Gas alam adalah bahan bakar fosil berbentuk gas yang merupakan campuran hidrokarbon yang memiliki komposisi utama metana dan sisanya etana, propana, butana, isobutana, dan pentana. Selain hidrokarbon, gas alam juga mengandung gas pengotor (Inert gas) seperti helium (H), nitrogen (N), karbon dioksida (CO2), serta karbon-karbon lainnya. Gas alam dapat dimanafaatkan sebagai bahan bakar seperti LNG dan LPG. Aktivitas pemboran pada tahun 2016 yang dilakukan pada 34 titik pengeboran dengan hanya mencapai rasio keberhasilan sebanyak 26% tidak adanya penambahan cadangan hidrokarbon yang berarti mengakibatkan penurunan cadangan gas bumi. Selain itu, adanya gas pengotor seperti CO2 juga menimbulkan masalah pada peralatan produksi dan juga masalah lingkungan. Sehingga perlu adanya identifikasi gas hidrokarbon dan diskriminasi terhadap gas CO2. Metode yang digunakan untuk identifikasi gas adalah Parameter Lame di mana paramter tersebut dapat membedakan efek yang diakibatkan oleh litologi dan fluida. Metode Batzle-Wang diaplikasikan untuk membedakan antar gas hidrokarbon dan gas CO2 dengan mengestimasi properti fluida gas CO2. Berdasarkan analisis hasil cross plot parameter Lamda-Rho dan Mu-Rho, kedua parameter tersebut dapat memisahkan dengan baik litologi serta mengidentifikasi kandungan fluida hidrokarbon. Daerah sekitar sumur C4 hidrokarbon berada pada kedalama 9930 – 9970 ft dan 10163 – 10210 ft dengan nilai Lamda-Rho 30 – 31.79 GPa*g/cc dan Mu-Rho 27 – 43 GPa*g/cc. Sedangkan berdasarkan analisis Batzle-Wang Vp tersaturasi gas CO2 berada pada rentan 16000 – 17000 ft/s di mana masih berada pada rentang Vp tersaturasi gas hidrokarbon dengan sebaran pada reservoir berada pada sekitar sumur C4 berdasarkan analisis Parameter Lame dengan nilai Lamda-Rho CO2 adalah 31.03 – 31.91 GPa*g/cc dengan Mu-Rho 37.9 – 44.2 GPa*g/cc.
Natural gas is a fossil fuel containing mixture hydrocarbons which has the main composition of methane and the rest ethane, propane, butane, isobutane, and pentane. Besides hydrocarbons, natural gas also contains impurity gases such as helium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. Natural gas can be used as fuel, such as LNG and LPG. Drilling activities in 2016 carried out at 34 points with only achieving a success ratio of 26%. It is effect in a decreasing in natural gas reserves. In addition, the presence of impurity gases such as CO2, raises problems during production and environmental problems. So, it is necessary to identify hydrocarbon gas and discriminate to CO2. The method used for gas identification is the Lame parameter where the parameters can distinguish the effects caused by lithology and fluid. The Batzle-Wang method is applied to distinguish between hydrocarbon gases and CO2 gas by estimating the fluid’s properties of CO2 gas. Based on the analysis of result the parameters Lambda-Rho and Mu-Rho, both parameters can distinguish the lithology and identify the hydrocarbon fluid content. The area around the C4 is indicated hydrocarbon in 9930 - 9970 ft and 10163 – 10210 ft depth with Lambda-Rho 30 – 31.79 GPa*g/cc and Mu-Rho 27 – 43 GPa*g/cc. Based on the Batzle-Wang Vp analysis, saturated CO2 gas is vulnerable at 16000-17000 ft/s where it is still in range Vp saturated hydrocarbon gas and distributed around the C4 well based on LMR analysis with CO2 Lambda-Rho and Mu-Rho values are 31.03 – 31.91 GPa*g/cc and Mu-Rho 37.9 – 44.2 GPa*g/cc.
The gas is an energy transition that can reduce carbon emissions cause its climate change. Implementation of energy transition by plan of gas field development (POFD). The Natuna D Alpha Field with 71% of CO2 content and 28% of CH4 content. It is necessary to study upgrading natural gas specification in accordance with the sales gas specifications. Natuna D Alpha development study using Techno-Economics method. For technical aspect, we design polymer membrane technology with Polysulfone into Python then input to unisim. Membrane technology is to separate CO2 from natural gas. Furthermore, CO2 captured will re inject to subsurface as the implementation of carbon capture storage & utilization through estimating CO2 storage capacity for sequestration and enhanced gas recovery . Meanwhile, the economic aspect is to determine project feasibility using a production sharing contract cost recovery scheme, whose are the Government and the Contractor. The result is 95,02% of CH4 content with 4,89% of CO2 content. It needs investment cost of 5.451.869 MUSD. Based on the economic aspect Natuna D Alpha gas field development can proceed to the execution stage that determined net present value (NPV) of USD 24,960 million then IRR is about 13,84%, Payback Period (PBP) in 7,05 year.