ABSTRAKTrauma masa kanak-kanak adalah faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi perkembangan gejala psikotik. Berbagai penelitian telah menjelaskan mekanisme hubungan antara keduanya
variabel. Skema diri negatif, respons psikologis terhadap trauma dan diketahui memiliki
dampak pada tingkat gejala psikotik, dipostulatkan untuk memediasi dua variabel ini. Ini
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran skema negatif diri sebagai mediator antara masa kanak-kanak trauma dan gejala psikotik dengan mengendalikan gejala depresi sebagai kovariat. Itu Penelitian dilakukan pada 397 peserta (25,4% pria; Mage = 22,28, SD = 4,93).
Gejala psikotik diukur oleh Asesmen Komunitas terhadap Pengalaman Psikotik (AKPP), trauma masa kecil diukur dengan kuesioner berbasis laporan diri pada studi NEMESIS, dan skema negatif diri diukur dengan Skema Inti Singkat Timbangan (BCSS). Melalui analisis mediasi, hasilnya menunjukkan skema self-negative secara signifikan memediasi hubungan antara trauma masa kecil dengan positif gejala (ab = 0,08; SE = 0,04; 95% CI [0,01, 0,17]), serta gejala negatif dari gejala psikotik (ab = 0,08; SE = 0,03; 95% CI [0,03, 0,14]), dan juga langsung hubungan antara pengalaman traumatis masa kanak-kanak dan gejala positif juga
ditemukan. Ini menjelaskan pentingnya mempertimbangkan peran kognitif dalam menerjemahkan efek trauma masa kecil terhadap gejala psikotik.
ABSTRACTChildhood trauma is a risk factor that influences the development of psychotic symptoms. Various studies have explained the mechanism of the relationship between the two
variable. Negative self schemes, psychological responses to trauma and are known to have
impact on the level of psychotic symptoms, postulated to mediate these two variables. This This study aims to examine the role of self-negative schemes as a mediator between childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms by controlling depressive symptoms as covariates. The study was conducted on 397 participants (25.4% male; Mage = 22.28, SD = 4.93). Psychotic symptoms were measured by the Community Assessment of Psychotic Experience (PPA), childhood trauma was measured by a self-report questionnaire based on the NEMESIS study, and a negative self-scheme was measured by the Short Core Scales Scheme (BCSS). Through mediation analysis, the results showed a self-negative scheme significantly mediated the relationship between childhood trauma with positive symptoms (ab = 0.08; SE = 0.04; 95% CI [0.01, 0.17]), as well as symptoms negative psychotic symptoms (ab = 0.08; SE = 0.03; 95% CI [0.03, 0.14]), and also a direct relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and positive symptoms as well
was found. This explains the importance of considering the cognitive role in translating the effects of childhood trauma on psychotic symptoms."