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Abstrak :
In the era reformation, transparency and globalization the organization of financial bureau is demanded to be responsible to its environmental, accountable, and it must reflect and transform the constitution mandate and justice principles. Those things are getting more important in order to give the public service so the government officers must provide a variative and qualify service. That situation becomes a challenge for the government to change its paradigm, method for system and procedure of accomplishment so it can be fitting up with the social development. in order to create an government which can provide a high quality of goods and services it needs to be supported by government's policy which matching with government tasks and functions. According to the analysis results the Financial Bureau is less effective on doing its tasks. It can be found on how much barriers faced by the Budget Drafting Department, such as the realization of spending budget is over the limit, a lack of budget in case of the employees mutation, some compensatory demands by employees, and a disorder on Budget Realization Reports founded by Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK). In order to analyze the factors which influence the effectiveness of organization, this research is using a 7S framework that formulated by Mc Kinsey which including: structure, strategy, system, staff, skills, style and shared value. This research is using an explanative research method that explain the relationship between two variables or more; in this case are the dependent variable and the independent variable. The dependent variable is organization effectiveness and the independent variable are structure, strategy, system, staff, skills, style and shared value. This research is using a primary and secondary data. In order to increase the effectiveness of the organization there are some factors that needed to be repaired soon, especially the quality and the quantity of human resources. It needs an administrator to coordinate and activate all elements. There must be a professional person on documentation handling. The organization must create a working system and a job description as the employees working guide, and also doing an orderly administration and documentation. If those clauses could be provided there will be a high consciousness on every employee to appreciate the already exist constitution so the Financial Bureau organization's effectiveness will be done.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
S. Firdaus
Abstrak :
Perubahan organisasi yang begitu cepat memerlukan sumber daya manusia yang mempunyai kinerja baik.. Kelangsungan hidup suatu organisasi tergantung dari sumber daya manusianya, semakin baik performa sumber daya manusianya maka akan semakin baik organisasi tersebut. Penilaian kinerja merupakan elemen central dari suatu sistem pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan harus berkaitan dengan bidang-bidang manajemen sumber daya manusia lainnya seperti, pengembangan karir, kompensasi, dan tingkat kepuasan pegawai. Sumber daya manusia merupakan suatu modal bagi perkembangan organisasi, selayaknya dinilai kembali dengan penekanan pada kompetensi inti, kapabilitas dan proses pembelajaran. Sumber daya manusia merupakan aset utama dari suatu organisasi karena mereka bertindak sebagai subjek yang merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengendalikan seluruh proses pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Oleh karena itu perhatian terhadap penilaian kinerja harus berkaitan dengan masalah kompensasi, kepuasan kerja dan pengembangan karir. Hal-hal lain yang berkenaan dengan kinerja selain perlunya standar kinerja juga diperlukan ruang lingkup yang dinilai. Menurut Mitchell (1978:343) ruang lingkup yang dinilai meliputi kualitas kerja, ketepatan waktu, inisiatif, kapabilitas dan komunikasi, sedangkan Drucker (1967) yang dikutip Kathryn (1995:25) menyatakan bahwa kinerja sebenarnya terdiri dari dua dimensi penting yaitu efektifitas dan efisiensi. Secara umum kompensasi membantu perusahaan mencapai tujuan strategis perusahaan dan untuk menjamin keadilan internal dan eksternal. Menurut pendapat Davis, kompensasi adalah apa yang diterima pegawai sebagai pertukaran dengan kegiatan kerja mereka. Pengembangan karir merupakan suatu kemajuan bagi peningkatan eksistensi pegawai sebagai subjek di dalam sebuah organisasi. Menurut Werther dan Davis pengembangan karir adalah tindakan seseorang untuk mencapai rencana karir, sedangkan kepuasan kerja menurut Wexly dan Yukl dalam As'ad (1987 :104) adalah perasaan seseorang terhadap pekerjaannya. Desain penelitian adalah rencana dan struktur penelitian yang disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga peneliti akan dapat memperoleh jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara sensus serta menyebarkan kuesioner terhadap seluruh responden di Biro keuangan sebanyak 78 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik kuesioner dan metode observasi lapangan, sedangkan cars pengolahan data dengan menggunakan bantuan SPSS 11,0 for Windows serta menggunakan rumus korelasi Product Moment Pearson sebagai analisa data. Sumber penelitian terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Data sekunder meliputi , literatur, kepustakaan dan lainya, sedangkan data primer berupa pendapat pegawai Biro Keuangan yang dihimpun dengan instrument kuesioner. Skoring kuesioner menggunakan skala ordinal Likert. Teknik pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan melakukan sensus terhadap populasi karyawan berjumlah 78 orang. Tingkat respons responden maksimal dibuktikan dengan tingkat pengembalian kuesioner mencapai 100%. Sebelum dilakukan analisis, terlebih dahulu instrumen-instrumen diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Pengujian validitas dan realibiltas menggunakan SPSS 11,0 for Windows dengan rumus Product Moment Pearson. Setelah instrument-instrumen dinyatakan valid dan reliable dilakukan analisis distribusi frekuensi pada tiap butir indikator, korelasi non parametric Spearman's rho. Hubungan antara kompensasi, kepuasan kerja dan pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja dapat dilihat pada grafik scatter plot. Semakin baik kompensasi, kepuasan kerja dan pengembangan karir ada kecendrungan meningkat. Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang sangat signifikan dengan arah positif. Tingkat hubungan yang kuat antara kompensasi dengan kinerja; korelasi sebesar 0,628. Terdapat hubungan sangat signifikan antara kepuasan kerja dangan kinerja; korelasi sebesar 0,804 serta terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata antara pengembangan karir dengan kinerja; korelasi sebesar 0,76. Secara bersama-sama terdapat hubungan sangat nyata positif dengan tingkat hubungan kuat dan terdapat pengaruh antara kompemsasi, kepuasan kerja dan karir terhadap kinerja sebesar 75,9%. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja pegawai Biro Keuangan maka dibutuhkan adanya perbaikan sistem kompensasi, pengembangan karir dengan memperhatikan tingkat kepuasan kerja karyawan.
The Effect of Compensation, Working Satisfaction, and Career Development to the Performance of Employees of Financial Bureau, General Secretary, Department of Justice and Human Rights, Republic IndonesiaThe quickly change of organization requires human resources with good performance. Organization life's continuity depends on its human resources; the better its human resources perform, the better the organization will be. Performance appraisal is the central element of a human resources development system and it must relate to other Human Resources Management areas such as career development, compensation and employee satisfaction rate. Human capital should be re-evaluated with its stressing on human resources developmental subjects such as core competencies, capability, and learning process. Employees are the main assets of an organization because they act as a subject who plan, execute, and control all organization goals achievement process. Therefore attention to performance appraisal must relate to compensation matters, working satisfaction and employee's career development. The other things related to performance besides the needs of performance standard is the needs of assessed scopes. According to Mitchell (1978 : 343) assessed scopes are including working quality, accuracy of time, initiative, capability and communication; while Drucker (1967) as quoted by Kathryn (1995 : 25) said that "Performance actually comprises two important dimension : effectiveness and efficiency". In general compensation is tended to help the company to achieve its strategic goals and to ensure the internal and external justice. Davis said "Compensation is what employee receive in exchange of their world'. Career development is a progress for the employees existences rising as a subject in the organization; career related to employee's performance. According to Werther and Davis "career development consist of the personal action one understake to achieve a career plan"; while working satisfaction according to Wexly and Yukl in As'ad (1987 :104) "is the way an employ feels about his or her job". Research design is the plan and structure in such a manner so the researcher will get the answers of the research questions. The samples are taken by conducting a census and also spreading questionnaires to the all of 78 responders at Financial Bureau. Data are compiled by using the questionnaire and field observation method; and the data are processed with SPSS 11,0 for Windows and the using of correlation formula of Product Moment Pearson. The research's resources consist of primary and secondary data. The secondary data are literates, bibliography, etc; while the primary data are the opinions of Financial Bureau's employees which are compiled with the instrument questionnaire. Questionnaire scoring using Likert ordinal scale. Primary data intake technique is done by conducting a census to the 78 employees. The maximum respond rate of responders is proved by the 100% return rate of the questionnaires. Before analyzing, beforehand the instrument is tested for its validity and reliability. The test is using SPSS 11,0 for Windows with the formula Product Moment Pearson. After the instruments are proved to be valid and reliable, the process is continued with analyzing by using Frequency Distribution Analysis for every indicators and Spear man's rho non parametrical correlation. The links among compensation, working satisfaction, and career development related to performance can be seen on Scatter Plot graphic. The better compensation, working satisfaction, and career development are tended to rise the employee's performance. Statistical analysis shows there is a significant relationship with positive direction. There is a strong relationship between compensation and performance equal to 0,628. There is also a very significant relationship between working satisfaction and performance equal to 0,804 and also a very real relationship between career development and performance equal to 0,76. Together, there is a very real and positive relationship and there are influences among compensation, working satisfaction, and career development to performance equal to 75,0%. In order to increase the Financial Bureau employee's performance it will needs a reparations of compensation system, career development by giving more attentions to working employee's satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library