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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diah Nuraini Sulistyaningsih
Abstrak :
Penyakit tidak menular merupakan masalah yang masih menjadi perhatian nasional maupun global. Jika penyakit tidak menular tidak ditangani secara tepat, benar, dan berkelanjutan, akan berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Oleh karena itu, dikembangkan model pengendalian penyakit tidak menular melalui Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Posbindu penyakit tidak menular PTM untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara frekuensi kunjungan Posbindu dengan nilai tengah tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik. Pada penelitian ini, dilibatkan sebanyak 100 pengunjung Posbindu dengan frekuensi kunjungan antara 1-6 kali. Kemudian dilakukan uji statistik untuk mengetahui korelasi antara frekuensi kunjungan Posbindu dengan nilai tengah tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik. Mayoritas pengunjung Posbindu adalah perempuan 80 dengan kelompok usia 46-65 tahun 48 . Dari 100 pengunjung, 39 overweight dan 20 memiliki hipertensi. Melalui uji korelasi Spearman, diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara frekuensi kunjungan dengan nilai tengah tekanan darah sistolik p = 0,302, r = 0,104 maupun diastolik p = 0,321, r = 0,100. Dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat korelasi antara frekuensi kunjungan dengan nilai tengah tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik. ...... Non communicable diseases are still a national and global disease burden. If the diseases are not handled properly, correctly, and sustained, the diseases will have an impact on national economic growth. To resolve the issue, the government has developed a model of non communicable disease control through community health post. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between frequency of community health post visits to the median of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. About one hundred patients of community health post with the frequency of visits between 1 to 6 times were selected. From 100 patients, 80 were female with the age group of 45 65 years 48 . Furthermore, 39 patients were overweight and 20 had hypertension. Through the Spearman correlation analysis, it is known that there is no significant correlation between the frequency of visits to the median of systolic blood pressure p 0,302, r 0,104 and diastolic blood pressure p 0,321, r 0,100 . In conclusion, there is no correlation between the frequency of visits to the median of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadilla Laila Nurakbar
Abstrak :
Kematian ibu dapat disebabkan oleh komplikasi, baik saat kehamilan maupun saat persalinan. Asuhan antenatal apabila dilakukan secara rutin dapat menurunkan risiko terjadinya komplikasi tersebut. Pada era Pandemi COVID-19 terjadi peningkatan kematian ibu dan penurunan asuhan antenatal yang dilakukan. Sehingga perlu dilihat apakah ada hubungan antara asuhan antenatal dengan kematian ibu sebelum dan sesudah era pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian dengan desain cross-sectional menggunakan data rekam medis ibu meninggal pada tahun 2018-2021 di Kota Depok yang ditelaah kunjungan antenatal yang dilakukap sebanyak 24 sampel (22 sampel 2020-2021 dan 2 sampel 2018-2019). Analisis bivariat yang digunakan adalah uji chi square dan uji fisher exact test. Analisis bivariat menunjukan tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara frekuensi kunjungan antenatal dengan kematian ibu sebelum dan saat era pandemi COVID-19 dengan keterangan risk ratio sebagai berikut: Tidak melakukan ANC (p-value = 0.308, RR = 1.333 (CI 95% 0.757-2.348) dan ANC tidak rutin (p-value = 1.000, RR = 1.10 (CI 95% 0.913-1.326). Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara kematian ibu pada era sebelum dan saat pandemi COVID-19 dengan frekuensi kunjugan antenatal di Kota Depok. ......Maternal death or maternal mortality can be caused by complication during pregnancy or delivery. Antenatal care, if done regularly, can reduce the risk of these complications. In COVID-19 Pandemic Era, there was an increase on maternal mortality and a decrease on antenatal care frequency. So, it is necessary to see whether there is a relationship between antenatal care and maternal mortality before and after the COVID-19 pandemic era. This research is conducted using cross-sectional study of 24 sample (22 during pandemic and 2 before pandemic) collected from clinical record data of death mother at Depok City in 2018-2021). Bivariat analysis is done using chi square test and fisher exact test. Bivariat analysis showed that there were no significant association between antenatal care frequency with the case of maternal mortality before and during COVID-19 Pandemic era, which is shown in the risk ratio: did not do ANC (p-value = 0.308, RR = 1.333 (CI 95% 0.757-2.348) and irregular ANC (p-value = 1.000, RR = 1.10 (CI 95% 0.913-1.326).There were no significant association between antenatalcare frequency with the case of maternal mortality before and during COVID-19 Pandemic era.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Penurunan penjualan secara global pada tahun ini oleh McDonald?s selaku salah satu pemimpin pasar dalam industri restoran cepat saji, serta adanya prediksi bahwa jumlah gerai restoran cepat saji di Indonesia akan terus meningkat hingga 9.100 gerai di tahun 2017, mengindikasikan bahwa kompetisi dalam industri restoran cepat saji kian memanas. Sekarang, kepuasan bukanlah satu-satunya parameter untuk mengukur kesetiaan seorang konsumen terhadap sebuah restoran cepat saji. Adalah kejenuhan konsumen, suatu faktor penting yang sampai saat ini belum mendapatkan banyak perhatian dari restoran cepat saji yang ada. Kejenuhan konsumen ini lah yang nantinya akan mendorong seorang konsumen untuk mencari alternatif lain dan berpindah dari suatu merek tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh frekuensi kunjungan, tingkat stimulasi optimal, dan kontrol diri terhadap tingkat kejenuhan konsumen pada restoran cepat saji. Sampel penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang berkunjung ke sebuah restoran cepat saji yang sama dalam periode waktu dua dan enam minggu. Data diolah dengan metode Uji Chow dan Uji ANOVA Satu Arah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi kunjungan tidak berpengaruh secara positif terhadap tingkat kejenuhan konsumen, begitu juga dengan periode kunjungan. Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat stimulasi optimal dan kontrol diri seseorang, maka akan semakin jenuh pula ia terhadap suatu restoran cepat saji.;The decrease of global sales value which was faced by McDonald?s as one of the market leaders in fast food restaurant industry, and the prediction that fast food outlets will keep growing to 9.100 outlets in 2017, indicates that competition in fast food restaurants industry have become tougher than before. Nowadays, satisfaction is not merely the measurement for consumer brand loyalty towards a fast food restaurant. Consumer satiation is an important factor that hasn?t got sufficient attention from the existing fast food restaurants. Consumer satiation is a factor that would lure a consumer to seek for alternatives, and switch to another brand. This research intends to analyze the effect of frequency of visit, optimal stimulation level, and self control towards consumer satiation level in fast food restaurants. The research sample includes people who visited the same fast food restaurant in either two weeks or six weeks. The data is processed with Chow Test method and One-Way ANOVA method. The result shows that frequency of visit doesn?t have a positive effect towards consumer satiation level, nor period of visit. Further, the result also shows that the higher optimal stimulation level and self control an individual has, the higher consumer satiation s/he experiences., The decrease of global sales value which was faced by McDonald’s as one of the market leaders in fast food restaurant industry, and the prediction that fast food outlets will keep growing to 9.100 outlets in 2017, indicates that competition in fast food restaurants industry have become tougher than before. Nowadays, satisfaction is not merely the measurement for consumer brand loyalty towards a fast food restaurant. Consumer satiation is an important factor that hasn’t got sufficient attention from the existing fast food restaurants. Consumer satiation is a factor that would lure a consumer to seek for alternatives, and switch to another brand. This research intends to analyze the effect of frequency of visit, optimal stimulation level, and self control towards consumer satiation level in fast food restaurants. The research sample includes people who visited the same fast food restaurant in either two weeks or six weeks. The data is processed with Chow Test method and One-Way ANOVA method. The result shows that frequency of visit doesn’t have a positive effect towards consumer satiation level, nor period of visit. Further, the result also shows that the higher optimal stimulation level and self control an individual has, the higher consumer satiation s/he experiences.]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luana Lidwina
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pasien kanker kepala leher (KKL) yang mendapatkan kemoradiasi berisiko mengalami malnutrisi dan meningkat hingga 88 % saat akhir kemoradiasi. Efek samping kemoradiasi berupa xerostomia, mukositis, mual atau muntah menambah penurunan status nutrisi dan kapasitas fungsional. Monitoring status nutrisi melalui penilaian berat badan (BB) dan kekuatan genggam tangan (KGT) sebagai cara sederhana dan minimal invasif dibandingkan alat pemeriksaan lain seperti pengukur komposisi tubuh dan Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA). Belum diketahui frekuensi kunjungan optimal ke poli gizi selama menjalani kemoradiasi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang, dilakukan di Radioterapi RSCM (IPTOR RSUPNCM).Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat korelasi frekuensi kunjungan pasien KKL yang menjalani kemoradiasi terhadap BB dan KGT, dengan kriteria inklusi adalah pasien KKL dewasa, usia 19 hingga 59 tahun, yang menjalani kemoradiasi pada 10 fraksi terakhir, dan bersedia masuk dalam penelitian. Pengukuran BB menggunakan timbangan merk Omron® Karada-HBF-375, kekuatan genggam tangan menggunakan Jamar® handgrip pada tangan kanan dominan subjek. Hasil: Rerata BB 55,65±12,34 kg, rerata KGT 29,24±10,74 kg, dan rerata frekuensi 1 kali. Rerata asupan energi 1225,96±501,22 kkal, protein median 41 g, rerata lemak 33,5±18,8g dan KH 182,2±78,3g. Korelasi antara frekuensi kunjungan terhadap BB (r= 0,61, p= 0,66) dan KGT (r=0,06, p= 0,64). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat korelasi antara frekuensi kunjungan terhadap BB dan KGT. ......Background: Head and neck cancer patients who get chemoradiated are at risk of malnutrition and an increase in malnutrition of up to 88% at the end of chemoradiation. Side effects of chemoradiation in the form of xerostomia, mucositis, nausea or vomiting add to the decrease : Luana Lidwina in nutritional status and functional capacity. Monitoring nutritional status, one of which is carried out by assessing body weight (BW) and hand-holding strength (HGS). BW and HGS assessments are a simple and minimally invasive way for people with head and neck cancer (HNC) compared to other examination tools such as body composition measuring devices, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), and require high costs. It is not yet known the frequency of optimal visits of HNC patients to the nutrition poly during the moradiation period. Methods: This study used the cross section method, conducted in RSCM Radiotherapy (IPTOR RSUPNCM). This study aims to see a correlation between the frequency of visits by HNC patients undergoing morbidity to BW and HGS. Subjects included as inclusion criteria were adult HNC patients, ages 19 to 59, who underwent chemoradiation in the last 10 fractions, and were willing to enter the study to be taken. BW measurements using omron® Karada- HBF-375 brand scales, hand grip strength using Jamar® handgrip on the dominant right hand of the subject. Result: The weight of the subjects had an average of 55.6 5±12.34 kg, HGS had an average of 29.24±10.74 kg, and an average frequency of 1 time. Average energy intake 1225.96±501.22 kcal, median protein 41 g, average fat 33.5±18.8g and KH 182.2±78.3g. Correlation between the frequency of visits to BW (r= 0.61, p= 0.66) and HGS (r=0.06, p= 0.64). Conclusion: There was no correlation between the frequency of visits to BB and KGT.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library