ABSTRACTIntroduction: Hospital is an organization that produces a product in the form of
health services which consists of several professions and disciplines of Science,
one of which plays an important role is the nurse. Nurses in quantity become the
largest workforce, providing 24 hour service continuously and absorb more than
50% Hospital budget. High nurse turnover rates can cause disruption to services
provided to patients. Standard turn over employees, which can still be tolerated is
10% per year. Turn over nurses that occurred in RSU Prima Medika which
increased from 2015 to 2017, causing concerns from the management, especially
at the end of 2016 intention turnover rate of 22.1%.
The purpose of this study is to determine the determinants of Turn Over Intention
Nurses at Prima Medika Hospital in 2017
Method: This research is analytic with quantitative approach. This study used
cross sectional design. The number of samples used in this study was 114 nurses
who come from employees who work at Prima Medika Hospital after deducting
exclusion criteria.
Results: Salary Factor has relationship with nurse work satisfactory at RSU Prima
Medika in the year of 2017. Other factors such as: working conditions; status
within the organization; supervision; peer-partner interpersonal relationships,
superiors and subordinates; achievement and the work itself, has no significant
relationship with nurse job satisfactory. Job satisfactory has relationship with
turnover intention nurses at Prima Medika Hospital in 2017
Conclusion: nurse intention turnover is influenced by job satisfaction that lies in
the salary, so the salary in this case needs to be considered."