the amplitude value. Changes in the velocity and amplitude values are caused by pressure from magmatic activity that will cause stress and / or crack activity on the medium. Thus, knowing changes in seismic velocity and amplitude values can be used as indicators of an increased in volcanic activity and as precursors before an eruption.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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