ABSTRAKDengan meningkatnya trend konsumsi penggunaan layanan data di Indonesia
kedepan, Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) menjadi sebuah
solusi praktis untuk mengurangi traffic dan membuat penggunaan spektrum
menjadi lebih efisien. Penerapan layanan eMBMS ini terintegrasi dengan
Enchanced Packet Core - LTE advanced pada Single Frequency Network
(MBSFN) sehingga lebih mudah untuk dilakukan. Hasil dari penerapan eMBMS
ini akan diprediksikan menjadi suatu bentuk model bisnis baru bagi operator dan
diharapkan dapat meningkatkan revenue bagi operator akan dikaji dalam thesis
ini. Analisis ekonomi menghasilkan bahwa penerapan layanan eMBMS ini layak
untuk dilakukan karena Nilai NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 milyar) dan nilai IRR (14.79%) >
MARR (12%) dengan payback periode selama 3. 7 tahun.
ABSTRACTWith the future trend of increasing consumption in the data services in Indonesia.Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) will be a practical solutionto reduce traffic and make more efficient use of spectrum. Implementation ofEMBMS services is integrated within LTE advanced ? Enchanched Packet CoreEnchanced over Single Frequency Network (MBSFN. In this thesis, the results ofthe implementation eMBMS solution is predicted that operator telecommunicationin Indonesia has a new business models and expected to generate new source ofrevenue for operator. Based on economical analysis, the implemention of eMBMSservices is feasible due to the NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 million) and IRR (14.79%) >MARR (12%) with 3.7 year payback period;With the future trend of increasing consumption in the data services in Indonesia.Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) will be a practical solutionto reduce traffic and make more efficient use of spectrum. Implementation ofEMBMS services is integrated within LTE advanced ? Enchanched Packet CoreEnchanced over Single Frequency Network (MBSFN. In this thesis, the results ofthe implementation eMBMS solution is predicted that operator telecommunicationin Indonesia has a new business models and expected to generate new source ofrevenue for operator. Based on economical analysis, the implemention of eMBMSservices is feasible due to the NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 million) and IRR (14.79%) >MARR (12%) with 3.7 year payback period, With the future trend of increasing consumption in the data services in Indonesia.Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) will be a practical solutionto reduce traffic and make more efficient use of spectrum. Implementation ofEMBMS services is integrated within LTE advanced – Enchanched Packet CoreEnchanced over Single Frequency Network (MBSFN. In this thesis, the results ofthe implementation eMBMS solution is predicted that operator telecommunicationin Indonesia has a new business models and expected to generate new source ofrevenue for operator. Based on economical analysis, the implemention of eMBMSservices is feasible due to the NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 million) and IRR (14.79%) >MARR (12%) with 3.7 year payback period]"