ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai gerakan perempuan radikal asal Ukraina bernama
Femen yang melakukan protes dengan menggunakan strategi topless. Hal menarik
dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa ide dan strategi topless tersebut mampu
membawa Femen memperluas jejaring gerakan secara transnasional, khususnya di
negara-negara Eropa. Dalam proses internasionalisasi gerakan, penelitian ini
menggunakan teori dari Keck & Sikkink tentang Advocacy Networks dan
Finnemore & Sikkink tentang International Norms. Hambatan dan tantangan
sering dialami selama proses internasionalisasi Femen untuk tetap
mempertahankan ide dan strategi gerakan yang menganggap musuh utamanya
adalah patriarki dengan tiga manifestasinya, yaitu; kediktatoran, agama dan
industri seks. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa kemunculan Femen
mengindikasikan dua hal. Pertama, bahwa kesadaran perempuan terhadap opresi
tubuh karena sistem patriarki telah sampai pada level radikal. Kedua, bahwa
gerakan-gerakan yang bertujuan mengembalikan peran perempuan sebagai subjek
otonom dan terlepas dari pengaruh dominasi telah menemukan titik pentingnya.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses Ukraine radical women's movement named Femen which
employs “topless” strategy in their protests. The interesting point in this study is
that “topless” as the idea and strategy capable of conveying Femen to expand its
influence to transnational networks, particularly in European countries. In the
process of movement internationalization, this study uses theories by Keck &
Sikkink about “Advocacy Networks” and Finnemore & Sikkink about
“International Norms.” The obstacles and the challenges are often experienced
during the process of internationalization of Femen to retain the idea and strategy
that consider patriarchy as the main enemy, with three manifestations, namely:
dictatorship, religion and sex industry. Result of the study shows that the
emergence of Femen indicates two things. First, the awareness of women against
oppression of the body because of the patriarchal system has arrived at the radical
level. Second, the movements that aim to restore the role of women as
autonomous subjects and aside from the influence of dominance have
reached the important point., This thesis discusses Ukraine radical women's movement named Femen which
employs “topless” strategy in their protests. The interesting point in this study is
that “topless” as the idea and strategy capable of conveying Femen to expand its
influence to transnational networks, particularly in European countries. In the
process of movement internationalization, this study uses theories by Keck &
Sikkink about “Advocacy Networks” and Finnemore & Sikkink about
“International Norms.” The obstacles and the challenges are often experienced
during the process of internationalization of Femen to retain the idea and strategy
that consider patriarchy as the main enemy, with three manifestations, namely:
dictatorship, religion and sex industry. Result of the study shows that the
emergence of Femen indicates two things. First, the awareness of women against
oppression of the body because of the patriarchal system has arrived at the radical
level. Second, the movements that aim to restore the role of women as
autonomous subjects and aside from the influence of dominance have
reached the important point.]"