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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Revised and updated for its Third Edition, this highly acclaimed volume is a definitive guide to the clinical imaging of foot and ankle disorders. The title of this edition has changed from Radiology of the Foot and Ankle to Imaging of the Foot and Ankle to reflect a greater emphasis on multimodality imaging approaches to solve diagnostic challenges, specifically the increased use of ultrasound, MR imaging, CT, and diagnostic interventional techniques. The book features increased coverage of ultrasound, PET, and the diabetic foot and upgraded MR and CT images. New syndromes such as impingement have been added to the chapter on soft tissue trauma and overuse. The fractures and dislocations chapter includes OTA classifications and additional MR and CT scans of complications. Other highlights include up-to-date information on new fixation devices and prostheses and state-of-the-art interventional and vascular techniques including use of MRA. This book provides a comprehensive reference for radiologists, radiologists in training, and clinicians who treat foot and ankle disorders including podiatrists, orthopaedic surgeons, rheumatologists, and emergency room physicians
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott , 2011
617.585 IMA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Fitria
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Membuktikan kesahihan dan keandalan Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia Metode: Desain uji potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan pada 42 orang tentara pasukan khusus dengan instabilitas pergelangan kaki. Setiap responden mengisi kuesioner FAAM versi Bahasa Indonesia yang sudah diujicobakan terlebih dahulu. Kemudian dilakukan pengisian kuesioner SF-36 sebagai baku emas kuesioner kualitas hidup untuk menilai kesahihan konvergen. 2 minggu dari pengisian pertama dilakukan pengisian kembali kuesioner FAAM untuk menilai keandalan test-retest. Hasil: Didapatkan korelasi bermakna dengan nilai korelasi sedang untuk antara FAAM subskala aktivitas keseharian dengan skor komponen mental dan skor komponen fisik terhadap dengan nilai r secara berurutan 0,417, dan 0,458. Didapatkan korelasi bermakna dengan nilai korelasi sedang untuk antara FAAM subskala olahraga dengan skor komponen fisik dan fungsi fisik terhadap dengan nilai r secara berurutan 0,430 dan 0,464. Didapatkan konsistensi internal dengan cronbach alpha 0,917 dan 0,916 untuk subskala aktivitas keseharian dan subskala olahraga. Didapatkan nilai korelasi interkelas sedang untuk subskala olahraga sebesar 0,78. Kesimpulan: FAAM versi Bahasa Indonesia memiliki kesahihan dan keandalan yang baik.
Objective: to assess validity and realibility of Foot Ankle Ability Measure in Indonesia version . Method : design of this study is cross sectional study. This research was to 42 special force army personal with ankle instability. Every subject was asked to fill out Indonesian version of Foot and Ankle Ability Measure quetionairre. And SF-36 quetionairre as gold standard of quality of life to assess validity. After 2 weeks, subject is asked to fill FAAM quetionairre again to assess test-retest realibility. Result : There was significant correlation with moderate value between FAAM-I activity daily living subscale and mental component summary and physical component summary with r 0,417 and 0,458 respectively. There was also significant correlation with moderate value between FAAM-I sport subscale with r 0,430 and 0,464 respectively. The internal consistency with cronbach alpha was 0,917 and 0,916 for ADL subscale and sport subscale. Interclass correlation for sport subscale was 0,78
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Putu Adi Suryawan
Abstrak :
Exercise pada pasien DM selama ini hanya difokuskan pada latihan daerah ankle saja, namun belum ada latihan fisik yang berfokus melatih seluruh otot kaki. Home‑Based Foot–Ankle Exercise (HBFAE) melatih seluruh otot kaki yang menggabungkan empat jenis exercise yang direkomendasikan American Diabetes Association yaitu stretching, strengthening, resistance dan balance exercises. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengidentifikasi efektivitas HBFAE terhadap ABI pada pasien DM Tipe 2. Metode penelitian ini adalah Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) double blind sampel 40 responden (20 intervensi dan 20 kontrol). Kelompok intervensi diberikan perlakuan HBFAE, kelompok kontrol diberikan perlakuan senam kaki diabetes. Perlakuan pada kedua kelompok diberikan sebanyak 24 kali (1 kali/hari, 5 kali dalam seminggu). Hasil penelitian menunjukan HBFAE (p value 0,001) dan senam kaki diabetes (p value 0,003) mampu meningkatkan ABI. Uji efektifitas menunjukan HBFAE efektif dalam meningkatkan nilai ABI dengan skor efektivitas 0,72 (72%), dibandingkan senam kaki diabetes hanya 0,14 (14%). Variabel confounding gula darah, lama DM, riwayat merokok, dan riwayat ulkus kaki pada penelitian ini tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan skor ABI (p value > 0,05). HBFAE dapat menjadi standar terapi exercise di rumah (komunitas) maupun di instalasi pelayanan kesehatan untuk mencegah komplikasi vaskularisasi kaki pada pasien DM karena mudah dan mampu dilakukan secara mandiri. ......Exercise in DM patients so far only focused in the ankle area and there is no exercise that focuses on training all leg muscles. Home-Based Foot-Ankle Exercise (HBFAE) trains all leg muscles by combining the four types of exercise recommended by the American Diabetes Association, namely stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, resistance exercises, and balance exercises. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of HBFAE on the Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) in Type 2 DM patients. The research method was a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with a sample of 40 respondents (20 intervention and 20 control). Respondents in the intervention group were given HBFAE treatment, while the control group was given Diabetic Foot Exercise (standard treatment). The treatment in both groups was given 24 times (1 time/day, 5 times a week). The results showed that HBFAE (p-value 0,001) and diabetic foot exercise (p-value 0,003) were able to increase ABI. The results of the effectiveness test showed that HBFAE was effective in increasing the ABI value an effectiveness score of 0,72 (72%) compared to diabetic foot exercise was only 0,14 (14%). The results analysis of the confounding variables showed blood sugar levels, duration of DM, smoking and foot ulcers history in this study were not associated with changes in ABI (p-value > 0,05). HBFAE can be a standard exercise therapy both at home (community) and health care to prevent foot vascular complications because it’s implementation is easy and can be done independently.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mosca, Vincent S.
Abstrak :
The most complex fields are often the most challenging to teach; thankfully, Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations was written by the most renowned teacher in pediatric foot and ankle surgery, offering orthopedists, foot and ankle surgeons and podiatrists an invaluable and comprehensive guide to the assessment and treatment of children's feet. This text was designed to be practical, accessible, and immediately applicable-focusing on principles of treatment rather than reductive ""cookbook"" approaches that privilege piecemeal techniques over holist
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2014
617.585 MOS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riky Febriansyah Saleh
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) tercatat sebagai kelainan congenital terbanyak di Indonesia. Adanya perkembangan dalam penelitian menggeser paradigma penanganan CTEV menjadi konservatif dibandingkan operatif. Metode Ponseti dinilai aman dan dan efisien, serta memiliki nilai efektivitas yang tinggi dalam tatalaksana CTEV. Namun, kepatuhan dalam penggunaan orthosis abduksi standar pada CTEV anak usia berjalan masih menjadi tantangan dan mempengaruhi angka relaps yang cukup tinggi. Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) menjadi salah satu orthosis abduksi yang berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan kepatuhan pada CTEV usia berjalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi kejadian ulangan deformitas serta luaran penggunaan KAFO pada CTEV usia berjalan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan di poliklinik Orthopaedi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta pada bulan Februari 2021-Februari 2022. Pengambilan subjek penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan metode total sampling. Data klinis, radiologis dan laboratorium diambil dari rekam medis, sementara skor PIRANI serta skor NWDPS diukur melalui pemeriksaan fisik dan wawancara terhadap subjek baik secara langsung atau pun melalui telepon. Data pasien dimasukkan ke dalam database pasien CTEV RSCM. Seluruh data dianalisis dan ditabulasikan ke dalam tabel dengan menggunakan SPSS ver. 23. Hasil dan pembahasan: Pada penelitian ini, didapatkan 40 subjek penelitian dengan prevalensi kejadian ulangan deformitas pasca penanganan ponseti adalah 30% pada CTEV usia berjalan. Nilai tengah dari usia subjek penelitian adalah 12 (12-72) bulan dengan mayoritas subjek adalah anak laki-laki (57.5%). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara usia memulai penggunaan KAFO dengan luaran fungsional (p = 0,047) dan skor PIRANI (p<0,001) pascapenggunaan KAFO. Selain itu, didapatkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara durasipemakaian KAFO dengan luaran fungsional (p = 0,049) dan skor PIRANI (p < 0,001) pascapenggunaan KAFO. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia memulai penggunaan KAFO dan durasi pemakaian KAFO dengan luaran fungsional dan skor PIRANI pasca penggunaanKAFO. Hal ini menandakan adanya angka relaps yang lebih tinggi pada anak- anak usia lebihtua atau terlambat dalam penanganan CTEV. Selain itu, penggunaan KAFO sebagai orthosisdalam fase pemeliharaan berpotensi untuk meningkatan kepatuhan dalam penanganan CTEVmetode konservatif pada anak usia berjalan. ......Background: Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) is reported as the most common congenital abnormalities in Indonesia. Developments in research have shifted the paradigm of treating CTEV to lean towards conservative managements rather than operative ones. The Ponseti method is considered safe and efficient, and has a high effectiveness value in the management of CTEV. However, compliance in children with the use of standard abduction orthosis CTEV of walking age is still a challenge and presumably linked to the high relapse rate of the deformity of the foot. Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) is an abduction orthosis that has the potential to improve comfort and compliance in walking age CTEV. This study aims to determine the prevalence of recurrence of deformity and the outcome of using KAFO in walking age CTEV. Methods: This study is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at the Orthopedic Polyclinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta in February 2021-February 2022. The research subjects were taken based on the total sampling method. Clinical, radiological and laboratory data were taken from medical records, while PRANI scores and NWDPS scores were measured through physical examinations and interviews with subjects either in person or by telephone. Patient data was entered into the CTEV RSCM patient database. All data were analyzed and tabulated into tables using SPSS ver. 23. Results and discussion: In this study, there were 40 study subjects with the prevalence of recurrence of deformity after Ponseti treatment was 30% in walking age CTEV. The mean age of the study subjects was 12 (12-72) months with the majority of subjects being boys (57.5%). There was a significant relationship between the age of starting the use of KAFO with functional outcomes (p = 0.047) and the PIRANI score (p <0.001) post-KAFO usage. In addition, there was a significant relationship between the duration of KAFO usage with functional outcomes (p = 0.049) and PIRANI score (p < 0.001) post-KAFO usage. Finally, there was no significant relationship between gender and functional outcome (p = 0.315). and PIRANI score (p = 0.191) post- KAFO usage. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the age of starting KAFO use and duration of KAFO use with functional outcomes and PIRANI scores after using KAFO. This indicates a higher relapse rate in older children or late in the treatment of CTEV, in addition to that, the potential for increased adherence to the use of KAFO as an orthosis in the maintenance phase of CTEV treatment in children of walking age is well-marked in this study.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library