Ditemukan 37 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Turcotte, Donald L.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
551 TUR g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Argo Wuryanto
"Lapangan-A merupakan lapangan minyak dan gas yang sudah diproduksi sejak tahun 1975. Selama ini, untuk melakukan perhitungan cadangan dan penempatan lokasi sumur yang baru, bertumpu pada model geologi yang merupakan model 3-dimensi, dengan sumber data dari data sumur dan beberapa penampang seismik 2-dimensi. Setelah kurang lebih 40 tahun berproduksi, dengan recovery factor dari minyak yang sudah diproduksi mencapai ~50%, perlu dilakukan terobosan-terobosan untuk meningkatkan dan meninjau recovery factor dengan jalan menemukan zona-zona minyak yang selama ini masih belum terproduksi secara optimal, baik disebabkan adanya kompartemenisasi akibat pensesaran atau perangkap stratigrafi yaitu lateral discontinuity akibat perbedaan facies. Untuk memetakan zona-zona dengan dengan kondisi pengurasan yang kurang optimal, dilakukan akuisisi seismik 3D pada akhir tahun 2011, dengan harapan dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam prediksi penyebaran facies secara lateral dan juga memetakan hidrokarbon yang tersisa. Untuk memetakan distribusi hidrokarbon yang tersisa, dibangun ulang model 3-dimensi dengan mengintegrasikan data seismik, data geologi dan data produksi. Data seismik terdiri dari hasil interpretasi struktur geologi, atribut seismik yang menunjukan penyebaran batupasir dan peta anomali hidrokarbon dari hasil perhitungan AVO cubes. Data geologi berupa data tekanan dan kontak fluida dari sumur pengeboran, sedangkan data produksi yaitu kumulatif produksi hidrokarbon yang digunakan untuk memvalidasi interpretasi facies dan peta anomali. Dengan mengintegrasikan data geologi dan geofisika yang ada, diketahui terdapat beberapa beberapa area anomali hidrokarbon. Namun, di area selatan tingkat penurunan tekanan reservoirnya lebih kecil, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa di area selatan masih terdapat prospek hidrokarbon yang belum terproduksi secara optimal.
The A Field is oil and gas field that has already been produced since 1975. The existing model that is used to calculate the initial and actual reserves was based only on well data and some 2-D seismic lines. Having been massively produced for almost 40 years, the recovery factor for oil has been reach ~50%, indeed new methodology was required to improve the recovery factor. Improvement of the recovery factor might still be possible since there are several faults which can compartementalize the reserves and also some lateral barier due to different geological facies. New 3D seismic acquisition was completed in the end of 2011 and intended to identify the remaining hydrocarbon accumulation in the field. 3D geomodel that integrating both new structural interpretation and facies inputs from both seismic and well data was built. AVO cubes which are calculated based on pre-stacked data is used to identify and calibrating the remaining hidrocarbon especially in the un-calibrated area. Dynamic data from the well, which are pressure, contact levels and production history were used to justify the geological interpretation. By integrating both geological and geophysical data, and has been proved from pressure data, there is less pressure depletion in the southern area. Based on the data, it can be be used to locate the remaining potential hydrocarbon which is in the southern part of the study area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-HIll, 1979
560 ENC
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Carrington, Richard
Edinburgh: Penguin Books, 1958
551.7 CAR g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bennison, George Mills
""An Introduction to Geological Structures & Maps is a concise text that leads the students in easy stages from the simplest ideas on geological structures right through to more advanced geological mapping techniques. The approach is designed to help students with little or no supervision: each new topic is simply explained and illustrated by figures, and exercises are set on successive maps. If students are unable to complete a problem, they can read on to obtain more specific instructions on how theory may be used to solve it." "This considerably enlarged seventh edition is even more user friendly and mirrors present trends in map syllabuses. It includes photographs that will add to the understanding of geological structures already illustrated by text-figures and block diagrams in the appendix. The appendix has been fully updated and now includes completed sections of all maps and solutions to the map problems, which enables the reader to check that his or her attempts have been successfully carried out."--"
London; New York: Routledge, 2013
551.8 BEN i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Monique Eugenia Dinar Rawung
"Belum adanya data pendukung geologi teknik di daerah Gunung Endut membuat pengembangan proyek panas bumi di daerah tersebut terhambat, hal ini karena informasi karakteristik geologi teknik daerah Gunung Endut memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan fasilitas-fasilitas PLTPB dari tahap eksplorasi hingga produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik geologi teknik daerah penelitian, kondisi geomorfologi daerah penelitian, serta kesesuaian lahannya untuk pembangunan wellpad eksplorasi panas bumi. Metode yang dilakukan melibatkan pemetaan lapangan, uji lapangan untuk mengetahui kekuatan batuan menggunakan schmidt’s hammer, serta uji lab untuk mengetahui batas-batas Atterberg dan mengetahui parameter-parameter kuat geser tanah, serta menggunakan GIS. Berdasarkan hasil uji lapangan dan lab, ditemukan 7 satuan geologi teknik pada daerah penelitian yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan karakteristik geoteknya, yaitu Batugamping Lapuk Sedang (BGLS), Endapan Koluvium (EK), Andesit Lapuk Rendah (ALR), Andesit Lapuk Sedang (ALS), Batupasir Lapuk Tinggi (BPLT), Tanah Pasir Gradasi Baik Mengandung Lanau Plastisitas Rendah (SW- SML), dan Tanah Pasir Gradasi Baik Mengandung Lanau Plastisitas Tinggi (SW- SMH). Berdasarkan kriteria pembangunan wellpad eksplorasi, daerah penelitian memiliki 5 lahan yang sesuai untuk menjadi lokasi pembangunan wellpad.
The absence of geotechnical data at Mount Endut area has hampered the development of geothermal projects within the area as geotechnical information plays an important role in the construction of PLTPB facilities from the exploration to production stages. The purpose of this research is to examine the geotechnical characteristics and geomorphological conditions of the research area, and to analyze the land suitability of the research area to build a geothermal wellpad. Research methods that are used include field mapping, field test to know the rock strength using Schmidt’s hammer test, and laboratory test to find the Atterberg limits and shear strength parameters of soil. Based on its geotechnical properties tests, 7 geotechnical units are determined: Moderately Weathered Limestone (MWL), Colluvium Deposits (CD), Slightly Weathered Andesite (SWA), Moderately Weathered Andesite (MWA), Highly Weathered Sandstone (HWS), Well Graded Sand With Low Plasticity Silt (SW-SML), and Well Graded Sand With High Plasticity Silt (SW-SMH). Based upon the wellpad criterion, there are 5 potential areas in the research area to build geothermal wellpad."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Heinrich, E.W.M.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956
552.8 HEI m
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Patria
"[Studi-studi model eksplorasi secara umum menjelaskan prilaku eksplorasi dengan analisis variabel geologi dan ekonomi pada tingkat makro seperti wilayah, provinsi dan negara. Pada kenyataannya, cadangan migas dan kedalaman sumur masing-masing menentukan tingkat volume temuan dan biaya pengeboran yang dijelaskan secara spesifik pada tingkat basin geologis. Penelitian ini fokus pada tingkat pengeboran eksplorasi (wells drilled) dengan analisis analisis variabel geologi dan ekonomi menggunakan 32 basin geologis di Indonesia dalam periode 2004-2014. Hasil estimasi model empiris menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengeboran eksplorasi ditentukan oleh tingkat keberhasilan penemuan migas (lag of success rate), volume temuan migas (lag of discovery size of oil and gas) dan lokasi basin (region). Sedangkan variabel ekonomi yang menentukan tingkat pengeboran eksplorasi terdiri dari harga minyak dunia (lag of oil price). Selain itu, deplesi minyak berdampak signifikan menjelaskan tingkat pengeboran eksplorasi dengan karakteristik basin Indonesia yang didominasi oleh mature oil fields.
Earlier studies of exploration models are generally characterized by equations describing the behavior of exploration at the macro-level analysis such as region, province or state-level. In reality, there is specific impact of geological basin characteristics to wells drilled’s decision. This study focuses on the geological and economic factors that particularly determine the wells drilled decision using an empirical model to analyze at the micro-level using disaggregated panel data of 32 geological basins in Indonesia over the period 2004-2013. The empirical results show that the number of wells drilled are determined significantly by lag of success rate, lag of discovery size of oil and gas and region of geological basin. Then, it shows that a lag of global oil price determined significantly the number of wells drilled, instead of a local oil price. Finally, oil depletion effect also determined significantly the number of wells drilled as the geological characteristic of geological basin dominated by mature oil fields., Earlier studies of exploration models are generally characterized byequations describing the behavior of exploration at the macro-level analysis suchas region, province or state-level. In reality, there is specific impact of geologicalbasin characteristics to wells drilled’s decision. This study focuses on thegeological and economic factors that particularly determine the wells drilleddecision using an empirical model to analyze at the micro-level usingdisaggregated panel data of 32 geological basins in Indonesia over the period2004-2013. The empirical results show that the number of wells drilled aredetermined significantly by lag of success rate, lag of discovery size of oil and gasand region of geological basin. Then, it shows that a lag of global oil pricedetermined significantly the number of wells drilled, instead of a local oil price.Finally, oil depletion effect also determined significantly the number of wellsdrilled as the geological characteristic of geological basin dominated by matureoil fields]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dadan Wildan
ABSTRAKTujuan utama dari eksplorasi adalah penentuan lokasi pemboran. Kriteria kesuksesan target pemboran adalah area yang memiliki temperatur dan permeabilitas yang tinggi. Temperatur berasosiasi dengan keberadaan sumber panas dan jumlah energi termal yang tersimpan, sedangkan permeabilitas berhubungan dengan keberadaan struktur geologi baik patahan maupun kekar yang terisi fluida yag dapat menjadi media perpindahan energi panas. Identifikasi struktur geologi harus dilakukan melalui kombinasi pengamatan struktur geologi melalui citra penginderaan jauh remote sensing maupun pemetaan geologi sebagai metode identifikasi struktur geologi di permukaan dan interpretasi hasil survei geofisika sebagai metode identifikasi kemenerusan struktur geologi di bawah permukaan. Analisis kerapatan kelurusan lineaments density analysis adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kerapatan struktur geologi di permukaan melalui citra satelit. Area dengan kerapatan struktur atau patahan yang tinggi diasumsikan memiliki permebilitas yang tinggi. Untuk konfirmasi kemenerusan struktur geologi di bawah permukaan digunakan analisis data survei gravitasi. Dari deliniasi area yang memiliki permeabilitas tinggi dan didukung data hasil pengukuran MT dan geokimia dapat dilakukan rekonstruksi model konseptual daerah penelitian
ABSTRACTThe primary objective of exploration is well targeting determination. Success criteria on well targeting is high temperature and permeabilities. Temperture is associated with the heat source existence and the amount of thermal energy stored within, while permeability is associated with the presence of the geological structure wether fault or joint which have fluid in it as heat energy tranfer medium. Identification of geological structures must be made through a combination of surface observation and subsurface interpretation. Surface observation is carried out through remote sensing imagery interpretation and geological mapping while subsurface continuities is obtained from interpretation of geophysical survey data. Lineaments density analysis is one of the method that can be used to identify the density of geological structures on the surface through satellite imagery. Area where contained high structure density on the surface and confirmed by the result of gravity data interpretation is assumed to have a high permeabilities. Geothermal conceptual model could be defined by deliniation of high permeability area supported by geochemical and magnetotelluric data."
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gesang Panggrahito Pati
"Objek penelitian berada di lapangan Tangkuban Parahu yang diduga memiliki potensi cadangan panasbumi. Sedikitnya informasi dan penelitian mengenai lapangan panasbumi Tangkuban Parahu menjadikan salah satu problem eksplorasi panasbumi di daerah ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan studi pemetaan struktur geologi dengan cara mengintegrasikan data penginderaan jauh menggunakan data LiDAR' dan bawah permukaan dari data Magnetotellurik. Struktur geologi yang mengontrol sistem geothermal di Gunung Tangkuban Parahu kemungkinan didominasi oleh struktur lokal yang berasal dari struktur vulkanik dan tektonik berarah relatif barat-timur serta struktur kaldera kemungkinan berperan sebagai pembatas keberadaan sistem geothermal Tangkuban Parahu terutama di sisi selatan dan barat. Manifestasi yang ada di daerah penelitian berupa fumarole di Kawah Domas dan Kawah Ratu. Serta manifestasi berupa hot spring di area Kancah, Ciater, Batugede, Jabong, Batukapur dan Ciracas. Sehingga temperatur reservoir diperkirakan berada pada temperatur 240 ndash; 250oC. Hasil inversi 3D data MT menunjukan adanya pola updome di sekitar kompleks kawah Tangkuban Parahu. Pola resistivitas seperti ini kemungkinan berasosiasi dengan zona upflow. Sementara outflow dari sistem geothermal mengarah ke Kancah dan Ciater. Zona rekomendasi untuk 3 sumur pemboran ditentukan dengan memperhitungkan beberapa aspek yaitu adanya keberadaan zona patahan, temperatur tinggi, zona tidak asam dan berada di elevasi rendah.
The object of research is in Tangkuban Parahu field that is suspected to have the potential of geothermal reserves. The lack of information and research on the Tangkuban Parahu geothermal field is one of the problems of geothermal exploration in this area. The purpose of this research is to study the mapping of geological structures by integrating remote sensing data using LiDAR and subsurface data from MT data. The geological structure that controls the geothermal system in Mount Tangkuban Parahu may be dominated by local structures originating from volcanic structures and tectonic trends relative to the West East and caldera structures likely to act as a barrier to the existence of Tangkuban Parahu geothermal system especially on the south and western sides. Manifestations that exist in the research area in the form of fumarole Kawah Domas and Kawah Ratu. And manifestations of hot spring in the area Kancah, Ciater, Batugede, Jabong, Batukapur and Ciracas. So the reservoir temperature is estimated to be at a temperature of 240 250oC. The inversion result of 3D MT data shows the updome pattern around Tangkuban Parahu crater complex. This resistivity pattern is probably associated with an upflow zone. While the outflow of the geothermal system leads to Kancah and Ciater. The recommendation zone for 3 drilling wells is determined by taking into account several aspects, namely the presence of fault zones, high temperatures, non acidic zones and at low elevations."
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library