Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang dengan data sekunder hasil MCU karyawan Perusahaan X. MAFLD didefinisikan sebagai fatty liver berdasarkan hasil USG ditambah dengan adanya obesitas atau overweight. Kelelahan diukur menggunakan kuesioner SOFI yang telah divalidasi dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hubungan antara MAFLD dengan kelelahan dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi logistik untuk mendapatkan nilai signifikansi (P), odds ratio (OR) dan interval kepercayaan (IK) 95%.
Hasil: Prevalensi pekerja yang mengalami kelelahan sedang sebanyak 64 orang (23,5%). Kelelahan kerja secara statistik berhubungan signifikan dengan MAFLD (aOR 5,05; IK 95% 2,65-9,60; p <0,001) dan kurangnya aktivitas fisik/olahraga (aOR 2,79; IK 95% 1,17-6,68; p 0,021).
Kesimpulan: Hampir seperempat dari total jumlah pelaut tugboat mengalami kekelahan sedang saat bekerja. Kelelahan tersebut berhubungan signifikan dengan MAFLD dan kurangnya aktivitas fisik/olahraga ......Background: Indonesia is a maritime nation closely associated with shipping industry and oceanic wealth that impacts the country's socio-economic status. The health of sailors plays a crucial role in maintaining this management and requires specific attention. Sailors are at risk of experiencing MAFLD, on-duty fatigue, or a combination of both. This research aims to investigate the relationship between MAFLD and work-related fatigue among tugboat sailors.
Methods: This study used a cross-sectional method with secondary data from the Medical Check-Up (MCU) results of Company X's employees. MAFLD was defined as fatty liver based on ultrasound results combined with the presence of obesity or overweight. Fatigue was measured using the validated SOFI questionnaire in the Indonesian language. The association between MAFLD and fatigue was analyzed using logistic regression to obtain significance values (P), odds ratios (OR), and a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Results: The prevalence of workers experiencing moderate fatigue was 64 individuals (23.5%). Statistically, work-related fatigue was significantly associated with MAFLD (aOR 5.05; 95% CI 2.65-9.60; p <0.001) and insufficient physical activity/exercise (aOR 2.79; 95% CI 1.17-6.68; p 0.021).
Conclusion: Nearly a quarter of the total number of tugboat sailors experience moderate fatigue while working. This fatigue is significantly associated with MAFLD and insufficient physical activity/exercise.